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Spell Ideas Needed

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Level 5
Jun 25, 2008
oh sorry, i wasn't gonna use them, i read through everything but if i decide im not gonna use it i end up forgetting it again :p only need 5 more and got a long time whilst i make the other 33 (some already done ofc, cant remember how many, nearly 10) so im just waiting for those ones that just kinda click yes in my head.
Level 10
Sep 6, 2008
You could remake the thundering earth spell:
Call down x amount of lightings at random locations in a wide area killing units hit by the lightings.
The lightings will then make the ground unstable and force the ground to sink in, (after a set amount of seconds)
sucking any enemy with it to their grave. (they will be drawn underground and then killed) :grin:

It's a remade version of the Thundering earth skill i posted earlier (Air + Earth)

I personally think this mixes both elements pretty good :cute: but it's still up to you if you like this spell :wink:

EDIT: I'm posting a remade idea of the spell since I think it has so much potential.
Level 5
Aug 24, 2008
I will not give up! Even if you don't comment any of spells :angry:

Inferno Fire Ring
The casters releases a firebolt that flies in an artillery like curve towards its target. Once it reaches that place a fire will start to burn and begin to grow outwards. However the fire will burn out in the middle fast. Imaging this like a slow growing nova however the middle will be safe except for 0.8 seconds after the firebolt reached that point.

Bane Fire
The ground breaks open in a straight line and creating a flame fountain changing both the terrain itself and the air above it into a killing zone.
Imaging this like a shock wave that leaves a burning ground.

Hidden wind
The caster will create a storm of earth and wind. This intense storm will move slowly and randomly in a direction. The storm dose not deal damage but conceals the target as well as preventing enemies from jumping once they are within the storm.

Mudball Canon
The caster will instantly fire a mudball at his enemy upon impact the target will be stunned and covered into mud (also rendering him immune to any spell). Once the stun fades the target receives a debuff that will either disable his dodge, jump or flash step ability.
Level 10
Sep 6, 2008
I've got a really good idea for the air + earth spell!
Dirt Golem
Summons a golem of dirt with the help of the winds. The golems' punches slows down the attacked enemy because of the howling winds and has a small chance of stunning the enemy because of occasional boulders.
Each level increases duration and strength of the golem.
Level 2
Aug 27, 2008

Rolling death
Launches a gigantic fiery meteor from you, that rolls up to 800 range and leaves a fiery trail that kills any enemy that passes. fire lasts 20 seconds


Benign mist
Spreads a thick mist around you making you invisible. the mist forms a shield, that if broken will remove invisibility. mist can take 3 times normal damage before breaking. restealths after 5 seconds.


Cutting fire

Releases a small string of fire(50 units AOE) that used air to catapult it to a long distance. anyone caught in this string will get immobilized for 4 seconds.
Range of string is 2000


Tree bomb
Puts a bomb in a tree that if a unit is withing 50 range of that tree or the tree is cut down or destroyed it will explode in a 300 radius


Instantly teleport to a target 700 range away and push them 600 range away stunning them for 2 seconds.


Drunken stupor
Makes the targets screen go randomly around like in enfo RO

Cunning trick

Makes 2 fake swords infront of you 1 real one. the real one is chosen at random. they all go towards the targeted opponent and cant receive damage from AOE damage. the target has to kill one of them or else he dies. the swords are easily killed

BTW if you need beta testers just say so :)
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Level 5
Jun 25, 2008
hey guys, i havent been making much progress on EoN atm, due to coursework etc, it should speed up a bit around christmas and probably slow down again after that due to exams. i havent given up but i just have RL to deal with. Although like blaxor said i wasnt asking for anything other than elemental spells, i kinda like the tree bomb and may use it as a ninja item.
Level 10
Sep 6, 2008
Fire + Earth: Magma Spike
Shoots a burning hot piece of magma in a straigh line hurting enemies in a line.
Enemies hit by the piece of magma will explode and send burning bits and pieces of flesh in every direction away from the exploding unit killing those in a close proximity to the exploding unit, even the caster.
Level 5
Aug 24, 2008
Quick Flame
This spell is instantly fire and will also instantly hit its target but with a range of 250 only.

Secret Art: Kraken Brawl
The caster engulfs himself with a water orb that will protect him from harm. 1 Second later 2 Tentacle like water whips will begin to rotate around the orb for 5 seconds. Each hero hit will not die but knocked back. However if the target hits an obstacle it will die.

Fire + Earth
Demon Art: Living Stone Crush
This will conjure 2 Hands made of Brimstone at the left and the right side of the target. These hands will then crush anyone between them.

