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[General] Tavern Revive Hero costing no gold?

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Level 9
Mar 17, 2016
I'm trying to make it so you can buy your hero back when they die from a tavern, but for whatever reason it does not cost the player anything. I've looked at the gameplay constants and there's nothing set to zero that says "Hero Revive Cost" or anything like that (Except for lumber, but I don't want lumber involved) This is happening on a tavern that has the Revive Hero Instantly ability.
Am I missing something?

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Level 9
Mar 17, 2016
You're right, I set the "Stats - Gold Cost" to 900 and then there was a cost to the respawn buyback. I think I will just make a triggered version of buying back, because there is no good way to add a hero cost in the current state of the game. Thanks as always, Pwnica!
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