[Suggestion] Some skills/spells concepts *UPDATED*
First of all, love what you have done with this amazing ORPG and I can't wait for v1.2. I'm just here to input a few of (what I think) are some pretty interesting and cool skill/spell concepts that would really make the game a lot more enjoyable.
As a tanking class I thought that this class has already got a good amount of skills for holding aggro, taking damage, etc. I don't have any real unique recommendations for this class but here they are.
Reflect: The name says it all, this skill basically 'reflects' some damage done to the Crusader. It could be an active or a passive but if it were an active it would need to reflect more damage but only for a limited time.
Perseverance: This skill would act as a passive that would drastically reduce damage when the Crusader is in a near-death experience. It could be like a 40% damage reduction when the Crusader has 10% of his health left. It would enhance the Crusader's ability to soak damage.
Personally, I have yet to try this class and from observing it appears to be an off-tank melee damage dealer. Here are a few suggestions.
Battlelust: This would be a passive that increases the Beserker's damage according to how many enemies are nearby. (IK not very unique but still would prove useful)
Duel: This move would be a single-target active skill that the Berserker could use against an enemy. The idea is that when activated, the Berserker take less damage from outside sources other than the target he chose. The target also does extra damage to the Berserker but in turn the Berserker does more damage to the target. Confusing, but very effective for shutting down single targets. Basically its a skill that reduces damage from sources other than the enemy targeted in which both the Berserker and the chosen enemy deal more damage to each other.
Tide Turner: This move would normally just do damage however if the Berserker has a less HP (percentage base, otherwise this move could easily be abused in PvE) than the target he will also inflict some sort of status effect. This could give the Berserk that little extra chance to run and pot or throw in a few more attacks before going down.
Awesome damage output in a short amount of time, this is one of my favourite classes. The crappy thing however is that a lot of the damage is mitigated if the Assassin is in front of the target. Here are a few suggestions.
Shadow Walk: The Assassin quickly maneuvers herself behind the targeted enemy in a sort of 'blink' fashion. As it stands, Stealth isn't a surefire way to get behind the target (which I think is the main mechanic behind the Assassins high damage). This move would be a definite way to land that powerful burst combo.
Last Words: This move would be an active that deals more damage the lower the amount of HP the target has (percentage based again, would be OP on bosses with huge HP otherwise) and additionally silence them. IMO this would really let the Assassin shine at what she is meant to do; assassinating low life targets.
Noxious Daggers: This move is a passive that gives all of the Assassin's normal attacks a poison. The poison should stack and the damage should pile up. Again, I think this would increase the overall DPS of the Assassin.
I've been around on these forums quite a lot and this class appears to be the most weakest and least played one out of all of them, which is a shame. Out of all my suggestions I think that these ones are the best, the most interesting and pretty cool overall. Honestly however, the buffs of the Bard should be AoE unless its a unique one. For example Song of Vigor only has a 5sec cd but it lasts for 90secs? Might as well make it an AoE buff with the same effects because it is tedious buffing single targets on different buff timers. Also would be awesome for different 'Songs' that give INT and AGI. These suggestions capitalize on making the bard that 'advanced' support class with a different play-style than the other support classes.
Divine Rhapsody: This move would be an AoE healing over time that heals more depending on the amount of buffs the target currently has.
Ballad of the Winds: This move would be an AoE move speed buff, if enemies are caught in the AoE they will sustain a move speed de-buff.
Vigorous Melody: The Bard immobilizes herself and continually plays an enchanting song, each second nearby targets gain damage and spell power that stacks. This move cannot be used at the same time as Harmonious Melody and it is also a channeling skill. The buff lasts 8 seconds and the channeling goes for 6 seconds (meaning a maximum of 6 stacks).
Harmonious Melody: This is basically the defensive version of Vigorous Melody and grants resistance and armor instead of damage and spell power. Otherwise the skill is exactly the same.
Resonance: An active attack that knocks back the target but cannot knock them through terrain. It deals minor magical damage but is mainly used for the knock back which can save an ally's life. (Maybe the Bard needs at least one attack spell lol)
Pretty cool class but it does lack some....originality and also poor DPS compared to the 'big three' (Sorcerer, Assassin and Berserker). From examining the 'Magic Arrow' ability i'm assuming that this class is kind of an 'Anti-mage' that is supposed to destroy spell casters, but whatever.
