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Techtree(s) Preview

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Level 8
Nov 5, 2005
Thanks Wolverabid!
Heres a list of the hero classes, I guess they can go here. If not, I can always move it.



Precision Blows - Increases melee damage at the cost of mana.
Critical Strike - Adds a chance to deal a high amount of damage on hit.
Ghost - Allows the Assassin to become invisible at the cost of speed.
Fatality - Causes the target to quickly and helplessly die.

<Ice Mage>
Frost Bolt - The Ice Mage fires a shard of frost at the target which stuns it and sends it sliding backwards.
Chill - Causes the target to move at a much slower speed.
Frozen Guard - Places a shield on the target which slows melee attacks when hit.
Wrath of Winter - A chain of chilling magic flows over the small target area, dealing massive damage.

Flamebolt - Causes an explosion which makes the target and immediatelly nearby enemies take damage.
Burnify - Launches fireballs at nearby enemies.
Inner Fire - Immolates the Pyromancer, harming nearby enemies at the cost of mana.
Blaze - Flame covers the skies and incinerates enemies in the wake of the Pyromancer.

Guided Sight - Increases ranged damage at the cost of mana.
Critical Strike - Adds a chance to deal a high amount of damage on hit.
Ghost - Allows the Ranger to become invisible at the cost of speed.
Flurry - Immensly increases the Rangers ranged attack speed temporarily.

<Shadow Mage>
Shadow Nova - Curses targets in a cone infront of the Shadow Mage to lose life over time.
Shadow - The Shadow Mage may fade from reality briefly when hit to lose the interest of enemies.
Equivilency - Heals nearby units of life at the cost of the Shadow Mages life.
Damnation - Creates a portal through which demonic forces will attack any and all enemies possible.

<Sower of Life>
Reguvinate - Heals the target over time.
Spirit Aura - Increases the life regeneration of all nearby allies.
Conversion - Converts life into mana.
Weave Flesh - Instantly heals the target to 100% life.

Summon Beetles - Summons a group of clustered beetles.
Sheepfall - Summons sheep in the sky, which proceed to fall to the earth crushing unlucky enemies.
Summon Ethereals - Summons units which double as fighters and advanced harvesters.
Replication - Summons an exact replication of the target.

Static Burst - Deals weak initial damage, followed by moderate damage reletive to the Technicans Magic.
Mechanial Medics - Summons mechanical units which will heal the Technicans allies.
Electric Current - Shocks several enemies in a chain.
Destructive Pulse - Deals high damage reletive to the Technicans life in damage to all nearby units.

Shadow Step - Moves the Thief instantly behind the target, which additionally stuns the victim briefly.
Plunder - Steals gold from the pockets of the target.
Counter Attack - Melee attackers recieve damage when attacking the thief.
Vanish - Causes all nearby enemies to become stunned.

Otherworldly Summons - Summons near immobile Fear Spawns at the feet of the Diabolist to attack nearby enemies.
Hellfire - When hit, the Diabolist has a chance to summon flame which burns touching enemies.
Searing Burst - Launches dark magic at nearby enemies.
Chaos - The ground trembles as blades emerge to slice and impale enemies around the Diabolist.

Alchemy - Brew - Creates at random either a mana boosting potion or a life boosting potion.
Alchemy - Mechanic - Creates at random either a net to ensare enemies or a spear that can be thrown at them for damage.
Alchemy - Enchantment - Creates at random an item which passively boost either the Magic or Power of the hero.
Alchemy - Conjuration - Summons a powerful Iron Defender to assist the Alchemist

<Maritime Sage>
Drown - Launches a magically compressed orb of water which attempts to drown enemies in a line.
Summon Amphibian - Summons an Amphibious Guard to defend the caster.
Liquify - The target moves faster, but has a chance to miss when attacking for 12 seconds.
Soothe - Magic rains over nearby allies, healing them.

As I've said before, your hero is built by the player through its stats, model, attack range and class.

