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The Seven Kingdoms 1.03


War is raging in China. The lands were put to fire and sword by the Warring States that try to set up their hegemony over a vast empire.
The Seven Kingdoms, led by their ambitious kings, will have to conspire and to get new allies to overcome the others. Even the three Nomadic Tribes will try to take advantage of the situation.
Blood will spill, Kingdoms will collapse, corruption will grow, players will rage ...


Kind of Map : Strategy Map

Number of Players : 2-10 (at least 6+ to have fun)

Players : The Seven Kingdoms from Warring States period in China (~250 B.C) and three Nomadic Tribes from Mongolia

Gameplay : You begin with a relatively small kingdom divided into Towns, Villages and a Capital. You will have to seize new lands while making alliances and thriving through sophisticated yet simple systems of diplomacy and economy.






In order to reach diplomacy's options, you must selected a dummy hero (F2).

With it, you can Ask for/Break an Alliance; Declare War/Ask for Peace; Ask for/Break a Trade Treaty; Corrupt an Economy; Research Innovations or Check someone's diplomacy.

Then, a menu is opened in which you pick the wanted player.














Map creators : Purparisien and GolluM[KoMe]




-A bug occuring when the Xiongnu Capital was captured is fixed
-The trebuchet can now shoot plaguy shots
-Many minor shit fixed


We need testers to find the bugs. Please help us and report them if you liked the map!




Trade Treaties

Corrupt Economy


Check Diplomacy

Emperor and Khanate


You can only make an alliance with the same culture group : a Warring State (Chinese) cannot ally a Nomadic.

Therefore, if you become the Mongol Khanate, you can now ally Chinese players.

You cannot ally a player allied with someone at war against you (even if he's not at war with you)



You can declare war to anyone you like if he is not an ally.

While declaring a war, you can call your allies at arms (or not) who can accept to join you or not. The allies of the player you attacked are also asked if they want to join him. If you called an ally at arms and if he's allied to the new ennemy, he can choose his side, or just refuse the war. If an ally refuse rejoin you (as attacker or defender), it breaks the alliance.

Note that you'll have to wait 15 seconds between all war declarations, delay after which if an ally didn't respond to joining a war, it will automatically break the alliance and he'll remain neutral.



You can ask any player a Trade Treaty which permits to sell your unsold Luxury Goods and your unused Raw Materials (check the Economy topic)

Each time a war is declared between two players, their Trade Treaty is broken.



You can corrupt the economy of any players (even an ally!) which will reduce its Tax Income (check the Economy topic) at the next income which occur each 3 minutes.

The reduction is based on the Intrigue of your hero : each point lowers the Tax Income by 1,5%.

It costs you 500 Gold and you can only corrupt one economy at a time.



You can research several innovations which are numerous at this period.



You can check the diplomacy (alliances, wars and trade treaties) of any player.



If you reach 100 Nation Power, you become Emperor of China. All your alliances and trade treaties are deleted and you are at war against EVERYONE. You even cannot ask for peace as long as you are still Emperor. You loose this title if your Nation Power becomes lower than 90.

You can become the Mongol Khanate as a Nomadic Tribe if you captured the three nomadic Capitals. You can therefore demand alliances with the Chinese players.

Each village increases the Nation Power by 2, a town by 5 and a capital by 10.




Multitable Explaination








Each 3 minutes, you get a Gold income based on the Tax and the Trade and a Weapon(Wood) income based on your weapon production.

Your Tax Income is simply based on your Population, but is increased (%) by the Intendance(Agility) of your King. It can also be increased by your King's special abilities or even Innovations. Moreover it can be decreased by a player who Corrupted your Economy (check Diplomacy).

Your Weapon production is based on all the Blacksmith you built according to their levels. It can also be increased by your King's abilities. Note that this building also sells the items used by your King.

Check next thread for more information about the Trade.



You produce three kinds of goods thanks to your village : Luxury Goods, Raw Materials and Food.

The Raw Materials don't make you earn any gold, unless you have surplus and sell it a player through a Trade Treaty. You can turn it into Luxury Goods thanks to manufactures that can be done in your Towns. For example, your can turn the Clay produced by a village (Clay Pit) into Porcelain thanks to Porcelain Workshops. Note that each kind of manufacture and village produce a specific amount of ressources.

