Shards of Power [Returned, Revised and Improved]

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Level 27
Sep 24, 2006
''Shattered World''

World Prologue: Lords of the Universe
Races: Demon, Unknown.

The lords of the universe are three powerful entities who seem to have the power to create worlds and shape the universes resources it requires to occur life and death. Nobody knows if something out there even more powerful created the three lords but the lords didn’t question that, they had knowledge beyond anything except who created them. So they started experimenting with they’re powers creating and shaping dimensions and they’re size. Bringing black masses in to keep the planets floating and creating suns to support life, they realized they couldn’t get into the small details themselves because it would take way to long so they created the Ancients. Also named ‘Gods’ these creatures were lesser beings that had the power to work together and shape a planet but not create one themselves. The first thing they ever created was a huge planet which they didn’t name, everything was huge and monstrous and it is rumored that the planet still exists because it was never destroyed by them. After creating and destroying several dimensions filled with life they started to get more serious about they’re creations and created the universe in which Deimosh would be born. Together with the help of the Ancients this was going quite well, until the Lords decided to destroy it and proceed with another one. The Ancients did not agree with them and rebelled against them, the Lords easily exterminated almost all of them but quite a big group rallied at a planet and started to shape it. At the end of the shaping ritual (Which was mostly a big fight) they sacrificed they’re bodies and channeled all they’re magic powers into they’re souls to create a dome around the planet which was offcourse named Deimosh. The dome was ment as a shield. The power of the shield which was great because of the united magic enchanted souls the Lords were not able to destroy it because they needed to regain they’re powers. However the lords didn’t care anyway, this was a good opportunity for an experiment. They created Maghor, an entity that was as powerful as an ancient but possessed various other kinds of magic. They also created a realm they called ‘The Kingdom of Death’ and with it they created the ruler of the kingdom who they named ‘Death’. In the language they spoke the word Death means ‘End’.
Maghor was given the mission to corporate with Death and try to destroy Deimosh, the Lords told him they didn’t have the power and were going to rest in a distant dimension to regain they’re powers. It would be a sleep of thousands of years. So Maghor created the Chaos Realms and Death made his kingdom ready to welcome the souls of the dead who would soon come to visit his kingdom. Maghor summoned creatures who he called ‘Demons’. And so the campaign against the world of Deimosh began.

World Part I: Era of Arcadon
Races: Renmei, Cave Troll, Demon, Rashketau, Undead, Vruug.

While Maghor and Death prepared for they’re mission Arcanos was created by the Ancients with the message ‘You must stop total destruction, and you alone’. Arcanos was given artifacts to summon and create his own race, he decided they would be a bit like him but different and much weaker. He called them Human which had no meaning back then, but Arcanos later changed they’re name to Renmei which meant ‘Disciples of Last Hope’ because they were the ones destined to prevent the destruction of they’re planet. Led by the hand of Arcanos they create a tribe, some of the members roam of to start they’re own tribes and some try to rebel against Arcanos whom they believe is evil because of his different look. In the distant future the Renmei start to be more civilized and create small villages and even some cities including Ksapultor. The Renmei kingdoms are growing greatly now and there are different techniques discovered, they also meet the Cave Trolls for the first time. First they ended up fighting with them in conflict only to discover that there are two tribes on the island which were opposing each other. The Renmei even helped them to recover the lands and to slay the whole hostile faction and to make the land of Org one and to place they’re former king Ugar Blukak. In the mean while that commanders helped the Cave Trolls regain they’re lands from the rebels Arcanos led an expedition to ‘Study various metals’. Offcourse Arcanos lied, he was already driven mad of power by the Ancients and he knew he could be much stronger if he tried. The ancients left various useful places and Arcanos led his men to the library of The Endless Bookshelves and found a recipe to create Arcarmor. Arcanos knew what to do, at least he knew the armor was renamed after him and that the Ancients did not leave him without any chance of getting stronger. The ancients left all kinds of magic places to ensure that conflict could turn out good in any way for the Renmei and Arcanos. Only Arcanos was obsessed by the message the Ancients gave him, and he didn’t want a democracy. He wanted to rule over his empires alone. He gathered the various minerals and tools he needed to forge the armor and disappeared for quite a while leaving his expedition force in Selarius. In the time that Arcanos left his expedition in Selarius Maghor also started various operations including opening portals to bring his armies from the Chaos Realm onto Deimosh and also gathering Renmei DNA to experiment with. He attacked the expedition force several times when some lesser portals were opend to grant entrance to small forces and only did this to gather DNA and so created a lesser race which he called the ‘Vruug’. The Vruug were ment to battle the Renmei with they’re own tactics and power but it seemed the Vruug came out weaker than expect and Maghor suggested them to use huge armies to crush they’re enemies. The Vruug were also granted Fire Magic and they still have the best Fire Magicians of the planet. Also the demon portals succeeded and greater demons were able to get true but not in great numbers. The Rashketau were also a demon-like race who came onto the planet.
In the meanwhile Maghor’s necromancers and demon troops carried out his order Maghor started to cast very heavy curses upon the planet and one of them was to devour anyone who would fall into the pools of Selarius Swamp. And so it was that a demon attack caused a whole expedition camp to de driven into the pools of the swamp and to die there and mutate into the vicious Slavok. The Slavok grew quickly in numbers by kidnapping and taking prisoners to bolster they’re ranks. Together with the Undead armies the Slavok managed to scare away the Renmei expedition force that was still waiting for Arcanos to return. While the demons, undead and rashketau prepared to attack the Westlands Arcanos was discovered in a cave where a forge was built somewhere near the February Gate. He was talking to himself how he would destroy the society of today and would create his own immortal kingdom. A scout heard everything and rushed towards the Royal Order to tell them the news. The Order sent some men to steal the recipe of Arcanos and they succeeded because Arcanos was too focused on forging his armor rather than paying attention on what happened around him. They discovered what he was planning and he was taken prison by an army of mages sent by the Magi Syndicate. He came to court and was found guilty of treason and was sent to the magic reinforced prison called Arcadon.
The island on which Arcadon was built was also named Arcadon after the special prison, the prison was ment to hold the most dangerous criminals who were to powerful to be killed and freely given to death. Because the Magi Syndicate received information about the Kingdom of Death and Death ruling the souls of the dead who were channeled into bodies to form the undead army.

