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Slide Physics

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Hosted Project: EC
Level 34
Oct 12, 2011
Here is an advanced sliding physics I made, for my new map RO2. Not very optimized atm.

Download here

Code (from the attached map above):
library SlidePhysics uses TimerUtils, UnitZ
        constant real SLOPE_ACCURACY = 0.1
        constant real FULL_GRAVITY = 1.5
        constant real SLIDER_MASS = 1.0
        constant real TAU = bj_PI*2
        constant real HP  = bj_PI/2
    function IsInBound takes real x, real y returns boolean
        return x < WorldBounds.maxX and x > WorldBounds.minX and y < WorldBounds.maxY and y > WorldBounds.minY

    struct SlideTerrain extends array
        private static TableArray data
        static method getFriction takes real x, real y returns real
            local integer id = GetTerrainType(x, y)
            if thistype.data[0].boolean[id] then
                return thistype.data[1].real[id]
            return 0.0
        static method newTerrain takes integer id, real friction returns nothing
            if not thistype.data[0].boolean[id] then
                set thistype.data[0].boolean[id] = true
                set thistype.data[1].real[id]    = friction
        private static method onInit takes nothing returns nothing
            set thistype.data = TableArray[2]
    private struct Ground extends array
        static real x = 0
        static real y = 0
    struct SlideUnit extends array
        readonly unit slider
        readonly real x
        readonly real y
        readonly real z
        readonly real zVel
        readonly boolean isFlying
        real angle
        real speed
        private static Ground ground
        implement Alloc
        private static method getSlope takes real x1, real y1, real x2, real y2 returns real
            return 1.571*((GetTerrainZ(x1, y1)-GetTerrainZ(x2, y2))/SLOPE_ACCURACY)
        private static method circularDifference takes real a, real b returns real
            local real diff = RAbsBJ(a-b)
            if diff*2 <= TAU then
                return diff
                return TAU - diff
        private static method normalize takes real a returns real
                if a < 0 then
                    set a = a + TAU
                elseif a > TAU then
                    set a = a - TAU
                    exitwhen true
            return a
        private static method onPeriodic takes nothing returns nothing
            local real slope
            local real slope2
            local unit u
            local real px
            local real py
            local real d1
            local real d2
            local real d3
            local real sx
            local real sy
            local timer t = GetExpiredTimer()
            local thistype this = GetTimerData(t)
            if not .isFlying then
                call .getLowestGr()
                set slope = getSlope(.x, .y, ground.x, ground.y)
                if slope != 0 then
                    call slip(FULL_GRAVITY*slope, 25, Atan2(ground.y-.y, ground.x-.x), 2*bj_DEGTORAD)
            if .speed > 0 then
                if not .isFlying then
                    set .speed = .speed - SlideTerrain.getFriction(.x, .y)
                if .speed > 0 then
                    if IsInBound(.x, .y) then
                        if IsTerrainWalkable(.x, .y) then
                            set px = .x
                            set py = .y
                            set sx = .x + SLOPE_ACCURACY * Cos(.angle)
                            set sy = .y + SLOPE_ACCURACY * Sin(.angle)
                            set slope = getSlope(sx, sy, .x, .y)
                            set .x = .x + .speed * Cos(.angle)
                            set .y = .y + .speed * Sin(.angle)
                            call SetUnitX(.slider, .x)
                            call SetUnitY(.slider, .y)
                            if .isFlying then
                                set .z = .z + .zVel
                                set .zVel = .zVel - (FULL_GRAVITY+SLIDER_MASS)
                                call SetUnitZ(.slider, .z)
                                if .z <= GetTerrainZ(.x, .y) + 0.01 then
                                    set .isFlying = false
                                    set d1 = Atan(RAbsBJ(.zVel)/.speed)
                                    set d2 = Atan((GetTerrainZ(.x, .y)-GetTerrainZ(px, py))/.speed)
                                    set d3 = bj_PI-d1-d2
