- Joined
- Mar 29, 2016
- Messages
- 688
This system allows you to recycle units. This can be helpful to Hero Defense maps like AoS, Dota, and similar maps which
requires periodic spawning/creation of certain units. This is also helpful in other cases as well. See the attached map below for the demo.
[Since version 1.4] This system also takes into consideration the facing angles of units.
Note (Please Read):
- This only supports non-hero units and units which leave a corpse (those units whose death type is "Can raise, does decay"). So if you want to make a unit recyclable, set its death type in the Object Editor to "Can raise, does decay".
- When retrieving/recycling a unit, this does not fire a unit index/deindex event, but it will if you did not copy the DETECT_LEAVE_ABILITY from the UnitDex library into your mapalthough not doing so would cause problems to this system.
- Fixed a possible compile error
- Updated dependencies (RegisterPlayerUnitEvent)
- Recoded most part of the system
- Added a new feature where the system takes into consideration the facing angle of the units - like what some dummy recyclers do
- Added a more detailed debug messages
- Changed the system's data structure (Now uses queues to accommodate the new feature)
- Other changes
- Removed unnecessary debug messages
- Added a new function for users to filter the types of units not valid for recycling, by default it restricts summoned and illusion units
- Other changes
- Recycled units are now hidden with an offset from the map bounds instead of the camera bounds
- GetRecycledUnit() is now set to bj_lastCreatedUnit instead of U
- Added a configuration for the users where they can specify unit reset actions whenever a unit is recycled
- Now uses TableArray instead of a HashTable
- Optimized some parts of the script
- Other changes
- Added a new API function GetRecycledUnitEx() and RecycleUnitDelayedEx()
- Changed some variable namings
- Updated/changes some debug messages
- Other changes
- Replaced RegisterAnyUnitEvent and Mag's RegisterPlayerUnitEvent with Bannar's RegisterPlayerUnitEvent
- Updated dependencies in the demo map
- Added a new API function RecycleUnitEx()
- Simplified one nested if statements using 'and'
- Other changes
- Added RegisterPlayerUnitEvent as an optional requirement
- RecycleUnit() now checks if a unit is dead before recycling - if it is, it revives it first
- Automatic recycling of dead units is now configurable
- Dead units recycling delay now has a better configuration i.e. a constant function that returns real instead of a constant global variable
- GetRecycledUnit() and UnitAddToStock() now checks first if the unitid entered is a heroid before proceeding further instead of removing the unit if the created unit is a hero
- The delayed death recycler now uses RecycleUnitDelayed() instead of a TriggerSleepAction()
- Other changes
- Added TimerUtils as an optional requirement
- Function RecycleUnitDelayed() now returns nothing
- Now uses the native UnitAlive instead of IsUnitType(unit, UNIT_TYPE_DEAD)
- Implemented table as an optional requirement
- Fixed an error regarding indexing units' rawcodes
- Removed the fake death and the bounty simulator library, but instead uses Revive Unit
- No longer uses
- Removed the function OnUnitRecycleInit
- Now uses module initializer
- Removed the optional RawCodeIndexer
- Added an oprional library requirement named RawCodeIndexer
- Added some debug messages for debug mode
- Added an API for registering a fake death event
- Made the UnitIndexerGUI library required rather than optional
- Added an API that enables users to add their custom initialization
- Some fixes
- Minor changes
- First Upload
This system allows you to recycle units. This can be helpful to Hero Defense maps like AoS, Dota, and similar maps which
requires periodic spawning/creation of certain units. This is also helpful in other cases as well. See the attached map below for the demo.
[Since version 1.4] This system also takes into consideration the facing angles of units.
Note (Please Read):
- This only supports non-hero units and units which leave a corpse (those units whose death type is "Can raise, does decay"). So if you want to make a unit recyclable, set its death type in the Object Editor to "Can raise, does decay".