World Part II: The Unseen (First Mayor Conflict)
Races: Renmei, Cave Troll, Demon, Rashketau, Undead, Vruug.

With Arcanos in prison the Renmei thought they were out of problems for a while, but they forgot the report of the Slavok and Demons that were encountered in Selarius and it was remembered when they launched they’re first attack. However Maghor underestimated the Renmei and the attack was forced to retreat. The Renmei who did not foresee such an attack quickly decided to establish a frontline where they could protect they’re kingdoms from the Maghonian Order. The frontlines were heavily defended and the troops that fled from Selarius to Ebaedor were commanded to retreat into the borders of the Westlands. The demons however seemed to attack very lightly all the time and just when the troops thought another one of these attacks would come they would overwhelm them by using huge demonic warrior to cover archers that would eliminate a lot of enemies during battle. The demon tactics were pretty nasty and the Royal Order didn’t know what to do against them then just stand they’re ground and hope that the demons would face the fact that they would never break through the Renmei defenses. But the Renmei commanders were not aware of Maghor who had opend two mayor demon portals for his troops to step over in our world, one was on Darkrune isle to control the southern continent and the other was on Northold to control the northern continent (Which the Renmei did not know off).
Without the knowledge of the demons having a portal to come true, and the thing summoned at a good strategic position the Renmei never suspected that demons would get behind enemy lines. The mighty demon necromancer Umrakh Khadum managed to get ashore and gave the demons an excellent opportunity to make it they’re enemies quite difficult. The necromancer was given order to sacrifice all his magic for opening a small crack into the barriers of the worlds to let waiting demons true. The demons were ordered to ravage some cities and were send back to the Chaos Realms by the portals Umrakh summoned. At first the Renmei were terrified when they heard of the news that several villages were overrun by demons and they thought that they found a way to bypass they’re defenses. They were almost right, the reason that Umrakh was sent was only because his power was great but not as immense as Maghor, if the Magi Syndicate (which was as big as a private magician army in that time) would get signal that Maghor would’ve been spotted they would hunt him down and Maghor didn’t want to spill his magic power on a huge army which he maybe even couldn’t defeat. So to not take risk they used this technique to terrorize the Renmei villagers and make they’re leaders nervous. With far to much men guarding the frontlines the Royal Order finally commanded more then the half to retreat into the Kingdoms and protect villages from possible attacks. However the next day the troops were gone a massive demon attack came and the frontlines had fallen. With the frontlines fallen the Royal Order and the Magi Syndicate all moved out leaving enough men to defend the main Capital. The plans were to defend the villages and to retake the frontlines and ensure nobody would get true with booby traps and archers. However retaking them would take a long time, after quite some battles (which have far more detail) and days of traveling the Renmei forces were able to retake the Frontlines and ensured that no demons were able to pass true. Now the only task that remained was killing every demon that had infiltrated in they’re lands. With all the chaos and disaster during when the frontlines broke the Magi Syndicate didn’t pay attention to trying to sense any dangerous powers and so it occurred that Maghor could be escorted past the Westlands into the Forest of Layidas to summon a great demon portal. When this would’ve happened the Renmei would’ve been overrun by enemies behind they’re lines, but luckily when the frontlines were recaptured the Magi Syndicate were aware of the threat and rushed to the Forest to stop Maghor. Combined with the power of Merur and many other brave soldiers the whole Magi Syndicate battled Maghor who finally fled heavily wounded into his own portal and closed it behind himself. After that the demon armies were droven out of Ebaedor back to the swamps of Selarius where they rendezvoused with the Slavok. The war was over, but soon a new war would begin.

