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Should i get Windows?

Should i get Windows Vista or XP

  • Windows Vista

    Votes: 4 22.2%
  • Windows XP

    Votes: 14 77.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Im contenplating whether or not to buy the Windows OS for my parallels. First of all is Windows Vista any better than Windows XP? And is it worth it to buy? I have a Mac Pro tower so i think it could handle paralles right? And second, does Parallels support programs like 3D Max or a free-ware modeling program?

If some1 could replay that would be great!

Thanks :wink:
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Level 6
Apr 21, 2007
dont get vista, at least not for a few years. the reason i say this is that vista is a security powerhouse and its not made for the gaming public. updates are being worked on to correct the os in regards to gaming but dont expect it to be fully functional for awhile. xp is the way to go for now because most of its bugs are either worked out or not really a problem.
Level 3
May 6, 2007
Vista is nice, but it requires lots of RAM and stuff like that.

xP with the same specs could do very well too, just without eye-candy.


Level 77
Oct 6, 2004
You should NEVER get Windows if you can live with the mac. Mac is SO much better than ANY Microsoft products. PLEEESE stay with the mac. Gonna buy a MacBook myself some day.

If you need Windows. Download it somewhere for *free*

MacOS > Windows XP + Windows Vista
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Level 3
May 6, 2007
Mac is in a way worse than Windows, look at the number of applications which suit Windows alot more than Mac.

Mac is better if you are a designer or some sort, according to my geography teacher. Haha.
Level 18
Jan 24, 2006
You should NEVER get Windows if you can live with the mac. Mac is SO much better than ANY Microsoft products. PLEEESE stay with the mac. Gonna buy a MacBook myself some day.

If you need Windows. Download it somewhere for *free*

MacOS > Windows XP + Windows Vista

Oh god no, *does some quick reorganising*, here's a more realistic approach, at least if you're a gamer and/or a programer.

*nix (In general one of the Linux distributions) > Windows XP > Mac OS > Windows Vista (Until it gets better.... if it does)

In terms of security of course it's something like:
*nix > Mac OS > Windows XP > Windows Vista

Everyone knows a Unix-like OS by default owns anything else, and of the *nix systems we all know Linux is argueably one of - if not the - best.

And besides, even on a mac protecting your computer from someone trying to gain control of it via the internet is like trying to bail water out of a sinking rowboat with a small child's plastic bucket.... Of course, on windows it's like trying to bail water out of sinking, multi-holed metal rowboat using only a sieve.

Level 21
Jan 5, 2005
Mac is in a way worse than Windows, look at the number of applications which suit Windows alot more than Mac.

Mac is better if you are a designer or some sort, according to my geography teacher. Haha.

windows is better for games, has better general application support and for a casual user isnt a problem. its also very easy to network (contrary to those dumb ads) and is a solid system. it really isnt as bad as everyone says, its just because they are used so much that every little bug is extrapolated considerably. i have had a windows system for ages and i have had very few problems, and when i fix other peoples PCs (as my job) most of the problems are because the user is stupid and brings it on themselves. Macs arent bug free and arent the answer to everyones problem, when using them i think they are about that same and can have errors (especially when encoding data or making a cd/dvd). also they dont have right click (unless u get a special mouse) which is incredably annoying.

Macs are fantastic for designers and people in media industries, such as musicians and people working with TV/Film, but overall they are about as buggy as each other, they have the same downfalls. the major advantage of windows is the VAST range of software which is far superiour to Macs and also the games, i mean i use my PC for school work, internet and games (specifically counter strike source). Macs can only do two of them.

in business PCs are better because they have better networking capabilities (ignor what those ads say, its BS) and better speciallied software support.

Isn't Mac's level of "security" higher due to less people trying to hack / have viruses on Macs?

yeh this is correct, in a hacker convention they did a Mac Hack test, it took hackers only 10 minutes to find all the passwords, hidden data, credit card numbers and find several holes in the web browser which could be used to make viruses/worms.