- When retrieving/recycling a unit, this does not fire a unit index/deindex event, but it will if you did not copy the DETECT_LEAVE_ABILITY from the UnitDex library into your map
library UnitRecycler /* v1.4.1 https://www.hiveworkshop.com/threads/286701/
*/requires /*
*/ReviveUnit /* https://www.hiveworkshop.com/threads/186696/
*/Table /* https://www.hiveworkshop.com/threads/188084/
*/optional RegisterPlayerUnitEvent /* https://www.hiveworkshop.com/threads/250266/
*/optional ErrorMessage /* https://github.com/nestharus/JASS/blob/master/jass/Systems/ErrorMessage/main.j
This system is important because CreateUnit() is one of the most processor-intensive function in
the game and there are reports that even after they are removed, they still leave some bit of memory
consumption (0.04 KB) on the RAM. Therefore, it would be very helpful if you can minimize unit
creation or so. This system also allows you to recycle dead units to avoid permanent 0.04 KB memory
leak for each future CreateUnit() call.
As of v1.4, the system now takes into consideration the facing angle of units - like most dummy
recycling systems do. But it is recommended to use DummyRecyclers for dummy units since they are
specially made for such uses, and use this UnitRecycler for the other non-dummy units.
AGD - Author
Aniki - For suggesting ideas on further improvements
Other guys in the warcraft modding community - for discovering the permanent memory leak from units
*///! novjass
| API |
function GetRecycledUnit takes player owner, integer rawCode, real x, real y, real facing returns unit/*
- Returns unit of specified ID from the stock of recycled units. If there's none in the stock that
matched the specified unit's rawcode, it will create a new unit instead
- Returns null if the rawcode's unit-type is a hero or non-existent
*/function GetRecycledUnitEx takes player owner, integer rawCode, real x, real y, real facing returns unit/*
- Works similar to GetRecycledUnit() except that if the input rawcode's unit-type is a hero, it will
be created via CreateUnit() instead
- You can use this as an alternative to CreateUnit()
*/function RecycleUnit takes unit u returns boolean/*
- Recycles the specified unit and returns a boolean value depending on the success of the operation
- Does nothing to hero units
*/function RecycleUnitEx takes unit u returns boolean/*
- Works similar to RecycleUnit() except that if <u> is not recyclable, it will be removed via
RemoveUnit() instead
- You can use this as an alternative to RemoveUnit()
*/function RecycleUnitDelayed takes unit u, real delay returns nothing/*
- Recycles the specified unit after <delay> seconds
*/function RecycleUnitDelayedEx takes unit u, real delay returns nothing/*
- Works similar to RecycleUnitDelayed() except that it calls RecycleUnitEx() instead of RecycleUnit()
*/function UnitAddToStock takes integer rawCode returns boolean/*
- Creates a unit of type ID and adds it to the stock of recycled units then returns a boolean value
depending on the success of the operation
*///! endnovjass
The owner of the stocked/recycled units */
private constant player OWNER = Player(15)
Determines if dead units will be automatically recycled
after a delay designated by the <constant function
DeathTime below> */
private constant boolean AUTO_RECYCLE_DEAD = true
Angle group count per unit type
If you don't need the precision in unit facing angles, you should set this
value to 1
(Note: The maximum number of different kinds of unit type that you can use
with this system is limited to <8190/ANGLE_COUNT - 1> ) */
private constant integer ANGLE_COUNT = 8
/* The delay before dead units will be automatically recycled in case when
static if AUTO_RECYCLE_DEAD then
private function DeathTime takes unit u returns real
/*if <condition> then
return someValue
elseif <condition> then
return someValue
endif */
return 8.00
/* Filters units allowed for recycling */
private function UnitTypeFilter takes unit u returns boolean
return not IsUnitIllusion(u) and not IsUnitType(u, UNIT_TYPE_SUMMONED)