WARNING: Minor Spoiler Ahead

And here's the plot characters (In chronological order):

Calan'dar (Introduced in Level 1) - A prophet who has come to aid the Generals in any way possible. He believes strongly that by following an ancient prophecy the Generals can end the Elemental invasion.

Araes (Introduced in Level 2) - Araes has saught refuge in an underground cavern for hundreds of years, where he has discovered the Fountain of Youth which keeps him alive. Araes plays a large roll in the Prophecy.

The Archdruid (Introduced in Level 3) - A powerful being, and Lord of Nature. The Archdruid is discovered by the Generals under siege by the Elementals and must be saved in order to gain him as an ally.

Of cause there are more characters than this, but the rest are more-or-less secondary characters.
EDIT: And there's more than 3 Levels, the others just dont introduce crucial characters.
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Level 8
Nov 5, 2005
""shroom" usually means narcotic mushrooms"
Wasn't aware of that actually. Shroom is now renamed to Mushroom although it won't show on the techtree up there.
Forgot to mention specifics, but there's 6 teams in total. 2 are unlockables that I'd perfer to not spoil. As for the other, I'm pretty stumped on what to use but I'll try to sort out ASAP.
Level 2
Apr 12, 2006
so this is made as a campaign it looks like, correct me if im wrong.

i always like people that make new races and stuff casue eventually get bored with old ones.

looks good so cant wait to try =]

sorry for that dumb post lol um i didnt even bother to read the "what is ..." sticky.

so yes its a campaign...duh
Level 5
Apr 12, 2007
so this is made as a campaign it looks like, correct me if im wrong.

Um dude...theres a sticky on this forum section that can answer your question.

Anyways, nice techtree! Is the Shifter race more like the undead in the style of gameplay?
Level 5
Apr 12, 2007
I mean like how the undead uses there tier 1 melee unit (ghoul) as workers to get lumber or having summonable buildings?
Level 7
Feb 13, 2006
I hope you mgiht add a few more buildings or something because when i look at them it looks like its missing something...but otherwise its great!
Level 8
Nov 5, 2005
Heres a quick structure techtree of the Arachnid team, which is one of the less creative ones. This isn't finalised so I may or may not add additional structures..

UPDATE - 6 April
These two are, in this order, the Beast team and the Shifter Clan (working name).
Not sure whether or not to post the trees for the unlockable teams.
On a side note: Everything I've posted on this project thus far is completed, not planning.

Arachnid Techtree
Arachnid Tech Tree Beta.jpg
The Arachnid Team is the most basic one available. If the name didnt give it away, this team consists completely of spiders (and Nerubians). One interesting feature is that one of their towers spawns spiders instead of a normal attack. This team uses seperate units for building and harvesting, is reletivelly easy to mass and decently low cost. The Nest, Lair and Hive are Town Halls; The Egg and Egg Clusters provide supply; Guardian Spiders and Burrows are defencive towers; Hatchery (Tier 1), Nerubian Barracks (Tier 2), and Fissure (Tier 3) are unit production buildings which are upgraded to produce upgraded units.

Beast Techtree
Beast Tech Tree Beta.jpg
The Beast Team is similar to the Arachnids in the way it's controlled. Beasts consists of Wolves, Quiled (which are Razormane), and Hulks. Unlike the Arachnids, the Beasts tend to use one rescource more than the other (Lumber) to expand, and favour offence over defence which would mean they are better for massing quick damage before dying. The Enclosure, Shelter and Warren are Town Halls; The Shroom Patch and Shroom Clusters and Shroom Gardens provide supply at different amounts; The Stone Towers are defencive structure which buffs allies; Wolf Den (Tier 1), Huts (Tier 2), and Caverns (Tier 3) are unit production buildings which are upgraded to produce upgraded units.

