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The Great Construction (No imports) / MadseN

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Level 9
Sep 2, 2007
Greetings !

Long time since i last posted something here, but i finally got some inspiration from the contest that haven't been published yet. So i decided to post a WIP of my contribution so ppl can come with suggestions and so on.

The picture is resembling a left over from a old empire that went underground.

The scene have no import what so ever. only standard wc3 stuff.



  • The Great Construction2.jpg
    The Great Construction2.jpg
    159.3 KB · Views: 508
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
Not really sure MadseN.

Maybe add some tinted river rushes and remove a few shrubs?
Level 36
Jul 1, 2007
At first glance this is awesome, but now I can pick out little details that I don't really like ;)

Anyway, don't add river rushes. They are, well, river rushes... and I don't see any rivers. You might want to tint the shrubs a bit darker though, they are very bright green compared to the bushes and trees.
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
At first glance this is awesome, but now I can pick out little details that I don't really like ;)

Anyway, don't add river rushes. They are, well, river rushes... and I don't see any rivers. You might want to tint the shrubs a bit darker though, they are very bright green compared to the bushes and trees.
They work very well as a grass-like plant. How are they only for rivers? I forgot to mention that you have to change the variation to 3 to remove that ugly cattail.
Level 19
May 1, 2008
If you look hard i haven't used any "river rushes" :wink:
ye his right river rushes are ugly cuz u need to tint them because they always glow even if u use nighttime
he used shrubbery and bushes and i see u used world tree trunk, but idk what u used for the leaves and i really want to know
Level 37
Nov 24, 2007
First I want to say Hi to you MadseN, never really said anything to you or anything, and never had the chance either, really :p Now, what !I! mean, is the following: If I made the terrain I would tint those white arches and other white stuff a bit darker to fit better with the whole terrain, but yet again; I hate contrasts, others like it, so I dont know... And I would also make another Shrub model, only having it at max size like 0.50 and min size 0.25 and sett it at the very edge of the road, to make that little extra grass feel, or something :p Anyways, its looking nice nevertheless ^^
Level 10
Aug 22, 2008
The broken gate things on the ground in the foreground is annoying. And yeah I think the shrubs would be better if they we're tinted a bit darker. But it's pretty cool anyway. I love your other terrains ;P
well welcome back (maybe?) Madsen... ^^

and i have to tell you some of the members.. are trying REALLY hard to reach your level.. as me .. or thedeaththunderxx.. or /Naze... anyway.. we shure need someone of your experiance that could help us.. by giving some good tips..

FamousSpeaker, Void and Gilles.. helped us alot...


now sorry for the randomness of the text above... REALLY NICE TERRAIN!!! really!...
C'mon mad, do a challenge with me :D

I have a fair chance of losing but hell with it, it will be fun

DO IT!!!!:eekani: i beg you to accept :razz:

please ? :sad:

cause than we could have a GOD of terraining BATTLE!!:nw:

and THAT!!! would be AWSOME!!:ugly:
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
Hehe, maybe later, have my hands full here as it is in the military but in a month or two i'm free from military service and maybe then i'll begin terraining again. :wink:

For good? Has it been that long already?
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