                                    set .speed = .speed * (d3/HP-1)
                                set sx = .x - SLOPE_ACCURACY * Cos(.angle)
                                set sy = .y - SLOPE_ACCURACY * Sin(.angle)
                                set slope2 = getSlope(.x, .y, sx, sy)
                                if slope > slope2 and slope - slope2 > bj_DEGTORAD*5 then
                                    set .zVel = .speed * Sin(slope)
                                    if .zVel > (FULL_GRAVITY+SLIDER_MASS+(GetTerrainZ(.x, .y)-GetTerrainZ(sx, sy))) then
                                        set .isFlying = true
                                        set .z = GetUnitZ(.slider)
                        else//if .speed > stun speed then
                            // stun
                    set .speed = 0
            set t = null
        private method getLowestGr takes nothing returns nothing
            local real x
            local real y
            local real z
            local real angle = 0
            local real lowest = GetTerrainZ(.x, .y)
            set ground.x = .x
            set ground.y = .y
                exitwhen angle >= TAU
                set x = .x + SLOPE_ACCURACY*Cos(angle)
                set y = .y + SLOPE_ACCURACY*Sin(angle)
                set z = GetTerrainZ(x, y)
                if z < lowest then
                    set lowest = z
                    set ground.x = x
                    set ground.y = y
                set angle = angle + bj_DEGTORAD
        method turn takes real targetAngle, real turnRate returns nothing
            if Cos(.angle - targetAngle) < Cos(turnRate) then
                if Sin(targetAngle - .angle) >= 0 then
                    set .angle = normalize(.angle + turnRate)
                    set .angle = normalize(.angle - turnRate)
                set .angle = normalize(targetAngle)
        method accelerate takes real speed, real maxspeed, real angle, real rate returns nothing
            local real diff
            local real turnPow
            local real spdPow
            set angle = normalize(angle)
            if .speed <= 0 then
                set .angle = angle
                if .speed < maxspeed then
                    set .speed = speed
                set diff = circularDifference(angle, .angle)
                set turnPow = RAbsBJ(circularDifference(diff, HP))
                set turnPow = 1-turnPow/HP
                call .turn(angle, rate*turnPow)
                set spdPow = 1-diff*(2/bj_PI)
                if spdPow < 0 or .speed < maxspeed then
                    set .speed = .speed + speed*spdPow
                    if .speed > maxspeed and spdPow >= 0 then
                        set .speed = maxspeed
                    if .speed < 0 then
                        set .angle = angle
                        set .speed = -.speed
        method slip takes real speed, real maxspeed, real angle, real rate returns nothing
            local real diff
            local real turnPow
            local real spdPow
            set angle = normalize(angle)
            set diff = circularDifference(angle, .angle)
            set turnPow = RAbsBJ(circularDifference(diff, HP))
            set turnPow = 1-turnPow/HP
            call .turn(angle, rate*turnPow)
            set spdPow = 1-diff*(2/bj_PI)
            if spdPow < 0 or .speed < maxspeed then
                set .speed = .speed + speed*spdPow
                if spdPow >= 0 and .speed > maxspeed then
                    set .speed = maxspeed
                if .speed < 0 then
                    set .angle = angle
                    set .speed = .speed+speed
        static method newSlider takes unit whichUnit returns thistype
            local thistype this = allocate()
            set .slider = whichUnit
            set .isFlying = false
            set .speed  = 0
            set .angle  = GetUnitFacing(whichUnit)*bj_DEGTORAD
            set .x = GetUnitX(whichUnit)
            set .y = GetUnitY(whichUnit)
            set .z = 0
            call SetUnitTimeScale(whichUnit, 0.75)
            call TimerStart(NewTimerEx(this), 0.0312500, true, function thistype.onPeriodic)
            return this
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Hosted Project: EC
Level 34
Oct 12, 2011
library SlidePhysics uses TimerUtils
        real SLOPE_ACCURACY = 16.0
        real FULL_GRAVITY = 1.5//0.803
    function IsInBound takes real x, real y returns boolean
        return x < WorldBounds.maxX and x > WorldBounds.minX and y < WorldBounds.maxY and y > WorldBounds.minY