Charged Shot: Name is self-explanatory, a skill that deals more damage the more it is 'charged'. Also make this ability able to critical resulting in some great damage with a consequence to it. (Charging too long opens you up to free attacks and if disrupted it could be your downfall)
Enervating Arrows: A passive ability that slows down target with every normal attack and stacking up to 5 times, upon the 6th attack the target is immobilized and dealt extra damage.
This class is up there with the Bard in being both underpowered (thank you useless skeletons that can't tank and do terrible damage) and underplayed which is again, a shame. I love the idea of death magic and it should be included in more games. This class appears to be a slave-driving de-buffer class so my suggestions are based around that.
Sacrificial Circle: The necromancer creates a circle of death and suffering in an area, minions in the area are granted an increase in move speed, attack speed (please, make it MUCH more better than the Orc Skull buff.....I checked and my skeletons went from 'Very Slow' to just 'Slow' and thats JUST the attack speed of my Necromancer lol) and damage. Additionally enemies within the circle are dealt minor Shadow DoT and decreased armor and resistances.
Disenchant: The necromancer destroys one of his skeletons (leaves no corpse so it can't be revived) and gains a buff that initially does nothing called 'Recycled Soul' he can then use the 'Recycled Soul' to summon an even greater minion or to cast spells.
Condemn: Requires a 'Recycled Soul', when used on a target they will be dealt DoT that increases if they perform any action such as: walking (only triggered once per movement destination not every step animation), attacking, casting spells, etc. This effect starts off VERY minuscule to the point it really isn't noticeable but it lasts for two minutes meaning that it does more damage the more the target acts.
Flesh Golem: Requires a 'Recycled Soul', basically a more powerful minion.
Great burst damage from this class, and certainly one of the better ones. Not really much to change with this class but they are severely restricted with their LOOOONNNNGGGG casting times. Overall however very nice class, and just in need of one suggestion.
Spell Fingers: Passively reduces the casting time (not by much, maybe 0.5seconds). Additionally it can be activated to temporarily double the passive effect.
That's ALLL my suggestions sorry if it did seem to drag on for ages, but you get my point. Feedback is warmly welcomed and also I don't mind if these skill/spells were rejected after all they ARE concepts and they don't have to used (plus I did this in my spare time and I was bored). I don't know how hard these are to script but again they aren't really necessary and are just a few concepts designed by me and who knows maybe some future player skills will have the same/similar concepts too.
P.S: I left out the Bishop, Monk and Druid because I didn't want for this to drag on for too long, maybe some other time... depending on the popularity of this thread
Welcome to the talent section! Alright remember that these Talents that I suggest are LIMITED by the skills that are currently in-game because I have no knowledge of the newer skills being added/already added. The sub-classes are each have their own but of course Zweib was only looking for a Talent set for each base class meaning that Sorc/Necro's are together but to make it easier for me to do this I have left them separate. The way I'm going to do it is to give 3 Talent suggestions that are individual to the class and two talents that is shared between both classes. Now, it takes time for me to think up unique Talents so....I will only be doing a few at a time whenever i get time. First I decided to do the Magicians.
Level 1- When casting a spell, the magician has a 10% chance to grant himself with a boost in intelligence for 10 seconds. INT boost = (Level x 0.1)
Level 2- If a spell does a critical hit on target it has a 50% chance to refresh the spell's cool down. This only affects the spell that had actually critted.
Level 3- If a spell is cast on a target, the target has a 30% chance to obtain a de buff called 'Irregular Magic'. The next spell cast on this target will deal 1.5x damage, also stacks with a critical hit.
Mana Affinity:
Level 1- The magician passively gains Mana according to his level. The mana gained = (Level x 1.5)
Level 2- Every spell that the magician successfully casts has a 20% chance to heal back 20 of the magician's mana.
Level 3- All spells that deal damage now deal bonus damage according to how much mana the Magician has left (Mana bonus counts to how much mana the mage currently has not after the spell is cast). Mana bonus damage = (Current mana / 6) this damage is always Magic element. If the magician is a Necromancer, the magician imbues this power into his minions' attacks/spells. Mana bonus damage on minions = (Current mana / 14) this damage is always Magic element.
