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The Kingdom ORPG

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Level 8
Jan 23, 2008

Ordinn ORPG is a rpg genre that is in planning and mild production. Ordinn ORPG will include ideas from great games such as World of Warcraft, Defianc3(map), FFORPG(map), Runescape, and a lot of its own uniqueness. I have experience with working with all aspects of the world editor, mostly with GUI triggering. Ordinn ORPG homepage: http://www.freewebs.com/aschy/index.htm

Download tester/beta tests from the site and not the provided links on this page for most updated tester - Thanks


Project Team Members: Aschy, Eleandor, Ghoulrush, Urkenstaff, Void

Beta Testers: Delikely, Hellclown

Special Thanks to: Fabioz

Outline of the idea

More than 1 map

Max Hero level:60

Quests: There will be a main story line and many random quests that you can do for exp and rewards

Heros: 3 Classes(Melee, Magic, Ranged) with customizeable subclasses and customizeable subclass skills. (skins in production)

Professions: No planning has gone into this yet, there will probably be 11 professions that you can level all of them, max level maybe between 60 - 99

Endgame(players that are level 60): Yes, I plan on making this on other maps, many, many items will be added to scripted boss fights.

PvP(player vs. player): I think that it would be cool if players choose their own diplomacy with other forces, or if their are PvP battlegrounds maps & PvE Maps. - Ex: Dota Templated Battleground

Dungeons(Instances): I am looking to create a 1 - 60 lvling enviroment both in a exterior and Interior "world" with various items that can be used from level 1 - 60

Items: All kinds: class specific, with custom item models, grades

Hero Kill System: Points for killing heros which can be used to buy items.

Acheivement points: Points for beating bosses and for winning battle grounds which can be used to by items.


I am accepting any suggestions on heros, items, exterior world, interior, Dunegons, Endgame, really anything about the map. Anyone who gives an excellent suggestion/Or helps me with (Current Problems) will get their own custom hero added to my map just for them(get to choose own skills, build, and this hero will be balanced to other heros for matters of pvp. Also it must be given one of the preexisting races) and be credited on my map.

Current Problems

1.Boss Suggestions - I need more boss suggestions anyone who can give me something good that I can work with will get a custom hero remeber to keep it hard but not impossible and add alot of mystery to the solution of killing the boss. ex: dont just make it tank and spank.

2.Lead Modeler - We are looking for someone to take the position of lead Modeler. You will have to create item attachments for 3 base models, item models, etc. Apply in the forums

Progress - Plan/Prod - Current

Unit Planning[5%]
Story Planning[~33%]
Layout Planning[~20%]
Systems Planning[~30%]
Total Production[2%]
Overall Planning Progress[~18.3%]+1.5% PvP BG Planning

We are looking for someone who would like to be the lead modeler with proof of skill. Also We need idea factories so if you are good with ideas or names please join our forums to help throw your ideas into Ordinn ORPG. http://aschyforums.ffrq.com/
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Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
Good luck. So many RPGs that start strong and go no where. I think at one point everyone has tried to make one.

Don't mean to bash you or anything, I do hope you get it done.
Level 8
Jan 23, 2008
Yeah man I hear that. I have started and stopped a couple ORPGs that were only really like 10% done. But I have always wanted a ORPG like this but everyone comes so close, so I will just make one myself.

This is a bump/update. this is just a really small verison that includes 4 heros, their teir sets, some other items and 2 bosses just to show you guys what I have in mind for the rpg. If you are downloading this map file to test the bosses you will need atleast 1 tank(warrior) and 1 healer(priest). Most abilities have little tooltip data, and alot of abilties dont have their own varibles so they cause damage to vary(I will change this later). I didnt not protect this map, if you look at it in the map editor please tell me anything I dont need or that I need to fix or plan old suggestions, and yes I know their is alot of unused varibles.

This Map has a large error when you chose your hero you get skills you are not suppose to please download from next link. Thank you

-------------- New Link --------------

If anyone can tell me what is creating the random fing slowing effect(freezing) that lasts forever that would be sweet. When I complete the DOTA Battle Ground tester dont forget to write down your save code to load your hero into it.


  • ORPGTV.w3x
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  • ORPGTV.w3x
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Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
I tried the first one. I was actually impressed. I didn't think it would be very good at all. The terrain is aweful, but I'm guessing it's more for the skills than the terrain ;)

I liked most of the skills, although it's too WoW oriented IMO. I like creativity. I liked the idea of the spellbook, but IMO you shouldn't have the skills you get per level like that. I suggest having two spellbooks. One has the skills you get per level (Damage, Evasion, ect.) and the other has your passives. Then your active skills can go right in your normal skill bar. I think it would work better.

