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The Archeron ORPG 1.00c

Version 1.00c Beta

Palooo3 and Blood Raven presents :
The Archeron
"Esoteric" the land of mystical creatures & its mysterious geographies has long fascinated mankind to roam across different continents to discover its greatness of natures' natural designs. Although this is a land of wonders but monstrous & beastly creatures lies within this great world. Evil lurks within the shadows of the cities as the cult known as the The Iniquitous deceives the innocent eyes as recruits to plan a war & take over the capital city named The Archeron after the death of the first king, Serean Archeron who died in the hands of the cult leader Espvron Warlock. You grew up in a peaceful village named Forestwood at the age of 20 as the capital The Archeron had a call to arms session you were chosen to be a soldier.

This is where your journey begins.

Important note:
This is early beta release, not everything is garantueed to working on multiplayer since my internet dont allow me to test it, not all systems are imported.
Also map has high file size beacuse of many imports. I will remove uneeded, since base of map is on Ultimate Terrain Map.
Map will be updated very often.
- some descriptions are missing
- hunter class is unplayable
- not all items have attachments and bonuses
- so far game wasnt tested in multiplayer
- quests awards only experience as rewards
- many balance fixes are needed
- XP differences between levels are needed to be calculated and balanced
- need export many custom imports witch we are not using
- credits list will be added as soon as possible, need to collect all of people names
- save/load systems needs improvment and single-player defence
- import aggro (threat) system
Please report me any buggs you find

Map is Unprotected

Special Thanks:
- Spinnaker, for his excelent systems and bugg fixes
- Trigger Happy for CodeGen
- Kanadaj for his spells and loading screen converting
- Vengeancekael for his help and minimap converting
- Hiveworkshop, for great resources, tutorials.

About map:
The Archeron ORPG is teamplaying based map, contains Player vs Player locations, also Bosses and instances all around the map. People can complete quests, completing challanges, collect items and special ingredients for proffesions, but mostly have fun together. Map affords you dungeons, PvP arena, AI battleground and minigame. Each difficult challange will get award you with amout of Mark of Heroism with those you can buy the strongest ingame items.

- Save/Load codes
- Inventory system
- Dungeons, also Hard mode selection for them (dungeon mobs and bosses are replaced with stronger ones, also loot is increased)
- Drop system
- Sharing XP/Bounty system
- Enterable/exitable buildings
- Changeable camera view
- Multi-user quests
- Attachment system
- Special armor system
- World bosses
- Your own character build, talents
- Item combining
- Proffesions
- Minigame/s
- Battleground
- PVP arena
- Mark of heroism

- Priest
- Priest is pure healing and tank-supportive character, in later game, his talents can be changed to damagive, or even stronger healing

- Thief
- Thief is used to harm enemy unit, slowing it attack speed, armor and dealing poison damage,

- Hunter
- Hunter is range damagive character, hunter can call followers of nature to serve him in fight.

- Warrior
- Warrior is primary tank unit. He offers great resistance against pshychical attacks, also damagive buffs for friendly units.

- Shaman
- Shaman is most changeable character ingame. He can be talented as healer, damage but also as Elemental tank (Tank against spells and debuffs), but also his resistances against psychical attacks are low. Also his totems support allies in fight.

- Magician
- Magician is summoning character. He can raise warriors to server you in fight, but also he has many damagive abilities, and damage over-time abilites.

Item Types:
- Leather: Used by Thief and Hunter
- Cloth: Used by Priest and Magician
- Mail: Used Warrior and Shaman

Item quality
- Common
- World-boss, Elite, rare drops from XPing units
- Dungeon bosses, Mark of heroism purchase
- Rare dungeons bosses, Hard-mode dungeon bosses, Crafted items

-load (code)

Game in Numbers, Beta
- 1 Instance with 4 bosses
- 68 wearable items
- 5 world bosses
- 11 quests
- 5/6 classes completed
- level cap setted to 20

Project Recruiment

-Attachment modeler
-Camera triggers creator
-Advanced spells creator

1.00c Beta
Since map was rejected, I have decided to make many improves.:
- Heroes now have tooltips
- All spells now have tooltips
- All items have drop descriptions
- Many minor bugg fixes
- Thief is now selectable
- Bounty from units is OFF, now there is triggered one
- Now you start with amout of gold
- Different Missile arts
- Sound sets for heroes changed
- Balance Fixes: (Increased starting HP, damage, armor and stats. Enemy units deal less damage, in shorter periodic. Mana cost and mana regen has been increased, and tons of other fixes.)