Phoenix's Apprentice:
Level 1-All fire spells have their damage amplified by 5%.
Level 2-If a fire spell does a critical hit on a target, the target will sustain the 'Incinerate' de buff dealing the same damage as the actual Incinerate would but lasting only 6 seconds. If Incinerate does a critical (Not sure if Incinerate can actually critical, never tried it, if it doesn't then just ignore this part) then its duration is increased by 4 seconds.
Level 3-If a fire spell is cast on a target under the affects of Incinerate, the Incinerate buff is immediately removed and the target explodes dealing extra damage in a small AoE area. Additionally the target is stunned for 2 seconds, half-time if it's a boss.
Tidal Control:
Level 1-All water spells have their damage amplified by 5%.
Level 2-When Water Globes (or any other spell that can 'Soak' targets) is cast it has a 30% chance to cast an additional globe. If the extra globe hits, the duration of the 'Soaked' de buff will last for an extra 4 seconds.
Level 3-While under the effect of 'Soaked' if the target is hit by 'Frozen Cage' it will be dealt AoE damage and the de buff 'Permachill' will be added to all targets caught in the AoE effect. Targets under the effect of 'Permachill' will have their movement speed and attack speeds slowed down. Permachill lasts 6 seconds.
Energetic Channelling:
Level 1-All magic and lightning spells will have their damage amplified by 5%.
Level 2-When a lightning/magic spell is successfully cast the Sorcerer has a 15% chance to 'Double Cast' the same spell. (Think of it like DotA's Ogre Magi's multicast)
Level 3-When the Sorcerer receives damage he has a 10% chance to shock the target back dealing minor lightning damage and mini-stunning them for 0.1 seconds.
Spell Frenzy:*For necromancers who'd rather use spells than minions
Level 1- All spell damage from the Necromancer's spells will be amplified by 5%. DOES NOT affect minions. (Remember Necromancers have a lot less damaging spells than Sorcerer)
Level 2- When the Necromancer successfully casts a spell it has a 10% chance to 'bounce' to another target. The damage is then amplified by 1.5x and shared equally between the two targets however both targets still take any extra effects that the spell supplies for example, 'Soaked'.
Level 3- Whenever the Necromancer lands a spell he has a 30% chance to siphon back 25 HP.
Graveyard Tyranny:
Level 1- All minions gain the most basic boost depending on what they are.
Skeleton Warriors: Now have more HP and a little more damage
Skeleton Mages: Now Shadowbolt scales by 1.5x owner's Spellpower and Crippling Curse scales by 2.3x owner's Spellpower.
Level 2- All minions gain a more advanced boost depending on what they are.
Skeleton Warriors: Now have a 10% life steal effect and draw more aggro on basic attacks
Skeleton Mages: An even more power amplification of spells. Shadowbolt now does 1.8 x owner's Spellpower and Crippling Curse now does 2.6 x owner's Spellpower
Level 3- All minions have the most advanced boost depending on what they are.
Skeleton Warriors: All of the skeleton warrior's attacks have a 2% chance to stun the target for 1 second. Additionally when they have 20% HP left they will have a quickened attack speed.
Skeleton Mages: Again spells are slightly amplified and now have bonus effects. Shadowbolt now scales off 2 x owner's Spellpower and does small AoE damage when used on targets under the effect of Crippling Curse which now scales off 3 x owner's Spellpower.
Summoning Capacity:
Level 1: The casting times on the summoning spells of the Necromancer are completely removed but cool downs remain. Additionally the Necromancer can dismiss his skeletons reverting them back to a corpse.**
Level 2: When summoning minions the Necromancer has a 10% chance to summon a slightly more beefed up version of the minion (Identified by being scaled larger) and only works on skeleton warriors/any other melee minion. This beefed up minion has more HP and will explode on death dealing AoE damage. HP Bonus = (owner's Level x 8)
Level 3: The Necromancer can now summon 1 more extra warrior and 1 more extra mage.
ismiss would come as a skill that is on the minion not the Necromancer and I think there's a bug with skeleton minions when they die because you can immediately use their corpse to make another one, however I'm not sure if it's a bug or intended would appreciate if Zweib could tell me 
First of all, love what you have done with this amazing ORPG and I can't wait for v1.2. I'm just here to input a few of (what I think) are some pretty interesting and cool skill/spell concepts that would really make the game a lot more enjoyable.
