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Tech-Tree and units/buildings description

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Level 19
Nov 14, 2004
Soo, at last alpha tech-tree :)

-Halls of Invention
>-Halls of Science
>-Halls of Creation


-War Academy

-Supply Depot

-Tech Center

-Altar of Gears


-Defensive Post

-Tinker's Hut

Tier 2 buildings

-Mechanics Facality
~ Mechanostrider,
~ Hover Copter,
~ Steambird,

-Technology Sanctum
~ Bombardier,
~ Mechanic,
~ [anti-caster, name not decided]

-Tank Factory
~ Spider Tank
~ Artillery Tank

Units\Building description:

Halls of Invention\Science\Creation:

The main building of gnomish troops. Serves as drop-off place for resources and upgrading it give possibilities for new units\upgrades.

Tier: 1
Trains: Engineer
Requirements: none
Upgrades: [not decided]

War Academy

The place where basic gnomish troops are trained. Contains upgrades for them aswell.

Tier: 1
Trains: Rifleman, Nullifier, Pounder
Requirements: Halls of Invention\Science\Creation
Upgrades: [not decided]

Supply Depot

Structure providing gnomish troops with food supplies.

Tier: 1
Trains: none
Requirements: Halls of Invention\Science\Creation
Upgrades: none

Tech Center

The place where most gnomish upgrades are being made. Also has the abillity to replenish energy (mana) and serves as drop off point for wood.

Tier: 1
Trains: none
Requirements: Halls of Invention\Science\Creation
Upgrades: Weapon and Armor Upgrades, [not decided]


Defensive structure where infantry units such as Rifleman or Bombardier can enter and defend more efficently.

Tier: 1
Trains: none
Requirements: Halls of Invention\Science\Creation
Upgrades: none

[tower building, no name decided yet]

Basic defenisve structure. Can be upgraded with various addons.

~ Saw Tower addon - upgrades the tower to shot saws that can shot different saws. And can shot massive saws that are controled by Gnomes inside the tower. That deal massive damage to everything in the area even the tower itself. Be warned to only use this at a needed time.
~Fire Saws
~Freezing Saws
~Exploting Saws
~Ricosha Saws

~ Anti-infantry addon - upgrades the tower to deal additional damage to light and heavy armors,

~ Anti-vechicle addon - upgrades the tower to deal additional damage to fortified armor,

~ Atni-air addon - upgrades the tower to deal additional damage to medium armor,

Tier: 1
Trains: none
Requirements: Halls of Invention\Science\Creation
Upgrades: none

Tinker's Hut

Shop building. Sells items crafted by tinkers interested in gaining some money with thier creations.

Tier: 1
Trains: none
Requirements: Halls of Invention\Science\Creation
Upgrades: none

Mechanics Facality

Advanced building producing tier 2 units. Contains upgrade for them.

Tier: 2
Trains: Mechanostrider, Hover Copter, Steambird
Requirements: Halls of Science\Creation
Upgrades: [not decided]

Technology Sanctum

Caster building. Let's say it produces gnomish "casters". Contains upgrade for them.

Tier: 2
Trains: Bombardier, Mechanic, [anti-caster]
Requirements: Halls of Science\Creation
Upgrades: [not decided]

Tank Factory

Structure producing more advanced tier 2 units. Contains upgrades for them.

Tier: 2
Trains: Spider Tank, Artillery Tank
Requirements: Halls of Science\Creation
Upgrades: [not decided]
Level 19
Nov 14, 2004
Units description:


Basic Worker unit. Can harves resources, build buildings and repair. Can be upgraded to architect

Tier: 1
Abillities: Build, Harvest, Repair
Requirements: Halls of Invention\Science\Creation


1st "caster" units. Can deploy in various stations.

Tier: 1
Abillities: Deploy to: Support Station, AA Station, Siege Station
Requirements: InventionScience\Creation, Tech Center, Archiect Upgrade


Basic infantry unit. Can enter many buildings and vechicles from wnich can attack to give additional damage.

Tier: 1
Abillities: Enter Building/Vechicle
Requirements: Halls of Invention\Science\Creation,


Basic melee unit. It's mechanical. What more? :p

Tier: 1
Abillities: [not decided]
Requirements: Halls of Invention\Science\Creation, Tech Center


Heavy robotic melee unit. It's mechanical too :p

Tier: 3
Abillities: [not decided]
Requirements: Halls of Creation, Tech Center,
Tinker's Hut


Heavy infantry unit. Ranger-caster type (like let's say dryad)

Tier: 2
Abillities: [not decided]
Requirements: Halls of Science/Creation, Technology Sanctum


Primary support "caster". Can repair and improve machanical units.

Tier: 2
Abillities: [not decided]
Requirements: Halls of Science/Creation, Technology Sanctum, Tech Center

[anti caster unit]

Will be revealed later :p


Fast unit good for "hit and run" tactis.

Tier: 2
Abillities: [not decided]
Requirements: Halls of Science/Creation, Mechanics Facallity,

Hover Copter

Primary flying AA unit. Probably without abillity to attack ground.

Tier 2
Abillities: [not decided]
Requirements: Halls of Science/Creation, Mechanics Facallity, Tech Center


Flying unit able to attack air and ground units, altough is more effective vs ground units.

Tier 2
Abillities: [not decided]
Requirements: Halls of Science/Creation, Mechanics Facallity, Tech Center, Tinker's Hut

Spider Tank

Fast (but not THAT fast :p ) light tank unit. Low dmg, fast attack. Attacks ground and air units.

Tier 2
Abillities: [not decided]
Requirements: Halls of Science/Creation, Tank Factory,

Artillery Tank

Slow and vulnerable long range siege unit. Can shoot misilles at reaally long distances.

Tier 3
Abillities: [not decided]
Requirements: Halls of Creation, Tank Factory, Tech Center

Heroes will be listed in "Heroes of Gnomeregan" thread :)
Level 5
Jun 22, 2004
Tower Idea

I have a idea for a tower upgrade.

Saw Tower (Needs better name. lol)

-This tower shots saws that will cut into units. With abilitie nad abilitie upgrades.

-Saw Blast
Blasts out 20 saws that are controled my a Gnome in the tower that flys them around dealing 35 damage. And 5 damage overtime. Lasts 15 Seconds.

-Bomb Blades
Creates blades with will explode on inpact. Dealing plus 10 damage. And dealing area damge of 150 and 5 damage overtime do to saws. Lasts 10 secs.
-(Any other building upgrade to will be added)

Wut do you think?

Level 5
Jun 22, 2004
I have a good idea for a Orb. Orb of Shock.

Orb of Shock
-When attacking a Tech unit it slows them down and does 75 plus damage to tech units.
-Adds plus 10 damage.

Like a eletric shockwave that stops tech stuff like in real life =). I have got of good ideas for items. The shop could have two Orbs that would be cool.

Level 5
Jun 22, 2004

-New Tower

~ Saw Tower addon - upgrades the tower to shot saws that can shot different saws. And can shot massive saws that are controled by Gnomes inside the tower. That deal massive damage to everything in the area even the tower itself. Be warned to only use this at a needed time.
~Fire Saws
~Freezing Saws
~Exploting Saws
~Ricosha Saws

This tower is still under work.

-Comment On This Tower Please.

Level 2
Feb 15, 2006
i got a idea for what the towers could look like, well, you know those stands that they put the planes on? one for ex. is infront of gnomer next to the crashed plane. maybe just put a turret on that and wamo, of course, it would be a model :roll:
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