Stacking Evasion?

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Level 5
Feb 19, 2008
Hello Hive!
I just have a little question about the Evasion/Critical strike effect.

If example an Demon Hunter has an Evasion ability and obtains an item wich has these effects, is there any way to make these effects stack?

AND if there is a way, how would said "stacking of effects" work?
Example: A night elven Demon Hunter with evasion (30%) obtains an Talisman of Evasion(15%).

- Would the 30% evasion add up with the 15% and become 45%
- Would the attack first have a 30% chance of missing, then a 15% chance of missing?
- Would the 30% override the 15%?

(No big deal, just wondering)


Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
To make it clear, the default behaviour of evasion is to use the largest evasion source as your evasion amount. This means that Evasion Level 1 is ignored completely when holding the Talisman of Evasion while Evasion Level >1 makes the Talisman of Evasion useless.

There is no easy way to make Evasion stack. The best you can do is to use a separate hidden (placed in a hidden spell book) evasion with 100 levels, each increasing evasion chance by 1%. You then add/adjust the level of that ability based on the required evasion amount that you compute using a trigger system.

Abilities with 100 levels take a while to load so should be avoided. If you only have 2 evasion sources that can stack it can suffice to make a third "stacked" evasion ability that is added (again, using hidden spell book) when both evasion sources are present (as it is larger, it will dominate over the others so the others can remain). This saves on ability complexity and thus load time but does not support fully flexible evasion.
Level 5
Feb 19, 2008
Well that covered it from top to toe!
Thank you for your time!

I guess i could make it work in any of those ways, but the "need" isn't that strong, just trying to learn some of the natures of the game :)
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