The Final War V4.7 AI+

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
This map is like Dota with four races.
It's a little unbalaced in late game but it's fun for me.
Update V4.7
Added nutral.(They drop Ankh of Reincarnation)
Removed Tome of Power and Ankh of Reincarnation from the shop.
Make super creeps in the middle lane so it is possible to push in middle.
Mask of death was too strong so Fixed lifesteal to 10%.
Changed max level to 25

Thank you for playing this map.

Final, war.

The Final War V4.7 AI+ (Map)

07:29, 26th Jul 2011 -Kobas-: Status: Rejected
Level 24
Oct 12, 2008
Good Points
- I somehow liked the centre area of the map where eveything clashes. Feels chaotic.

Bad Points
- Standard items with 1 or 2 campaign ones. The recharge time of items being the standard melee time is so long that really only 1 person can buy items at a time.
Other things such 400g Blink Dagger and 800g Ankh's are not exactly balanced.

- Standard heros and abilties, despite the level cap being higher than 10 they dont scale past the 3rd level. The fast rate of levelups also renders most non utility abilities useless within 5 minutes.
Also, melee abilties dont fit nor are they balanced in this game. Utility based characters ie. Most mages, are useless. Their skillsets are balanced to players in melee and in a hero based game, just crap. On the other hand the usual Blademaster, Mountain King, Demon Hunter dominate to the point everything else is useless.

- The middle of the map is one huge mess of creeps constantly clashing. In other words, you cant push towers or do anything but just sit and farm.

- I dont normally complain about terrain, but this time I will. Simply because its so bad it actually affects the gameplay. Open straight lanes with no doodads or any features whatsoever. You cant ambush or use the terrain for anything gameplay related.

- When you buy an item it falls and on the floor and you have to go pick it up.

- You get exp for sitting in base and not doing anything.

- Attribute Bonus doesnt work beyond the fourth level

The Verdict
Ive really no idea what to say.