Air + Earth
Speed Jump
The caster will create a hole beneath himself. He will slowly sink in this hole. After 5 seconds the caster can shoot himself through the air to a place far away. (Long range blink, or jump or ... whatever)

Water + Earth
Grand Swamp summon
With a cast time of 10 seconds this spell can only be used before combat. The caster will create a giant swamp. From these swamp strange venomous Fog arises. This poison will reduce move speed and sight for all foolish enough to enter (except for the caster). The swamp will last for 2 minutes but you can only cast 1.
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Level 10
Sep 6, 2008
Air + Earth: <No name :sad:>
Summon X amount of boulders to rise from beneth the ground in random locations in a area around the caster dazing those whom are hit by the boulders (the boulders can stop projectiles). After a set amount of time lightning will strike down on the boulders making them explode and throw pieces of heavy rock everywhere killing the units hit by the pieces.

Water + Earth: Watery Stone Cannon (Can't come up with anything better sorry :con:)
Conjures a jet of water rushing in a straigh line draging enemy units with it. The jet of water will sustain for X amount of seconds (longer duration and range in places where there are more water) and on random occations (more often in dry places but with higher velocity in places with more water) will launch a stone with the jet killing the enemy units being draged when the stone passes. (Enemies trying to cross the jet will be knocked back out of the jet, the jet also stops projectiles)
Level 5
Jun 25, 2008
wow thx guys, some good ideas here, gna use some of these too! but im having trouble getting stuff done atm, just finished one physics coursework now theres more.. and i got art coursework too, and like 4 maths exams after christmas. Bet ur thinking, "maths and physics, that makes sense, hey wait a minute.. and ART!?" well yea its a strange combination ^^
Level 5
Aug 24, 2008
Interesting i fought this thread is dead good to see its not so i can thing of more insane Spells.


Blinding Flash

The caster will create an intense flare within his hands which will blind all enemies for 2 seconds (turning their screen white)
Road to da BURN

this is a slime stampede effect which a longer range.


Living gun

The combined power of water and earth gives birth to a special plant. The Plant will grow over a time of 3 seconds (in which it can be destroyed) once its finish it will begin to shoot thorns on enemies in a radius of 450. However the Plant will only live for 15 seconds.


Skyrage Mark

A Special rune is drawn within the ground that will hid itself after 1 second. Anyone (even the caster) walking over this rune will be marked by it. After 10 seconds a Lightning will strike the victim. (That dodge thing will allow you to survive it).

Fire + Earth

5 demon Blades

In a C form in front of the caster 5 sword shaped burning rocks will rise and each 0.5 second one of these blades flies straight away killing everything in its path.
(Their is already a spell done like this in the spell section DD Universal Pack v1.1 - The Hive Workshop - A Warcraft III Modding Site the Dark Torture thing)


Blood Pumping

By controlling his own blood flow the caster can for a very short time run extremely fast but in this time he cannot cast or attack but his flash step will have double range for this duration.
Level 10
Sep 6, 2008
Water & Earth:

Sinkhole: The ground at a targetted 200 AOE collapses down, slowing enemies for 100% for 10 seconds. While in the sinkhole, they will be drowned, preventing the casting of spells and dealing 10 damage a second. The animation is the height of the area rapidly going down, with a water object int he hole.

Air & Earth:

Rock Twister: Spawns 1 'Rock Twister' infront of the caster. It lasts 20 seconds and is invulnerable. Units nearby have a 50% chance of being stunned for 1.7 seconds, and will take 20 damage a second. The twister has a 'pheonix fire' ability called debry, which will randomyl throw rocks at nearby enemies.

Fire & Earth:

Stone Furnace: Traps a 400 AOE area around the caster in stone, and then deals 400 damage to all units in the area over 12 seconds. The caster is also stuck in the furnace, but takes no damage and can move/act while inside the furnace.


Dry: Draws water out of the target at a suprising rate, reducing it's life and movespeed by 2.5% each second until either the target leaves the channeling range (500) or the target dies.


Ignition: Ignites the oxygen around the caster, creating a glowing orb of burning matter. The orb deals 15 damage each second to enemies around it, and 30 damage a second to anything inside it (including the caster). Any units inside the orb are also silenced.

Sorry to pop your bubble but none of your spells will work since it's a 'one shot one kill' kind of map. (Everyone has 1 hp no more no less.. well no more than 1 hp at least ^^ you can't really have less than 1 hp without dying:cute:).

Off-Topic: Does anyone know how to read anymore?
Level 5
Sep 6, 2008
Off-Topic: Does anyone know how to read anymore?

*cough*No*Cough* Also, in that case. They'll really need to unbuff those spells like supernova and such, anything aoe that doesn't take time to cast. Or else most of the people will be dead. Within a few seconds of gameplay. I mean, just chaincast two spells or three and the players have no useful anti-spells left.

