The Scary experience Thread

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Level 16
Jan 21, 2011

Okay,please share any scary experience you've had in your life But not like: i almost fell from the rooftop i mean something like
i was alone at my house and i saw a face embedded on a wall (which means it's a ghost) and i know you guys had one for once in your lives.

Youtube Note
I think i've written this thing on another thread but oh well,
It was November 1, in the Philippines, many people would go to cemetery to visit their loved ones and sometimes stay up late.
but i stayed home because i was too lazy so i went to my cousin's house. that time, it was 1:30AM (i think) the houses in the subdivision are close to each other. my cousin was busy with the computer and his dad is sleeping upstairs. i went to the backdoor to get some air but when i looked up i saw a face on a window. i know if a man looks outside the window but the face i saw almost looks like it's embedded there. i stared at it for 5 seconds it seemed a faceless face(just figure that one out! it's hard to describe!) then i rushed inside and tomorrow after that i got a fever.
Level 9
Aug 18, 2008
Once I was swimming in a river when I suddenly noticed a fairly poisonous snake was swimming right beside me.
I decided it was best to move out of the water as quickly as possible.

Other then that - I almost fell through a roof once. It was in very bad condition.
Oh and I once came a bit too close to a moose, and yeah that is about it.
I rarely get scared, especially over things that are not real. Like ghosts, god, goblins and ghouls for example.
Level 30
Jul 31, 2010
yehp I remembered this thread, so here Imma go pass mine:

there is this one time I had already migrated in the philippines and the house I'm staying right now is from my dad, the house was actually very old looking, especially those creepy and old christian pictures in the house. the house has 6 rooms and I chose the 3rd one which my cousin told me there were supernatural encounters going on with that room, so I don't have a choice and went on with that one.

and one night I was already asleep, my older sister is also sleeping in my room because she is so freaked out with what my cousin told us about those scary experiences. my sister heard a girl crying outside the house and she just thinks its her imagination, then suddenly the crying went near the window of my room! she's so freaked out she woke me up and went to my parents room, it irritated me that I got awake and she's the one who is now fallen asleep. and after an hour I was about to fall asleep, I heard a girl crying next to my right ear! seriously like someone is definitely near to me. it freaked me out that I too had to run my ass to my parents room like hell.
Level 16
Jan 21, 2011
yehp I remembered this thread, so here Imma go pass mine:

there is this one time I had already migrated in the philippines and the house I'm staying right now is from my dad, the house was actually very old looking, especially those creepy and old christian pictures in the house. the house has 6 rooms and I chose the 3rd one which my cousin told me there were supernatural encounters going on with that room, so I don't have a choice and went on with that one.

and one night I was already asleep, my older sister is also sleeping in my room because she is so freaked out with what my cousin told us about those scary experiences. my sister heard a girl crying outside the house and she just thinks its her imagination, then suddenly the crying went near the window of my room! she's so freaked out she woke me up and went to my parents room, it irritated me that I got awake and she's the one who is now fallen asleep. and after an hour I was about to fall asleep, I heard a girl crying next to my right ear! seriously like someone is definitely near to me. it freaked me out that I too had to run my ass to my parents room like hell.

that one was scary!
Level 14
Dec 12, 2009
5/28/2010, about 7:53 AM (Eastern). I was heading to work and got T-Boned driver side by a silver '05 Corvette that blew through a red light at an intersection (3 cars had already gone through a green light). She was probably going the speed limit of 35 mph and slammed on her brakes/turned the wheel at the last second.

It took me several seconds to realize that I had been hit, basically after I had stopped about 70ft pass the intersection and spun about 270 degrees. My car was totaled (rusted-out '93 Buick LeSabre limited).

I got lucky to walk away with a small scar on my left elbow. If she been driving anything besides a sports car I would have been dead or wishing I was dead. Also, according to the police report she was a retired nurse (she was 59 wwhen she hit me)... go figure.

Level 19
Oct 15, 2008
Well, here's my account:

Before the day my grandfather had passed away in the hospital, I had a really bad dream of us attending his funeral, everything was how it was supposed to look like in a funeral, except there wasn't any body in the coffin. Well, 3 hours after I woke up my mom called from the hospital to tell us that he died overnight and they could only watch him struggle to breathe.

A few days later, during his funeral, a monk was chanting around his body after my grandmother sprayed a lot of perfume on it in the coffin (They were Buddhists, you see, I'm a Christian though so I wouldn't know much about why), and while the monk was doing that, I saw this strange shadow behind the coffin that looked somewhat like my grandfather. It looked like it had spectacles on, and when I told my cousins about it when I saw it, asking if they could see it too, they just... Couldn't. Well, for some no reason I started crying, I'm guessing out of fear.

