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Spells Section Purge in Effect

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Level 40
Dec 14, 2005
The spells section purge mentioned in several threads is now in effect and will end on Friday, August 21, 2009 (all unconfirmed spells will be automatically deleted).

If you check one of your spells, you should see text stating that we need to get rid of the multitude of broken spells and to press "Keep my spell" if your spell works in 1.24 and complies to the new rules. Just press it if it does both of those things.

Please be careful when you are doing so to make sure that it does comply to the new rules, as several major things have changed since before the patch.
Level 12
Feb 7, 2008
Damn i so hate 1.24, it ruins every good map there is D:

Other than that, i think the map section could be purged a lil bit aswell from the not-working maps.
Level 9
Aug 2, 2008
By the way..how does the purge delete the spells ? Spellmakers can (soft) delete their own spells but that means the spells are not gone completely. The spell thread still exists, it is just not visible to the public. So does the purge remove the spells completely or is it just a soft delete ?
Level 12
Feb 7, 2008
PP has spoken.

I think the best ones (peoples choice) should be re-uploaded as fixed to work with newest patch.
Like said already, the problem is - inactivity.

And i dont recommend stealing either, making the problem pretty big.
What i recommend is to somehow contact the creators by someway and ask them to fix them to work with newest patch, but that would be pretty bad idea when i think of it more deeply.
Level 12
Feb 7, 2008
I was just answering the question he asked.
Speaking of that question, there even was a announcement of it before this one.
Anyway, back on-topic

When some spells gets removed, does the posts also go off (as in off post count - permanetly)?
Level 17
Mar 17, 2009
HAHAHA WOW! only 14 pages! :D


But one thing that should be happening now, every rejected spell gets X days to be updated otherwise deleted. This should really be applied this time. And oh, maybe the mods could be a bit more active, otherwise admins should think of recruiting an active mod...
Level 17
Mar 17, 2009
MortAr- said:
Hm, I was just wondering, what if some peoples are so naive to click on the link that will hold their map/spell even if their spell/map is not compatible with the 1.24 patch?
Well anyone naive enough to do so would have his spell most probably pending... and thus rejected once checked by the mods...

Otherwise, well, the users would be reporting spells that aren't 1.24 compatible once they test it (hopefully :p)
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