Windows PCs are about as secure as Macs, if not more secure due to all the bad publicity and microsoft having to do something about it. its just windows is used so much that hackers will always find a way. with a half decent firewall and an antivirus that you can buy for like $10 you should never get any viruses or problems.

Macs> windows for designers

Windows> Macs in general.

ive never used linux so i cant comment on it, but it worked good on my ipod.
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Level 77
Oct 6, 2004
Oh god no, *does some quick reorganising*, here's a more realistic approach, at least if you're a gamer and/or a programer.

*nix (In general one of the Linux distributions) > Windows XP > Mac OS > Windows Vista (Until it gets better.... if it does)

In terms of security of course it's something like:
*nix > Mac OS > Windows XP > Windows Vista

Everyone knows a Unix-like OS by default owns anything else, and of the *nix systems we all know Linux is argueably one of - if not the - best.

And besides, even on a mac protecting your computer from someone trying to gain control of it via the internet is like trying to bail water out of a sinking rowboat with a small child's plastic bucket.... Of course, on windows it's like trying to bail water out of sinking, multi-holed metal rowboat using only a sieve.

Mac is based on UNIX
Yes Mac is a whole lot better! Take the Mac Pro tower for example it has 2 core duo Xeon chips(standard) can hold up to two hard drives 4G of memory, 4 video cards and can support up to 8 screens 2 of them being 30"! And now with parallels that runs preity smoothly(i heard), mac takes the cake!
+mac desktop interface is far superier in my opinion.

Id rather not bother with Windows but id like to model and acualy use them insead of them being total useless(Maya). The one flaw i have to admit is the lack of programs but other than that id take a mac any day!

PS: ive got this one website that a guy at the mac store told me about. if ur a student you can get windows vista for like 50% off + free shipping.

PSPS: also 3d max for only $194.98!
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Level 36
Mar 15, 2006
Well, as I dicussed with Ralle, here's how things work in my head:

Windows XP: A buggy piece of filth ridden shit that doesn't do anyone any good. Security flaws coming out the wazoo. Decent for games. Still better then Vista.

Vista: Wont amount to anything until SP1 comes out. After that, it will quickly become the standard and people will stop whining about it. It's gonna happen eventually.

Mac: Teh suck. It's just not for games. If I wasn't intent on being a gamer, I'd switch to Mac without a question, but other then that... just no.

Linux: If it had better support (more games and programs and things) I would choose Linux over all of the other options in a nanosecond. It is by far the best, but until Microsoft hits the ground in a giant flaming crater, Linux will always be on the underground.
Level 21
Jan 5, 2005

no they suck compared to pc because 1st off theres a mouse, 2nd theres a keyboard, 3rd every game for xbox usually comes out on pc because both microsoft, 4th xbox are expensive, a decent pc can be as alittle as £300, xbox is £250 with worse graphics, 4th pc can run apps/proggies, 5th torrents and finally 6th no CSS on xbox and even if there were no mouse would just suck.

PC is the ultimate gaming machine, better graphics, more games over all, better or the same games and keyboard/mouse ftw.
Level 21
Jan 5, 2005
lol that sums it up 100%

PS3 also, no DX10. when xbox bring out a shiny new dx10 console in 1 or 2 years, ps3 gunna lost out big time.

also games on xbox or ps3 are usually more expensive and unless you get your console chipped you can torrent games.
Level 10
Aug 2, 2004
I have Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Ubuntu Linux 7.02 and I must say, of these, Windows Vista is the best. I have had NO problems with it itself. Everything works perfectly fine for me. I have Windows Ultimate with pretty close to the recommended specs. WoW actually runs better on Vista than XP for me as do most other games. For some reason the DirectX drivers I have on XP don't work as well as the Vista ones and both drivers are updated fine. XP runs incredibly fast on my computer so I use to it to run powerhouse applications. Linux I use just for fun, but in my opinion, it takes too much fine tuning and such.