The Luxury Goods are directly sold to your population (check the Multitable Explaination) which increases your Trade Income. If you cannot sell your whole production to your population, the surplus is sold to the other players you have a Trade Treaty with (also according to its population). Each Luxury Good has its own price and those that don't need any manufacturing are cheaper (Salt, Fur and Tea). Note that the goods sold to a player makes you earn more gold than those directly sold to your population.

The Food is produced in Farms (villages) and increases your Max Population limit. Note that the surplus of Food (the difference between your max population and the used food) makes you earn a few gold too.

Note that everything is calculated automatically and you're not obliged to have a "perfect" economy to win the game.



Each Town and Village have a certain amount of population(mana) which increases over time.

Upgrading a building (a Village, an empty slot in Town or a buidling in Towns) will only be allowed if the Village/Town has the needed amount of population. For example, a Town needs to have at least 600 population if you want to build a new structure in it. A town will also need 700 population to allow you to improve one of the structure of this town to level 2. Note that everything is well explained ingame.

Seizing a village will greatly reduce its population and decrease its level by 1 while seizing a Town/Capital will only reduce its population by 20%.




Chinese/Nomadic Tribes


School of Thought



Beggining with a Chinese Kingdom or a Nomadic Tribe mainly changes the kind of army and the way you build it.

The Chinese units can only be made in the military structures of your towns while the Tribes can also produce them in packable(movable) buildings that does not suffer the limitations of a town population when improved.

The units themselves are different as Chinese units are quite standard while Nomadic ones are faster and more axed on cavalry.

Moreover, each Kingdom has its own special units. Note that a Nomadic player who became a Khanate (seized the three Nomadic Capitals) can produce all the special units of the tribes.



There are four kinds of military structures:

The Barracks in which you produce swordsmen and lancers.

The Archeries in which you produce archers and crossbowmen

The Stables in which you produce the cavalry and war chariots

The Siege Workshops in which you produce siege weapons such as rams or ballistas. You can also produce Engineers who can repare sieges weapons/buildings and set up traps (claptrops, fire balls and spikes) and build Watch Towers.



As a Chinese player, you must pick a School of Thought at the beggining (Confucianism, Legism or Taoism) which will set which kind of "School" you'll be able to build. Each "School" can produce surgeons(healers) and special units ("wizards") according to the School of Thought. They can also research unique upgrades there.

Note that the Nomadic Tribes are automatically Tengrists which have there own unique units/upgrades.



At the beggining, you'll have to pick the kind of King you want to have. They'll have their own kind of skills and there main attribute (Martial, Intendance and Intrigue) will increase faster. You can pick between these three :

-Martial : skills based on fighting and buffs. Note that the Martial attribute increases the critical strike of your hero (+1% per point).

-Intendant : skills based on Kingdom bonuses. Note that the Intendant attribute increases the Tax Income (+0.5% per point).

-Intrigue : skills based on spying and treachery. Note that the Intrigue attribute determines your Corrupt Economy skill (-1.5% of Tax Income per point).




Map Story

Map Influences

The Map In Numbers







[TD] 765 custom units
43 custom items
130 custom destructibles/doodads
385 custom abilities
72 custom buffs
30 custom updates

260 triggers
249 variables
32 regions
507 imported files

687 units on the map
20504 doodads/destructibles











Xiongnu Capital


































Rice Fields

Nomadic Lands

Rice Fields


Clay Pit











Gameplay Screenshots



Model Makers

Skin Makers

Music Producers


Testers, Advisers and Support

In no particular order :

  • OlofMoleman
  • Fingolfin
  • UgoUgo
  • killst4r
  • Nasrudin
  • Tranquil
  • Urkdrengi
  • Communist_Orc
  • Willthealmighty
  • Mr.Bob
  • Mike
  • Wandering Soul
  • StormLegacy
  • HappyTauren
  • Purparisien
  • An unknown Chinese
  • Sorry for those I forgot ! Please slap me in tha face if you find a model of yours in the map ;)



  • 67chrome
  • CloudWolf
  • minkeun0806
  • X-OMG-X
  • erwtenpeller
  • Tenebis
  • Purparisien
  • Sorry I can't remember if I actually used custom texture :p



  • Battlefield 2 - Chinese Theme



Wikipedia :p


In no particular order :

  • Clan HEA
  • Hoth
  • Nain_boit_tono
  • Demonex







Unnamed tab 5

-Font Changed
-Books can now be bought in Schools
-Some pathability problems fixed

-New system to product units continually
-No more lag each 10 seconds (when it calculates incomes)
-New descriptions of units
-Omnislash fixed


Tell me which ones you want to be made first please :). And if you have any suggestion, post them on this forum !