A week after that, my grandmother was doing her chores at about 3 AM, and suddenly this huge stench of similar perfume engulfed the house, they somehow thought it was my grandfather as some Chinese believe their dead members would visit them prior to a week after their death.
Level 15
Sep 3, 2006
When I was 14 I walked home from the movies with a friend. Because we live in a gated community, we decided to jump the fence by the metropolitan center rather than the fence surrounding our community (because it was easier to jump).

While we were walking, we ended up getting mugged by a few guys who held guns and me, being the imbecile that I am tried to fight back. I got into a struggle with one of the guys while the other shot my friend and ran and then the gun that the guy I was struggling with held fired and for about half a second I think I pissed my pants.

Luckily it fired into the ground -__-
Level 5
Aug 12, 2010
I like to run trails. There's something about being in the presence of the sights, sounds, and smells of nature that lets me get completely lost in a run. Usually I go with a friend or two, but on the evening in question I went alone and started later than usual. I thought it might be getting dark around the time I finished, but I had miscalculated. I was about 4 miles from my car when I realized, "wow, it's really freaking dark out". At the time, I wasn't concerned since the trails were in good condition and I had taken this specific path so many times I knew the stray roots and rocks.

About the same time, though, I noticed my senses playing tricks on me. Faint shadows cast by moonlight looked like logs across the trail. I saw movement out of the corner of my eye when I turned my head. The sounds of the forest at night seemed louder than my footsteps, and every now and then I heard the underbrush rustle when some critter noticed me coming and darted away. Then came the howling. The first time I thought it was my imagination or some distant animal. It happened several more times, but it seemed louder. As the noises continued, I couldn't escape the thought that wolves or coyotes might be stalking me. Every time I heard rustling leaves or a snapping twig, I grew a little more paranoid. I strained to listen for a yelp or growl that might give me advanced notice of an attack.

All the while, I was thinking, "What the hell makes that kind of a noise, a wolf or a coyote or a dog? What's the difference? The difference is what I call the animal that's eating my sorry ass. Are they after me? Probably not, but what if I'm wrong? What will I do? Can I fight off something like a wolf with my hands? Who knows, everybody overestimates their skill in a fight. When was the last time I was in a fight? Sober? Yes, sober. There was that one Jets fan... Doesn't count, he was drunk and the animals aren't. There are a lot of big sticks around here, maybe I could hit it. What if the stick is rotten? Then I'm really boned. Can wolves climb trees? Of course not, but why bother thinking about that since I suck at climbing anything but the easy trees and there aren't any of those around? Okay I've got car keys, those could poke a hole in something soft like an eye. Great idea, but wolves are pack hunters. They're not going to come at me one at a time like goons in a kung fu flick. Better find a big stick that's not rotten. Maybe I should I go faster? If I get injured, I'm stuck out here, but the longer I stay out here the more likely I am to get attacked. I wonder if they can really smell fear? Maybe that's why people piss themselves when they're scared... like some sort of evolutionary trade off between embarrassment and not getting eaten by a predator. Maybe, but why should I care about evolutionary biology at the moment. I haven't pissed myself, and I'm not going to piss myself. There probably is nothing out there. Given a choice between survival and pissing my pants, what would I choose Survival, obviously, but the two are not mutually exclusive alternatives in real life, I mean that is as flimsy of logic as Pascal's Wager."

The internal dialogue got more desperate and obnoxious, until I saw the parking lot. I ran to my car, locked the door, and flew out of there. I wasn't Later that night, I checked my GPS watch and found out I had been hauling ass. Then I realized I wasn't even that tired. On a different day, I tried to match the pace I ran those last 4 miles. I was sucking wind and completely spent afterward. Adrenaline is one hell of a drug, man...
Level 22
Feb 4, 2005
Once I was swimming in a river when I suddenly noticed a fairly poisonous snake was swimming right beside me.
I decided it was best to move out of the water as quickly as possible.