As a tanking class I thought that this class has already got a good amount of skills for holding aggro, taking damage, etc. I don't have any real unique recommendations for this class but here they are.
Reflect: The name says it all, this skill basically 'reflects' some damage done to the Crusader. It could be an active or a passive but if it were an active it would need to reflect more damage but only for a limited time.
Perseverance: This skill would act as a passive that would drastically reduce damage when the Crusader is in a near-death experience. It could be like a 40% damage reduction when the Crusader has 10% of his health left. It would enhance the Crusader's ability to soak damage.
Personally, I have yet to try this class and from observing it appears to be an off-tank melee damage dealer. Here are a few suggestions.
Battlelust: This would be a passive that increases the Beserker's damage according to how many enemies are nearby. (IK not very unique but still would prove useful)
Duel: This move would be a single-target active skill that the Berserker could use against an enemy. The idea is that when activated, the Berserker take less damage from outside sources other than the target he chose. The target also does extra damage to the Berserker but in turn the Berserker does more damage to the target. Confusing, but very effective for shutting down single targets. Basically its a skill that reduces damage from sources other than the enemy targeted in which both the Berserker and the chosen enemy deal more damage to each other.
Tide Turner: This move would normally just do damage however if the Berserker has a less HP (percentage base, otherwise this move could easily be abused in PvE) than the target he will also inflict some sort of status effect. This could give the Berserk that little extra chance to run and pot or throw in a few more attacks before going down.
Awesome damage output in a short amount of time, this is one of my favourite classes. The crappy thing however is that a lot of the damage is mitigated if the Assassin is in front of the target. Here are a few suggestions.
Shadow Walk: The Assassin quickly maneuvers herself behind the targeted enemy in a sort of 'blink' fashion. As it stands, Stealth isn't a surefire way to get behind the target (which I think is the main mechanic behind the Assassins high damage). This move would be a definite way to land that powerful burst combo.
Last Words: This move would be an active that deals more damage the lower the amount of HP the target has (percentage based again, would be OP on bosses with huge HP otherwise) and additionally silence them. IMO this would really let the Assassin shine at what she is meant to do; assassinating low life targets.
Noxious Daggers: This move is a passive that gives all of the Assassin's normal attacks a poison. The poison should stack and the damage should pile up. Again, I think this would increase the overall DPS of the Assassin.
I've been around on these forums quite a lot and this class appears to be the most weakest and least played one out of all of them, which is a shame. Out of all my suggestions I think that these ones are the best, the most interesting and pretty cool overall. Honestly however, the buffs of the Bard should be AoE unless its a unique one. For example Song of Vigor only has a 5sec cd but it lasts for 90secs? Might as well make it an AoE buff with the same effects because it is tedious buffing single targets on different buff timers. Also would be awesome for different 'Songs' that give INT and AGI. These suggestions capitalize on making the bard that 'advanced' support class with a different play-style than the other support classes.
Divine Rhapsody: This move would be an AoE healing over time that heals more depending on the amount of buffs the target currently has.
Ballad of the Winds: This move would be an AoE move speed buff, if enemies are caught in the AoE they will sustain a move speed de-buff.
Vigorous Melody: The Bard immobilizes herself and continually plays an enchanting song, each second nearby targets gain damage and spell power that stacks. This move cannot be used at the same time as Harmonious Melody and it is also a channeling skill. The buff lasts 8 seconds and the channeling goes for 6 seconds (meaning a maximum of 6 stacks).
Harmonious Melody: This is basically the defensive version of Vigorous Melody and grants resistance and armor instead of damage and spell power. Otherwise the skill is exactly the same.