    struct SlideTerrain extends array
        private static TableArray data
        static method getFriction takes real x, real y returns real
            local integer id = GetTerrainType(x, y)
            if thistype.data[0].boolean[id] then
                return thistype.data[1].real[id]
            return 0.0
        static method newTerrain takes integer id, real friction returns nothing
            if not thistype.data[0].boolean[id] then
                set thistype.data[0].boolean[id] = true
                set thistype.data[1].real[id]    = friction
        private static method onInit takes nothing returns nothing
            set thistype.data = TableArray[2]
    private struct Ground extends array
        static real x = 0
        static real y = 0
    struct SlideUnit extends array
        readonly unit slider
        readonly real x
        readonly real y
        readonly real z
        readonly real angle
        readonly real speed
        private  integer anime
        private static Ground ground
        private static constant real TAU = bj_PI*2
        private static constant real HP  = bj_PI/2
        implement Alloc
        private static method getSlope takes real x1, real y1, real x2, real y2 returns real
            local real z1 = GetTerrainZ(x1, y1)
            local real z2 = GetTerrainZ(x2, y2)
            local real diff = (z1-z2)/SLOPE_ACCURACY
            return 1.571*diff
        private static method circularDifference takes real a, real b returns real
            local real diff = RAbsBJ(a-b)
            if diff*2 <= TAU then
                return diff
                return TAU - diff
        private static method normalize takes real a returns real
                if a < 0 then
                    set a = a + TAU
                elseif a > TAU then
                    set a = a - TAU
                    exitwhen true
            return a
        private static method onPeriodic takes nothing returns nothing
            local real slope
            local timer t = GetExpiredTimer()
            local thistype this = GetTimerData(t)
            call .getLowestGr()
            set slope = getSlope(.x, .y, ground.x, ground.y)
            if slope != 0 then
                call slip(FULL_GRAVITY*slope, 20, Atan2(ground.y-.y, ground.x-.x), 2*bj_DEGTORAD)
            if .speed > 0 then
                //if slope == 0 then
                    set .speed = .speed - SlideTerrain.getFriction(.x, .y)
                if .speed > 0 then
                    if IsInBound(.x, .y) then
                        if IsTerrainWalkable(.x, .y) then
                            set .x = .x + .speed * Cos(.angle)
                            set .y = .y + .speed * Sin(.angle)
                            call SetUnitX(.slider, .x)
                            call SetUnitY(.slider, .y)
                        else//if .speed > stun speed then
                            // stun
                    set .speed = 0
            set t = null
        private method getLowestGr takes nothing returns nothing
            local real x
            local real y
            local real z
            local real angle = 0
            local real lowest = GetTerrainZ(.x, .y)
            set ground.x = .x
            set ground.y = .y
                exitwhen angle >= TAU
                set x = .x + SLOPE_ACCURACY*Cos(angle)
                set y = .y + SLOPE_ACCURACY*Sin(angle)
                set z = GetTerrainZ(x, y)
                if z < lowest then
                    set lowest = z
                    set ground.x = x
                    set ground.y = y
                set angle = angle + bj_DEGTORAD
        method turn takes real targetAngle, real turnRate returns boolean
            if Cos(.angle - targetAngle) < Cos(turnRate) then
                if Sin(targetAngle - .angle) >= 0 then
                    set .angle = normalize(.angle + turnRate)
                    set .angle = normalize(.angle - turnRate)
                return false
                set .angle = normalize(targetAngle)
                return true
        method accelerate takes real speed, real maxspeed, real angle, real rate returns nothing
            local real diff
            local real turnPow
            local real spdPow
            set angle = normalize(angle)
            if .speed == 0 then
                set .angle = angle
                if .speed < maxspeed then
                    set .speed = .speed+speed
                    if .speed > maxspeed then
                        set .speed = maxspeed
                    elseif .speed < 0 then
                        set .speed = 0
                set diff = circularDifference(angle, .angle)
                set turnPow = RAbsBJ(circularDifference(diff, HP))
                set turnPow = 1-turnPow/HP
                call .turn(angle, rate*turnPow)
                if .speed < maxspeed then
                    set spdPow = 1-diff*(2/bj_PI)
                    set .speed = .speed + speed*spdPow
                    if .speed > maxspeed then
                        set .speed = maxspeed
                    elseif .speed < 0 then
                        set .speed = 0
            call SetUnitAnimationByIndex(.slider, .anime)
            call QueueUnitAnimation(.slider, "stand")
        method slip takes real speed, real maxspeed, real angle, real rate returns nothing
            local real diff
            local real turnPow
            local real spdPow
            set angle = normalize(angle)
            set diff = circularDifference(angle, .angle)
            set turnPow = RAbsBJ(circularDifference(diff, HP))
            set turnPow = 1-turnPow/HP
            call .turn(angle, rate*turnPow)
            if .speed < maxspeed then
                set spdPow = 1-diff*(2/bj_PI)
                set .speed = .speed + speed*spdPow
                if .speed > maxspeed then
                    set .speed = maxspeed
                elseif .speed < 0 then
                    set .angle = angle
                    set .speed = -.speed+speed
        static method newSlider takes unit whichUnit, integer walkAnim returns thistype
            local thistype this = allocate()
            set .slider = whichUnit
            set .speed  = 0
            set .anime  = walkAnim
            set .angle  = GetUnitFacing(whichUnit)*bj_DEGTORAD
            set .x = GetUnitX(whichUnit)
            set .y = GetUnitY(whichUnit)
            set .z = 0
            call SetUnitTimeScale(whichUnit, 0.75)
            call TimerStart(NewTimerEx(this), 0.0312500, true, function thistype.onPeriodic)
            return this
library ControlSlider uses SlidePhysics
        SlideUnit array Slider
        unit array Controller

    struct ControlSlider
        private static method onPeriodic takes nothing returns nothing
            local integer i = 0
            local integer data
                exitwhen i > 5
                set data = GetUnitUserData(Controller[i])
                if GetUnitCurrentOrder(Controller[i]) != OrderId("stop") then
                    call IssueImmediateOrder(Controller[i], "stop")
                call SetUnitX(Controller[i], Slider[data].x)
                call SetUnitY(Controller[i], Slider[data].y)
                set i = i + 1
        private static method onOrder takes nothing returns boolean
            local unit u = GetTriggerUnit()
            local integer data = GetUnitUserData(u)
            local real angle = Atan2(GetOrderPointY()-Slider[data].y, GetOrderPointX()-Slider[data].x)
            call Slider[data].accelerate(5.5, 15, angle, 35*bj_DEGTORAD)
            call SetUnitFacing(Slider[data].slider, angle*bj_RADTODEG)
            return false
        private static method onInit takes nothing returns nothing
            local trigger t = CreateTrigger()
            local player p
            local integer i = 0
            call SlideTerrain.newTerrain('Idki', 0.2)
            call SlideTerrain.newTerrain('Isnw', 0.4)
            call EnableSelect(true, false)
            call EnableDragSelect(false, false)
            call EnablePreSelect(false, false)
            call FogEnable(false)
            call FogMaskEnable(false)
                exitwhen i > 0
                set p = Player(i)
                set Controller[i] = CreateUnit(p, 'h000', 100, 100, 90)
                set Slider[GetUnitUserData(Controller[i])] = SlideUnit.newSlider(CreateUnit(p, 'h001', 0, 0, 90), 0)
                if GetLocalPlayer() == p then
                    call SelectUnit(Controller[i], true)
                    call SetCameraTargetController(Controller[i], 0, 0, false)
                set i = i + 1
            call TriggerRegisterAnyUnitEventBJ(t, EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_ISSUED_POINT_ORDER)
            call TriggerAddCondition(t, Condition(function thistype.onOrder))
            call TimerStart(NewTimer(), 0.0312500, true, function thistype.onPeriodic)
            set t = null


Hosted Project: EC
Level 34
Oct 12, 2011
Why use order string instead of entering thr exact id?

