Heres a quick structure techtree of the Arachnid team, which is one of the less creative ones. This isn't finalised so I may or may not add additional structures..
These two are, in this order, the Beast team and the Shifter Clan (working name).
Not sure whether or not to post the trees for the unlockable teams.
On a side note: Everything I've posted on this project thus far is completed, not planning.
The Arachnid Team is the most basic one available. If the name didnt give it away, this team consists completely of spiders (and Nerubians). One interesting feature is that one of their towers spawns spiders instead of a normal attack. This team uses seperate units for building and harvesting, is reletivelly easy to mass and decently low cost. The Nest, Lair and Hive are Town Halls; The Egg and Egg Clusters provide supply; Guardian Spiders and Burrows are defencive towers; Hatchery (Tier 1), Nerubian Barracks (Tier 2), and Fissure (Tier 3) are unit production buildings which are upgraded to produce upgraded units.
The Beast Team is similar to the Arachnids in the way it's controlled. Beasts consists of Wolves, Quiled (which are Razormane), and Hulks. Unlike the Arachnids, the Beasts tend to use one rescource more than the other (Lumber) to expand, and favour offence over defence which would mean they are better for massing quick damage before dying. The Enclosure, Shelter and Warren are Town Halls; The Shroom Patch and Shroom Clusters and Shroom Gardens provide supply at different amounts; The Stone Towers are defencive structure which buffs allies; Wolf Den (Tier 1), Huts (Tier 2), and Caverns (Tier 3) are unit production buildings which are upgraded to produce upgraded units.
The Shifer Clan is alot different to the previous Teams. The biggest change would be how the upgrading of units works: In most cases, upgrading a unit production building gives you a second, enhanced unit to purchase. But the Shifters are instead granted the ability to shapeshift into the "upgrade" and vise versa since each form posesses varying styles. The Shrine, Altar and Dark Havens are Town Halls and Production Buildings; The Shock Tower and Betrayer Ziggurat are powerful defencive towers; Library (Tier 1), Education Facility (Tier 2), and Marks of the Aven Betrayer (Tier 3) are used to enable the production and shapeshifts of units, and as a source of Supply. Needless to say, this is one of the harder Teams to play.
UPDATE - 26 April
Here's an incomplete structure techtree for the Elementals (Can't spoil everything). As shown, the Elemental Techtree is alot less strict than that of the other teams. This team is the one which players will combat throughout the majority of the project, therefore some of the more powerful and challenging units will be constructed within this techtree. To create flexibility between roles of offence/defence, two catagories of Elemental are used : Fire and Air. Fire focuses on heavy damage but at low speed, whereas Air focuses on fast damage at the cost of power. The Elemental Temples (Lesser and Greater inc.) are the Town Halls; The Tributes to Air/Fire are upgradable production buildings; The Flaming Tower and Gusting Towers are defencive structures whic follow the same DPS rules as the units; the Tokens an Monuments to the Elementals provide supply at different amounts. Again: this techtree doesnt show all.
UPDATE - 17 June
Here's the the 6th and final team, the Sehkmet. The idea is looselly based on the Egyptians (Sehkmet was the goddess of warfare and revenge). The Sehkmet are an advanced civilisation in the arts of Magic and Metal, with the ability to craft powerful structures and even arteficial life in the form of Golems. Chaotic Priests dominate the team by being used as an incredibly useful line of defence, initial units, and as the simplest source of supply (The Sehkmet have no structures to produce Supply). The Tombs of Lords/Kings/Gods are the Town Halls; The Adulatory (Tier 1), Soul Well (Tier 2) and Metalurgy (Tier 3) are unit production buildings; and the Obelisks of Blessings/Faith/Sacrifice are defencive towers with differing AOE abilities. All structures are built at a slightly slower rate than those of the other teams. If played the way I play them, the Sehkmet are quite good at defence and interesting to play.
EDIT: Ummm... Sh**, moved this away from first post. Could someone help shift this if possible?