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SWAT: Aftermath 1.10

This bundle is marked as director's cut. It exceeds all expectations and excels in every regard.
Yet another zombie shoot them up survival map with an IQ requirement of 1? I do not think so! In fact this is the very opposite, where you have to use tactics to outcome physical power and brains over brawn.

Welcome to SWAT aftermath, one of the greatest and most well thought through and bug free maps ever created. The current versions of this map are of near unmatchable quality and few flaws can be pointed out by even the best of testers. Once into it, it will provide at least a few games of enjoyment even for players who are not fans of the genera of this map but on average you will easily find your self getting addicted to this map and even forgetting about other maps.

Basically like all maps of the type, survival is a must but on top of that you must complete 3 objectives to win. Do not think this is a cake walk thou, since mobs are more aggressive and smarter than your normal mobs in other maps and, on top of that, they can 3 hit kill you with easies. Worse still, they can even spawn behind, next to or in front of you from the various buildings around Recoon city and to make survival even harder, insane bosses will try and rip your hearts out with 1 hit kill damage.

Do not think how ever that is enough to stop you since, after all, you are the SWAT team. Your latest and best survival system is your Nanites, which will reduce the damage you receive by draining your power, even to such a degree that the strongest mobs will struggle damaging you. Who says you need to take damage in the first place, by letting other players take the damage for you, you can use your anti mob moves to an extreme efficiency making short work of the largest mob. To top all this, your also can use special class skills, which when combined with tactics and team work, become totally lethal to any poor undead opposing you. So those undead better be planning something bad in their graves, since otherwise they will be returning to them before they can even stand up.

The game has a complex character system that enables you to customize your hero out of 9 classes, 3 armor types, dozens of traits and many sub abilities. After completing games, you will be given a code which will reload your hero for action again, maybe even stronger than it was before. There are also multiple super items located around the city which grant you supreme power in the fields they help. With these odds do the zombies even stand a slightest bit of a chance against you!?

Sadly yes, since they have one weapon with them that you do not, the difficulty setting.
Normal difficulty is easy, even newbies will find it pretty easy to get used to and to be able to win if they work as a team.
Hard is where the noobs get separated from the pros. Although still easy, you can no longer joke around in it unless you really know what you are doing.
Insane is not for anyone without a plan, careful organization and team work is needed to win this difficulty, and even still victory is not certain.
Nightmare is for the pros who want a challenge. Not only skill is needed but luck also since the zombies are infinitely superior to those even seen in hard difficulty.
Extinction is for the homicidal pros who want a near never winnable challenge. Only with the extremist of luck, the best of playing skills and the most "l33t" build of SWAT team will you be able to win this near impossible difficulty.

Your objectives are, reduce the radiation levels, as quickly as possiable to avoid over exposure. Revive some undead zombies by pumping them with drugs and shipping the civilians formed back to the capital. Finally restore power by feeding enough energy to the failed reactors to get them going again. Order of the objectives is not important but do not think Umbrella will let you through with this that easily. When you least expect it they might send their latest toy, the Tyrant to gut you where it really hurts or worse, their mega elite commando platoons equipped with the same weapons and training you are using . You also may have to sell hazardous containers around the city to A.B.M.s so that the radiation levels can be lowered, but this does need power first.

Although no Player verses Player (PvP) is in this map, you do have a survival mode where you have to just survive with no tasks. This is still not easy thou.

May your team be blessed and your undead foes cursed.