Sure, I will update those later.

Anyway, here is an update: with correct speed reduction calculation on landing.

However, I'm still struggling to find the correct condition for the "take off" phase. Logically, this should be enough: slope > slope2 Where slope is slider's-location-before-being-moved's slope, while slope2 is slider's-location-after-being-moved's slope. If the source slope is greater than target's slope or in other word, the source ground is more sloppy more than the target ground, that should indicate that the slider should enter take off phase (jump). But seems like it's failed to detect in some cases. Still trying to do some researches about this matter. But using this condition: .speed > 20 the take off phase looks realistic enough, but it's still hardcoded.


  • slide.w3x
    173.5 KB · Views: 70
Depends on how you're handling the pitch/fly angle.

If you're using a simple delta-z and gravity, do:
pos1 = position of slider
pos2 = pos1 + speed
pos3 = pos2 + speed (basically just a second tick)
heightd1 = difference between height at pos1 and pos2
heightd2 = difference between height at pos2 and pos3

If heightd2 > heightd1, your unit has launched. Set the initial flying speed to the difference between heightd1 and heightd2

I could draw a image to explain this better if my description hasn't been adequate.


Hosted Project: EC
Level 34
Oct 12, 2011
Depends on how you're handling the pitch/fly angle.

If you're using a simple delta-z and gravity, do:
pos1 = position of slider
pos2 = pos1 + speed
pos3 = pos2 + speed (basically just a second tick)
heightd1 = difference between height at pos1 and pos2
heightd2 = difference between height at pos2 and pos3

If heightd2 > heightd1, your unit has launched. Set the initial flying speed to the difference between heightd1 and heightd2

I could draw a image to explain this better if my description hasn't been adequate.

If at pos2 the slider hasn't reached the end of the ramp, then it wont be accurate if we use pos3 (the next tick). The slider would enter take off before he has left the ramp.

It can be more simple by comparing the slope of those two locations: where unit before being moved and after being moved. If there is slope difference and the second slope is lower, that should indicate the take off phase perfectly. Using this, it will automatically detect whether the unit has left/passed the ramp or not yet. But maybe I missed something. Thanks for your suggestion though, I will consider it.

I could draw a image to explain this better if my description hasn't been adequate.
I have drew your scenario myself in a paper :p

Problem solved. I realized that the slope difference could be super small such as 0.0001.... . The solution is to determining the minimum difference to indicate the take off phase, but I'm still not sure about that value.
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Hosted Project: EC
Level 34
Oct 12, 2011
Here is again an update. It has been on it's prime condition, it seems flawless so far. Just need some improvements and it's ready to be released, but maybe that wont happen soon.

Since I have finished all of the feature, this is going to be the latest version that will be shared here. But I'm still accepting suggestions and bug reports. Thanks for any support. :)


  • slide.w3x
    173.8 KB · Views: 182
Sliding is very cool, and it's nice that you tried to make it as realistic as possible.

Cool acceleration, turning behaviour, friction, ...

I personaly dislike you have to keep that much clicking, but you actually proved with your map in map section that you can make good gameplay with it.^^

What I'm not sure about... I haven't scanned code in detail, but it seems you don't distinguish between different terrain types.
If it's the case, I suggest to change it. People might want have some not slideable terrain, where slide physics won't have any effect. (like friction, etc...)