/* When recycling a unit back to the stock, these resets will be applied to the
unit. You can add more actions to this or you can delete this module if you
don't need it. */
private module UnitRecyclerResets
call SetUnitScale(u, 1, 0, 0)
call SetUnitVertexColor(u, 255, 255, 255, 255)
call SetUnitFlyHeight(u, GetUnitDefaultFlyHeight(u), 0)
/*== Do not do changes below this line if you're not so sure on what you're doing ==*/
native UnitAlive takes unit u returns boolean
private constant real ANGLE_INTERVAL = 360.00/ANGLE_COUNT
private constant real HALF_INTERVAL = ANGLE_INTERVAL/2.00
private real unitCampX
private real unitCampY
private struct List extends array
unit unit
thistype recycler
thistype prev
thistype next
debug static Table stocked
static constant method operator head takes nothing returns thistype
return 0
method stockUnit takes unit u returns nothing
local thistype node = head.recycler
local thistype last = this.prev
set head.recycler = node.recycler
set this.prev = node
set last.next = node
set node.prev = last
set node.next = this
set node.unit = u
call PauseUnit(u, true)
call SetUnitX(u, unitCampX)
call SetUnitY(u, unitCampY)
debug set stocked.boolean[GetHandleId(u)] = true
method addUnit takes unit u, real angle returns boolean
if u != null and not IsUnitType(u, UNIT_TYPE_HERO) and UnitTypeFilter(u) then
if not UnitAlive(u) and not ReviveUnit(u) then
static if LIBRARY_ErrorMessage then
debug call ThrowWarning(true, "UnitRecycler", "addUnit()", "thistype", GetHandleId(u), "Unable to recycle unit: Unable to revive dead unit")
return false
call this.stockUnit(u)
call SetUnitFacing(u, angle)
call SetUnitOwner(u, OWNER, true)
call SetWidgetLife(u, GetUnitState(u, UNIT_STATE_MAX_LIFE))
call SetUnitState(u, UNIT_STATE_MANA, GetUnitState(u, UNIT_STATE_MAX_MANA))
implement optional UnitRecyclerResets
return true
return false
method getUnit takes player owner, integer id, real x, real y, real angle returns unit
local thistype first
local thistype next
local real facing
local real deltaAngle
if not IsHeroUnitId(id) then
set first = this.next
set deltaAngle = RAbsBJ(GetUnitFacing(first.unit) - angle)
if deltaAngle > 180.00 then
set deltaAngle = 360.00 - deltaAngle
if first == this or deltaAngle > HALF_INTERVAL then
set bj_lastCreatedUnit = CreateUnit(owner, id, x, y, angle)
set bj_lastCreatedUnit = first.unit
set first.unit = null
set next = first.next
set next.prev = this
set this.next = next
call SetUnitOwner(bj_lastCreatedUnit, owner, true)
call SetUnitPosition(bj_lastCreatedUnit, x, y)
call SetUnitFacing(bj_lastCreatedUnit, angle)
call PauseUnit(bj_lastCreatedUnit, false)
debug call stocked.boolean.remove(GetHandleId(bj_lastCreatedUnit))
return bj_lastCreatedUnit
return null
static method init takes nothing returns nothing
local thistype this = 0
set thistype(8190).recycler = 0
set this.recycler = this + 1
set this = this + 1
exitwhen this == 8190
debug set stocked = Table.create()
private struct UnitRecycler extends array
private static Table rawCodeIdTable
private static Table timerTable
private static integer rawCodeCount = 0
private static integer array position
private static integer array stackSize
private static integer array indexStack
private static List array head
private static method getRawCodeId takes integer rawCode returns integer
local integer i = rawCodeIdTable[rawCode]
if i == 0 then
set rawCodeCount = rawCodeCount + 1
set rawCodeIdTable[rawCode] = rawCodeCount
set i = rawCodeCount
return i
private static method getHead takes integer id, integer index returns List
local List this = head[id*ANGLE_COUNT + index]
if this == 0 then
set this = List.head.recycler
set List.head.recycler = this.recycler
set this.prev = this
set this.next = this
set head[id*ANGLE_COUNT + index] = this
return this
private static method getListIndex takes integer id returns integer
if stackSize[id] == 0 then
if position[id] < ANGLE_COUNT - 1 then
set position[id] = position[id] + 1
return position[id]
set position[id] = 0
