The thing is, we are not Wc3sear in any way, as our webmaster isn't a tool, we know how to script, and we're not like 8 GB's over our bandwidth/storage cap.
We OWN our own server, so yeah, we kinda know what we're doing.
Thats only because you don't have alot of people submitting to the site...
If you had more you might feel different about the situation....
This isn't a matter of skill... but a matter of storage space...
See? Now the bloody ellipses are just getting annoying. How's about you leave the damn period key alone?
But seriously. We don't know how to use the bloody thing, you've explained crap all about it, and we have no need to use it. Why use time and effort investigating it when we're fine without it?
I already investigated this son....
What is wrong with you?
THeres no reason to get up tight....And your getting pissed about the way I write....
What is wrong with the world these days....
I said this not because its a necessity... but because It is a possible solution to possible future problems....
I had to edit this thing just because I get the feeling your going to be a spellcheck nazi as well....
"Can't we all just get along?"
We don't live in the jungle any more... we don't need to eat eachother to survive.... we can actually.... be nice.....
Wow.... what a concept....
I... don' do? Some...thing...about...storing files...on...others computers? Or....Something?
Sets up A drive like your C:// or D:// only its called Gmail and is hooked up to the internet...
From there... I think it is hooked up to someones computer...
But Honestly... I never needed to hook it up so I never checked out whether it is stored online or locally...
I get the feeling its stored locally though just because it sometimes was slow as hell to transfer...
So that things can get even better.
But I would not qualify this as better:
So say Google were to decide that they will no longer allow this, and ban everyone who was using it, and delete all the data?
I don't know the deal with that....
I've used it before and it looks Google Official.... But the fact it is not supported by google kinda creeps me out....
I'm sure there are people that have made similar things but named it differently....
But This is the only one I've used.....
It was especially good because the things we were transfering were getting pretty big in size (500 mb) so.... yeah...