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Tainted Cresent

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
This is my first model, thanks to Fabioz Scratch-Made Weapon Attachments with Particle Emitters Tutorial. Most prefered as a two handed weapon, equppied by paladin (OmniKnight in Dota).

Sword, Cresent, Tainted, Tainted Cresent, Blade, Model

Tainted Cresent (Model)

19:16, 10th Apr 2009 Pyritie: Yeah, um, what?
ok. i havent tested ingame yet but there are obvious problems

mesh- the mesh is paper thin. i dont know what the hell a tainted cresent is or not but i am sure the handle is not 2 d. and i am sure the blade aint paper thin either

particle emmitter- the particle emmitter is square. use another texture like cloud8x8 or something. not somthing that ends up looking square

texture- as mentioned before the texture is like wtf. it is as if you were too lazy to look up some proper texures in the mpq, picked some random generic texutre and done with it. right now the model just looks black and white. get some steel texture or something cos right now, this is just retarded.

altho, i admit. excpt for the 2d problem, the mesh from the side is pretty good. especially for a first model. just follow my advice and i am pretty sure this will get approved without problem