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The Worldshaper

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Level 24
Oct 12, 2008
I have this idea thats been floating around for years but never had the experience nor enough ideas to progress.

You are the worldshaper, a massive glyphic monolith sitting upon a primal wasteland devoid of life. Here a new world is beggining to form out of the empty nothing, guided by the elemental forces that are extensions of you. And you the collective of their minds. If either perishes, both die.

All is not well, for the all-consuming darkness had finally come to engulf this young earth. Thus you the worldshaper must stop your world from going the way of countless before, or return to nothing in the cosmic night.

This is intended to be a defence of sorts.
Im thinking of making it single player or perhaps a 2 player coop.

You defend a stepped canyon, each zone within is sort of a place where actin and stuff can focus. On the last step sits the worldshaper, you must defend it at all costs.

Within the canyon dwell minor elementals which slow down the progress of enemies. Your income is based on how little elemental casualties you incur att he end of each stage. Any dead elementals respawn every level.

The key to this game is that you must defeat the invaders not with units or heroes, but with natural hazards. The worldshaper can paint an area with earth, fire, wind or water. stacking these effects and using them on different terrains wills cause various natural calamities to occur. It is this that is used to defeat the enemies.

Level 3
Jul 3, 2011
This is very good idea, Are you still going to continue it??? I'll could give some Ideas, but it will take time because, I need to finish my exams this week so I could give you my thoughts by next week.. just wanna know if you're gonna make this project
Level 19
Apr 10, 2010
I have an idea about the overall gameplay.

Its a 6v6 map. Player 1 and Player 7 are the monoliths which construct the civilization at opposite ends of the maps. They have these workers for them. Players 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 are heroes or the different/opposite factions. There goal is to destroy the opposite base while their base is constructed from scratch. Players 1 and 7 can do godly powers such as summoning of tornadoes, typhoons/hurricane, earthquakes, etc. as long as they have the corresponding elemental spirits/forces. These elemental forces are also controlled by player 1 and 7. Player 1 could be a good race and 7 could be a dark/unholy faction. The main goal is to destroy the enemies monolith.

So far, I have some idea for these elemental forces.
1. Thunder - Lightning storms
2. Earth - earthquakes, landslides
3. Wind - hurricanes/typhoons, tornadoes, strong winds
4. Water - tsunami, whirlpool, immense rain
5. Fire - forest fire, volcanic eruption
6. Spirit/Holy - healing, angels
7. Demon/Unholy - damaging, devils

It could also have a Smart Detect system or something like that. It would basically go like this:

Forest Fires can only be started at forests. Earthquakes at water would drown ships/water creatures. Tornadoes going to the water would form whirlpools. Volcanic eruptions can only be activated on volcanoes. Landslides on cliffs. Thunder hitting water would damage all units in the water, weaker by the further distance.

Also, these elemental forces/spirits, if they die, damage is given to all elemental forces/spirits and the monolith/god itself.

That could be my ideas. I might give more. If it turns out like this, I would be glad to help you out.
Level 7
Apr 1, 2010
The key to this game is that you must defeat the invaders not with units or heroes, but with natural hazards. The worldshaper can paint an area with earth, fire, wind or water. stacking these effects and using them on different terrains wills cause various natural calamities to occur. It is this that is used to defeat the enemies.

here are a few ideas i have if you are talking about where you lay down one effect and then another on top of it.

fire on water would create hail storms
fire on earth would create a volcano
fire on air would create a thunderstorm

water on fire would create (clouds of steam)
water on earth would create a steam geyser
water on air would create a water spout

earth on fire would create a meteor shower
earth on water would create a tsunami
earth on air would create a sandstorm

air on fire would create a firestorm
air on earth would create ???
air on water would create a water spout

and just laying the regular effects do things to right? so fire would ignite stuff, air would create a tornado, earth would create an earthquake, and water would drown things.
Level 19
Apr 10, 2010
Heres in my mind:

Fire on Water would create Steam
Fire on Earth would create a Molten Lava Flood
Fire on Air would create a Fire Tornado

Water on Fire would create Clouds (Allowing Thunder)
Water on Earth would create a Flood
Water on Air would create a Blizzard/Ice

Earth on Fire would create a Meteor
Earth on Water would create a Wood/Nature
Earth on Air would create a Sandstorm

Air on Fire would create a Hot Air (Causes DoT)
Air on Earth would create Rocks tossed randomly
Air on Water would create a Icicles
Level 14
Sep 28, 2011

understand I will not make a map but I think you can make some things : elementals monsters who reacts differently following the elements.
why not make than air earth fire and water combined together make magic energy.
why not make allied elementals spirits can be used as element for combos when they cast an ability: pure form. also why not make ameliorations for spirits in the monolyth
and make the ability to build elementals towers near your monolyth for defending it and make that when the monolyth cast an elemental spell on towers they gain an temporary boost in fuction of the element also anyone can remove me a rep beacause a member give me a rep without reason.
Level 24
Oct 12, 2008
Holy crap, I lost track of the thread. And now look at the number of replies.