"Random" AI
  • Automatic defences
  • Attack on cities
  • Intelligent diplomacy

  • Fill in the blanks (the terrain is not quite finished yet)
  • Improve some environnements

  • Weather
  • Dummy units moving in towns and around the map (such as caravans, workers and citizens)


The Seven Kingdoms The Seven Kingdoms The Seven Kingdoms The Seven Kingdoms The Seven Kingdoms The Seven Kingdoms The Seven Kingdoms The Seven Kingdoms The Seven Kingdoms The Seven Kingdoms The Seven Kingdoms The Seven Kingdoms The Seven Kingdoms The Seven Kingdoms The Seven Kingdoms The Seven Kingdoms The Seven Kingdoms The Seven Kingdoms The Seven Kingdoms The Seven Kingdoms The Seven Kingdoms The Seven Kingdoms The Seven Kingdoms The Seven Kingdoms The Seven Kingdoms The Seven Kingdoms The Seven Kingdoms The Seven Kingdoms The Seven Kingdoms The Seven Kingdoms The Seven Kingdoms The Seven Kingdoms The Seven Kingdoms The Seven Kingdoms The Seven Kingdoms The Seven Kingdoms The Seven Kingdoms The Seven Kingdoms The Seven Kingdoms The Seven Kingdoms The Seven Kingdoms The Seven Kingdoms The Seven Kingdoms The Seven Kingdoms The Seven Kingdoms The Seven Kingdoms The Seven Kingdoms The Seven Kingdoms The Seven Kingdoms The Seven Kingdoms The Seven Kingdoms The Seven Kingdoms The Seven 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The Seven Kingdoms, Medieval, Antic, China, Bamboo, Panda, Strategy, Warring, State, Warring State, Risk, Dynasty, Domination, Lords, Kingdom, Kingdom

The Seven Kingdoms 1.03 (Map)

01:27, 23rd Feb 2014 Hell_Master: Map approved (rating will be given after one more try with the game). See moderator's review here for more information:




01:27, 23rd Feb 2014
Hell_Master: Map approved (rating will be given after one more try with the game). See moderator's review here for more information:

Hell_Master said:
Review emerges!

I have played your map namely Seven Knigdoms and I must say that this is great like your other maps. The terrain's great and to be honest with you, much better than your other maps. You did used the Hive's resources to your advantage and making a good terrain. But there could be some regional fog into the terrain and also a weather, better yet if the weather changes randomly and periodically. And just a tip, you could also use Special effects as doodads and destructibles for your map. You're not only limited to the actual doodads and destructibles.

For the actual gameplay, it's quite great but I really missed the thing in your other map where you are limited on what to build and will increase through each Level Up. It makes you start fresh with building your desired structures, train troops and more... Gathering materials such as Ore, Foods and more looks good but it could be better if it's like in your old map where it's more of you train workers to gather there. There are many things I really missed here that is in your old maps but maybe it's just because that it has no IA or AI yet that it seems plain boring playing by yourself. (Actually, I played this by myself and mindlessly conquered each factions)

So, as for my suggestions, it would be best to work on the AI first for it'll really make a great change in the map and how it works. The terrain improvements and addition of weather system can follow after the AI. Also, it would be much better if not all things are quite automatically done, it would be much better if you are to manually train units to gather materials from buildings and possible if you can start fresh from being a poor village into an empire like in your other maps.

Great presentation as well, very neat, formal and gives a huge amount of informations needed to know.

Approved still.
Level 30
Nov 29, 2012
Review emerges!

I have played your map namely Seven Knigdoms and I must say that this is great like your other maps. The terrain's great and to be honest with you, much better than your other maps. You did used the Hive's resources to your advantage and making a good terrain. But there could be some regional fog into the terrain and also a weather, better yet if the weather changes randomly and periodically. And just a tip, you could also use Special effects as doodads and destructibles for your map. You're not only limited to the actual doodads and destructibles.

