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Terrain Request Shop

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Level 13
Feb 8, 2009
Terrain Request Shop [Closed ATM]

The Terrain Workshop!

Welcome to my Terrain Workshop, i have few weeks of free time. I'm gonna open a Terrain Workshop, here you can request any terrain for your map project. You will need to follow this template, so i can accept the request.
You will be informed when your terrain will be finished.

Single Player:
All you need to answer is yes or no this could go with map type but I want to be positive if it's single player or not.
Map Type:
This Could count as anything such as RPG or Melee etc.
Imports/Import Space:
What imports are allowed and how much space the imports can take up note this only applies if it's not a single player.
Map size:
Note I cannot use JNGP because my computer hates it so max is 256x256 also anything above 256x256 will probably take a lot longer then normal 1-3 weeks being a rough estimation.
Terrain Theme:
Such as a forest or a bandit camp.
Terrain Details:
This part is very important if you tell me to just make a forest and add whatever in it I will just make a forest period I will add nothing unless you request it.
There are 3 possibility's for this one Low,Normal,High depend on the one it will take longer so if you pick High it won't be done as quick as normal so if you pick high do not whine that is isn't being finished quick enough. Also this is also effected by size of the map so a High + 256x256 will take awhile.

Single Player:
Map Type:
Imports/Import Space:
Map size:
Terrain Theme:
Terrain Details:
Here you can find finished terrains:
Request #2 - Graverer
Time took to finish:6 days
Map MB:879.3 KB
Creator Comment:There you go I can make small edits if something doesn't fit right with you but besides that I think it look's good.
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Single Player: Multiplayer
Map Type: Random Hack&Slash/RPG
Imports/Import Space: As much as you need, as I don't know how much space terraining takes.
Map size:256x256
Terrain Theme: Heavily Forested, but obvious pathways/easy movement. Minimum amount dead ends.
Terrain Details: Mainly it is jusr forest, which you can make as you please. But a fairly large portion of the map should consist of a Tavern, which is your starting Location. Also a top floor of the tavern (not as big) and a hero selection area is needed. Everything else is forest.
Quality: Medium. I have a pretty old comp so don't go excessive. But you have to make the land not flat/using one terrain tile.

I also started on a map of this, I'll show it to you so you get some ideas.
View attachment Tavern.w3x
Level 13
Feb 8, 2009
Very bad idea to use UTM for it being as it's multiplayer but I will start right away on a new map instead of the one you have gave me if you don't mind.
Single Player: No. Multi-Player
Map Type: Hero Defense
Imports/Import Space: As much as you need.
Map size: 128x128
Terrain Theme: Forest/Jungle. Swamp-ish.
Terrain Details: So basically it's a jungle. It has a couple of waterfalls here and there. It also has some areas where hostile untis/creeps can be found. There should be a tavern probably located at the middle (you can change it if you want. I thought it would be more convenient this way)
Quality: High. But if you think it's too much then you can make it medium.

If you make this map I promise to give you +rep. :)
Thanks very much L2love!
Level 3
May 29, 2009
If the Shop is still open...

Single Player: Multiplayer
Map Type: Random Hack&Slash/RPG
Imports/Import Space:Hope it won't be more then 1mb :D
Map size:96X96
Terrain Theme:Ashenvale Forest,2 or 3 Hiden Patch Ways and if you can make Mountains,make 1 on the bottom right corner(i don't mind and without mountain)
Terrain Details:Just an Awesome Forest
Quality:High ofcourse

If you will need my map to make the terrain,tell me,or just make it on a map 96x96,i will copy and paste it.Also i use black fog on it.Actually i will need and more forests,dungeons and etc...but i won't bother you with them :D.If you wanna help me for my map with terraining,PM me.It was a secret project untill now...
Level 13
Feb 8, 2009
It still is open I have bin giving dark wips and also would you like any buildings in your terrain because your just saying make a forest and that's all I will add I need details it's why I added that.
Level 3
May 29, 2009
It still is open I have bin giving dark wips and also would you like any buildings in your terrain because your just saying make a forest and that's all I will add I need details it's why I added that.

