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Recycles missile dummy units while considering their facing angle.
Warning: this uses an ObjectMerger statement to create a dummy unit with the rawcode 'dumi'. I have saved over my original test map data so I will have to rebuild the original tests I was using with this resource one day. Until then, I can provide a simple map for you, upon request, if you want to C&P the object editor data and/or model from that.
Warning: this uses an ObjectMerger statement to create a dummy unit with the rawcode 'dumi'. I have saved over my original test map data so I will have to rebuild the original tests I was using with this resource one day. Until then, I can provide a simple map for you, upon request, if you want to C&P the object editor data and/or model from that.
library MissileRecycler initializer PreInit requires optional UnitIndexer, optional UnitDex, optional UnitIndexerGUI /*
MissileRecycler v
Written by Bribe
Vexorian, Anitarf and iNfraNe for the dummy.mdx model file
Nestharus for the Queue data structure and for finding that paused units
consume very few CPU resources.
Recycling dummy units is important because the CreateUnit call is one of,
if not the, most processor-intensive native in the entire game. Creating
just a couple dozen dummy units in a single thread causes a visible frame
glitch for that instant. The overhead is even higher if you are using a
Unit Indexing library in the map which causes some extra evaluations per
new unit.
There are also reports of removed units leaving a little trail of RAM
surplus in their wake. I have not been able to reproduce this so I don't
know how serious it is.
I was motivated to create this system because removed units might be un-
safe in very large numbers and CreateUnit is a very heavy process.
The thing that makes this system different than others is the fact that
it considers the facing angle of the dummies being recycled, which I have
never seen another system even attempt before this. Since then,
MissileRecycler has inspired Anitarf to update XE with the same angle-retaining
capability and Nestharus has created Dummy. Considering the facing angle is
important because it takes 0.73 seconds for the unit to turn around,
which - when overlooked - looks especially weird if you are creating a unit-trail
or if you are shooting arrow-shaped objects as projectiles. For fireball effects or
effects that generally don't depend on facing angle, this system would be
a bit wasteful.
With default settings and the worst-case-scenario, it will take 0.09 seconds for
the projectile to turn to the angle you need. This is 1/8 of the normal worst case
scenario if you weren't recycling dummies considering facing. On average, it takes
roughly 0.045 seconds to turn to the angle you need (which is not noticable).
However, I have made this completely configurable and you are
able to change the values to whatever needs you have.
Calibration Guide:
The thing that surprised me the most about this system was, no matter how
complex it turned out, it became very configurable. So I should let you
know what the constants do so you know if/how much you want to modify.
constant real DEATH_TIME = 2.0 //seconds
- Should not be less than the maximum time a death animation needs to play.
Should not be lower than .73 to ensure enough time to turn.
Should not be too high otherwise the dummies will take too long to recycle.
constant integer ANG_N = 8
- How many different angles are recognized by the system. Don't do
360 different angles because then you're going to have thousands of dummy
units stored and that's ridiculous, the game lags enough at 1000 units.
Increasing ANG_N increases realism but decreases the chance that a dummy
unit will be available to be recycled. I don't recommend making this any
lower, and the max I'd recommend would be 16.
constant integer ANG_STORAGE_MAX = 12
- How many dummy units are stored per angle. This limit is important
because you might have a spike at one point in the game where many units
are created, which could result in too high of a dummy population.
In general, I advise that the product of ANG_N x ANG_STORAGE_MAX does
not exceed 100 or 200. More than that is excessive, but you can
hypothetically have it up to 8190 if Warcraft 3's memory management
were better.
Preloads ANG_N x ANG_STORAGE_MAX dummy units. Preloading dummies is
useful as it dumps a lot of CreateUnit calls in initialization where you
won't see a frame glitch. In the 1.4 update, preloading is done 0 seconds
into the game to ensure any Indexers have already initialized.
private function ToggleIndexer takes boolean flag returns nothing
- Put what you need in here to disable/enable any indexer in your
map. if flag is true, enable indexer. If false, disable.
