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The problem with using "stolen" resources.

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Level 15
Dec 12, 2006
I'm just curious about something. I've been with this site' for awhile, so I'm not a "noob" (which means you have no right to bash me), but I have a question: what's the deal with using stolen resources? Say there's a map with good models/textures you wanna use. Ok! So you take em out and put em in your map. If you protect said map, credit the owner, and don't publicly release the resources, why fuss? Sure, the owner might get upset from you not asking, but if you make it relatively impossible for anyone to obtain the resources via map protection and credit him, there shouldn't be that big of a problem.

Oh, and I'm only talking about resources that weren't released publicly.

Level 12
Nov 5, 2007
It's common sense.

You're benefiting from someone's work. Of course that you should ask for it first.



Level 22
Aug 27, 2005
Open Source = Unprotected, if it's not unprotected, then it's not free to use without consent.

If you don't have consent, you shouldn't be using it. However, map mods -- which is the only mod you should have to worry about, if you're submitting someones models under your name, I will kick your ass -- have little evidence to go on with regards to models being free for use, or not.
Level 15
Dec 12, 2006
What I'm trying to say is that say there is a PROTECTED map that you take models from, put in YOUR MAP which you protect afterwards so that no one could take them...
Level 14
Oct 27, 2007
What I'm trying to say is that say there is a PROTECTED map that you take models from, put in YOUR MAP which you protect afterwards so that no one could take them...

Obviously someone would be able to take them from your protected map because you took them from someone else's protected map.

That being said, there's always a possibility of people "stealing" information of any kind when you upload it on any site.

Look at the Chinese wc3 sites. They post models from General Frank, HappyTauren,..etc.. when on this site (and wc3campaigns) it says specifically not to distribute to other sites, but they do it anyway.

IMO stealing from a map is pathetic and should be punished. But if you publicly upload a resource on a website, knowing full well that other people are going to be downloading it, you can't really complain.
Level 2
Nov 23, 2008
Its just common sense. Ask before taking. Didn't watching that spongebob episode teach you anything!?!?!?

But if you REALLY want to use it and you can't get a hold of them in ANY WAY WHATSOEVER, then I guess you COULD take it but you would DEFINANTLY need to give them credit.
Level 14
Oct 27, 2007
It would have been easier to read the rules:

The Rules said:
You may not submit maps which:

* Do not contain full English translations of all text,
* Are of an extremely poor quality (Maps deemed to be so by the Maps Moderation team will be removed),
* Have been edited without the original creator's permission,
* Intentionally give players an unfair advantage over others,
* Are deprotected and edited without the owner's consent,
* Contain stolen, pirated or uncredited material,
* Do not contain a valid map name, an author name and a description, or
* Already exist in the map database.

Deprotecting a map and taking the resources and then putting them in your map is considered stealing, thus against the rules.
Level 14
Oct 27, 2007
I don't really think it matters if the map is protected, the important part is that they were stolen in the first place. Thus, judging by the rules, the map would be rejected and the creator/uploader would probably be negrepped.



Level 22
Aug 27, 2005
Good god, stop being such asshats. This topic was sorted like a gazillion posts ago, if you want to kick his ass, go to his profile and do so.

Open Source = Unprotected, if it's not unprotected, then it's not free to use without consent.

If you don't have consent, you shouldn't be using it. However, map mods -- which is the only mod you should have to worry about, if you're submitting someones models under your name, I will kick your ass -- have little evidence to go on with regards to models being free for use, or not.
Open Source = Unprotected, if it's not unprotected, then it's not free to use without consent.

If you don't have consent, you shouldn't be using it. However, map mods -- which is the only mod you should have to worry about, if you're submitting someones models under your name, I will kick your ass -- have little evidence to go on with regards to models being free for use, or not.
Open Source = Unprotected, if it's not unprotected, then it's not free to use without consent.

If you don't have consent, you shouldn't be using it. However, map mods -- which is the only mod you should have to worry about, if you're submitting someones models under your name, I will kick your ass -- have little evidence to go on with regards to models being free for use, or not.
Level 15
Dec 12, 2006
It was a thorough question. I KNOW stealing is wrong. I just wanted to know if there was a possible loophole (via the map protection). I thought the rule was made because of the fact that publishing an unprotected map with stolen resources could allow other people to obtain the resources. If it was protected, this wouldn't be the case, and therefore I asked if it was allowed. No need to flame me for it. I did mention in the beginning that I'm not a "noob" and I know the rules.
Level 40
Dec 14, 2005
It was a thorough question. I KNOW stealing is wrong. I just wanted to know if there was a possible loophole (via the map protection). I thought the rule was made because of the fact that publishing an unprotected map with stolen resources could allow other people to obtain the resources. If it was protected, this wouldn't be the case, and therefore I asked if it was allowed. No need to flame me for it. I did mention in the beginning that I'm not a "noob" and I know the rules.
The first bit of that makes no sense. You know stealing is wrong except you don't know if it's wrong (if there's a loophole around it)?
Level 14
Oct 27, 2007
It's like no one read the part where he said (9 posts ago) this:

Alright, that answers my question. Thanks.


Way to beat the horse to death when the original poster already has had his question answered.

Thread reported not for flaming reasons, although you people came very close, but because his question has been answered.
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