-1.00b Beta, Minor bugg fixes,
Removed my testing units
Added Gameinfo, Commands and Story to F9 log

-1.00 Beta, First Beta Release

Also, I am sorry for mistakes, my English isnt best.
Have fun playing.


orpg, instance, raid, dungeon, bosses, shaman, classes, save, load, fun, teamwork, rpg, bosses,the archeron, items, quests, zones, desert, forest, gno

The Archeron ORPG 1.00c (Map)

10:47, 7th Sep 2011 Vengeancekael: Problems fixed. ---- A really badly executed ORPG, it lacks unique quests and the gameplay could use some attention as well. However the environment is beautiful.




10:47, 7th Sep 2011
Problems fixed.
A really badly executed ORPG, it lacks unique quests and the gameplay could use some attention as well.
However the environment is beautiful.
Level 10
Nov 24, 2010
player 1 can't pick thief Oo
No tooltips can be seen at the wizard spells
Wizards mana isn't enough to take more than 1 lvl 1 mob down...

Yes descriptions (tooltips) are not finished.
Hmm you are true i will decercase mana costs, and increase mana regen by inteligence

Why is this pending?

Well my map is not in map section, i dont know why :eek:

Oh lol i had filter on Approved maps, and mine is still pending lol


The gameplay really isn't special, you pick a class and go around killing stuff. The quests get repetitive after 2 minutes, you just have to kill 10-15 wolves and then 15 gnolls and so on and on.
The classes are the most boring part of the map, I don't think any of them have any customs spells whatsoever, Water Bolts is just the rocket ability with a different missile effect.
The map also lacks an intro, kinda weird to start off the map just like that.
The shaman's voice just really doesn't fit his model.
The classes are very underpowered, the shaman can't even kill a wolf on his own. An auto balance system would be nice, which would detect how many players were playing and then weaken the enemy units.
Also why does the Wizard only have 4 spells? And why are the spells in a spellbook?


The only good part of the map, the terrain. The environment looks really neat, there are different areas with completely different climates, a desert, a forest, ...
A lot of custom models have also been used to make things really look attracting.


The most unpolished map:

*Barely any tooltips whatsoever
*Player 1 cannot pick Thief (not close enough)
*The wisp does not get removed from the game, so that the player can pick 5 heroes
*Wrong tooltips for items (Totem of Haste has a different tooltip when on the ground)
*Add a color to the game message 'Gnolls/wolves/.. slain'
*Can't finish quest 'Kill 15 gnolls'
*Remove the receive quest skill from a quest giver once you've gottten the quest

It's 'chosen' not 'choosen'.
Add some movement to the village and city, people going around, ...


A really badly made RPG, the terrain is trying to hide the terrible gameplay, but fails at it.

Rating: 1/5

Please do not upload an unfinished map.
Level 30
Jul 31, 2010
Map Review
The Archeron ORPG (No Version/s Stated)

Rating System:






Note: The playability and how it is entertaining in play.

Note: View of the map's terrain.

Note: About the outcome of the game's mechanics.




Game is quite interesting, although their are a lot of objects or things that must be fix since the game felt low to me even though I'm a huge fan of rpgs. I couldn't understand the spell book because it doesn't show any directions or descriptions on how to use it [mostly all of it], creep difficulty is way too high [for creeping, not the boss raid] no shops to buy for potions, scrolls, and such, and I die for 30 secs? I suggest by reducing it to 20. in other words, the game is on still on progress. and I notice something about the creeps, are wolves an undead race?

WC3ScrnShot_082611_163008_01.jpg WC3ScrnShot_082611_164444_08.jpg WC3ScrnShot_082611_163421_03.jpg



Terrain almost hit an astounding imagery, but I just have to say that it still lacks quality and also monotone in such a way the mountains look like a hill, and buildings look like it was hit by a storm and threw all the roofs away and make everyone suffer the cold night, anyways its a good idea to show the interiors of each houses. but the terrain also needs loving.