return 0
set stackSize[id] = stackSize[id] - 1
return indexStack[id*ANGLE_COUNT + stackSize[id]]
static method stock takes integer rawCode returns boolean
local integer id
local integer index
local unit u
if not IsHeroUnitId(rawCode) then
set id = getRawCodeId(rawCode)
set index = getListIndex(id)
set u = CreateUnit(OWNER, rawCode, 0.00, 0.00, index*ANGLE_INTERVAL)
if u != null and not IsUnitType(u, UNIT_TYPE_HERO) and UnitTypeFilter(u) then
call getHead(id, index).stockUnit(u)
set u = null
return true
return false
static method add takes unit u returns boolean
local integer id = getRawCodeId(GetUnitTypeId(u))
local integer index = getListIndex(id)
return getHead(id, index).addUnit(u, index*ANGLE_INTERVAL)
static method get takes player owner, integer rawCode, real x, real y, real angle returns unit
local integer id = getRawCodeId(rawCode)
local integer index = R2I(angle/ANGLE_INTERVAL)
if angle - ANGLE_INTERVAL*index > ANGLE_INTERVAL/2.00 then
if index < ANGLE_COUNT - 1 then
set index = index + 1
set index = 0
set indexStack[id*ANGLE_COUNT + stackSize[id]] = index
set stackSize[id] = stackSize[id] + 1
return getHead(id, index).getUnit(owner, rawCode, x, y, angle)
static method delayedRecycle takes nothing returns nothing
local timer t = GetExpiredTimer()
local integer key = GetHandleId(t)
call add(timerTable.unit[key])
call timerTable.unit.remove(key)
call DestroyTimer(t)
set t = null
static method delayedRecycleEx takes nothing returns nothing
local timer t = GetExpiredTimer()
local integer key = GetHandleId(t)
call add(timerTable.unit[key])
call timerTable.unit.remove(key)
call DestroyTimer(t)
set t = null
static method addDelayed takes unit u, real delay, code callback returns nothing
local timer t = CreateTimer()
set timerTable.unit[GetHandleId(t)] = u
call TimerStart(t, delay, false, callback)
set t = null
static method init takes nothing returns nothing
local rect bounds = GetWorldBounds()
// Hide recycled units at the top of the map beyond reach of the camera
set unitCampX = 0.00
set unitCampY = GetRectMaxY(bounds) + 1000.00
call RemoveRect(bounds)
set bounds = null
set rawCodeIdTable = Table.create()
set timerTable = Table.create()
function GetRecycledUnit takes player owner, integer rawCode, real x, real y, real facing returns unit
static if DEBUG_MODE and LIBRARY_ErrorMessage then
call UnitRecycler.get(owner, rawCode, x, y, facing)
call ThrowError(bj_lastCreatedUnit == null, "UnitRecycler", "GetRecycledUnit()", "", 0, "Specified unit type does not exist")
call ThrowError(IsHeroUnitId(rawCode), "UnitRecycler", "GetRecycledUnit()", GetUnitName(bj_lastCreatedUnit), 0, "Specified unit type is a hero")
return bj_lastCreatedUnit
return UnitRecycler.get(owner, rawCode, x, y, facing)
function GetRecycledUnitEx takes player owner, integer rawCode, real x, real y, real facing returns unit
if not IsHeroUnitId(rawCode) then
return UnitRecycler.get(owner, rawCode, x, y, facing)
static if LIBRARY_ErrorMessage then
debug call ThrowWarning(true, "UnitRecycler", "GetRecycledUnitEx()", "", 0, "Cannot retrieve a hero unit, creating new unit")
return CreateUnit(owner, rawCode, x, y, facing)
function RecycleUnit takes unit u returns boolean
static if LIBRARY_ErrorMessage then
debug call ThrowError(List.stocked.boolean[GetHandleId(u)], "UnitRecycler", "RecycleUnit()", GetUnitName(u), 0, "Attempted to recycle an already recycled unit")
debug call ThrowWarning(u == null, "UnitRecycler", "RecycleUnit()", "", 0, "Attempted to recycle a null unit")
debug call ThrowWarning(IsHeroUnitId(GetUnitTypeId(u)), "UnitRecycler", "RecycleUnit()", GetUnitName(u), 0, "Attempted to recycle a hero unit")
debug call ThrowWarning(not UnitTypeFilter(u), "UnitRecycler", "RecycleUnit()", GetUnitName(u), 0, "Attempted to recycle an invalid unit type")
return UnitRecycler.add(u)
function RecycleUnitEx takes unit u returns boolean
static if LIBRARY_ErrorMessage then
debug call ThrowError(List.stocked.boolean[GetHandleId(u)], "UnitRecycler", "RecycleUnitEx()", GetUnitName(u), 0, "Attempted to recycle an already recycled unit")
