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StarGate Universe

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Level 11
Nov 1, 2008

Heroes: General O'neil.
Special Units: M.A.L.P, Missiles.

Heroes: [Coming Soon]
Special Units: Ha'tak, Glider

Race 3: [Coming Soon]

Race 4: [Coming Soon]


Mapping Team:
Lead Project: AzTeC_DeViL2000
Systems - Rysnt11

-We are still deciding if we should add two playable modes, [1. Survival, 2. Team/RPG/FFA based]
1. The survival game will have a deep coded system where waves and waves of enemy will come through each stargate at random times to destroy you acting like a big AI system.
2. The default builder type game where you explore the world and make allies and enemies. Don't forget about the legendary dragons deep in the caves on planets.

-There will be over 20 planets playable through out the game, from small to large sized planets. 5 of which will need you to dial 9 symbols from the stargate to open a stable 30 second wormhole.

-Through your progression throughout the game you will be able to upgrade your stargate defences with shield compatibilities to kill anything that steps through the stargate such as the irus used by SG-1 in the series.













Rough Game Trailer 2.0:
Old Game Trailer 1.0:



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Level 6
Jun 24, 2011
looks like a good project ill subscribe to this thread... May i suggest custom unit models.... having the goa 'ud be orcs doesnt look good. Also in the Tari pic those siege engines look out of place and im not even sure what they were meant to be... The buildings in both pics are also out of place it seems.
Level 11
Nov 1, 2008
The begining wasn't that good, it diddn't have full length shows, but season 2 was awesome, i mean for the last show of season 2. The SGU team uses the sleep pods for about 3 years and that fat boy forgot his name, had to stay back and probably die.

I mean in SG-1 that never happens, they usualy find people hibernating in pods.

So sad that it's canceled, most shows suck at season 1, they always get better at season 2 to season 3 and so on, they diddn't give SGU a chance.
Level 6
Jun 24, 2011
im kinda busy with my own project but i can give suggestions now and then. For example, building maps from the water up makes it look better. That way you have shores and not cliffs the drop off into water. Also add a few hills to make the land a bit uneven.

EDIT: you do realize the 9th chevron is probably used for pre programmed moving stargates. For example, when the SGU team arrived on Destiny it was in FTL. Also since the gate was constantly moving along a pre determined path the 9th chevron most likely acted as a referral to that specific path it was taking. The 8th chevron on the other hand, is the chevron used to "dial" another galaxy.
Level 7
Apr 11, 2009
For this map, will u use custom models for such as the tauri, Goa'ulds and so on.
I watched the youtube link when the Ha'tak (modership) attacked, and there was one thing i didnt like. The Death glider didnt move when they where shooting. Dont know if its possible to make em shot and move so they fly around instead of standing there. And what kind of Ships will u use in this? im just curious.

(Through your progression throughout the game you will be able to upgrade your stargate defences with shield compatibilities to kill anything that steps through the stargate such as the irus used by SG-1 in the series) - Wouldnt this make it impossible to step through? I mean everytime someone dail the gate they can just put up the shield or Iris.

And yes, im writing alot here, There is one more question (for now). have u everplayed Solar Conquest? I really like how he made the solar system and how to go in to orbit with ships and other stuff. And for fun or a fin touch you should make some gates in space ^^
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Level 11
Nov 1, 2008
I haven't began work on the map for about 1-2 weeks, this is why i would love to have a team that would help work on the map, at the moment the map will be finnished late 2011 or 2012 if i don't get some help.

Anyway, this map will have everything like Ships, though the Death Glider and the Hatak have no animations. I have asked people to make some animations on them but they have declined.

And for the StarGate defences, the shields but they will use lots of energy to use. Therefore a cooldown. There will also be planatary shields, since ships are rigged people would be able to create the shield generator on the planet, the only way of destroying the shield is through the stargate.

Ideas are still being thought but i'm trying to make it very different from Solar Conquest, for example. The planet orbiting as well as moons, with at least 15 solar systems. And gates in space would be an awesome idea since space is really big. Though things are tight when I don't have anyone doing anything to the map, i don't mind if someone sucks at map making but the map can be worked on in every angle, nothing is completed.
Level 11
Nov 1, 2008
Idea Report, by Crazy_Russian

The ideas with (?) are a maybe, or require more detail and thought. Some you may have already implemented, plan to implement, or have heard, but i'll go through them anyway. You do not have to use any of these ideas, but hopefully they will be useful or at least inspire greater ideas.

(1) - Planetary Shields
- Destroyable Generator through ground troops
- (?) Prevents landing troops by ship
- (?) Stargate is therefore only entry
- (?) Generator sits midway in base - Having it right next to the Stargate would get it destroyed too easily, having it sit back behind everything would defeat the purpose of having ships to destroy stuff.
- Ships (Motherships) can attack/bombard planets, which set off explosions randomly on the planet, killing units and destroying buildings.
- Temporary Iris for the Stargate to aid in defense - Either drains mana / has a timer.

(2) - Race Ideas / Options
Human (Tau'ri) - Balanced powers (Ground/Space/Economy)
Goa'Uld - Powerful ground troops, average Motherships & slower economy.
Azguard - Powerful shields (Planetary / Ships), weaker ground units.
(?) Ori - Powerful Motherships (EXPENSIVE), weakest ground units.
Wraith - Cheap units(?), Mothership special ability (Darts)
(?)The Genii (Humans from the Pegasus galaxy) - Quicker economy, weakest Mothership.
(?) Replicators - Quick regenerating ground forces, strong Mothership (expensive)

(3) - Gate System
(Keep in mind, you want to encourage new players, not deter them. Adding overly complex systems will deter.)
Possibility 1: Easy symbol 'getter'. For example. '-Symbol purple' will come up with that players chevrons.
Possibility 2: A research center which takes time and resource to give the player the code to a random planet to explore, some 'rare planets' having alot of resource or artifacts (See later number)
Possibility 3: Both possibilities combined.

