v1.02. 2 new races: blood elf( alliance) and dungeon race(horde). Added dungeon to map. Fixed bugs. credits ingame.
- workers uses non-standard manner of gold and lumber harvest:
-Gold - they attacks Gold Vein to gathering 3-5 gold for each attack(2 seconds cooldown of attack).
-Lumber - digging ground and find 1-10 lumber and 2-3 gold.
- Tunnel - its way to dungeon, where diggers find many recources(diggers non-uses the standart recources like gold mines and trees)
- While digger use the dig ability under his legs creates the blight zone... all buildings needs digged territory, besides Blight Totem(its creates small range of blight) and Rat Den(non-upgradeable town-hall of Dungeon race).
- this race includes: kobolds, centaurs, razormanes, other dungeon creatures.
- Town hall does not use upgrades: for the most further development need upgrade which study in Rat Den.
- other features see ingame xD
Blood Elf: in may map this race like scarlet crusade in WoW.
- First unis - architect, either as standard worker gains gold from mine and gains trees. can learn blink ability.
- Mana-fountain - building which improving mana-regeneration of nearby units.
- First melee unit - paladin-inquisitor - weak units, which regenerate hp when kills enemy units.
- First range unit - witchhunter - efficient against mana-users: he has a manaburn attacks.
- Second melee unit - Crusader(analogue of knight) - has a execute ability - small chance on attacks receive vampirism ability and bonus to damage.
- others units of this race you can see ingame =P
In design race of Ahn'Quraji
dungeon, rat, kobold, blood elf, blood, race, newrace, new race, races, strange, forest.