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[Spell] Spell won't start casting sometimes

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A really weird problem to me, at the start of the game, I add 3 spells to a hero. When I try casting them, they won't even start casting. I know this because I have a trig that sends text blah even on "begins casting" instead of "starts effect", and it doesn't. The green outline appears on the spell icon however. Hero's animation reset, but he doesn't cast it. But after some time running and I don't know what, they cast and they work afterwards! It worked before and I really don't get what the problem is. The spell is based off of channel Can anyone help me?
Level 26
Aug 18, 2009
Well make sure to place the debug msg at the earliest entry point. Check if the trigger is created and the proper event registered, and that the trigger does not get disabled. You can catch the order. If the issue is constantly showing at the beginning, it should be easy to analyze by breaking things down.
Sorry I'm quite "new" on this site, I use it for it's resources/tutorials etc. and this is actually my first post, so I don't know how to post triggers.. My trigger has event "begins casting an ability" and for conditions, I have Or: (cast spell is first spell, second spell and third spell) and that owner of triggering unit is red. The trigger is used in game, I just added the debug msg before all other actions to see if it is cast, and changed "starts effects" to "begins casting". I'm using normal WE, and I don't get any errors, so the trigger can't be disabled (I save and it's enabled). This is happening all the time at the beginning, I can stay on the place whole time and spam the spells, still they don't cast (it's point target and to mechanical units, there are more than one target units, ~300 pixels away from each other) I'm pretty sure trigger works because after I cast it on other targets, after running, the spell sometimes casts and the trigger is run. This bug happens only at beggining and disappears after I spam it on different targets for a while...
Level 26
Aug 18, 2009
Right-click on the trigger's root on the right side >Copy as text

Paste it in your post and wrap it with [.TRIGGER][/.TRIGGER] tags (without the points).

Even in the normal editor, you can disable triggers with the Trigger - Turn Off action for example. You can even use jass in the normal editor. But if you do not know anything about that, you probably do not.

Well, you can upload the map, tell what to do and what triggers do not fire.
In trigger editor, under the folder Creep System, Spawn Minions Red trigger. Try entering the game and use q,w,e on the power generators few times, the spells are based off of channel, so the problem can be in: 1. the trigger, 2. in the spells, 3. in the game(?). Thank you for help, can't give more info because I'm in a hurry at the moment, I'll post again in ~1-2 hours.


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