debug call ThrowWarning(u == null, "UnitRecycler", "RecycleUnitEx()", "", 0, "Attempted to recycle a null unit")
debug call ThrowWarning(not UnitTypeFilter(u), "UnitRecycler", "RecycleUnitEx()", GetUnitName(u), 0, "Attempted to recycle an invalid unit type")
if not UnitRecycler.add(u) then
call RemoveUnit(u)
static if LIBRARY_ErrorMessage then
debug call ThrowWarning(u != null, "UnitRecycler", "RecycleUnitEx()", GetUnitName(u), 0, "Cannot recycle the specified unit, removing unit")
return false
return true
function RecycleUnitDelayed takes unit u, real delay returns nothing
static if LIBRARY_ErrorMessage then
debug call ThrowError(List.stocked.boolean[GetHandleId(u)], "UnitRecycler", "RecycleUnitDelayed()", GetUnitName(u), 0, "Attempted to recycle an already recycled unit")
debug call ThrowWarning(u == null, "UnitRecycler", "RecycleUnitDelayed()", "", 0, "Attempted to recycle a null unit")
debug call ThrowWarning(IsHeroUnitId(GetUnitTypeId(u)), "UnitRecycler", "RecycleUnitDelayed()", GetUnitName(u), 0, "Attempted to recycle a hero unit")
debug call ThrowWarning(not UnitTypeFilter(u), "UnitRecycler", "RecycleUnitDelayed()", GetUnitName(u), 0, "Attempted to recycle an invalid unit type")
call UnitRecycler.addDelayed(u, delay, function UnitRecycler.delayedRecycle)
function RecycleUnitDelayedEx takes unit u, real delay returns nothing
static if LIBRARY_ErrorMessage then
debug call ThrowError(List.stocked.boolean[GetHandleId(u)], "UnitRecycler", "RecycleUnitDelayedEx()", GetUnitName(u), 0, "Attempted to recycle an already recycled unit")
debug call ThrowWarning(u == null, "UnitRecycler", "RecycleUnitDelayedEx()", "", 0, "Attempted to recycle a null unit")
debug call ThrowWarning(not UnitTypeFilter(u), "UnitRecycler", "RecycleUnitDelayedEx()", GetUnitName(u), 0, "Attempted to recycle an invalid unit type")
call UnitRecycler.addDelayed(u, delay, function UnitRecycler.delayedRecycleEx)
function UnitAddToStock takes integer rawCode returns boolean
static if LIBRARY_ErrorMessage then
debug local unit u = CreateUnit(OWNER, rawCode, 0, 0, 0)
debug call ThrowWarning(u == null, "UnitRecycler", "UnitAddToStock()", "", 0, "Attempted to stock a non-existent unit type")
debug call ThrowWarning(IsHeroUnitId(rawCode), "UnitRecycler", "UnitAddToStock()", GetUnitName(u), 0, "Attempted to stock a hero unit")
debug call ThrowWarning(not UnitTypeFilter(u), "UnitRecycler", "UnitAddToStock()", GetUnitName(u), 0, "Attempted to stock an invalid unit type")
debug call RemoveUnit(u)
debug set u = null
return UnitRecycler.stock(rawCode)
private module Init
private static method onInit takes nothing returns nothing
call init()
private struct Initializer extends array
static if AUTO_RECYCLE_DEAD then
private static method onDeath takes nothing returns nothing
local unit u = GetTriggerUnit()
static if LIBRARY_ErrorMessage then
debug call ThrowError(List.stocked.boolean[GetHandleId(u)], "UnitRecycler", "", GetUnitName(u), 0, "A unit in stock has been killed!")
if UnitTypeFilter(u) and not IsUnitType(u, UNIT_TYPE_HERO) and not IsUnitType(u, UNIT_TYPE_STRUCTURE) then
call RecycleUnitDelayedEx(u, DeathTime(u))
set u = null
private static method autoRecycler takes nothing returns nothing
static if AUTO_RECYCLE_DEAD then
static if LIBRARY_RegisterPlayerUnitEvent then
call RegisterAnyPlayerUnitEvent(EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_DEATH, function thistype.onDeath)
local trigger t = CreateTrigger()
local code c = function thistype.onDeath
local integer i = 16
set i = i - 1
call TriggerRegisterPlayerUnitEvent(t, Player(i), EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_DEATH, null)
exitwhen i == 0
call TriggerAddCondition(t, Filter(c))
set t = null
private static method init takes nothing returns nothing
call List.init()
call UnitRecycler.init()
static if AUTO_RECYCLE_DEAD then
call autoRecycler()
call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0, 0, 60, "|CFFFFCC00UnitRecycler|R library is ready!")