Nanites are crucial! Turn on the mana shield like spell (spell icon located in middle row second to right box) ASAP or you may find yourself pushing up the daises rather than your living-dead foes.
Always play on normal if your playing with no one who has played before until you know how to play decently and some of the more advanced tips of this map as hard is still easy but not that easy.
Be kind on other beginners since you were also one once, although some may not be at all suited to play this game.
Maxing nanites is the only way to be able to receive a decent number of hits before dying. This also leaves you with more mana for abilities if accidently hit.
Lead your group carefully, you can easily get surrounded and butchered if not careful.
Rather run and fight another day than fighting and being killed.
Do not solo unless you know what you are doing, this is a team work game.
Code rank does help, keeping codes is recommended.
Ammo upgrades are finite, choose who to use them wisely.
Watch out for living dead spawning underneath your feet while inside rooms. Countless have perished in this unforgiving way.
Most important of all tips is to work as a team. This is a team game and so being selfish will be your downfall.

---[Change Log]---
Version 1.8.1
Added cooldown to all levels of Plasma Rounds.
Increased the permanent boss armor reduction from Incendiary Rockets.
Reduced effectiveness of Courage talent.
Improved Masamune item.
ChronoTech crate spawns in Survival.
Added restrictions to mini-boss spawns.
Reduced the number of Commandoes spawned by Nemesis.
Redesigned impact of ground zero radiation fragment.
Fixed mobs getting extra upgrade if NM/EXT activated too quickly.
Fixed top-left item not dropping from dead heroes.
Fixed Robodog energy exploit.
Version 1.8
Added Hidden Talents.
Redesigned Mind Rot ability to be less performance intensive.
Unimproved Confidence ability.
Fixed Mind Slay cooldown bug.
Reduced movement speed of Mecha Mutt.
Increased energy cost of shadow pack.
Added Retrieve Items ability to robodogs.
Changed Cadet training time and levelup process.
Improved Plasma Rounds ability.
Reduced rockets damage against Nanites by 66%.
Improved BioChemical Energy ability.
Replaced Create Claymore ability with Gear Mod. ability.
Improved M.I.R.V. ability.
Improved Place C4 ability.
Improved Adrenaline ability.
Improved Rapid Therapy ability.
Improved toughness of Mending Stations.
Added Antipersonnel Rounds ability to all medics.
Improved Pack Rat trait.
Increased movement speed bonus of Cybernetics spec.
Changed bonus of Chemistry specialization.
Added Empathy to mavericks.
Significantly reduced movement speed penalty of Rez. Sickness.
Added permanent experience gain penalty to death.
Super Mutants react to high damage sooner on Nightmare and Extinction.
Super Mutants no longer react to high damage from Mind Slay or Inc. Rocket.
Defeating Godzilla awards 1 skill point.
Reduced base cost of Cargo Bot item and made the unit tougher.
Added new items for high intelligence heroes.
Changed Flare Gun to be a consumable item.
Increased cost of bandages.
Rebalanced all stim pack type items.
Lab. Locker's Construct Item ability will also check stowed circuit boards.
Changed item stock quantities and replenish rates.
Scaled quantity of item crates based on player count.
Scaled-down time-based effects on mob movement speed and boss spawn frequency.
Rescaled challenge level of various aspects of Extinction difficulty.
Finished implementing Nemesis encounter.

Visit the official site and support forums at http://www.redscull.com/swat/ .

This download is provided and kept up-to-date by The Hive Workshop.

If this download is not up-to-date, please inform a moderator to update it.

zombies, resident evil, aftermath, swat, save, load, shooter, marines, survival

SWAT: Aftermath 1.10 (Map)

Dr Super Good: A very good map, played hundreds of games of it and still am not bored of it. Easy to learn and very fun, this definatly is a must play type of map, atleast to experience a well made map.




Dr Super Good:
A very good map, played hundreds of games of it and still am not bored of it. Easy to learn and very fun, this definatly is a must play type of map, atleast to experience a well made map.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
The terane in this map is better than most of its kind. Unlike the beautiful but usless teranes, this is made so that zombies and bosses will not get stuck and also so that propper movement pathing is important. Unless you are really a good game player, you will think this map sucks as it requires a lot more skill than most maps like UA2 and DotD/NotD.
Level 1
Dec 8, 2007
I like this game a lot, its more fun wen playing insane, sometimes easy can be boring.
The map is huge, i havent won one yet but i will. If you like survival games you must try this one.
Its very good
Level 4
Feb 13, 2004
Huh, I didn't even realize SWAT was still listed on this site. And always updated to the lasest version... neat.