For the actual gameplay, it's quite great but I really missed the thing in your other map where you are limited on what to build and will increase through each Level Up. It makes you start fresh with building your desired structures, train troops and more... Gathering materials such as Ore, Foods and more looks good but it could be better if it's like in your old map where it's more of you train workers to gather there. There are many things I really missed here that is in your old maps but maybe it's just because that it has no IA or AI yet that it seems plain boring playing by yourself. (Actually, I played this by myself and mindlessly conquered each factions)

So, as for my suggestions, it would be best to work on the AI first for it'll really make a great change in the map and how it works. The terrain improvements and addition of weather system can follow after the AI. Also, it would be much better if not all things are quite automatically done, it would be much better if you are to manually train units to gather materials from buildings and possible if you can start fresh from being a poor village into an empire like in your other maps.

Great presentation as well, very neat, formal and gives a huge amount of informations needed to know.

Approved still.
Last edited:
a weather, better yet if the weather changes randomly and periodically.
Yep it's written in the To Do List ;)
Gathering materials such as Ore, Foods and more looks good but it could be better if it's like in your old map where it's more of you train workers to gather there.
Please be aware that I didn't try at all to remake my old map. In here, strategy is the center of the gameplay; not the economy gestion.
There are many things I really missed here that is in your old maps but maybe it's just because that it has no IA or AI yet that it seems plain boring playing by yourself. (Actually, I played this by myself and mindlessly conquered each factions)
Duuuuuude !! Please don't rate it if you played it in solo ... It would be like playing 1vs0 at W3 ... Everything was thought and made for a good multiplayer experience. Firendship, treachery, the need of balance of powers etc, until the moment one gets 100 Nation Power and cannot have allies. I played it like 10 times and I had fun everytime as I was with my friend and that we had to be triky and viscous to win the game.

So, as for my suggestions, it would be best to work on the AI first for it'll really make a great change in the map and how it works. The terrain improvements and addition of weather system can follow after the AI. Also, it would be much better if not all things are quite automatically done, it would be much better if you are to manually train units to gather materials from buildings and possible if you can start fresh from being a poor village into an empire like in your other maps.
Well I think I quite answered to this, but I do want to add an AI (check the To Do List ;), not to play solo, but to handle the fact that players always leave at a time or an other...

Great presentation as well, very neat, formal and gives a huge amount of informations needed to know.

Rated 4/5 and Approved still.
Thanks for the approval ! But I'm sorry but you can't rate it without playing in multi with at least 8 players. I would gladely accept the rating if you told me what went wrong, but for now the rating means nothing...

Anyway thanks a lot for trying the map! ;)
I wanted to write a long post to give this map the thorough review it deserves, but all I can say is HOLY SHIT!:goblin_jawdrop:

It looks incredible from the description and screenshots. I'll try it as soon as I can scramble some friends together for a test run, and if the awesomeness doesn't splatter my brains against the wall, I'll let you know what I think of the gameplay.
Level 1
Mar 24, 2012
Yeah! Another map from the HEA clan! Gonna test it, and will edit my message for a litte review.

EDIT: -A very good enconomic management, still I didn't understand everything.
- Great terrain, maybe a bit overcharged, still very good.
- Good choice of models.
- Definitely need an AI. Yup.

So, hope you will add an AI, because the map could just be awesome with it. Also, I played in solo :)p) but i'm gonna try to test it in multi.
I don't know how to improve the population
Well, most of the systems are automatic; population increases by itself and decreases if a town/village is seized.
bulding guard tower/balista doesn't have progress bar and if I click cancel I will get 100% refunds.
Ah ye sorry for that; this is because these are units upgrading into other units which is normally restricted to buildings. We needed them to be units as they had to fly to appear to be on the walls.
if I click cancel I will get 100% refunds
Do you mean if you cancel, it gives you 100% refunds + the tower is still built ??? That would be bad :p very bad.
It looks incredible from the description and screenshots. I'll try it as soon as I can scramble some friends together for a test run, and if the awesomeness doesn't splatter my brains against the wall, I'll let you know what I think of the gameplay.
Ty ;)
Same here, If I got some friends or the time you released the AI, I'll be sure to give a more proper feedback to this but for now approved. Removed rating but approved still.
Thanks for that Helly ;)

Yeah! Another map from the HEA clan! Gonna test it, and will edit my message for a litte review.

EDIT: -A very good enconomic management, still I didn't understand everything.
- Great terrain, maybe a bit overcharged, still very good.
- Good choice of models.
- Definitely need an AI. Yup.