Resonance: An active attack that knocks back the target but cannot knock them through terrain. It deals minor magical damage but is mainly used for the knock back which can save an ally's life. (Maybe the Bard needs at least one attack spell lol)
Pretty cool class but it does lack some....originality and also poor DPS compared to the 'big three' (Sorcerer, Assassin and Berserker). From examining the 'Magic Arrow' ability i'm assuming that this class is kind of an 'Anti-mage' that is supposed to destroy spell casters, but whatever.
Charged Shot: Name is self-explanatory, a skill that deals more damage the more it is 'charged'. Also make this ability able to critical resulting in some great damage with a consequence to it. (Charging too long opens you up to free attacks and if disrupted it could be your downfall)
Enervating Arrows: A passive ability that slows down target with every normal attack and stacking up to 5 times, upon the 6th attack the target is immobilized and dealt extra damage.
This class is up there with the Bard in being both underpowered (thank you useless skeletons that can't tank and do terrible damage) and underplayed which is again, a shame. I love the idea of death magic and it should be included in more games. This class appears to be a slave-driving de-buffer class so my suggestions are based around that.
Sacrificial Circle: The necromancer creates a circle of death and suffering in an area, minions in the area are granted an increase in move speed, attack speed (please, make it MUCH more better than the Orc Skull buff.....I checked and my skeletons went from 'Very Slow' to just 'Slow' and thats JUST the attack speed of my Necromancer lol) and damage. Additionally enemies within the circle are dealt minor Shadow DoT and decreased armor and resistances.
Disenchant: The necromancer destroys one of his skeletons (leaves no corpse so it can't be revived) and gains a buff that initially does nothing called 'Recycled Soul' he can then use the 'Recycled Soul' to summon an even greater minion or to cast spells.
Condemn: Requires a 'Recycled Soul', when used on a target they will be dealt DoT that increases if they perform any action such as: walking (only triggered once per movement destination not every step animation), attacking, casting spells, etc. This effect starts off VERY minuscule to the point it really isn't noticeable but it lasts for two minutes meaning that it does more damage the more the target acts.
Flesh Golem: Requires a 'Recycled Soul', basically a more powerful minion.
Great burst damage from this class, and certainly one of the better ones. Not really much to change with this class but they are severely restricted with their LOOOONNNNGGGG casting times. Overall however very nice class, and just in need of one suggestion.
Spell Fingers: Passively reduces the casting time (not by much, maybe 0.5seconds). Additionally it can be activated to temporarily double the passive effect.
That's ALLL my suggestions sorry if it did seem to drag on for ages, but you get my point. Feedback is warmly welcomed and also I don't mind if these skill/spells were rejected after all they ARE concepts and they don't have to used (plus I did this in my spare time and I was bored). I don't know how hard these are to script but again they aren't really necessary and are just a few concepts designed by me and who knows maybe some future player skills will have the same/similar concepts too.
P.S: I left out the Bishop, Monk and Druid because I didn't want for this to drag on for too long, maybe some other time... depending on the popularity of this thread
Talents Section
Welcome to the talent section! Alright remember that these Talents that I suggest are LIMITED by the skills that are currently in-game because I have no knowledge of the newer skills being added/already added. The sub-classes are each have their own but of course Zweib was only looking for a Talent set for each base class meaning that Sorc/Necro's are together but to make it easier for me to do this I have left them separate. The way I'm going to do it is to give 3 Talent suggestions that are individual to the class and two talents that is shared between both classes. Now, it takes time for me to think up unique Talents so....I will only be doing a few at a time whenever i get time. First I decided to do the Magicians.
Level 1- When casting a spell, the magician has a 10% chance to grant himself with a boost in intelligence for 10 seconds. INT boost = (Level x 0.1)
Level 2- If a spell does a critical hit on target it has a 50% chance to refresh the spell's cool down. This only affects the spell that had actually critted.
Level 3- If a spell is cast on a target, the target has a 30% chance to obtain a de buff called 'Irregular Magic'. The next spell cast on this target will deal 1.5x damage, also stacks with a critical hit.
Mana Affinity:
Level 1- The magician passively gains Mana according to his level. The mana gained = (Level x 1.5)
Level 2- Every spell that the magician successfully casts has a 20% chance to heal back 20 of the magician's mana.