WC3ScrnShot_082611_163137_02.jpg WC3ScrnShot_082611_164326_07.jpg


Overall, the game is under development as I looked and observed how you guys had made the map, and I appreciate it because its on-going and truly a teamwork, but as you guys manage to add more stuff in it, I notice their are bugs or leaks?[not looking in triggers] but on how the outcome of the game ended up, its just saddening. you can use all of the heroes without limits?, creep respawns are somehow bugged, and grammars were mispelled. hope you guys can check them all up.

WC3ScrnShot_082611_164801_09.jpg WC3ScrnShot_082611_164136_06.jpg WC3ScrnShot_082611_163851_04.jpg WC3ScrnShot_082611_163950_05.jpg

Total Score:


Status: Pending [conditioned for updates and fixes]
pm me for comments after reading this review
Rating changed from 1/5 to 2/5 (acceptable), however you still need to reduce the amount of leaks in your triggers for your map to get approved.
The 2/5 is mostly because of the nice terrain, gameplay-wise no points whatsoever:

*Add custom spells (either make them yourself or use ones from the spells section)
*Add more interesting quests (catch the target/create an item using alchemy/...)

-> Memory leaks tutorial
Level 10
Nov 24, 2010
Thank you, well why open Alpha?.
It is Beta, and it will be Beta since i fix all current buggs, make all spells and classes fully working, Instance Caverns of Crystals will be avaliable in Hard mode, add quest and shops to Archeron Keep. When this will be fixed, we will continue terrain to further parts, open The Castle of Black Templar, PvP arena, Thorns minigame and level cap will be 30.
Level 30
Jul 31, 2010
Thank you, well why open Alpha?.
It is Beta, and it will be Beta since i fix all current buggs, make all spells and classes fully working, Instance Caverns of Crystals will be avaliable in Hard mode, add quest and shops to Archeron Keep. When this will be fixed, we will continue terrain to further parts, open The Castle of Black Templar, PvP arena, Thorns minigame and level cap will be 30.

it should be Alpha, because alpha maps are those that can now be uploaded here in the map resources, but if you call it beta, it will violate the rules and thus get rejected again :)
so uh, just make it alpha and then make updates for it instead.
Level 10
Nov 24, 2010
Many buggs, fixes, rebalances, improvments, details have been improved last week, I am about to release 1.00D
so far, here is changelog:

- Wizard has new spell
- Most items have been rebalanced
- Item costs rebalanced
- Intro cinematic
- Single player detection ---> saving disabled in single player
- Added 1 quest
- Massage when you pick "Not for your class" item
- Massage when you "allready have item of that type"
- Not for your class now work perfectly
- Some sounds has been added
- Map filesize has been decercased a little, still working on more
- 4 New items to buy in Forestleaf village, so village would not look that empty
- Some "life" has been added to forestwood
- Floating text size has been decercased by 15%
- Tons of small bugg fixes
- Major bugg fix: Bleed
- More descriptions
- Upgraded F9 log
- Thread description updated
- Shaman has now got passive ability
- XP differences between levels has been changed

All this changes will make map better quallity, and im sure also approveable
Level 1
Aug 3, 2009
This shouldn't have gotten approved. Even with the 2/5 rating. This should go further into development before being posted as a somewhat finished / polished map. I'm considering this an Alpha, which, by the Hive's standards is unacceptable. Also, I deeply question the map's originality, seeing how almost everything reminds me of a poorly executed Gaia's Retaliation ORPG.

This is only my opinion. If some of you agree or not, I'd love to hear your side of the story.
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Level 8
Mar 3, 2009
I have a lot to say, if you guys are still working on this.

Firstly, this map has a lot of potential. There's loads of beautiful terrain, quests, 5 heroes etc. And in my experience that's the hard part. All you probably need to do is tweak the combat, redesign some of the heroes and quests and fix up a few minor things and this map will be great.

Secondly, a lot of the people on hive are assholes (mods: if you're one of them, go ahead and ban me). Behind the big post counts, flawless grammar and fancy review schemes they'll hate on your map before they even play it properly. One guy didn't even seem to read my description, and yeah... but this isnt about me.