My advice: Get Windows Vista.
Level 18
Jan 24, 2006
Linux: If it had better support (more games and programs and things) I would choose Linux over all of the other options in a nanosecond.

It's called Wine.

Note the "Wine can optionally use native Windows DLLs if they are available", meaning if you're running a dual XP Pro/Linux boot (The smartest thing to do), then you can use your XP dlls instead of the coded-from-scratch API they're using.

Linux I use just for fun, but in my opinion, it takes too much fine tuning and such.

That depends much on your own knowledge and also the distribution you're using.

Level 3
Aug 15, 2006
Consider windows 2003 server. There are guides to deserverizing it. And it runs faster than windows 2k (which runs faster than XP). It is a very good and reliable operating system.

There are plenty of places where you can *cough cough* find free downloads. (This statement had nothing to do with the topic being discussed before, I in no way hint that you should snag a bootlegged windows 2k3).

I could post a deserverizing guide if you are interested.
Level 21
Jan 5, 2005
Yeah, I got WoW to work fine on Linux with wine.

Linux is a very sturdy operating system, but if you want to use windows programs why not gert windows? i mean it has better compatibility and so long as you have a decent antivirus/firewall where the problem?

been using windows for about 10 years now, had very very few problems. i personally think its a pretty good OS that has carried a bad rep since windows 98.
Level 18
Jan 24, 2006
Linux is a very sturdy operating system, but if you want to use windows programs why not gert windows? i mean it has better compatibility and so long as you have a decent antivirus/firewall where the problem?

been using windows for about 10 years now, had very very few problems. i personally think its a pretty good OS that has carried a bad rep since windows 98.

I did say running a dual xp pro/linux boot is the best option. Oh, and if you're playing a computer game, using a chat messenger, visiting a malicious website.... basically connected to the internet at all on windows, then you're vulnerable. Firewalls will protect you from the majority of stupid script kiddies trying to do stuff to you, but if someone who knows what they're doing comes along and is determined, they will get access to your computer.

That's not to say linux is perfectly secure either, but it is much more secure.

Level 21
Jan 5, 2005
that is true but tbh ive had probably 3 problems with xp ever and no viruses, no spyware or anything. ive had someone try to hack me but the firewall got it., and this is considering how many torrents i get and downloads and cracks and stuff. i mean xp really isnt too bad, my personally experience has been very good with it, i wouldnt trade it for anything else.

i might sound like a windows saleman but its true thb.
Level 36
Mar 15, 2006
Not really, it's not off topic at all. We are discussing and comparing our various experiences with different operating systems, the benefits and weaknesses of said operating systems, and we're all providing valuable information that is very much related to the topic, because this information that we are sharing could directly influence the choice of the poster as to which operating system he wants to buy, based on our comments here.

We're not off topic at all, in fact.
Level 36
Mar 15, 2006
I am going to run Vista. I have yet to order my case (so my new PC hasn't been put together yet) but I have an OEM copy of Vista Home Premium here and that is what i'm going to use for my system. I beefed it up in terms of memory and tasking capabilities (dual core, 2 gb high quality ram) so as long as I can get past the bugs (at least until a service pack comes out) I should be good to go :D

I offer the same advice. You might want to wait a bit on Vista (until the major bugs get sorted out and it becomes the new industry standard) but after that point I think it's the recommendation of choice.

For now good old Windows XP probably would do you well.

If you're hellbent on the alternative choice then Linux and Wine is the way for you.

If you're strange, creative, and/or artistic then you probably want to buy a Mac.

Easy as that, and 2700 posts in the bag :D
Level 10
Aug 2, 2004
I'm running Windows Vista Ultimate with 2.08GHz, 1 GB RAM, 256 MB Video Card.
It works quite well, unless I'm running something like Nero Burning ROM which takes up all my memory, but that's just an insufficient amount of RAM. = /
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