I just need some cool forest :D,whit big trees,but if you are talking about destroyed buildings,yes.Just now i got 1 idea lol,if you have some cool casttle,add it,it would be cool-in the upper right corner.

EDIT:Ohh and the forest should be non-flat,flatness sucks! :D
Level 3
May 29, 2009
Request #2 - Graverer
Time took to finish:6 days
Map MB:879.3 KB
Creator Comment:There you go I can make small edits if something doesn't fit right with you but besides that I think it look's good.

TY for finishing my request,the terrain is rly cool!
I would like to request new terrain if you don't mind,i will rep you again ofcourse,i'll ask my friends to rep you 2 ^^
Single Player: Multiplayer
Map Type: Random Hack&Slash/RPG
Imports/Import Space:Hope it won't be more then 1mb :D
Map size:96X96
Terrain Theme:Dungeon,with vulcans,also 1 boss area,2 hiden patches cause it's hard to make hiden patches on ths theme
Terrain Details:Just an Awesome Forest
Quality:Medium,high needs 2 much space :/

Also,can i ask you for something?Rly sry for requesting this,but can you convert the Ashenvale forest to medim quality?Or i can do it myself?i will give you credits both ways,so i think it's not so big problem,or is it?
Level 13
Feb 8, 2009
After I finish darks I will work on yours and I need more detail on how you want the Ashenvale forest converted to medium quality?
Level 3
May 29, 2009
After I finish darks I will work on yours and I need more detail on how you want the Ashenvale forest converted to medium quality?

yes ^^(medium quality)with medium i mean the normal quality,that the trees are inthegame.

EDIT:pls don't use custom models on the new terrain i requested,i didn't copy the old ones cause they were 2 much,so it looks terribly on my map :(
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Level 4
Apr 23, 2008
Single Player: 5v5
Map Type: AOS
Imports/Import Space: prefer to be less than 1 MB can work with 1.5MB
Map size: 160*160
Terrain Theme: Spring/summer Vs Fall/winter.
Terrain Details: Basically i want to have 2 sides fighting against each other. one side will be a sunken ruins side with sand terrain, i want this side to represent the spring/summer. The opposite side of the map should be the fall probably Barren grass terrain, and the Boss monster mentioned in the middle of the map area should be winter so probably ice texture and hills with snowy trees surrounding just that area. A good model would be the DOTA Template 2.0 Terrain but i would like it to me more entertaining color wise and doodad wise.
Quality: High enough quality to be visually appealing but not too high of quality that it will lag the game play too much. I gave pictures of both the concept and the ideal quality.

Level 13
Sep 24, 2007
Map Type:Strategy
Imports/Import Space: You can import stuff you deem needed to make the terrian. Try to keep it to under 1.5 mb
Map size:256x256
Terrain Theme: Similar to Europe and the Mediterranean regions
Terrain Details: I would like to have some large forests spread out in the map that can be chopped down. Also would like some mountain ranges. With some rivers. The rest is really up to you
Quality:I don't know what the different quality levels mean but It doesn't need to be very high quality as the terrain is not the feature of the map. So I guess Normal

Additional Information - Do you think you could add some choke points that would make it so armies have more of a chance of meeting up. Like mountain passes river crossing and narrow paths in forests.
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Level 13
Feb 8, 2009
Edit template info so just make sure you read it if your map is anything above 200x200.

P.S. I will be working slow on any new terrains important things happening to me at the moment not a lot of time.
Level 13
Feb 8, 2009
It just means for any map above 200x200 size will take longer then a lower sized map being as they take a lot more time to fill and any new requests I get will take longer being as I have to prepare for things one is a wedding and others is all.
Level 2
Oct 21, 2010
Hey dude you are quit amazing @ terraining

My Request

Multi Player: 8
Map Type: AoS
Imports/Import Space: 1-2mb
Map size: 160x160 or something which suits a aos map with duel arena 2 Boss Mob areas 1 hero pick are
Terrain Theme: Sunken Ruinen/ Pirat
Terrain Details: Some thing which suit a AoS (Heros will be some One Piece Charackters)
Quality: As you please I pm you what i got :p