Shifter Techtree
Shifter Tech Tree Beta.jpg
The Shifer Clan is alot different to the previous Teams. The biggest change would be how the upgrading of units works: In most cases, upgrading a unit production building gives you a second, enhanced unit to purchase. But the Shifters are instead granted the ability to shapeshift into the "upgrade" and vise versa since each form posesses varying styles. The Shrine, Altar and Dark Havens are Town Halls and Production Buildings; The Shock Tower and Betrayer Ziggurat are powerful defencive towers; Library (Tier 1), Education Facility (Tier 2), and Marks of the Aven Betrayer (Tier 3) are used to enable the production and shapeshifts of units, and as a source of Supply. Needless to say, this is one of the harder Teams to play.

UPDATE - 26 April

Elemental Techtree
Elemental Tech Tree Beta.jpg
Here's an incomplete structure techtree for the Elementals (Can't spoil everything). As shown, the Elemental Techtree is alot less strict than that of the other teams. This team is the one which players will combat throughout the majority of the project, therefore some of the more powerful and challenging units will be constructed within this techtree. To create flexibility between roles of offence/defence, two catagories of Elemental are used : Fire and Air. Fire focuses on heavy damage but at low speed, whereas Air focuses on fast damage at the cost of power. The Elemental Temples (Lesser and Greater inc.) are the Town Halls; The Tributes to Air/Fire are upgradable production buildings; The Flaming Tower and Gusting Towers are defencive structures whic follow the same DPS rules as the units; the Tokens an Monuments to the Elementals provide supply at different amounts. Again: this techtree doesnt show all.

UPDATE - 17 June

Sehkmet Techtree
Sehkmet Tech Tree Beta.jpg
Here's the the 6th and final team, the Sehkmet. The idea is looselly based on the Egyptians (Sehkmet was the goddess of warfare and revenge). The Sehkmet are an advanced civilisation in the arts of Magic and Metal, with the ability to craft powerful structures and even arteficial life in the form of Golems. Chaotic Priests dominate the team by being used as an incredibly useful line of defence, initial units, and as the simplest source of supply (The Sehkmet have no structures to produce Supply). The Tombs of Lords/Kings/Gods are the Town Halls; The Adulatory (Tier 1), Soul Well (Tier 2) and Metalurgy (Tier 3) are unit production buildings; and the Obelisks of Blessings/Faith/Sacrifice are defencive towers with differing AOE abilities. All structures are built at a slightly slower rate than those of the other teams. If played the way I play them, the Sehkmet are quite good at defence and interesting to play.

EDIT: Ummm... Sh**, moved this away from first post. Could someone help shift this if possible?
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Level 4
Apr 14, 2007
so you could buy "mutalisks" and "guardians" from the "larvae" or whatever, but "mutalisks" could turn into "guardians and such? upgrading units one by one?

different explanation: say you have footmen. researching shields up thingy gives you footmen with antipiercing. but you can build either antipierce or normal and pay money to switch between them, and to upgrade any footmen already built you have to... bad explanation.

wc2 trolls. you buy something and they turn into berserkers. but with this you can build either berserk or normal and any trolls already out must be individually upgraded.

is one of those it?
Level 4
Apr 14, 2007
u can create a hexblade class

Hexblade's curse-decrease targets attack and trength
poison use-poison on weapons
arcane strike-use arcane power to imbue dmg
confusion strike-stun target and decreasing chanse to hit

please stop spouting d&d stuff.

kk the siege tank makes it make sense. but that's a transformation, not an upgrade.
Level 12
Feb 1, 2007
I read back about shifters and the upgrade and am here with another example, and yes it will be with Siege Tanks again.

Player 1 has a Factory LVL1 which can produce Siege tanks, tank mode. When he upgrades it up to LVL 2, he can then build siege tanks siege mode (dont ask me why you would) However, when the LVL 2 is created, the tank modes can transform to siege mode, and the siege mode can transfor to tank mode at will.

That is at least what I got out of it. Maybe the creator should give us some more info... like a small demo map to clear this up.
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