API Guide:
You obviously need some functions so you can get a recycled dummy unit or
recycle it. Therefore I provide these:
function GetRecycledMissile
takes real x, real y, real z, real facing
returns unit
Returns a new dummy unit that acts as a projectile missile. The args
are simply the last three arguments you'd use for a CreateUnit call,
with the addition of a z parameter to represent the flying height -
it isn't the absolute z but relative to the ground because it uses
SetUnitFlyHeight on that value directly.
function RecycleMissile
takes unit u
returns nothing
When you are done with that dummy unit, recycle it via this function.
This function is pretty intelligent and resets that unit's animation
and its facing angle so you don't have to.
// Save the map, then delete the exclaimation mark in the following line.
// Make sure that you don't have an object in your map with the rawcode
// 'dumi' and also configure the model path (war3mapImported\dummy.mdl)
// to the dummy.mdx model created by Vexorian.
//! external ObjectMerger w3u ewsp dumi unam "Missile Dummy" ufoo 0 utyp "" ubui "" uhom 1 ucol 0.01 umvt "None" umvr 1.00 utar "" uspa "" umdl "war3mapImported\dummy.mdl" umxr 0.00 umxp 0.00 ushr 0 uerd 0.00 udtm 0.00 ucbs 0.00 uble 0.00 uabi "Aloc,Amrf"
//Thanks to Vexorian that Optimizer 5.0 no longer kills natives
native UnitAlive takes unit id returns boolean
// You must configure the dummy unit with the one created from the
// ObjectMerger statement above.
private constant integer DUMMY_ID = 'dumi' //The rawcode of the dummy unit.
private player OWNER = Player(bj_PLAYER_NEUTRAL_EXTRA) //The owner of the dummy unit.
private constant integer ANG_N = 8 //# of indexed angles. Higher value increases realism but decreases recycle frequency.
private constant integer ANG_STORAGE_MAX = 12 //Max dummies per indexed angle. I recommend lowering this if you increase ANG_N.
private constant real DEATH_TIME = 2. //Allow the special effect on
//the unit to complete its "death" animation in this timeframe. Must
//be higher than 0.74 seconds to allow the unit time to turn. This
//number should not be lower than the maximum death-animation time of
//your missile-units' effect attachments, just to be safe.
private function ToggleIndexer takes boolean flag returns nothing
static if LIBRARY_UnitIndexer then
set UnitIndexer.enabled = flag
elseif LIBRARY_UnitIndexerGUI then
set udg_UnitIndexerEnabled = flag
elseif LIBRARY_UnitDex then
set UnitDex.Enabled = flag
private constant integer ANG_VAL = 360 / ANG_N //Generate angle value from ANG_N.
private constant integer ANG_MID = ANG_VAL / 2 //The middle value of angle value.
//Misc vars
private unit array stack //Recycled dummy units.
private real array timeStamp //Prevents early recycling of units.
private integer array queueNext
private integer array queueLast
private integer recycle = 0
private timer gameTime = CreateTimer() //Used for visual continuity.
private integer array queueStack
private integer queueStackN = 0 //Used to avoid searching the queues.
static if DEBUG_MODE then
private function Print takes string s returns nothing
//Un-comment this next line if you want to know how the system works:
//call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0, 0, 999, "[MissileRecycler] " + s)
// Get a recycled dummy missile unit. If there are no recycled dummies
// that are already facing the angle you need, it creates a new dummy for
// you.