If possible creat 2 caves one upper right corner sec bottom left corner and a bit ofer the mid line where the creeps will collied a walk-in waterfall where i can place the boss porter :p

Regards bullet110
Level 4
Apr 23, 2008

I would like these as the fall trees if possible they are perfect. when you get to mine of course

And I updated my request since i felt it was too much like dota, and i wanted to make it more original. There just isn't much i can think of to do with a 3 lane AOS map to make it original outside of color theme and Jungle locations.


Just so you don't have to go back and find it.

Again thank you and i hope Darks map turns out great for him. :)
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Level 4
Aug 19, 2009
Okay here is my request. I hope you can help me cuz i stink at terraining.

Single Player: Multiplayer (12)
Map Type: Survival
Imports/Import Space: As much you think is necessary
Map size: 192*192
Terrain Theme: An Arctic forest area with snow where there could be living animals like wolves and snowrabbits.
Terrain Details: This terrain is for a survival map where you start in a arctic area and need to stay warm and still fight the other players or ally them. That means that the map needs to have somewhat strategical points where a basecamp can be made. You can check me request thread "Requesting Arctic Terrain" for more info on how it should look.
Quality: Make it as you the only think im asking is: Make it so it look realistic please. It should look like a arctic forest. And yes by forest i mean that the most of the map should simply just be forest. Again, look at my request thread for more info on water and stuff.

Well thats it i hope you can help me. When you got the time could you pm me to tell when i could expect it to be finished?
You will of course be credited in map and get +rep.
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Level 7
Dec 10, 2010
Single Player: Singleplayer & Multiplayer
Map Type: Survival
Imports/Import Space: Just like in the map that i gave you
Map size: 192x192
Terrain Theme: Apocalypse town like in Resident evil.
Terrain Details: You are in infected town you must survive for 30 min, and search for other survivors in the town.
Quality: Make the quality much better then this map don't use some imports from the map some are with bad quality. :S

Level 3
May 12, 2009
If you're not too busy with all the others, i'd have a request here:
(little feedback if/when u start working at it would be aweseome)

Single Player: no
Map Type: RPG/Action
Imports/Import Space: < 500kb would be nice
Map size: 192x192
Terrain Theme: Ice Caves (like Icecrown Glacier)
Terrain Details: I have in mind a Dungeon, which is built on several small rooms/caves through which the players can walk
Quality: normal (since my own skills are less than low at this point^^)

If you take a quick look at my former [thread=182140]map[/thread] u will see what i'm actually looking for. It should be of the same kind, i just want to make a map with different theme but same game mechanism
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Level 12
Dec 17, 2009
Single Player: no
Map Type: AoS
Imports/Import Space:As much as you need
Map size: 192x192
Terrain Theme: Sucken ruins (See imagen below plz)
Terrain Details: A demigod map 'copy' i guess, so i need you to leave a space next to the map to put some 'taverns'.Plz add (white fog affct too)
Quality: HIGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!IIII111111111ONE.


Level 13
Feb 8, 2009
Damn I have a lot of requests to so I will try to work fast and get a lot of them done in the next few weeks so sorry if you will be waiting.
Level 13
Mar 28, 2010
Single Player:Multiplayer
Map Type:Arena
Imports/Import Space:2 mb
Map size:128x128
Terrain Theme:Ashanvale
Terrain Details:If you can make some bases there that are dodads and no units and a selection area for 12 heros its great :D
wish you luck and ofk i rep ya and credit ya for terrain
Level 3
May 12, 2009
Hmm, in this thread there are lots of famous movies & games for terraining. Demigod, LOTR, Resident evil. :3

indeed, i bet this will lead into some very nice maps.
I saw lots of LOTR/HelmsDeep/FortressSiege - maps, but none of them was really that i'd say 'wow', so i'd really be curious to see L2love's wc3 version of 'minas tirith', sounds like a big project
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