Scary case 1:

Hmm speaking of snakes. We were once with my family and relatives to the seaside (I was maybe 12-14), we went to a rarlier used bay. Behind the sand and the higher land was high grass where snakes could be seen moving. So we quickly avoided that place and went to the beach. Even there me and another guy saw a snake (apparently ground not water snake but it was near the water) and we didn't notice at first, so it stood on its body and hissed while looking at us. The same day (seems this place was plagued by snakes... ) I went deeper in the sea using a mask, Schnorchel and swimfins. Oh gosh, usually the beatiful places are dangerous! So it was beatiful seeing the sea floor, some corals and such. It was on a not more than 3 meters depth so I didnt really dive, just swam with the schnorchel showing from above. I was swinging with my hand when suddenly i saw my hand almost touching a yellow snake. I didnt get much frightened as I didnt have time to think about it, the snake quickly escaped before I touched it. Now this could've been a water snake but not an eel. Also as I was going back to the beach, I think a wave filled my schnorchel with water and I paniced (never panic while in the water!) I couldn't reach the floor with my feet as it was deep enough (never try that you will panic even more!) and I eventually relaxed and swam towards the beach and got to shallower water where I could even walk.

Scary Case 2:

I had a case where I was a school student, I was just crossing the street and was in a hurry to catch the transport to school. As it was rainy and the street was wet, I slipped on the road while running through it. At that moment a car was coming and i was still lying on the ground. The car was maybe 5 meters away from me when he hit the breaks and since the car also stops with a little skidding further, he stopped in such a way and the car slided so that the front wheels touched my legs and even rubbed my skin a little. The front of the car was above me, the tyres that are a little behind the front of the car were touching my legs.. This was going to leave me disabled as I dont think you can use your legs anymore if a car runs down your legs. Thanks God and/or whatever luck that was. Stupid school and stupid classes but unlike University where you can be late as much as you want, for School you had to be on time or you get penalities if late for classes..
When I was 12-13 (I dont realy remember), I had a double nightmare. What is that? It is when you dream about that you are dreaming and in dreaming dream you see nightmare and it repeats when you woke up in dream inside the dream.

Anyways... here whan I was dreaming...
I was dreaming about what I was dreaming... I feld thirsty (happens because the air was ful of dust). I had to go through a small corridor to the kitchen. Sleepy with my eyes on the floor, I reached the corner to the kitchen. I was looking down and saw black robe. Someone was before me. I took a look up and I got stuned by fear. It was me in black robe, hoovering, with very angry face, half burned face... I started to walking slowly back, stuned by fear and unable to scream... I woke up (in the dream). With sleepy face, I was like: " What the heck I just saw... blargh.. I am thirsty, need some water". Again, I am walking my way to the kitchen. This time I walk faster, with my head up. I reached the entrance and I saw again this guy... standing facing to me on the other side of kitchen right at center of window. Lighting came through and I screamed. Finaly I woke up for real. First thoughts: "Holy crap! Double nightmare! That is so creepy...".

I had an other bad dream. This one was creepy too.
I was playing with playstation 1 with some guys. It was realy fun. Playstation game we was playing was 6 coop gameplay (playstation 1 was suporting 2 ports for 2 players... but it was my dream :p). Grandma, that was already in bed, told me to end this party. Ten oclock... sleep time. We all start wolking to the door, talking about how awesome the game was. Guys left. I closed the door, came to grandma to tell her what guys are not here anymore. She told me to go to the kitchen (ow yeah... kitchen again..) and close the gas. She had very evil look with very evil smile. I came to the kitchen. I didnt opened light, because I saw things good enough to close the gas and go to sleep. I closed that gas, turned to the exit from kitchen to leave. While I was turning, from the corner of my eye I saw gas opening up again byitself. I imidietly stoped and turned back with thought: "Turned of by itself? Oh cmon nOW! I want to sleep!". I dont know how that machine calls, on that we are preparing the food... Anyway. I saw instead of that machine a guy with hat and burned face (Ya... just like Freddy Krewger). It was his hand that was flaming. He slowly looked on me and started to laugh. I fell on the floor (heart attack). After I woke up, in the same pose I fell on the floor in my dream!

The end.
Level 30
Jul 31, 2010
When I was a kid, I had this friend...One night I cant sleep well, I dont know why...
then the next morning I was so shocked because my friend hanged himself on a tree,
funny thing is, my room is located beside that tree, hmm maybe that's why I didnt sleep well...

holy shit I shit my shirt!

When I was 12-13 (I dont realy remember), I had a double nightmare. What is that? It is when you dream about that you are dreaming and in dreaming dream you see nightmare and it repeats when you woke up in dream inside the dream.