Water & Earth:
Sinkhole: The ground slowly collapses over the target area, slowing enemies movespeed by 25%, after 4 seconds, it becomes a sinkhole, filling with water and killing anything inside it.

Air & Earth:
Rock Tornado: Summons a randomly-moving twister infront of the caster. Enemy units that approach the twister will be killed, and it randomly throws non-homing debry at enemies. The twister lasts 10 seconds.

Fire & Earth:
Stone Furnace: Stones slowly raise around the point (enemies can run out) for 4 seconds, and then the space inside will be superheated, killing anything inside.

Dry: Drys fluids within the target, reducing it's movespeed by 1% each second. After 20 seconds the target will be killed if it has not left the channeling range (500)

Combustion: Heats the air around the caster, slowly reducing the armor of units within the space. The caster can move after the first second of this spell has been channeled. After 5 seconds, the air combusts, killing anything inside it.

Edited to your desires.
Level 10
Sep 6, 2008
well you will have abilities like jump (jump over projektiles and such) and dodge (1 sec invurnability) so every one will have some way of surviving aoe spells :grin:

EDIT: This is what i have understood so far so no flaming if i have written something wrong kthxbai
Level 8
Aug 3, 2008
Lol, funny how iit's most area spells.

Air+Earth = Shadow Walk

Becomes invisible while gaining increased movement speed. An duplicated will be created every second while still invisible. Max of 10 duplicate created.

Fire = Rain of the Infinity Arrows

Rains down seemingly countless fire arrows on the whole map, each arrow dealing 15 damage.

That's all I've got at the moment, and if you like the spell but have trouble making it, PM me, cause I'll tell you how to make them.
Level 8
Aug 3, 2008
Oh yeah, forgot about that. In my test map, I had 20 dummys with the spell Blizzard (blizzard model changed of course) created, and have them casting Blizzard on random places in the map over and over again. Mind you, the Blizzard spell doesn't have a cooldown and the casting range is max. The thing rained for like 5 seconds and did an average damage of 450 (at level 3 cause I was making this ulti for a hero) to enemy units.
Level 17
Jan 21, 2007
Water/Wind - Whirlpool
Creates a whirlpool at a target location for 4 seconds, dragging all nearby units closer to the center every second.

Fire/Earth - Eruption
Cracks open the earth, sending 5 chunks of magma at random locations around the target point. Once they hit the ground they will explode, dealing damage to nearby units in a small area. They will leave a pool of magma on the ground for 5 seconds, damaging all who dares to walk on it.

Earth/Wind - Sand Wave
A wave of sand flies outwards, pushing back enemy units and causes them to miss 50% of their attacks for 4 seconds.

Water/Fire - Steam
A cloud of hot steam is created at the targeted point. All units inside it will be slowed by 40% and if they stay inside it for more than 5 seconds they will die.

Water/Earth - Geyser
The ground erupts, sending a massive amount of water up through it. Sends all nearby units up in the air and upon impact with the ground they will die(unless avoided through invurnerability spell or something)

Fire/Wind - Explosive gas
Creates a nearly invisible cloud of gas at a point for a long duration. The next fire element spell in a huge area close to it will cause it to explode, killing everything in this huge area.

Water/Earth - Mud Slide
Creates a huge mud slide that moves forward, taking all enemies with it(just knockback, no damage). The mud slide leaves behind a mudd ground, which causes all units to move slowly.

Water - Torrent
Creates a powerful torrent around the caster, pushing all enemy units away.

Earth - Stoneskin
Gives the caster a chance to avoid damage for 6 seconds.

Wind - Wind Rider
The caster rides on a wind towards the target point, pushing away nearby enemy units.

Fire - Ring of Fire
Creates a ring of fire around the caster(300 units large). Anyone who dares trespass the fire will instantly die.

Earth - Hibernate
The caster turns himself to stone, rendering him immune to all damage, but he cannot move for 5 seconds.
Level 5
Jun 25, 2008
looking over this thread again and im glad to see even more people giving ideas! Lots new so im gonna go over everything and have a sort out.

Also as GrandEnder said i need to tone some existing spells down, i would MUCH rather have the game full with mostly projectile and useful debuff spells, which you guys have come up with very nicely! So expect a big edit in the spell list shortly, and definitely containing some of the new ideas you guys came up with! :D

EDIT: Ok new spells added, some removed, some edited, and some swapped around! Also rewording of many spells, i have removed that "harming" stuff and just replaced it with down right "killing". Also added the term "injured", an injured unit has it's movement speed reduced by 40% for 3 seconds, injuries do not stack with other injuries (but do with other movement speed effects). Injury effect time will possibly be increased to 4 seconds subject to you guys's opinions on balance!
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Level 15
Aug 18, 2007
Fire+Water - Mist

Causes a heavy mist that shrouds the target point, slowing all units in the cloud, and gives 33% chance to interupt attacks and spells when they are casted.

Fire-Earth - Molten Shield

Sorrounds the caster with a shield of burning rocks for a small ammount of time, gives 50% chance to reflect spells when they hit you, and knocks back all enemy units that comes near you. Last 3 reflects and knockbacks.

Air-Water - Frozen Barrier.

Freezes the water particles at the target spot. Creates an imoveable wall of ice, that stops protectiles when they hit the wall, and blocks units. Last 5 seconds, or until 2 spell hits.

Air-Earth - Shockwave

Lifts all stones in a line, and smashes them all down in the ground after 3 seconds. Killing/knocking back all enemy units that stands near one of the rocks.
Level 5
Jun 25, 2008
I like mist and molten shield, however my Jass knowledge does not cover reflecting spells and interupting spells. The reflecting would probably be just about possible for me, but would take more work than appropriate just for use in one spell, and I have no clue about the interupting.

Damn me. :p
Level 5
Sep 6, 2008
Sadischistic Flame: You derive pleasure form the pain of both yourself and others. This spell takes 4 seconds to channel, and then you will die 20 seconds later. During this peroid, bolts of flame shoot out from you in random directions, killing anything in their path.

Suffocate: Water pools in the target area, drowning enemies and stopping them form casting. If they remain in the spot for more than 4 seconds, they will die.

Fire + Water
Superheated Water: Over 2.5 seconds, the caster superheats a water orb infront of him/herself. After these seconds, the water will burst out infront of the caster, and kill anything in it's range.

Fire + Earth
Molten Minions: Molten creatures will spawn around you for 5 seconds, 2 each second. They will fire one non-homing missile at nearby enemies, and then die. If the enemies do not move when they fire the missile, the target will die.

Air + Earth
SandStorm: Sands whirl around the caster for the next 8 seconds, preventing them form being seen. Enemies that go to close to the center of the sandstorm will receive the 'injury' debuff.
Level 15
Aug 18, 2007
Interuption could work like this:
When mist is cast, it makes a regoin at the area, that covers the mist area. This also turns on a trigger: when a unit cast an abillity, it checks if the caster is in the mist (or has mist buff on him, whatever), and then, with a 33% chance (random 1 out of 3 xD), it creates a dummy that cast a 0.01 sec stun spell, and no damage. That way the caster is stunned. Just an idea :)
Level 7
May 11, 2008
Fire + Earth
Magma Rain:
A rain of fire comes down form the sky dealing X damage.
Casts a boulder on the enemy and stunning the enemy for X seconds. Works well with arrow shot. Is dodgeable
Arrow Shot:
Shoots out an arrow that can nearly kill an enemy. It can be dodged easily so be sure that the opponent stands still. Works well with Boulder
Level 10
Sep 6, 2008
Fire + Earth
Magma Rain:
A rain of fire comes down form the sky dealing X damage.
Casts a boulder on the enemy and stunning the enemy for X seconds. Works well with arrow shot. Is dodgeable
Arrow Shot:
Shoots out an arrow that can nearly kill an enemy. It can be dodged easily so be sure that the opponent stands still. Works well with Boulder

I'm saying this once more any damage taken any damage at all will kill the target so there can't be "x damage" or "nearly kill an enemy" it's a one shot kill game where you have 1 hp so any dmg will make it 1-x damage = 0 or -(x-1) I'm getting anoyed on everyone not capable of reading what has been posted or at least the whole first post where it clearly says:
"The most important thing to note is this game is one shot kill, so all spell ideas must bare this in mind!" and further down (almost on the bottom): "This is important and people seem to often forget it so i will say it again; this game is one shot kill." I'm not saying this because i hate you or anything so take no offence but for the love god learn to read at least the first post if not check what has been posted before you.
Level 7
Jul 9, 2008
I haven't read all spells so I don't know if it's there already but:

Earth: Squashing Earth (or other name :p):
Summons a ring of stones around the enemy target, after x seconds the stones charge to the middle, if the target didn't jump out fast enough it is squashed (killed) by the stones.

Fire: Hellfire Ring
Creating a ring of fire around the caster, if all enemies don't run out of the ring before x seconds, the ring will enclose all enemies and toast them (kill them)

Water: Snowfall
Summons a cloud above the target area, the cloud starts to snow, if you stand in the snow for to long you will turn into a snowman(or a snowpile) making you vulnerable to attacks.
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