Sorry about 1.8 coming so soon after 1.7.1. I've gotten into a cycle of releasing new versions in pairs. First I make a version that adds tons of content that I think is pretty polished, then after 1-3 days of feedback, I typically release a followup with the few remaining bugs ironed out. Some things are just too hard or time-consuming to find on my own.

To those of you enjoying the game, I'm happy to hear it. And if you don't, I hope you find another game you do enjoy. =)
Level 4
Feb 13, 2004
The terrain definitely isn't particularly pretty. It looks well enough to convey what it's supposed to convey, but some kind of custom textures would certainly be nice.

However, the terrain is extremely well designed from a gameplay standpoint, and that was the real goal. Long-time players "feel" this even if they don't all outright realize it.

SWAT's attention to detail is on game mechanics much more so than flashy graphics. That's why it has fans who've been around for years and replayed it for several hundred hours.
Level 17
Aug 19, 2007
I get your point, and it is a really thought out game. However you can still retain the terrain designed from a gameplay standpoint, while adding detail to it. I think there's nothing miss with the terrain itself because it is very important for maps such as this that (in this case) zombies will attack you that they don't get stuck and that you want them to move almost everytime. Here are some things I mean by detail:
-environmental walkables: e.g. grass or things like mushrooms in poisonous areas.
-floors (walkable): you can use the wooden table perfectly for this (just edit the path texture it requires and use Ctrl+PageDown to lower its height).
-wall decoration: plants that grow on walls (vines) or when you're in "buildings" place shelves (if you want some shop shelves or something like that, look for the models on this site). Hope I helped you.
Level 4
Feb 13, 2004
Hmm, not bad ideas Spectre. I left it mostly barren because this game takes place in a town that was very recently blown to bits by a nuke, but I guess certain things could add to the atmosphere that would also be believable in a post-nuked town.
Level 5
Dec 16, 2007
Good map, and i've been visiting your site often.

The thing is that. there no latest updates. Not good.

This map is good, and i've been looking forward to that robotics specializations. So keep up the good work!
Level 4
Nov 9, 2005
Hey redscull, i've been playing your map a bit with friends. We love it and we're finally getting the hang of it. I though about making the terrain for you together with another friend, but I see the map is protected... I you don't feel like adding detail right now I'd gladly do it for you. What do you think? PM me for an answer.
Level 1
Oct 19, 2008
Really good map, but it does get kind of old unless you play with friends.

Even with complete strangers it's great, but it's way better to plan with a group of five and execute insane moves. Way more gratifying.
Level 4
Oct 3, 2007
Gameplay: 5/5 Survival Horror at it´s best. The game is exciting from start to the end. There is enough to do and a clearly structured path of quests you have to fullfill in order to win. There are bosses to battle, items to find and so on. A great 5/5

Level Design: 5/5 Racoon City is very well made. There are a lot of houses, a graveyard even a little lake. There are also small paths for a quick escape or shortcut. The terrain itself looks pretty well and your eyes don´t get bored when you play the map.

Sound/Models/: 4/5 The music is great! It´s really creepy and the occasional heartbeats are cool. Well the models ... every hero has the marine model, even the cyborg and constructed droids. That is quite boring .. a little import would have helped here. That you kill hundreds of zombies with the same skin is game-relevant so I won´t critizize it here.

Heros/Units: 4/5 The charactercreation is great. So many options to choose from! Also the skills are well done, no flaws there. In my opionion the enemies could have used some more work - at least the bosses should have more skills then just be very big and hit very hard.

Replayability: 5/5 The save-load feature that you can use to increase ranks is very nice. Also that the televacs and the power generators and the ABMs are always on different positions makes every game a bit different.