So, hope you will add an AI, because the map could just be awesome with it. Also, I played in solo :)p) but i'm gonna try to test it in multi.
Thanks dude ;)


Hosted Project: EC
Level 34
Oct 12, 2011
Ah ye sorry for that; this is because these are units upgrading into other units which is normally restricted to buildings. We needed them to be units as they had to fly to appear to be on the walls.
edit the model then, select all vertices then increase the z equal to the wall height. then you don't have to use normal units

Do you mean if you cancel, it gives you 100% refunds + the tower is still built ??? That would be bad :p very bad.
no the upgrade canceled. but it seems not good if we got 100% refund
--Change the font. It is legible, yes, but it takes longer to read, and this game requires a lot of reading.
--Check the base pathing, structures, etc. Units sometimes spawn stuck between a building and a wall, that should be avoided.
--Tower's fire does poison effect instead of flame

It's really fun, though.

Also, towards end-game, when two players have half of the map and face off, spending 100,000 gold can be pretty difficult. It would be nice if players could enable auto-spawns individually at each town or city, which would send small armies out at enemies, of course costing gold for the sends.

AI will make this much better as well; I look forward to seeing you implement them in the future, as you have in Lords of the North.
Level 3
Jan 21, 2012
Noticed two glitches. Stewardship books give + 5 attack and armor instead of stewardship. Ultimate can be spammed with no cooldown for the martial ultimate.


Hosted Project: EC
Level 34
Oct 12, 2011
Further review..

Isn't that rOcky mountains are something like waste of space? I still cant understand the gameplay bcause I dont have friend to play with and bcs you dont give AI to your game (where actually AI will be one great addition to a game like this). Personally, I love the environment you made there, mate. The mountains are great, but once more, they are to much and waste so much spaces.. I also noticed the three kingdoms located at the north placed too far from the other south kingdom.. I'm pretty sure it affects the balance of your game..

Im sorry I cant make a nice post cs Im in mobile right now.. 4.5/5 for now bcs you dont have AI :p
Level 2
May 15, 2013
5/5 +rep but it is hard to understand how to play from the first play i suggest a tutorial.
I think the Ai must be the first and the terrain is very good he can be the last.
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Hosted Project: EC
Level 34
Oct 12, 2011
have played this game with one of my friend, he begged me to end the game after 2 minutes bcs he can't understand anything, me too D:

still, I recommend you to put those images inside [HIDDEN][/HIDDEN] tags. I never load it successfuly.. I hope there are explanations about the gameplay or how to play it because, you really need to make it!
Level 5
Aug 30, 2010
there are 2 bronze helmets one in lightweight tier and one in heavy tier also the tier 2 lightweight armor gives the same armor amount as the tier 3 lighweight armor and tier 3 cost more.
2 bronze gloves one lightweight and one heavy
Level 2
Feb 16, 2011
If you don't mind me askin'... how the hell do i open the gates? I can't break 'em, there are no levers... i'm stuck.
Level 11
Oct 16, 2013
Bug I've found: Using nomads I couldnt build or use shipyardss on the Chinese cities I've conquered, is this really intended? Turning your enemies in permanent submissive vassals could be funny and could prevent players from quitting when they lose.
Waiting for the ai. Great map!
Level 5
Jun 23, 2013
This map is quite different with your old map, but an innovation is always better :)
Why not add a tutorial for the first 15 seconds? Not everyone get the gameplay quickly (like me).
Level 2
May 13, 2013
Ships can't shoot other ships :// Hey,your map is good,very very very good,i like your map and all the things that include a good history,i have a idea,but why you two don't do a map about the Greek Mythology >:eek:o That is gona be awesome :D (I apologize for my bad english,im from Venezuela xD) Saludos.




