I believe there have been some idea of including the most used libraries and like integrate it into JNGP or something...
Can I suggest my resource?
Shall I suggest my Fear System in order to have unique status effect xD ?
There is timed handle which is pretty good by TriggerHappy.
Do you have TimerUtils ? Can be useful too
Didn't understand what do you mean about fear and status effect ?
Oh you give me an idea I'll do a library with every status effect ^^
along with user defined buffs and buff tracking/stacking
I didn't understand the
constant integer BUFF_FEAR = 0
Buff.define(BUFF_FEAR, function fearPeriodic) where fearPeriodic runs 1/32 for every unit with the buff)
Buff.getUnitBuff(u).getDuration() // getStart() // getSource() // ...
The problem with suggesting a globally recognized and suggested resource for something like projectiles is:
- There are a huge amount of variables to projectiles - homing, acceleration, pathing, can effect multiple units, uses 3d arc, interaction with other projeciles, can hit destructables, maximum distance, maximum time, air friction (cheap or expensive?), ground friction, does the projectile need to respect changes in terrain heightmap, etc etc
- A resource that works ideally for its given variables is essentially worthless for all other cases
- A resource that supports all the named variables will be extremely bloated and inefficient and/or with an extremely complex API
The same goes for knockback systems. Take a look at knockback3d - the system you linked. It's a great system if it's exactly what your looking for, for your whole map, because its very efficient and fast. But if you want to make a unit jump to a target point? If you want to throw a unit and have it stop when it lands, but support knocking back units in 2D as well? Your mileage will vary.
From the list you made, I only use Error. Everything else I either write myself in an ad-hoc manner, or use a different version (eg Vexorian's Table)
If you want to teach someone to use a global standalone spell toolkit, teach them wurst. (Not that I use wurst myself)
JASS:globals constant integer BUFF_FEAR = 0 endglobals Buff.define(BUFF_FEAR, function fearPeriodic) where fearPeriodic runs 1/32 for every unit with the buff) Buff.getUnitBuff(u).getDuration() // getStart() // getSource() // ...
These kinds of things are extremely restrictive. For example this buffsystem is just shit for some purposes (no offense to whoever wrote it). I dont really see a point in throwing all these things together if most people use only very few of these systems.
lol your face.lol wurst.
No really, i dont think this whole "one toolbox for all your spell needs" toolbox works out. Maybe its a good idea to provide this along with some tutorials (about how to use these systems in synergy) for people who are new to jass spell triggering, as some sort of "beginner package". Many new ppl have the problem that there are way too many systems available and they have no idea where to start, so this would be a nice thing.
Those are completly different tools, (if CTL means Constant Timer Loop 32 for you).I already have CTL, not sure if we need TimedHandle.
Those are completly different tools, (if CTL means Constant Timer Loop 32 for you).
Also having CTL doesn't replace TimerUtils, TimerTools could though.