Balance & Bugs: 5/5 It´s very balanced. Every class has it´s purpose. The enemies are strong but not TOO strong. And after all there are no bugs that I could find.

Final Score: 28/30 = 5/5

Maybe the best survival map out there! Very cool, very good and if you play it on higher difficulties very hard too!
Level 1
Jul 28, 2008
a really underrated and underplayed map. atleast on eastern azeroth battlenet. great job on everything, i never encounter any bugs
Level 3
Jan 14, 2009
yeah ive played this map waaaay back when it was still in the .60 stage or something along those lines anyhow this map is a good one and im glad to see that you are still fixing the bugs as they apear, thou i would realy like to be able to use all the heros from the start or be able to use some differnt ones other then the ones there cuz a FH can get obnoxious when you got like 5 snipers runing about like nooblets :/ oh and mabey could you make it so some classes are hybrid classes like the mavrick but just hybrid in 2 classes instead of all fields like th mavrick that way it can have better specing

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
What you are saying makes no sense. Firstly you have axcess to a massive 8 well rounded classes at all times. It is not the makers fault if "noobs" pick sniper thinking its cool. For a sucessful insane or NM you need a well ballenced team, with snipers as anti boss, demo for cc, borgs for tanking, medics for healing, tacts for ioning rad etc. Although the 2 secret classes are fun (especially WM), they are not vital and it is possiable to win NM without them.

The watchman (WM) is also hybrid allowing the choice of 2 guns (laser rifle or gattling laser).

Honestly, you should tell people to pick other classes before game starts in future. Although snipers are good at times you can not really do games that easilly with a pure sniper team (although I am sure some people have).

Good builds I can advise are dragoon weaponary heavy medic with hopefully toughness.
Skilled demo with the +500 mana trait and running in medium or heavy.
Rad Resistant leadership heavy tactition for use of weakpoint to lower armor and for global rad scan for ioning radiation via minimap.
Acro borg with other benificial tanking traits for tanking bosses and phermoning mobs away from group.

These are just some decent pro builds. I advise trying them out as they are really effective.
Here is my full revision: The ranges goes from 0 (wich is the worst) to 5 (wich is the best)

Triggering/Systems: 3/5
The Full-Marine customization is very cool, altrhough, but the map dont comes with anything else new.

Terrain: 0/5
WTF! The terrain is almost blank! All doodads in this map is some barricades! Dude, making a Zombie Terrain is not so that hard. Add some thrash in the streets, wrecked cars, lightposts, etc. In other words, [bold]make it look like a city[/bold]. Unlike DSG said in the first page, those things woundnt fuck up with the creeps' movement. Making this terrain better wouldnt take more than 30 minutes. I could make it for you if want. PM me if you are interessed.

Theme Implementation/Originality: 1/5
The imported material is limited to Talon the Mage's marines, and some sound effects. Everything else is like just another zombie map. Nothing original on it.

3+0+1 = 4/3 = 1,3
Overhall: A 1,3/5 zombie map. Seriously, no offence dude, but I dont know how it got 6 highly reccomended rates. The map is poor in almost every aspect. The only cool thing it has is the ability to full customize your marine. Otherwise, for zombie fans I would suggest Resident Evil Survivor by Kofi_Banan or S.T.A.R.S by StillJester. Please, take more work on this map.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
Ham Ham, you know nothing.

Firstly the triggering is godly, nearly everything uses jass. It is so clear you did not explore what every class had. The WM is fully customizable, which I have never seen in any such map. The demo can upgrade allies permantly. The whole item system is pretty unique as well. Every class has trigger enhanced abilities. Ofcourse nothing is new as this map is where everything came from. A lot of the zombie maps are based on this map not the other way round. Also you can play for hours and not lag even with the heaviest spamming of spells ever as this does not leak much at all. Thus anything below a 5/5 for triggering shows you should not rate triggering.