I hope you get some people, or someone, to help you!
Level 8
Jan 23, 2008
Thank you Gilles for your reply,

Yes the skills are a little random, but my idea was totally wow oriented with "talents" and skills that you get per level. I am thinking changing the idea to where you get either a Melee, Ranged, or Magic hero and you can deside the subclass that you prefer, I dont know if I will keep the "talent" part of the heros. I am currently working with someone on ideas to add to the ORPG. This will probably change alot of the things that I stated in my first comment.

Update - I am about 15% done a bg tester with a DOTA template, you can use loaded heros from the ORPGTV or create level 1 heros to use. If anyone knows the orginal Author of this map please contact me with this information. DOTA_Template_v1.0

Here is a completed Battlegrounds tester for my ORPG with a DOTA template. You can start off with a brand new level 1 hero or you can load your existing hero with your code to use in DOTA. Because there is 60 levels I will create 3 DOTA maps 1 for level 10 - 29 one for level 30 - 49 and one for level 50 - 60 so that lower hero levels dont have to be fased with units(towers, creeps)with superior strength. There are no trees or doodads on the map file I did not have the time to copy them over.


I have added a whole new hero list to be created and I am currently working on the spell system in my map which is near completion. Also anyone who can help me with the (Current Problems)in my starting post) will get a custom hero that they get to build just for them also will be credited on my map. Hero will be balanced for PvP.


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Level 3
Dec 24, 2007
Story help

I could write a story and come up with some hero ideas and professions if you would like.
For your hero points system, I would use wood as the points.

Can you explain your heroes and sub classes better though? Kind of confused on what your asking.
Level 8
Jan 23, 2008
I could write a story and come up with some hero ideas and professions if you would like.
For your hero points system, I would use wood as the points.

Can you explain your heroes and sub classes better though? Kind of confused on what your asking.

Well first off we dont have any story line setup right now so that is perfect if you would like to help us with that. Professions is something that will be harder althought I would like to come up with unique professions a lot of them have already been explored in like all of the RPG's over the ages so if you have to use some idea's from other games I do not really care. I have already set up the hero spell learning system which is volatile so you dont have to keep the same abilities for your character forever.

We have already thought up a lot of the class structure, which is as follows:

First time you play the game you will choose 1 of 3 types of heros,
Melee, Range, or Magic

Which at first seems very limited.. But this is untrue you only use these heros till about level 10. Then you get to choose a subclass for your hero, which is as follows:

Melee: Defender, Soldier, Rogue, Paladin, Blade Master
Ranged: Archer, Ranger, Hunter, Sniper(name subject to change), Warden
Magic: Cleric, Mage, Far Seer, Warlock, Druid
(all heros choose 11 of their favorite skills from around 20+ no more than 25)

I am willing to change these but some I have plans for later in the game for use in dungeons. Each Class also has something very different about each other one class like the Defender would be all about strength and Rogue would be all about Agility, but others like the Soldier, Paladin, and Blade Master will all be hybrids(ex: Agi,Str,Int/Str,Int/Str,Agi).

I also am thinking up skills to give to the 3 base heros(melee,etc). So that I can give the option to people when they are level 10 to automaticaly choose the hero for them based on the skills that they have learned(hopefully they choose skills they enjoy using in rpgs or hero arenas).
Level 3
Sep 25, 2007

I could help you with a nice terain, just tell me what story you mind up for the map and I can get working on something for you :infl_thumbs_up:

Btw, as you were looking for a beter name then "Sniper", I suggest you to name the class "Sharpshooter". About professiones, maybe "Book Binder" could be some1 who can create tomes, scrolls, and items like Book of the Dead.
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Level 8
Jan 23, 2008
I could help you with a nice terain, just tell me what story you mind up for the map and I can get working on something for you :infl_thumbs_up:

Btw, as you were looking for a beter name then "Sniper", I suggest you to name the class "Sharpshooter". About professiones, maybe "Book Binder" could be some1 who can create tomes, scrolls, and items like Book of the Dead.

I love the book binder idea it is perfect, it stays true to warcraft 3 and its orginal for the game. The reason that I was second geussing Sniper was that it sounded to Military and is usually related to guns, we are not sure yet wether we are even using guns in this ORPG yet, because attachments are kind of rediculus. The Sniper class would be focused to more of a crit type hero that hits for lots but drops like rocks.
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Level 3
Sep 25, 2007
I just thought about a new sort of spell, I call it negative aura, or debuff aura: It is very simple, It as an aura that affect enermys instead of allies. Ex: Devoation Aura (Negative vers) Reduce all enermys armour by X in X range.
Level 6
Feb 5, 2008
I see that you have one position for storywriter, but you haven't filled it in as being silent_bob. Has the position already been filled?
Level 8
Jan 23, 2008
I had talked to silent_bob but asked him to send me a idea for a storyline but he hasn't gotten back to me in a while, I am still accepting people for the position of story lines.

