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Tavern/Altar does not work properly

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Level 5
Feb 5, 2008
Hi! =)

I picked up the work on an old map I began to create a few months ago, I am currently on a Warcraft trip again. =D

So I have been triggering around and worked on the system of the map. It is an arena, supposed to be played with 4 players. I want the players to buy their heroes at altars, so I thought I'd just do it like it's done with the tavern: "Sold Units - blabla", but somehow this does not work, the heroes are not listed in the altar ingame. I also just edited the sold units of the tavern, same problem. Not even the default ones are displayed. The thing is that I can resurrect dead heroes at the altars, so there is no bug with the altar itself. I also tried to simply put units that can be trained at a normal altar (paladin, mountain king, ...) into "Sold Units".

I tried it with a completely new and "empty" map. I noticed that the tavern gets broken when editing the Altar of Kings, but why the hell? Still, the altar worked properly with "Sold Units", they were listed ingame. (I reset the altar of the arena map and just changed "Sold Units", but it did not work, this isn't logical. oO)

Maybe it's worth to say that I am using JNGP 1.5a, so I have Warcraft 1.22a with a 1.21 world editor.

So if someone would take a look on this, I'd sent him my map. Thanks. =)

Hm, another thing to mention is that I imported (with JNGP, so the old data does not get overwritten) triggers, custom units and all those things from another map I created once. If that was the problem, why should new maps bring up the same problem?

Well, thanks for reading this. =)
Level 5
Feb 5, 2008
This ability isn't needed, not even the tavern itself does so. I still tried it, but it does not make any difference.

I am really wondering what's going wrong with this map. I reset the tavern and placed it somewhere, focused it ingame, but not even the default heroes are displayed.

In a new map, both tavern and altar work fine, but when I edit something about the altar the tavern somehow just sells 5 heroes instead of 8.
Level 5
Feb 5, 2008
I made a map just with
1. a tavern
2. 2 starting locations
3. 2 altars
4. 2 mountain kings
(It is for 2 players due to testing on Battle.net.)

It it attached to this post, no modifications, still the tavern just lists up 5 heroes (should be 8).


  • tavern only.w3x
    12.6 KB · Views: 84
Level 13
May 11, 2008
yeah i already explained what your problem is...let me give you a screenshot

you always have to make this for your map or lots of things can go wrong...

including but certainly not limited to: having frost wyrms doing piercing damage instead of magic...tavern heroes not being available.

and Dragoon_Jett is absolutely wrong about his above post. i've never come across a reason you would want to not use melee latest patch for making a map but since it's not the default people go with the default setting and they get screwed over.


  • melee (latest patch).jpg
    melee (latest patch).jpg
    164.9 KB · Views: 395
Level 5
Feb 5, 2008
I couldn't post this afternoon 'cause the server has been to busy.

I did that setting for the new map and it worked fine, seems to be the solution for that one.
But somehow this does not change anything about the arena map, still not working. The tavern doesn't even show 5 heroes, it shows none, and so does the altar and the mercenary camp (is it called like that?).
The thing is that they obviously can't sell heroes, but normal units.

So I'll attach the newest version to this map, with the setting you told me to use, and I hope anybody of you can solve this. Thx and +rep to you. =)

Attachment removed.
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Level 13
May 11, 2008
well when i tried testing your map it was so full of bugs i don't know where to begin...you need to take all those heroes away then you can probably summon a hero at the tavern.

maybe you should just ctrl-a to select all units, delete, and start placing units again. there are just so many units on the screen!

another option is to do ctrl-a to select all units, and make them all owned by neutral passive, and then take it from there.
Level 5
Feb 5, 2008
Why the hell does this work now ... oO
Well, thanks for that, this should be solved, at least for a while. ;)

I found out why the tavern lists no heroes at all. It's because of the three hero limit.
Now, another question (=D): Is there a way to disable this limit? This is annoying when still editing the map.
Level 13
May 11, 2008
i've got a better idea.

why don't you add some testing triggers.

you can do something like

player 1 red enters a chat string equal to "hero 1"
create 1 unit of type paladin

player 1 red enters a chat string equal to "hero 2"
create 1 unit of type mountain king

and so on. or you could put all the hero create actions in one chat command like "all heroes".

another option...you have a huge number of heroes, that's crazy man. why don't you just edit a few at a time?

another option...make all those heroes neutral passive...then make a trigger that does this:

player 1 red enters a chat string equal to "give heroes"
player 1 red enters a chat string equal to "test heroes"
unit group pick every unit in units owned by player neutral passive and do actions
change ownership of picked unit to triggering player
Level 5
Feb 5, 2008
You know I sometimes have those ideas for just one ability for one new hero, so this creates a huge mass of heroes. =D

Quite good idea to do it like that, I'll try it I think.

But there is no way to disable the 3-heroes-limit? (For the disabling thing I mean.)

Ok, I found out about this. Thanks for help. =)
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Level 3
Nov 3, 2008
If you are using custom heros you ned to add your hero to the Gameplay Constants in order to make the computer accept your new created unit as a Hero.
To do this select [Advanced] – [Gameplay Constants]. Then double click [Techtree - Dependacy Equivaliants - Hero] and add the unit.
Also do similar for the tavern if it is a custom building but instead its [Techtree - Dependacy Equivaliants - Altar].

Hope this help ;)
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