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The Plague of Lordaeron


The Scourge of Lordaeron

After preparing for many long months, Kel'Thuzad and his Cult of the Damned finally struck the first blow by releasing the plague of undeath upon Lordaeron. Uther and his fellow paladins investigated the infected regions in the hope of finding a way to stop the plague. Despite their efforts, the plague continued to spread and threatened to tear the Alliance apart.

As the ranks of the undead swept across Lordaeron, Terenas' only son, Prince Arthas, took up the fight against the Scourge. Arthas succeeded in killing Kel'Thuzad, but even so, the undead ranks swelled with every soldier that fell defending the land. Frustrated and stymied by the seemingly unstoppable enemy, Arthas took increasingly extreme steps to conquer them. Finally Arthas' comrades warned him that he was losing his hold on his humanity.

Arthas' fear and resolve proved to be his ultimate undoing. He tracked the plague's source to Northrend, intending to end its threat forever. Instead, Prince Arthas eventually fell prey to the Lich King's tremendous power. Believing that it would save his people, Arthas took up the cursed runeblade, Frostmourne. Though the sword did grant him unfathomable power, it also stole his soul and transformed him into the greatest of the Lich King's death knights. With his soul cast aside and his sanity shattered, Arthas led the Scourge against his own kingdom. Ultimately, Arthas murdered his own father, King Terenas, and crushed Lordaeron under the Lich King's iron heel.

In this campaign, you follow this history, but you play as the Undead.

Player Info:
Race: Undead
Heroes: Kel'Thuzad (Chapter 1, 2, 3), Mal'Ganis ( Chapter 3, 4, 5)
Major Enemy Heroes: Arthas Menethil (All chapters)
Minor Enemy Heroes: Jaina Proudmoore (Chapter 3), Uther the Lightbringer, Muradin Bronzebeard (Chapter 4)

Blizzard Entertainment
- Quest bugs fixed.
- Experience gaining decreased from 50% to 20%.
- Lich King Model replaced.
- Culling of Stratholme dialogue sounds replaced with Blizzard World of Warcraft Sounds.
- Chapter Five: Arthas' Divine shields now last 15 seconds instead of 45.
- Sindragosa's Spawning from air is now fixed in Finale cinematic.

Arthas, Kel'Thuzad, infection, plaguelands, Lordaeron, Mal'Ganis, Northrend, Frostmourne

The Plague of Lordaeron (Campaign)

Level 18
Oct 11, 2008
ok so here's mine revew:
in the first part arthas shouldnt have riflemen not sorceresss and it doesent make shense why malganas puts arthas to sleep when they can just kill him make it that they teleport away or somting.kelthuzads skeletons take food wtf???
now for the second part:
the scarlet crusade was after lordaeron fell so make the red player the order of the silver had and he should have footmen not swordsmen (footmen humans , swordsmen high elfs) and that part near the end with the knights you forgot to add trigger-stop this triger cuz every time an undead crosses the region the message is triggerd even with no knight.
so yeah 2/5 but needs improvment
Level 10
Aug 10, 2008
well the dwarves technology would not be available in first mission for humans as long as Undeads have only Ghouls and Necromancers.
and i wanted to keep the story line like the RoC campaign of humans, so Arthas must not die at the begining.
Kel'Thuzad's Raise Dead ability is something like Crypt Lord's summon Beetle or something like that ability.
the Scarlet Crusade was in Stratholme's Crusader's Square before and after rise of the Scourge.
And this campaign will have more chapters soon, like the Culling of Stratholme, but it will not be like the Culling in human campaign. will be approved soon :D
Level 18
Oct 11, 2008
Level 10
Aug 10, 2008
hmmm, perhaps you are right about the elves or dwarves, i won''t add the rifleman because then i have to add crypt fiends, and in the begining the scourge had no such creatures. and I can change the model of priest to chaplain, but with same skill, that should be ok for now, thanks for the idea
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Level 18
Oct 11, 2008
well atleast add him for part 2 and i forgot to say that you should add some weak attack for the male villagers so that they arent such free kills
oh and id love if we get to play as malganus in the future :wink:
Level 10
Aug 10, 2008
if you ask me to add the rifleman you linked, it's better to add a longbow man for alliance, and since Arthas killed Kel'Thuzad in the 3rd chapters victory cinematic, in the next missions that i'm going to add, you are continuing with Mal'Ganis, but the abilites are Carrion Swarm, Sleep, Shadow strike and infero, not Mal'Ganis' orginal abilities to turn villagers
Level 10
Aug 10, 2008
if Zombies' HP would be below 100/200/300, then it will be 90, 180 and 270, and a zombie with 90 HP can die with a rank 1 holy light, and did you think what kind of units can be turned into zombies? if it's any humans below level 5 like other most abilites, then we can turn a knight into zombie, 950 HP will be 95. and if villagers can be turned into zombies, then they have limited numbers and when there is no villagers, there will be no Zombies.
Level 18
Oct 11, 2008
ok so here's what i tink about chapter 3 and the changes to the other 2