function GetRecycledMissile takes real x, real y, real z, real facing returns unit
local integer i = ModuloInteger(R2I(facing), 360) / ANG_VAL
local integer this = queueNext[i]
local unit u
if this != 0 and TimerGetElapsed(gameTime) >= timeStamp[this] then
//Dequeue this
set queueNext[i] = queueNext[this]
if queueNext[i] == 0 then
set queueLast[i] = i
//Recycle this index
set queueLast[this] = recycle
set recycle = this
//Add queue index to available stack
set queueStack[queueStackN] = i
set queueStackN = queueStackN + 1
//Old unit will return as new
set u = stack[this]
call SetUnitFacing(u, facing)
call SetUnitUserData(u, 0)
//Reset the dummy's properties.
call SetUnitVertexColor(u, 255, 255, 255, 255)
call SetUnitAnimationByIndex(u, 90)
call SetUnitScale(u, 1, 0, 0)
//call PauseUnit(u, false) -- you can disable "resets" that you don't need to worry about.
debug call Print("Recycling")
debug call Print("Creating new")
call ToggleIndexer(false)
set u = CreateUnit(OWNER, DUMMY_ID, x, y, facing)
call ToggleIndexer(true)
call PauseUnit(u, true)
call SetUnitX(u, x)
call SetUnitY(u, y)
call SetUnitFlyHeight(u, z, 0)
set bj_lastCreatedUnit = u
set u = null
return bj_lastCreatedUnit
// You should recycle the dummy missile unit when its job is done.
function RecycleMissile takes unit u returns nothing
local integer i
local integer this = recycle
if GetUnitTypeId(u) == DUMMY_ID and UnitAlive(u) and GetUnitUserData(u) != -1 then
if queueStackN == 0 then
debug call Print("Stack is full - removing surplus unit")
call UnitApplyTimedLife(u, 'BTLF', DEATH_TIME)
//Recycle this
set recycle = queueLast[this]
//Index the dummy unit to an available facing angle.
//Get the last vacant angle index.
set queueStackN = queueStackN - 1
set i = queueStack[queueStackN]
//Enqueue this
set queueNext[queueLast[i]] = this
set queueLast[i] = this
set queueNext[this] = 0
//Allow a time barrier for the effect to destroy/turn to complete.
set timeStamp[this] = TimerGetElapsed(gameTime) + DEATH_TIME
set stack[this] = u
call SetUnitFacing(u, i * ANG_VAL + ANG_MID)
call SetUnitOwner(u, OWNER, false)
//Prevent double-free of this unit.
call SetUnitUserData(u, -1)
debug else
debug call BJDebugMsg("[MissileRecycler] Error: Attempt to recycle invalid unit.")
// I didn't need this function after all
function RecycleMissileDelayed takes unit u, real r returns nothing
call RecycleMissile(u)
// Map the dummy units to their facing angles (map below is if ANG_N is
// 4 and ANG_STORAGE_MAX is 3).
// angle[0] (0) - [4] [5] [6]
// angle[1] (90) - [7] [8] [9]
// angle[2] (180) - [10][11][12]
// angle[3] (270) - [13][14][15]
private function Init takes nothing returns nothing
local integer end
local integer i = ANG_N
local integer n = i
local integer angle
local real x = GetRectMaxX(bj_mapInitialPlayableArea)
local real y = GetRectMaxY(bj_mapInitialPlayableArea)
local unit u
call ToggleIndexer(false)
set i = i - 1
set queueNext[i] = n
set angle = i * ANG_VAL + ANG_MID
set end = n + ANG_STORAGE_MAX
set queueLast[i] = end - 1
set queueNext[n] = n + 1
set u = CreateUnit(OWNER, DUMMY_ID, x, y, angle)
set stack[n] = u
call PauseUnit(u, true)
call SetUnitUserData(u, -1)
set n = n + 1
exitwhen n == end
set queueNext[n - 1] = 0
exitwhen i == 0
call ToggleIndexer(true)
call TimerStart(gameTime, 1000000., false, null)
set u = null
private function PreInit takes nothing returns nothing
static if LIBRARY_UnitIndexerGUI then
call OnUnitIndexerInitialized(function Init)
call Init()
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