implement Init
static if DEBUG_MODE and LIBRARY_ErrorMessage then
private function DisplayError takes unit removedUnit returns nothing
call ThrowError(List.stocked.boolean[GetHandleId(removedUnit)], "UnitRecycler", "RemoveUnit()", GetUnitName(removedUnit), 0, "Attempted to remove a stocked unit")
hook RemoveUnit DisplayError
struct SpawnCreepsPeriodic extends array
private static constant real SPAWN_INTERVAL = 30.00
private static constant integer ARMY_COUNT = 5
// some other vars
private static method spawn takes nothing returns nothing
local integer id = 0
local integer i
set i = 0
set i = i + 1
call IssueTargetOrder(GetRecycledUnit(Player(id), creepType[id], PlayerX[id], PlayerY[id], 0), "attack", ENEMY_BASE[id])
exitwhen i == ARMY_COUNT
set id = id + 1
exitwhen id == bj_MAX_PLAYER_SLOTS
private static method prepareStock takes integer count returns nothing
local integer id = 0
local integer i
set i = 0
set i = i + 1
call UnitAddToStock(creepType[id])
exitwhen i == count
set id = id + 1
exitwhen id == bj_MAX_PLAYER_SLOTS
private static method onInit takes nothing returns nothing
call prepareStock(30)
call TimerStart(CreateTimer(), SPAWN_INTERVAL, true, function thistype.spawn)
- Fixed a possible compile error
- Updated dependencies (RegisterPlayerUnitEvent)
- Recoded most part of the system
- Added a new feature where the system takes into consideration the facing angle of the units - like what some dummy recyclers do
- Added a more detailed debug messages
- Changed the system's data structure (Now uses queues to accommodate the new feature)
- Other changes
- Removed unnecessary debug messages
- Added a new function for users to filter the types of units not valid for recycling, by default it restricts summoned and illusion units
- Other changes
- Recycled units are now hidden with an offset from the map bounds instead of the camera bounds
- GetRecycledUnit() is now set to bj_lastCreatedUnit instead of U
- Added a configuration for the users where they can specify unit reset actions whenever a unit is recycled
- Now uses TableArray instead of a HashTable
- Optimized some parts of the script
- Other changes
- Added a new API function GetRecycledUnitEx() and RecycleUnitDelayedEx()
- Changed some variable namings
- Updated/changes some debug messages
- Other changes
- Replaced RegisterAnyUnitEvent and Mag's RegisterPlayerUnitEvent with Bannar's RegisterPlayerUnitEvent
- Updated dependencies in the demo map
- Added a new API function RecycleUnitEx()
- Simplified one nested if statements using 'and'
- Other changes
- Added RegisterPlayerUnitEvent as an optional requirement
- RecycleUnit() now checks if a unit is dead before recycling - if it is, it revives it first
- Automatic recycling of dead units is now configurable
- Dead units recycling delay now has a better configuration i.e. a constant function that returns real instead of a constant global variable
- GetRecycledUnit() and UnitAddToStock() now checks first if the unitid entered is a heroid before proceeding further instead of removing the unit if the created unit is a hero
- The delayed death recycler now uses RecycleUnitDelayed() instead of a TriggerSleepAction()
- Other changes
- Added TimerUtils as an optional requirement
- Function RecycleUnitDelayed() now returns nothing
- Now uses the native UnitAlive instead of IsUnitType(unit, UNIT_TYPE_DEAD)
- Implemented table as an optional requirement
- Fixed an error regarding indexing units' rawcodes
- Removed the fake death and the bounty simulator library, but instead uses Revive Unit
- No longer uses
but instead hides the unit stock at the top of the map beyond the reach of camera- Removed the function OnUnitRecycleInit
- Now uses module initializer
- Removed the optional RawCodeIndexer
- Added an oprional library requirement named RawCodeIndexer
- Added some debug messages for debug mode
- Added an API for registering a fake death event
- Made the UnitIndexerGUI library required rather than optional
- Added an API that enables users to add their custom initialization
- Some fixes
- Minor changes
- First Upload
Last edited: