[Solved] [Solved (sort of)] Food as ressource

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Level 2
Jun 5, 2012
Hello, it's me again :/ ..... (yes this soon)

as the title indicate, I want to replace food by a custom ressource.
( food is don't needed for my map and doing this way os better than adding a multibiard isn't it ? :ain:
well; it's more because there is a "cost icon" for units, and "upkeep flashes" :) )

Up to now, i can do almost everything...
but the problem who lies in the "almost" is a big one.... unit can't be trained :(

i think i know the problem.... to make it work as a ressource, i put "max food" to 0 (so you don't have .../...) of when this resource is above 300 :confused:

Or, i found on the forum that you can change the color of the " .../.... " to make it disapear; but how can you do it (it's not explained) ?
(with that i'll be able to use multitalbe even f it's less "pretty" ;) )

I'm stuck since yesterday so if anyone can help me, "very very much thank you" in advance !!
Level 2
Jun 5, 2012
Sorry to Bump.... but i really need an answer, please :grin:
(even if i'd rather not have that one, the answer that there is none works also :bored: )
Level 12
Jun 20, 2017
Set the food cost of each unit to 0 food, then you can trains as much as you want without needing food

or alternatively you can replace food as well as the icon of food with the icon of your choice

did this help?
Level 2
Jun 5, 2012
Thanks for your answer; but thats not what i really want......

In fact, i want that unit do have a food cost (except it is not fod but... whatever :) )
but if i put food cap to 0, i cant train the unit, and if not there is a "ugly" (for what i need obviously) ".../..." (as food consumed over food produced)
and i don't want that.
Is it possible ?

If not, can someone tell me then how to change the color of the previously said ".../..." to turn it black and "disapear" o_O
(that i know is possible beacause it was given as an answer in a old post, but the method weren't given :sad:)

Thanks again for your answer anyway ;)
I don't think it's that easy w/ food. Food is hardcoded with 300 limits (1), check for maximum limit (2).

Try messing with Gameplay Interface around the text part, maybe something useful can be found there :)

Switch to boards would be better and easier to manage in the long run, but then again there's the no indicator drawback in exchange.
Level 2
Jun 5, 2012
well thanks for the answer !!

i was going to go with that anyway, with a message saying to not pay attention to the food value :)
In gameplay interface there is no that option (i search again and again in case i mised it for the last.... 10(0) times ? :confused: )

SO... i'ts not really "solved" but i have my answer; it's not possible and you have to deal ith it ^^

Thanks again both of you !
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