Terrain: 0/5
Can you make better? Prove that you can then, and that includes not altering any pathable areas or rooms as they are made for strategic reasons, not for looks. Each room and each street has a reason for being like it is. Unlike games which have poor gameplay and nice terrain, this has strategic terrain and good gameplay. The terrain is a major play feature as if you go around it incorrectly then you will lose.

Theme Implementation/Originality: 1/5
Well, may I remind you that this map is one of the orignal zombie maps. . . I do not see other maps where you have to destory rad fragments, dote civs and overall recharge tors. How is it not unique in that scence? As I am bloody well sure that there is no other map out there which has those objectives that existed before this map. Also how is a lack of models make it a poor map? 1.8 MB for a full map worth hours of play is a bargin if you ask me, and people can DL it fast on battlenet as apposed to all the other shooters where you DL 4 MB to play only once or twice. Also I fail to see many zombie maps where you have to actually move instead of camp to win.

Ham Ham, I seriously reccomend rethinking the way you review maps... Currently your reviews are worth nothing as your reasoning in them is completly flawed. With the logic you gave to triggering, no map will ever obtain a 4/5 or 5/5 as this is as bout as well triggered as maps can be.

1000s of people support this opinion, like you already know, as this is the most popular zombie survival map currently on Bnet. It is hosted nearly constantly on azeroth. There are atleast 5 clans dealing only with this map. His offical site also has 1000 of members.

Like I said, you can not make better terrain without using wastefull imported content or altering the strategic importance of the terrain.
Firstly the triggering is godly, nearly everything uses jass. It is so clear you did not explore what every class had. The WM is fully customizable, which I have never seen in any such map. The demo can upgrade allies permantly. The whole item system is pretty unique as well. Every class has trigger enhanced abilities. Ofcourse nothing is new as this map is where everything came from. A lot of the zombie maps are based on this map not the other way round. Also you can play for hours and not lag even with the heaviest spamming of spells ever as this does not leak much at all. Thus anything below a 5/5 for triggering shows you should not rate triggering.
For "Triggering\Visual Effects" I rate the how well made the trigered spells are, if the map has epic things, etc. The 3/5 is for the lagness and ability to full customize heroes. But since there are no spetacular effects on spells, it can not earn a 5/5 from me.

Can you make better? Prove that you can then, and that includes not altering any pathable areas or rooms as they are made for strategic reasons, not for looks. Each room and each street has a reason for being like it is. Unlike games which have poor gameplay and nice terrain, this has strategic terrain and good gameplay. The terrain is a major play feature as if you go around it incorrectly then you will lose.
Yes, I could, if I had an unprotected version of the map. Dude, making a terrain for this map is not hard:
Streets: Cars and Streetlights. They could use 2x2 pathing so it wont fuck with the creep movement.
Inside Buildings: Doodads on the corners, of course. That would be great, and again, it dont fuk the creep movement.

Well, may I remind you that this map is one of the orignal zombie maps. . . I do not see other maps where you have to destory rad fragments, dote civs and overall recharge tors. How is it not unique in that scence? As I am bloody well sure that there is no other map out there which has those objectives that existed before this map
Ever played RE Survivor, or Undead Assault?

Also how is a lack of models make it a poor map? 1.8 MB
1.8 MB, and like 1mb I think it just that stupid hi-quality loading screen. Whats the point of uploading a 1mb blp file that people is going to look only for 10 seconds? He should import doodads instead.

for a full map worth hours of play is a bargin if you ask me, and people can DL it fast on battlenet as apposed to all the other shooters where you DL 4 MB to play only once or twice. Also I fail to see many zombie maps where you have to actually move instead of camp to win.
Its not so that hard to find. Seriously.