so first the mines with the bandits and trolls are too strong you need a shitload of army to kill them + the hole point of the map is to defent your base so no one in the right mind would go for them.Who was that pit lord in the cage to the north anyways? also the villagers in the north east are neutral passive.Uther shouldnt be the hero for the sillver hand because he meets arthas and jaina after the death of keltuzad so you could just make arthas the hero for blue and jaina for lightblue.Im not sure if the crypth fiends should be there but if they dont replace em with skeleton archers.
I dont like that model you used for the human ranged unit because it looks very UNwarcraftish and doesent really match the other army.The scarlet crusade swordsman was ok. And i think thats it im waiting for chapter 4 (i hope its no lordaeron summer AGAIN)
Level 10
Aug 10, 2008
if i have to change the heroes, then i have to change the whole AI, and if i want to change longbowman to shortbowman i have to replace it with the one which is like the peasant at it won't be nice, also dwarves had better technology than humans, so the rifle won't be good for humans.
don't worry, next chapter is citycape, not lordaeron summer, and then northrend and icecrown glacier.
Level 4
Aug 5, 2009
well when Arthas attacked the town becase he wanted to save the town so make another apreenitice of Mal´Ganis of course it must be a dreadlord so that it made somthing with Uther that he didnt change the mind to help Arthas so Uther was occupied and Jaina and he was turning humans into zombies so he can have help and made that his best attacking unit.Hope it helped i was just suggesting but at the end he kills him so that never happend.:grin::wink::grin::wink::grin::wink::grin::wink:
Level 18
Oct 11, 2008
well when Arthas attacked the town becase he wanted to save the town so make another apreenitice of Mal´Ganis of course it must be a dreadlord so that it made somthing with Uther that he didnt change the mind to help Arthas so Uther was occupied and Jaina and he was turning humans into zombies so he can have help and made that his best attacking unit.Hope it helped i was just suggesting but at the end he kills him so that never happend.:grin::wink::grin::wink::grin::wink::grin::wink:

Well actually arthas said something "i use mah prince powers and now Uther ur not a paladin anymore" so Uther couldnt do anything to stop him and Jaina didn't want to kill the villagers.
Level 10
Aug 10, 2008
well if the town you say is Stratholme, it's not a town, it's a city. Trolman was right about something he said before, Uther never seen Mal'Ganis. and if the artifact is Frostmourne, Mal'Ganis tried to bring Arthas to Northrend so he can claim the Runeblade and hear what the Lich King is saying. BTW, I'm stucked in the Stratholme Chapter (Chapter Four)
Level 18
Oct 11, 2008
wtf still the ugly non warcraftish archer :C
you really should change the paladin in chapt 3 he shouldnt be uther cuz hasnd met with arthas yet.
Maybe you could keep all the chapters unlocked for now cuz i dont wanna play everyting all over again
Now about the new stuff
Iliked the cinematic but some times the terrain sucks it should be raining and the time should be 12:00 like in the original map,there was a bug when the meat wagon fired at a group of villagers and one of them didnt die :xxd:
Level 10
Aug 10, 2008
i won't unlock all chapters cuz many more ppl will download the campaign for first time, the crossbowman that is like a bandit and would not look good. I will look forward for a ranged attacker, and change Uther's name with another Paladin :D And create better abilities for Mal'Ganis
Level 18
Oct 11, 2008
i won't unlock all chapters cuz many more ppl will download the campaign for first time, the crossbowman that is like a bandit and would not look good. I will look forward for a ranged attacker, and change Uther's name with another Paladin :D And create better abilities for Mal'Ganis

oh man but allyourbasearebelongtous doesent work in any of the maps :C and eaven when i kill the paladins base and arthas and Jaina's one the map still goes on XC
you could also change the paladins model 2 and WHY DO THOSE DAMN SEKETONS STILL USE FOOD !?!?!?!????!?
Level 18
Oct 11, 2008
Ok so where do i start...well first in chapter 5 the entrance to the spider's cave was too close to arthas's base so he went attacking the spiders anyways when i got to the spider's lair some nerubians started to spawn and attack the spider ??? i mean the guards i killed were undead nerubians but the nerubians and the undead nerubians were on the same team ???Oh the impale thing for the item doesent work :bored:
Chapter 6 was bad no way poor Mal'Ganus could kill uber arthas unless a total attack buy all the 3 undead waves.There's no bounty (???) so its a real pain in the ass having to wait for the gold.There werent really any useful items and dont add marketplase cuz its all on random and Mal could buy 6 masks of death and arthas would be raped :ned:
so where's chapter 6 gonna be at?
Level 10
Aug 10, 2008
Hadronox's cave is in Chapter four and Next one is chapter five, not 5 and 6. To defeat Arthas you have to aid the Scourge, so that they can get through the base and attack Arthas, I don't think Mask of Death has increases effect if you carry more than one, the Impale ability, I didn't pick up the artifact :D The Anubár champions and the Nerubians were not allies, the nerubians had to keep Hadronox in his cave, because he could destroy all of Northrend.
Level 18
Oct 11, 2008

but why did the start to attack him right now and if they're undead why dont they join Mal and Ras? Oh and fix the item.


atleast add some bounty and items (6 masks of death each 50% lifesteal,if mal does 50 dmg he'll get 150hp back so arthas is fucked)why cant mal levelup more then 10 levels he's not going to live long to enjoy them anyways oh and when the crypt fiends and gargoyles go back to their normal form they just stand there fix that 2