How about these add-ons?
1) Generals (leaders of group of armies to aid in combat against the foes)
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2) Loyalty of generals (they may not be satisfied and may become other player's assistant.)
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3) The salary of generals (it varies and will affect the loyalty of generals, pay the extra salary to generals to increase their loyalty by spending money. In this way, players will consider the amount of money needed. At here, the importance of money is increased.)
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4) Paddy other than the food (its value is changeable depends on the amount of food/armies) so that players also need to consider the paddy to be consumed before players enlist and train new armies.
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5) Upgrading of skills of armies, technologies, etc. (to enhance armies, the wall, etc.) -> E.g. the attack/speed/range/maneuver of a type of armies, the durability of the gate and so forth
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6) Transaction & negotiation (can be resources trading, teaching learned skill) -> some of them you have included, such as diplomacy, etc. Nice job!
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7) Some empty castles/bases (it is possible except the wikipedia really tells that there are no empty castle during this reign/time)
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8) Transfer of resources among castles (At here, you should assign different amount of resources to several different castles at start since it is possible for another castle to don't have resources even though some castles are rich in resources. In this way, players will be aware of resources of each castle rather than resources shared by all castles)
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9) Military advisers (they have abilities of using tactics, such as making armies to become invisible, it is called ambushing). Of course, players need to think of their loyalty also.
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10) New buildings (such as looking for talented persons, technology building (academy), etc.)
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11) Military camps in default location on the terrain (to store an amount of armies in those camps for sudden attack, some of them are possible to be empty -> to make a trick to the opponents. In this way, the opponents will need to think smart and will use strategy to rush, it is possible for either side to fall back due to the trick or the tactics of military adviser rather than just considering the weakness of creeps and simply hitting the enemies).
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12) Rare artifacts each talented person -> generals/military advisers may have (can be weapons, the precious stuffs, the elixir of life, the powder, the legendary rides, etc.)
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13) New forces (think of it, is it possible? Other than Wei, Qin, Qi, Yan, Han, Zhao, Chu, Xiong Nu, Wu Sun, Xian Bei)
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14) The embarassing of new forces (not only Xiong Nu, Wu Sun, Xian Bei. It can be mountain bandits, jungle bandits and so on).
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15) The usage of prestige (it should have uses. The usage of prestige can be to increase the chance of getting more talented persons, to increase the bonus income, armies and populations, etc.)
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16) The creation of legion which must be strong (assign the created legion with a name to terrify other players since you have strong generals and smart military advisers, be referred to the example of Dynasty Warrior. There are five 'tigers' in Dynasty Warrior (I don't know the exact translation for that "five tigers"), it is just a personification, not real tigers)
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*) Consider the nature of the castle/units/items/management/manipulation/war/others by yourself (I should not list all of them as the chat will run madly if I do that. I have given you so many clues, good luck! I'm here to give the example of functionality requirements and quality requirements because I'm exciting. It doesn't mean that I never play your map. I always play HIVEWORKSHOP's maps in Garena+. Yeah! ~!)
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These are some of my opinions. Express gratitude!
Level 6
Oct 19, 2017
Very good map! Wonderful terrain, stunning visual, dynamic and adaptable system, models match the style of the nations and the culture of the time ... no comments! magnificent!

Where did you get the soldiers' models?
Level 6
Mar 11, 2018
Seemed really fun at first. Liked all the different stuff. But then I started testing things. While it is still fun there are far too many problems I found.

1. If you buy anything after selling it the shop too fast it thinks you have one.
2. if it says you can't buy it because you have one any time you try to buy that item type again it takes your money and never gives it to you.
3. For some reason I just had units drop dead. I was in my own town towers and units all over gates closed and the king in the center around heavy guards and out of no where he just died as if he had a heart attack. And it is not just him I have had at least 1 of every unit just die for no reason.
4. Upgrading buildings. I like this but if you fully upgrade something then deside to trash it to place something else there you can never get those upgrade points back. I took down a max rank barracks because I wanted to move it then could not rank up the new one. When I hit the "why" button it said "Next upgrade in never."
5. Single player anti cheat. I get the cheat block in multi-player but as far as I am concerned there is just no excuse for that in single player.

Things I saw that was not that importent was but big enough to say was
1. No computer ai.
2. no picking the group you want to play as (like if I want warlord/troops b and not warlord/troops a)
3. Gates are really hard to target
4. Some troops seem off power. I went to a farm with my king 1 archer and 2 guards with 1 spear and was beat by 1 horse unit before I even got there and all units was the rank 1 units.
5. if you go to revive your king and hit the button more then once it takes your gold even if you cancel and will not return it. Nor will it give you any extra kings.
6. most of the usable buildings look 100% the same as everything not useable. While it looks nice I can never find my troop buildings.

Oh ya and please un mess with the menu. It took me 5 minutes to find out how to save and quit from not only the tiny scrawls but the words being changed as well. I mean how am I suposed to know the difference between leave kingdom and retire? then it goes "Become a republic?" It is fancy and all but please don't mess with the menu.
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