Ham Ham, I seriously reccomend rethinking the way you review maps... Currently your reviews are worth nothing as your reasoning in them is completly flawed. With the logic you gave to triggering, no map will ever obtain a 4/5 or 5/5 as this is as bout as well triggered as maps can be.
Godfall Chronicles and Balls are examples of maps I rated 5/5
A 5/5 ratting is not something you can go arround rating everything map you think cool as 5/5. To get a 5/5 it means the map is suposed to be perfect (or near it) and unique.

Like I said, you can not make better terrain without using wastefull imported content or altering the strategic importance of the terrain.
Yes, I could.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
Again a flawed logic respone, you are ratting a 6 year old game on graphics. Something is wrong with that. . .

Firstly all car and streetlamp doodads are ugly, and will only make the map look worse as they are horriably out of place. Secondly this is meant to be after a god damn nuke has blown everything in the city appart so seing cars and streetlamps would be horriably out of place. Thirdly no one gives a shit how it looks as you are too busy having fun and playing.

Ever played RE Survivor, or Undead Assault?
Yes I played those unpopular maps, all were newer than SWAT as far as I know and certainly are nowhere near as fun and enjoyable. Also SWAT has far much more development and ballence it in that those ever had. Every class in SWAT AM is useful.

1.8 MB, and like 1mb I think it just that stupid hi-quality loading screen. Whats the point of uploading a 1mb blp file that people is going to look only for 10 seconds? He should import doodads instead.

Actually, I am sorry to say the loading screen is not 1 MB. The only 1 MB files were the actual terrain data themselves, all other huge files were object files and trigger files. The loadingscreen is atmost one or two hundred kilobytes. I advise actually thinking before saying stupid stuff as it is obvious he would not make the loadingscreen over half his map in size.

For "Triggering\Visual Effects" I rate the how well made the trigered spells are, if the map has epic things, etc. The 3/5 is for the lagness and ability to full customize heroes. But since there are no spetacular effects on spells, it can not earn a 5/5 from me.

Wrong section buddy, this is the maps section, not the spell section. Your logic is based on the fact that every map must have spells, which is not the case and also impresive looking spells does not make them actually good. Did you actually try mini-nuke? Ion satalite? MIRV? Hyper-thrash? All of those spells are pretty impresive to me, and unique as well. Thus showing the low level testing you performed proving it was not enough to reach a valid test conclusion.

Yes, I could, if I had an unprotected version of the map. Dude, making a terrain for this map is not hard:
Streets: Cars and Streetlights. They could use 2x2 pathing so it wont fuck with the creep movement.
Inside Buildings: Doodads on the corners, of course. That would be great, and again, it dont fuk the creep movement.

Something tells me doing that would allow for dozens of exploits with pathing and stuff in rooms would lead to some room spawners having objects to avoid so spider attacks would not stop snippers as well.

Godfall Chronicles and Balls are examples of maps I rated 5/5
A 5/5 ratting is not something you can go arround rating everything map you think cool as 5/5. To get a 5/5 it means the map is suposed to be perfect (or near it) and unique.

Well then why did you not rate this a 5/5? It is pretty much near perfect ballence and gameplay wise. Visually, it may not be the best, but atleast it does not have any out of place or clunky crap models like most zombie games have. All in all you rate on how well it plays. Thus why I gave it directors cut as it shows what WC3 is capable of. A map with random features, good ballence, multiple challenging difficulty levels and that seldomly gets boring.

So what does this boil down to? Not the fact that you do not obviously like this map which you are allowed to. But the fact your ratting system is flawed and rates maps obviously aimed at gameplay on stuff totally irrelevent and no one cares about. I would just scrap your whole rating system like every smart person has done and adopt a eassy form review like I do stating noticable points and ratting based on how much you enjoyed it.

Its obvious he does not want you to stair at the terrain in great detail, afterall you are meant to be moving nearly constantly. Thus ratting it on the terrain is poinltess unless it is an eyesour which makes you not want to play which it is not. However some campaigns which are slower do want you to stair at the terrain, and thus not ratting them on it would be stupid as the whole point was the terrain. Thus you should rate on what the emphisis was of the map, this map emphisises gameplay and ballenced over terrain, while other maps do the opposite.