(4) Truce System
When people want to make an alliance, or even truce one another to take out a more powerful enemy, some form of alliance system would be necessary.
A simple '-truce playercolour' would suffice, and thereby allow those two players to trade resource or (?) artifacts. This would then also need a form of war system, a simple '-war playercolour' would also suffice.

(5) Artifact System
Used for research / upgrades / special units, e.g Mothership.
A research building (maybe with item slots) uses the tablets/artifacts/whatever to either research an important upgrade, or to use it to create a Mothership (Which takes a long time to build, as well as a large amount of resource.)
The player would only start with one artifact(Or whatever), and be able to use it to create a Mothership.
Another use of the artifacts could be to have a high chance to dial a 'rare planet', which may yield more artifacts or resource, or special items for the commanders/heroes.

(6) Finding Artifacts
Possibility 1: Randomize places (reasonable places) that the artifacts may be 'found'. The player would produce archaeologists (or the racial version of one) to search areas of soil/rock/whatever to try to find artifacts. However it would probably take a long time to find one, unless there were markers or ruin as mentioned in Possibility 2.
Possibility 2: Randomise Ruins/Temples/Whatever
- Need an archaeologist to 'examine/dig/search' the ruins/whatever to have a chance to find an artifacts. The chance to find an artifact will be based on either research, or the skill of the archaeologist (Maybe the commander/hero has a skill to search?)

(7) Fairness System
-E.G playing solo to find all the good gate addresses, or even writing it down on paper multiplayer. It will give a huge advantage to those who have played before, and may deter new players or just make the game fun-less.
This may be hard to do, but a way to randomize the addresses of special planets, or which addresses have special resources would be good to prevent the 'cheating'.
(Not the best idea, but something) - Perhaps an even more complicated system, where the final chevron represents a players colour, and therefore each player has a different address to use. For example, Orange will always have Chevron Theta at the end, whereas blue will have Omega. Blue will not be able to dial the same gate when he plays again as Green.

(8) Ship/Mothership System.
Racial abilities affect Mothership(s)/Ships
(?)-Each race can build their own short range fighters/bombers - These fighters / bombers can only fly a certain distance away from their planet or Mothership as they are short range.
-Motherships take a long time to build (5 / 10 minutes)

(9) Mothership abilities/racial balancing in further detail.
(This heavily depends on if they get to build multiple Motherships. X Y and Z amount differ for balancing.)
- Human (Tau'ri) - Long range missiles (As used in series) - Slower than average, Average HP / Shielding, lesser than average damage. (X AMOUNT)
- Goa'Uld - Average range, Slightly faster than average (OR Reasonably Faster), Average HP/ Shielding, Slightly higher than average damage (X AMOUNT)
- Azguard - Average range, Slightly slower than average, Strong Shielding, Average HP, Average Damage. (X AMOUNT)
(?) - The Ori - EXPENSIVE - Slowest of all, Above average range, High Damage, Very low HP, slightly stronger than average shields. (Y AMOUNT)
- Wraith - Short range, Fastest of all, Above average damage, High HP, Hull regenerates relatively quickly ( Upgrades with artifact ? ), NO SHIELDING (X AMOUNT)
(?) - Humans (Genii) - Average range, Average speed, Average Damage, Lower HP, Average shields.(Z AMOUNT)
(?) - Replicators - Expensive - Longer range (missile/laser), Slow speed, Average HP (With light regeneration), Average shielding, Higher than average damage. (Y AMOUNT)

Only the replicators and the wraith have hulls that regenerate. All others have only regeneration on shield power. (Replicators have shields too, but light HP regeneration)

As I said before, you don't have to use them, but hopefully they've given you some ideas and inspiration.

Mining asteroid fields in space - The asteroids will be in the asteroid belt rings around planets.

(?) A tax system which brings in income.

Planetary capture / area control system, where players earn higher income for more planets or areas owned.

(?) Rings come down to the planet which bring in units from ships. Ships do not enter the atmosphere, but orbit the planet.

(?) Motherships would probably throw out the balance, so we can just use the large ships (like the Hive) and call them Motherships.

-=-=-=-=-=-=- BUG REPORT -=-=-=-=-=-=-

The first planet - Units cannot cross the bridge, even when gate it opened.
I also spawned with two bases again.
Level 15
Oct 18, 2008
@Aztec_devil2000: The planet shield idea isn't bad, but if I use shield+iris then for some time I'f be unharmable. You should also consider making the secret planet where atlantis is, since with wraiths and the genii in play, people will want it ^^ Oh, and you should make wraiths/genii to be in a far-away place, unaccessible by ships (it needs to be explored first but that takes lots of time, then ships can go there), with slower economy So it'd follow the general story as I wouldn't involve those races in the battle of milky-way since they are too far away to do that.-or something like this, but wraiths and genii shouldn't directly contact milky-way
Level 11
Nov 1, 2008
So your saying that the genii and the wraith are playable races?
the "iris" will be a shield like thing which will use a lot of power i guess, therefore a cool down.

Edit: And great idea about having atlantice being implanted and for the geni and that being far away! Thanks =D
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