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Slowing down a special effect

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Level 14
Aug 30, 2004
I have a special effect that I would like to slow down; i.e. I'd like to double the length of the birth animation so that the model moves more slowly. (I'm working with the hand that bursts out of the ground and grabs the crystal).

I have War3ModelEditor and know how to play around a bit with it (e.g. add attachments, shrink parts, add new sounds, change colors).

Is there an easy way of changing a model to make it move more slowly?
Level 21
May 29, 2013
I suspect, however, that it's not something do-able in Magos.
Don't underestimate Magos. You can even do this with Notepad if you know exactly what you're doing (I wouldn't recommend it, though).
Probably in MdlVis, where you would have to (wild guess) insert twice as many frames in between the keyframes of an animation?
You can do it like that, but the easiest way is to do it with Matrix Eater. With Matrix Eater, you can change the speed of animations just by dragging the slider thingy.
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