I certainly can say that this terrain is not ugly, dawn of the dead and night of the dead and kin, now those were ugly maps, with the later ones being spam fests of poor low quality models.

Also the fact that you are ratting one of the orignal zombie maps on orignality with a 1/5 is a bit stupid, as it is still orignal even now and most of the modern zombie maps have been made long after this has been out. I was playing this map back when WC3search still existed and even then it was classed as an older map, and it still is being updated which is really amazing.
Ok, I will not try to be a "badass wannabe" because I agree with you in some points about my ratings, and I just played the map for 15 minutes then I left due total boredoom. I assume thats a wrong and unprofessional thing to do. Sorry. I will test the map for 1 hour singleplayer, then a LAN with my friends, elaborate a new ratting, ask a map moderator to anulate my 1/5 ratting, then I'll post a new revision with a new
BUT, I still dont agree with you about the terrain and visual things. Like, I dont know about you, but Im very tired to play maps that are always the same: Bad/Average Terrain without any imported models, in-game special effects, etc. So, after 15 minutes playing the map, If I dont notice anything nice with good looks, I quit the game, and delete the map.

But as I said, Ill make the new test and new review, and post it here in one or 2 days.

EDIT: And I still say, Undead Assault pwns this map. Maybe RE survivor doest because after 25 mins playing, the zombies all stop attacking :p

(...)Yes I played those unpopular maps

If popularity counts, DOTA would be the greatest map ever created ;)

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
Just played a 70 minute survival with full house, and honestly i only got boring at the end when I was running in circles away from 8 bosses at 3 AM.

This map is for people who like ballence and teamwork. Unlike other maps of simlar kind you can not really work alone without helping the team.

In undead assassult, half the heroes are usless and never choosen unless people are forced to (if it is what I remember it is or was) while in this map every hero type is choosen and used. Yes some are preferable over others like medic or cyborg but I can assure you every class is valuable to a team.

You may dislike it because of how easy it is to win the lower difficutlies, trust me it is only really fun and challenging on insane, NM, ext or survival difficulties. All of which are doable, I might add, and have been done.

Yes, it hardly diserves a terrain thread entry but there are worse (like NOTD (old) or DOTD). Like I said you have to become involved enough to really not notice it.

The thing I am arguing is not that it diserves a 5/5 ratting from you, but the fact it is certainly better than a 1/5. I mean even LOAPs score atleast a 1/5 ratting (as that is the lowest one can vote) and you are saying this is as bad as them?
My full revision
This revision will judge the game field-by-field and be rated from a range that goes from 0 (wich is the worst) to 5 (wich is the best). If there are very good features, the map will earn bonus points at the end of revision.

Triggering\Gameplay: 5/5
After playing the game for 2 ours, I noticed the zombies never stuck, game never lags, all classes are well elaborated and balanced. Some cool features included like Radioactive Frags and ability to cure zombies, zombies that comes back to life and to prevent, you can use the sniper's ability to hit corpses... everything is Nice! I really downrated the map in the other review.

Terrain: 1/5
Its really not the worst terrain ever, I really saw some worse, so the rate goes from 0 to 1 here. I still dont change my opinion about the terrain: Just clives and barricades. I know its not like other zombie maps, a nuclear bomb destroyed the city, and nothing was left, BUT, dude, the terrain is to... "clean"! If you look some pictures of Hiroshima right after the americans nuked it, you will notice how the streets are full of ruble, and destroyed cars. I have attached to the end of this review a map and a printscreen of how it could be improved, and just increasing the mapsize by 80kbp. (The models weight 80kbs. The other 20 are the map itself. According to the map size of SWAT Aftermatch, I calculate the map would be like just 150~200kb bigger due the large amount of placed doodads. Thats still not enough no fuck with the map). Also, as you can see in this template map, almost everything is walkable, and will not stuck creep movement.