I was actually going to create this for minigame contest 5 but hit a snag halfway and decided to scrap it.
Ok now for replies.

I have an idea about the overall gameplay.

Its a 6v6 map. Player 1 and Player 7 are the monoliths which construct the civilization at opposite ends of the maps. They have these workers for them. Players 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 are heroes or the different/opposite factions. There goal is to destroy the opposite base while their base is constructed from scratch. Players 1 and 7 can do godly powers such as summoning of tornadoes, typhoons/hurricane, earthquakes, etc. as long as they have the corresponding elemental spirits/forces. These elemental forces are also controlled by player 1 and 7. Player 1 could be a good race and 7 could be a dark/unholy faction. The main goa
l is to destroy the enemies monolith.

So far, I have some idea for these elemental forces.
1. Thunder - Lightning storms
2. Earth - earthquakes, landslides
3. Wind - hurricanes/typhoons, tornadoes, strong winds
4. Water - tsunami, whirlpool, immense rain
5. Fire - forest fire, volcanic eruption
6. Spirit/Holy - healing, angels
7. Demon/Unholy - damaging, devils

It could also have a Smart Detect system or something like that. It would basically go like this:

Forest Fires can only be started at forests. Earthquakes at water would drown ships/water creatures. Tornadoes going to the water would form whirlpools. Volcanic eruptions can only be activated on volcanoes. Landslides on cliffs. Thunder hitting water would damage all units in the water, weaker by the further distance.

Also, these elemental forces/spirits, if they die, damage is given to all elemental forces/spirits and the monolith/god itself.

That could be my ideas. I might give more. If it turns out like this, I would be glad to help you out.

Well I wasnt going for a pvp map, i was intending for a purely single player map. Perhaps a coop mode could work but pve defense map is the main idea.

here are a few ideas i have if you are talking about where you lay down one effect and then another on top of it.

fire on water would create hail storms
fire on earth would create a volcano
fire on air would create a thunderstorm

water on fire would create (clouds of steam)
water on earth would create a steam geyser
water on air would create a water spout

earth on fire would create a meteor shower
earth on water would create a tsunami
earth on air would create a sandstorm

air on fire would create a firestorm
air on earth would create ???
air on water would create a water spout

and just laying the regular effects do things to right? so fire would ignite stuff, air would create a tornado, earth would create an earthquake, and water would drown things.

Yeah, that was the initial idea. The main snag with this would be how to keep comibantions tactical and intresting round after round. Also I wanted to scrap air since wc3 lacks any good wind effect outside the single tornado model.

understand I will not make a map but I think you can make some things : elementals monsters who reacts differently following the elements.
why not make than air earth fire and water combined together make magic energy.
why not make allied elementals spirits can be used as element for combos when they cast an ability: pure form. also why not make ameliorations for spirits in the monolyth
and make the ability to build elementals towers near your monolyth for defending it and make that when the monolyth cast an elemental spell on towers they gain an temporary boost in fuction of the element

Hire-able elementals that react to different elements was also another idea I had. Its one of the more solid ideas that I will use if I do go ahead with this.

The current design goes like this.

The Worldshaper sits on a small hill at the centre, smaller monoliths surround it. As the game goes on they slowly become active, they can be activated to supply mana/heals/random resource stuff.

Basically enemies come from the west and east, the terrain is large ring with elemental creatures wandering around. Enemies will wander the ring, attacking things they encounter.

The Worldshaper has 3 abilties. Paint Fire, Paint Earth, Paint Water.
Using them splatters an area with the said element for a short duration. Splattering another element over causes another effect along with minor damage.
Fire/Earth creates lava that melts armour
Fire/Water causes a geyser that stuns and throws enemies upward
Earth/Water causes a quicksand that slows.

Note that the worldshaper has limited mana and using abilties cautiosuly are the key to winning.

Mercenary elementals are powerful and invulnerable units that react when painted on by the Worldshaper.
Some elementals react to being painted, othe ronly react to certain elements, others react differently to different elements. You can place up to 3 of them initally, more when upgraded. I have not decided if they should be mobile.

Lastly, the Worldshaper has calamity panel which allows the player to use very strong abilties. Bascially this is like the spellbringer from Enfo's survival.
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