Level 3- All spells that deal damage now deal bonus damage according to how much mana the Magician has left (Mana bonus counts to how much mana the mage currently has not after the spell is cast). Mana bonus damage = (Current mana / 6) this damage is always Magic element. If the magician is a Necromancer, the magician imbues this power into his minions' attacks/spells. Mana bonus damage on minions = (Current mana / 14) this damage is always Magic element.
Phoenix's Apprentice:
Level 1-All fire spells have their damage amplified by 5%.
Level 2-If a fire spell does a critical hit on a target, the target will sustain the 'Incinerate' de buff dealing the same damage as the actual Incinerate would but lasting only 6 seconds. If Incinerate does a critical (Not sure if Incinerate can actually critical, never tried it, if it doesn't then just ignore this part) then its duration is increased by 4 seconds.
Level 3-If a fire spell is cast on a target under the affects of Incinerate, the Incinerate buff is immediately removed and the target explodes dealing extra damage in a small AoE area. Additionally the target is stunned for 2 seconds, half-time if it's a boss.
Tidal Control:
Level 1-All water spells have their damage amplified by 5%.
Level 2-When Water Globes (or any other spell that can 'Soak' targets) is cast it has a 30% chance to cast an additional globe. If the extra globe hits, the duration of the 'Soaked' de buff will last for an extra 4 seconds.
Level 3-While under the effect of 'Soaked' if the target is hit by 'Frozen Cage' it will be dealt AoE damage and the de buff 'Permachill' will be added to all targets caught in the AoE effect. Targets under the effect of 'Permachill' will have their movement speed and attack speeds slowed down. Permachill lasts 6 seconds.
Energetic Channelling:
Level 1-All magic and lightning spells will have their damage amplified by 5%.
Level 2-When a lightning/magic spell is successfully cast the Sorcerer has a 15% chance to 'Double Cast' the same spell. (Think of it like DotA's Ogre Magi's multicast)
Level 3-When the Sorcerer receives damage he has a 10% chance to shock the target back dealing minor lightning damage and mini-stunning them for 0.1 seconds.
Spell Frenzy:*For necromancers who'd rather use spells than minions
Level 1- All spell damage from the Necromancer's spells will be amplified by 5%. DOES NOT affect minions. (Remember Necromancers have a lot less damaging spells than Sorcerer)
Level 2- When the Necromancer successfully casts a spell it has a 10% chance to 'bounce' to another target. The damage is then amplified by 1.5x and shared equally between the two targets however both targets still take any extra effects that the spell supplies for example, 'Soaked'.
Level 3- Whenever the Necromancer lands a spell he has a 30% chance to siphon back 25 HP.
Graveyard Tyranny:
Level 1- All minions gain the most basic boost depending on what they are.
Skeleton Warriors: Now have more HP and a little more damage
Skeleton Mages: Now Shadowbolt scales by 1.5x owner's Spellpower and Crippling Curse scales by 2.3x owner's Spellpower.
Level 2- All minions gain a more advanced boost depending on what they are.
Skeleton Warriors: Now have a 10% life steal effect and draw more aggro on basic attacks
Skeleton Mages: An even more power amplification of spells. Shadowbolt now does 1.8 x owner's Spellpower and Crippling Curse now does 2.6 x owner's Spellpower
Level 3- All minions have the most advanced boost depending on what they are.
Skeleton Warriors: All of the skeleton warrior's attacks have a 2% chance to stun the target for 1 second. Additionally when they have 20% HP left they will have a quickened attack speed.
Skeleton Mages: Again spells are slightly amplified and now have bonus effects. Shadowbolt now scales off 2 x owner's Spellpower and does small AoE damage when used on targets under the effect of Crippling Curse which now scales off 3 x owner's Spellpower.
Summoning Capacity:
Level 1: The casting times on the summoning spells of the Necromancer are completely removed but cool downs remain. Additionally the Necromancer can dismiss his skeletons reverting them back to a corpse.**
Level 2: When summoning minions the Necromancer has a 10% chance to summon a slightly more beefed up version of the minion (Identified by being scaled larger) and only works on skeleton warriors/any other melee minion. This beefed up minion has more HP and will explode on death dealing AoE damage. HP Bonus = (owner's Level x 8)
Level 3: The Necromancer can now summon 1 more extra warrior and 1 more extra mage.
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