Visual\Special Effects\Use of Imports: 3/5
The ability to full customize your marine makes the game intressing. Althrough, most spells lacks use of special effects. The imported material is limited to Talon the Mage's Marines, some imported sound effects, and a big sized loading screen. Dont tell me the loading screen is small, because if you look with more atention, you will notice the texture is hi-quality. It could be compressed a little, to ocupate less space.

Bonus Points
Has diferent concepts than most zombie maps, what makes it original. (+1)

Total Bonus Points: 1

Time to judge!
5+1+3+1 = 10/3 = 3,3

OVERHALL: A 3,3/5 map. Very funny, recomendable, but should have better terrain and more special effects.
As you see, the terrain is the only thing that kills the map. If the creator could make a terrain like I did and earn a 4 for terrain, and use WILL's explosion effects and get another 4 for visual this map would be a 5+4+4+1 = 14/3 = 4,6 map.


  • Post Nuclear Attack Terrain.JPG
    Post Nuclear Attack Terrain.JPG
    93.5 KB · Views: 815
  • Post Nuclear Attack Terrain.w3x
    103.8 KB · Views: 109
Level 2
Jun 14, 2007
You guys can feel free to argue about this game but the bottom line is, since patch 1.24 it longer works. I hope it's updated for compatibility soon so you can continue this argument.
Level 4
Jun 27, 2008
I agree with Ham Ham, I dont really like maps where ur constanly running around doing pointless things and half the people dont even know why they are running around for.

I played this atleast 30-40 times on bnet was fun at first then it got old.
Level 6
Oct 4, 2009
Guys, please add -autosave or something. Many times I get disconnected and 1h playing off. It's a kinda 3/4 rank at 60 lvl. That's very bad...

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
Many times I get disconnected and 1h playing off
Well too bad the average insane lasts under 1h so this should not be a problem for you. Hard can be done in 13 minutes, insane 25-30 and pinsane 35-60. Even survival is 40 minutes odd only.
Also I have no problem with being disconnected even after 2 hours so it must be something related to you configuration of WC3, PC and internet.

It's a kinda 3/4 rank
Um you do not gain ranks while playing, you only gain rank at the end of the game. This means you had exactly the same rank EXP you had when you loaded. Ranks are not hard to obtain and infact you can get to like rank 6 in one game of perfect insane.

at 60 lvl
You must be refering to the wrong map, the max level in this game is 55 and the max rank is 12, both of which are less than 60 which you mention.

Make sure you are playing 1.11 which you can get from the offical site. Ill try and get some mod to update this eventually.
Level 1
Mar 31, 2010
Hey all I can say is this is one of the better maps I've played. Keep up the good work.
Level 1
May 16, 2009
Used to play this map exclusively when possible. I was so happy when people hosted this with bots for a while... but I rarely seem to find a game anymore so I don't play WC3 much now. I've probably spent at least 75% of my time on WC3 BNET customs playing this or Fortress Survival.

Why there aren't any commercial games of this style astounds me. Yes, I know there are some shooters with the same type of camera angle, but none that have multiplayer of more than 4 people (I've personally only seen games like this with 2 people max) or that have such a wide variety of classes with unique skill sets and roles. I would definitely pay at least $10 for a game like this if it were released on the market and the only thing from preventing me paying full price is the lack of game modes. There are essentially two modes, standard (with three difficulties) and survival. It speaks to the quality of this game that I never lost interest in this game though it'd be akin to replaying the same mission in a AAA shooter over and over since there's only one map with the same three objectives every time. The fact that one gains ranks that provide subtle improvements and that there is a tangible sense of progressing in player skill (becoming more adept at the game allowing one to play at higher difficulty levels) makes this game worth replaying. Coordinating with allies, working together, and watching each others backs makes this a worthwhile experience.