Anyways... here whan I was dreaming...
I was dreaming about what I was dreaming... I feld thirsty (happens because the air was ful of dust). I had to go through a small corridor to the kitchen. Sleepy with my eyes on the floor, I reached the corner to the kitchen. I was looking down and saw black robe. Someone was before me. I took a look up and I got stuned by fear. It was me in black robe, hoovering, with very angry face, half burned face... I started to walking slowly back, stuned by fear and unable to scream... I woke up (in the dream). With sleepy face, I was like: " What the heck I just saw... blargh.. I am thirsty, need some water". Again, I am walking my way to the kitchen. This time I walk faster, with my head up. I reached the entrance and I saw again this guy... standing facing to me on the other side of kitchen right at center of window. Lighting came through and I screamed. Finaly I woke up for real. First thoughts: "Holy crap! Double nightmare! That is so creepy...".

I had an other bad dream. This one was creepy too.
I was playing with playstation 1 with some guys. It was realy fun. Playstation game we was playing was 6 coop gameplay (playstation 1 was suporting 2 ports for 2 players... but it was my dream :p). Grandma, that was already in bed, told me to end this party. Ten oclock... sleep time. We all start wolking to the door, talking about how awesome the game was. Guys left. I closed the door, came to grandma to tell her what guys are not here anymore. She told me to go to the kitchen (ow yeah... kitchen again..) and close the gas. She had very evil look with very evil smile. I came to the kitchen. I didnt opened light, because I saw things good enough to close the gas and go to sleep. I closed that gas, turned to the exit from kitchen to leave. While I was turning, from the corner of my eye I saw gas opening up again byitself. I imidietly stoped and turned back with thought: "Turned of by itself? Oh cmon nOW! I want to sleep!". I dont know how that machine calls, on that we are preparing the food... Anyway. I saw instead of that machine a guy with hat and burned face (Ya... just like Freddy Krewger). It was his hand that was flaming. He slowly looked on me and started to laugh. I fell on the floor (heart attack). After I woke up, in the same pose I fell on the floor in my dream!

The end.

wow! we had both same dreams bro! yeh I also had those double nightmare dreams [I really don't know what is the source of it] I had this awful dream [and hell I can still remember it!] I was running so slow even though I knew my body is running itself like a speed car because there is this man that only has eyes [yes eyes! no eyebrows, no mouth, no ears, no face! just eyes] and he's gonna strangle me which I felt it is, I was running in a small cabinet and hid there until that scary man would go away [and like scary movies],

the guy suddenly jumped in front of the cabinet and started strangling me, I force my way to woke myself up and then I was in a bed and I went outside of the house.

then all of a suddenly, I'm back at where I a ran away from that man again and back to the cabinet. that really freaked me out.
Level 14
Sep 27, 2009
It was a dark and stormy night... I was playing some random game, I was alone in my room... Then suddenly lights went off for a while, like 3 seconds, and then they came back.
After that, I noticed my computer was off...
I turned it on, and it started working normally... Lightning almost broke my computer.
Level 18
Jul 14, 2008
Alright, i'll go now.

About 3 years ago, i was like 13 or something then, i was at home on my own. Parents were out and my brother was asleep. So i was technically on my own.

I went upstairs, my bro was sleeping downstairs, and my attic, is like behind the top of the stairs, so as you come up the stairs you cannot see the attic, you get a quick glimpse of the black hole in the ceiling.

Being me, i always try to scare myself, stupid idea, so i looked up at the attic, and i swore, that i saw a leg move up there. Now honestly, i froze, i didn't know what to do. And the weird thing was that it was a grayish leg, kinda like an aliens leg.... I hate, hate aliens.

Anyway, when i finally decided to move, i went downstairs and told my brother, he didn't believe me. Then that night, when i was kinda in sleep paralysis, (and for those of you who don't know what that is, it is where you are awake, you are sleepy, but you cannot move, That is what it is always like for me.) And i seen something come in my room. Think it was the same thing as the attic. And it just stood next to me and stared at me, screaming. I always end up waking up when it is light, in the morning, and I'm kinda like :goblin_jawdrop:

But, i really don't know weather that was my imagination, or i was just dreaming, but the same thing has happened on several occasions since, not all the same, like some are when i will see things in the mirrors in my bathroom. And every time, i see these things move, or things that appear to be there one minute and gone the next, i always have that Sleep paralysis effect. :ogre_rage:

Some really freaky shit. :thumbs_down: Most recent one was bout a year ago.
Level 11
May 10, 2008
In my aviation class we were inside this horrible unairworthy plane doing diagnostic checks on it, the seats couldn't move back.. u had to bash the doors to open them... i scooted my seat in all the way up and all the sudden i see a huge wasp drop down on my neck.. i just start screaming and break the chair and jump out the plane and stop dropped and rolled all over... it was all laughs and giggles in the end though :p we had to fix the chair though :(
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