When I was 12-13 (I dont realy remember), I had a double nightmare. What is that? It is when you dream about that you are dreaming and in dreaming dream you see nightmare and it repeats when you woke up in dream inside the dream.
Anyways... here whan I was dreaming...
I was dreaming about what I was dreaming... I feld thirsty (happens because the air was ful of dust). I had to go through a small corridor to the kitchen. Sleepy with my eyes on the floor, I reached the corner to the kitchen. I was looking down and saw black robe. Someone was before me. I took a look up and I got stuned by fear. It was
me in black robe, hoovering, with very angry face, half burned face... I started to walking slowly back, stuned by fear and unable to scream... I woke up (in the dream). With sleepy face, I was like: " What the heck I just saw... blargh.. I am thirsty, need some water". Again, I am walking my way to the kitchen. This time I walk faster, with my head up. I reached the entrance and I saw again this guy... standing facing to me on the other side of kitchen right at center of window. Lighting came through and I screamed. Finaly I woke up for real. First thoughts: "Holy crap! Double nightmare! That is so creepy...".
I had an other bad dream. This one was creepy too.
I was playing with playstation 1 with some guys. It was realy fun. Playstation game we was playing was 6 coop gameplay (playstation 1 was suporting 2 ports for 2 players... but it was my dream

). Grandma, that was already in bed, told me to end this party. Ten oclock... sleep time. We all start wolking to the door, talking about how awesome the game was. Guys left. I closed the door, came to grandma to tell her what guys are not here anymore. She told me to go to the kitchen (ow yeah... kitchen again..) and close the gas. She had very evil look with very evil smile. I came to the kitchen. I didnt opened light, because I saw things good enough to close the gas and go to sleep. I closed that gas, turned to the exit from kitchen to leave. While I was turning, from the corner of my eye I saw gas opening up again byitself. I imidietly stoped and turned back with thought: "Turned of by itself? Oh cmon nOW! I want to sleep!". I dont know how that machine calls, on that we are preparing the food... Anyway. I saw instead of that machine a guy with hat and burned face (Ya... just like Freddy Krewger). It was his hand that was flaming. He slowly looked on me and started to laugh. I fell on the floor (heart attack). After I woke up, in the same pose I fell on the floor in my dream!
The end.