@Urkenstaff. Thanks a lot for the spell idea I probably have a good place for that in the ORPG.
Level 3
Dec 24, 2007
Sorry it took so long to write a story, I've been busy with school. Do you want me to leave the story on this thread or message it to you, because it's ready.
Level 7
Aug 29, 2007
I guess I have World Editor experience. But if I get into this project... What would I be supposed to do :huh: Just asking so I'm not dissapointing anyone :con:
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
How is this going Aschy? If you ever need help, let me know.

How are you doing your questing? I am devising a (IMO) good multi-player quest system if you ever require one.
Level 21
Aug 21, 2005
I'm very experienced in GUI and have basic knowledge of JASS. Lately I try doing everything in jass to get more skill.
I also am a terrainer, but if Void is active on that part, I'm not worried we'll have a bad terrain :)
I also have some idea's and ways to implement things such as professions, ...

Gilles, how does it basically works?
Level 8
Jan 23, 2008
I'll be a tester if you still need one.

Yes Hellclown I will always be needing testers for when the time comes I will write you down on the starting post so I dont forget to inform when the time comes that we need testing done.

How is this going Aschy? If you ever need help, let me know.

How are you doing your questing? I am devising a (IMO) good multi-player quest system if you ever require one

Its going well Gilles thank you for your concern, execpt for not being able to work as many hours as I would like on the project. I would love a good quest system ours is not yet planned hardcore yet. Btw how is your project coming?

I'm very experienced in GUI and have basic knowledge of JASS. Lately I try doing everything in jass to get more skill.
I also am a terrainer, but if Void is active on that part, I'm not worried we'll have a bad terrain :)
I also have some idea's and ways to implement things such as professions, ...

If you would like to help me with some advanced GUI triggering that I cant seem to figure out that would be cool. Also what are your plans for things like professions I have a couple of idea's of how I was going to use them but usually there is always a better way.

I will also try and get some screen shots up soon.
Level 7
Aug 29, 2007
what kind of area would you say your "strengths" are with the world editor?
Hm.. Not really sure. Guess it's kinda map designing. Like "It would look good with an area with mountains here" and such. (Not the big terrainer though :huh:)
I also think myself as a good "idea maker". I kinda started hundreds of maps by my own, but actually never finished then because I didn't have the motivation. (I will have it here because there is others counting on my :thumbs_up:)
Level 8
Jan 23, 2008
Hm.. Not really sure. Guess it's kinda map designing. Like "It would look good with an area with mountains here" and such. (Not the big terrainer though :huh:)
I also think myself as a good "idea maker". I kinda started hundreds of maps by my own, but actually never finished then because I didn't have the motivation. (I will have it here because there is others counting on my :thumbs_up:)

I think I have just the thing for you to work on I am just in school though and kina busy and I am trying to find work for other people right now I can probably find some stuff for you to work on and plan in about a week or so if thats ok with you.
Level 6
Jun 23, 2005
Well I could make spells or maybe some other triggers if you just gimme the ideas. Im fairly good with gui. Im not interested on creating other triggers i can help with problems of course and maybe do something other too..

Also im not sure what kind of quest system you are going to make, but it shouldnt be cinematic for orpg. I could also help with quests.
Level 7
Aug 29, 2007
I think I have just the thing for you to work on I am just in school though and kina busy and I am trying to find work for other people right now I can probably find some stuff for you to work on and plan in about a week or so if thats ok with you.
Sounds good. Can't wait getting started :grin:
Level 5
Aug 16, 2007
I'm very good at JASS triggering/systems, If you want advanced, efficient JASS triggering, I can do it.
Level 36
Jul 1, 2007
Hmm sorry I haven't been doing a lot of terraining on the map recently, I only work on projects on the weekends and my weekends have been filled up. I'll do some more as soon as I can.

Also, I'm not going to put any towns on yet, I want you to screenshot where you want them directly on the terrain just so I don't make any mistakes.
Level 8
Jan 23, 2008
Time for the Meeting

Bump/ Update

Hey Guys,

We have been doing some planning on the ORPG, but most of my work has gone into the website and the new forums. But to continue planning we must meet together there is a topic the old forums discussing this. The date for the meeting is next friday but a time has not been disclosed at this time because we dont have enough information on the times when people are available.

Thanks Aschy
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