The point im making is if you want to make a map don't worry about what they think. You'll also have to accept that warcraft 3 doesn't have many players anymore... my maps are a hit at LAN parties though :) Anyway, i'll list a few things you might consider changing for better gameplay.

- Give enemies much less life, at least at the start
- For proof of concept, try playing with neutral hostile or whatever handicap set to 30%
- Fix tooltips for quests, abilities and items. Otherwise people won't even bother playing.
- Give out less quests at the start, its a tad discouraging to pick up 4 or 5 straight away
- Make hero abilities pack more of a punch, and clean up the tooltips for them so that players can see them having an effect
- Remove spellbooks and add QWER hotkeys and I think you'll find people like your map just for that
- Add some camera controls like locked, unlocked, and varying distances (I find 2000 to be good)
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Level 10
Nov 24, 2010
I have started other project since I have loosed motivation for this but I'm really thinking to improve this so people could have atleast a little nice gameplay.
Or maybe I should delete this from Maps section beacuse this lack alot ;(
This shouldn't have gotten approved. Even with the 2/5 rating. This should go further into development before being posted as a somewhat finished / polished map. I'm considering this an Alpha, which, by the Hive's standards is unacceptable. Also, I deeply question the map's originality, seeing how almost everything reminds me of a poorly executed Gaia's Retaliation ORPG.

This is only my opinion. If some of you agree or not, I'd love to hear your side of the story.

It's approvable. But it needs a lot of work. It does indeed seem like a less-good version of Gaias Retaliation, but it is still decent compared to other RPGs.

You can consider this a quick-finished version of Gaias Retaliation, which sacrificed some quality in order to actually get the game completed.

It's hard to appreciate this map, though, because it is so similar to Gaias Retliation that I am forced to compare it to it while I play, causing me to enjoy it less, as it is very hard to live up to a game like Gaias Retaliation.

It's not very original, the terrain is the only good aspect of it at the moment. I'll have to generously give this a 3/5.

This could be significantly improved; the hardest part of making the game is already out of the way. All you need to do is add a bit more fun into the gameplay by possibly improving the spells and giving the player more options in building their character.
Level 6
Aug 29, 2011
Allright after some playing [LvL7]Wizzard....
If you think/want to update:
+Add Fountain[HP & MP] Restore
+Item Shops
+Be Sure that only 1 hero per player is ingame, cause last game played,.. everyone could pick more than 1 hero
+Repair/Fix/Update.. Tooltips.
+Remove that Evade things from mobs... [Invul. if not attacked] - cause spells miss/not hit them
Will edit if find anything more
About Gaias... Who cares about that map, this one is someone's hardworking project!

Keep it up
EDIT: Make map Protected in future :)
Level 3
Dec 31, 2010
map was ok, stat-based spells would be great, terrain was quite nice, and yeah, you still can pick all 5 heroes in the game due to wisp not being removed.

alot of missing tooltips, shops were not organised. i didnt know they were shops still i clicked on the guy. Items in shops would be best if the items were labelled properly, eg: a label in front of the name of the item telling players what item type is it. it really sucks when you save up and you buy the wrong item due to items not properly labelled.
good suggestions of marking the item would be:
[item type](item name)
small description.
item placement(hat, body, legs, offhand etc.)

i believe that would be more organised.
Also, put a set colour for item types, and the colour for rarity of item on the item name. it would really help this way.

ps: priest, seriously? all healing spells. at least put one holy offensive on him. it really sucks to call him to just whack using normal wands.
gnoll quest triggers wilkin box quest together, and gnoll quest is completed at another group in the desert.
perfect shell quest needs 5 shells, for some reason.

edit: tested your save load function, and my priest items do not save.
Need to introduce cooldown for your scorpid king, hes too overpowered, dealing aoe spells every second. With poison.

moar edits: wondered what priest's first skill does. can't seem to tell.
Also, why is the minos hand or something(blue item from diff dungeon) for thief, has the same stats as the thief's beginning item? makes no sense.

even moar edits: priest buys book from shop, cannot equip.
priest gets gnoll book from gnoll boss, can equip.

hard mode dungeon spawns some archer with 1-1 attack, invul etc. couldnt do the damm dungeon after 2 runs, due to it blocking the damm path.

last note: you can equip loads of weapons. wow. my character has 6 hands.
you want me to upload the replay?
replay here.
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