I suggest keeping the main post up to date with code/attachments. Spreading it over the whole thread is probably a bad idea.


Hosted Project: EC
Level 34
Oct 12, 2011
Or better yet, use BoundSentinel. That way you don't need to put any bounds checks in your code.

Instead of coding "IsInBounds", use Adiktuz' MapBounds instead. It is WorldBounds with functionality

I will surely settle this issue when this is going to be released, but not now. Thanks for your suggestions.

Sliding is very cool, and it's nice that you tried to make it as realistic as possible.

Cool acceleration, turning behaviour, friction, ...

I personaly dislike you have to keep that much clicking, but you actually proved with your map in map section that you can make good gameplay with it.^^

What I'm not sure about... I haven't scanned code in detail, but it seems you don't distinguish between different terrain types.
If it's the case, I suggest to change it. People might want have some not slideable terrain, where slide physics won't have any effect. (like friction, etc...)


I suggest keeping the main post up to date with code/attachments. Spreading it over the whole thread is probably a bad idea.


The control (how you accelerate) is up to you. Sadly, in wc3 mouse is still the best option. The game style is originally made to be played using Joystick. But I'm not sure it can be used here.

What I'm not sure about... I haven't scanned code in detail, but it seems you don't distinguish between different terrain types.
If it's the case, I suggest to change it. People might want have some not slideable terrain, where slide physics won't have any effect. (like friction, etc...)
Will add this later.

Thanks for suggestions guys.
The control (how you accelerate) is up to you. Sadly, in wc3 mouse is still the best option.

For my (very similar) ice race map which has a constant acceleration (with hotkeys for stop/start/hold), I was planning to do flow control by setting a target speed based on the distance between your unit and the target move point.
e.g. if you click right in front of your unit, target speed is set to ~10% of your max
if you click >800 range away from your unit, target speed is set to 100%
The unit would accelerate by a small amount a few times a second (10-30 is fine too for a nice resolution), and not accelerate any further once the target speed has been reached.

I suggest this because the spam-click system doesn't appeal to some of us. You don't need to pick one over the other, you could easily add an option to switch between them. Implementing a looping acceleration would be very easy.

I don't know if your code accounts for this or not, but with the click-to-accelerate system there is potential for abuse using an auto clicker.


Hosted Project: EC
Level 34
Oct 12, 2011
For my (very similar) ice race map which has a constant acceleration (with hotkeys for stop/start/hold), I was planning to do flow control by setting a target speed based on the distance between your unit and the target move point.
e.g. if you click right in front of your unit, target speed is set to ~10% of your max
if you click >800 range away from your unit, target speed is set to 100%
The unit would accelerate by a small amount a few times a second (10-30 is fine too for a nice resolution), and not accelerate any further once the target speed has been reached.

I suggest this because the spam-click system doesn't appeal to some of us. You don't need to pick one over the other, you could easily add an option to switch between them. Implementing a looping acceleration would be very easy.

I don't know if your code accounts for this or not, but with the click-to-accelerate system there is potential for abuse using an auto clicker.

I have several game modes in the game: race, ring out, and brawl arena. For race mode, yes sure I will use keyboard, arrow keys, for control. But for ring out mode, it's just impossible to fully use keyboard without mouse, player is supposed to able to shoot, accelerate, and rotate at the same time. There is no other choice.
I'm not sure if I explained it correctly in my previous post, this is what I meant:
- Every tick (0.03 sec), the slider is accelerated forward by a small amount, but only if current speed is less than target speed.
- Target speed is set when you order your slider to move somewhere. If the target point is close to the slider, it's low. If the target point is far away, it's high.

The only difference between this control system and your current control system is that you only need to click once instead of many times, and only need to click more when you want to adjust your direction or speed.

Regarding arrow keys, I had those in my map as well but they were utterly useless. When you're moving at 1000+ speed and you need to hit a ramp that's only 150 distance wide, you need the best precision possible.
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