World Part III: The Cursed Chain (Second Mayor Conflict)
Races: Renmei, Cave Troll, Demon, Rashketau, Undead, Vruug, Emtlanders, Monks.

With Maghor defeated and weakened for a while the Renmei empire was regaining ground and strength, they presumed they were out of trouble for a very long time. Unfortunately Somekind of magician that thought he was a prophet came and told the people that they had no chance against the demonic hordes of the Maghonian Order. He advised them to sail north to the uncharted lands and build a new empire together. Some believed that he prophet spoke the truth and a great group of Renmei fled from the Westlands to set foot on the Emtlands. With the Renmei forces now weakened some believed that they should stick together but other thought they should take they’re lives in own hands. And again a big group of Renmei left they’re homeland because they didn’t trust the Royal Order with they’re lives. They set up a camp at North Ebaedor and created a settlement called The Pirate Bay. Maghor who was regaining his strength from battle had to severe damage to go out and fight again or risk being detected or killed sent Death on a mission in the Westlands. Death’s orders were to eliminate everything within the Forest of Layidas and channel a deathcurse into the land. Death succeeded to reap the whole Layidas Forest and he and his forces advanced into the Westlands where they settled to finish the curse. It was then that he created the Corrupted Core to maintain the power of the deathcurse.
Meanwhile at the Emtlands the Renmei forces that had landed there established a base for an Empire and fought the Bau’erin for dominance of the land. After many bloody fight the Renmei who were now changed into experienced warriors, calling themselves Emtlanders, had conquered quite some land already and were ready to begin they’re dream. But the prophet had left them from the beginning and the leader of the Emtlanders had changed from mysterious prophet to Ugani a former Renmei General. One day his son Magna came to speak to him, he told him he didn’t understand why they exterminated the Bau’erin because they were nature loving creatures. Later when Ugani ordered his men to conquer more land to expand they’re Empire they met Magna and his followers In battle, after Ugani’s troops were defeated the king himself came with reinforcements and scared Magna and his followers away into the Frozen Tundra yelling to him that he was banished from his own kingdom. Ugani and his men traveled east to find only more frozen wasteland but at the end of it they discovered great grasslands which they would call they’re home. With magna as they’re leader they called themselves Monks and they’re appearance changed within time. Because they had no enemies they had the time to study magic and other secrets arts. The magic influenced they’re looks and they’re speech, in time they developed they’re own language and culture just like the Emtlanders.
In the time that the Emtlanders and Monks were developing the Westlands were in great trouble, with the great lack of troops many defenses were easily outnumbered by the undead and they slowly consumed the land. Desperate the Royal Order sent an expedition force to the Emtlands and asked the Emtlanders for help but they refused. On the other hand they got Ugani talking about the betrayal of his son Magna and the expedition went searching for him. They found the Monk empire and met Magna, who already had a wife and one child who was already grown up to be quite a magician. She was called Sarah Alaya with the surname of her mother (Monk women were the dominating gender because they’re generally smarter than men), she came up with an idea to stop the curse because she had been studying Necromancy and Summoning magic. They sailed back to the Westlands and managed to activate magic empowered generators all around the curse so it wouldn’t spread any further. The next step was to infiltrate into the undead lands and destroy the Corrupted Core from within the inside. Death tried to step them but was overwhelmed by the magic the Monks were able to wield and he had to retreat and fail his mission.
Ugani heard of the news that the Monks stopped the vicious Deathcurse and he didn’t want to have a bad name. He proposed to keep the enemy busy for a while by landing on the rotten coast of Selarius to flank the Slavok and Undead. In search for a strategic point to have a good defense and a good view of where the enemies will attack the Emtlanders trudged true the swamps for days. And in the end they found a land they didn’t expect to find, great hills as far as they eye could reach, high, white and shiny with huge blizzards. They decided to move further into the land to never come back. They had gone missing and even the explorer’s squad who were sent to search for the missing army also vanished when they entered the land of the blizzards.
Maghor who regained his power landed on Deimosh with the plan to exterminate the Renmei once and for all. With Layidas already conquered he could summon a portal without being interrupted. The magi syndicate was onto it and rallied everyone to fight one last time trying to end Maghor once and for all. Presuming this was the final battle the last Renmei forces rushed to Layidas to fight the demons and close the portal. Within the heat of battle Merur faced Maghor, Merur was still out for vengeance on the demons who killed his mother and father and believed that killing Maghor would mean the end of all demons. Maghor who was way stronger than Merur was defeated and killed despite his formidable power. A huge explosion tore apart the sky and sunk half of Layidas into the ocean, flames devouring everything in they’re path and lighting striking down upon the earth. Maghor was dead, but high in the sky a great shadow formed and began to get shape. The voice a Maghor which sounded like thunder spoke to all beings on the earth that he would curse this planet for defeating him. He split his soul into 5 shards which would awaken the greed in man and would make them distrust each other and finally wage war against themselves. Would Maghor’s death make the world be a better place?

World Part IV: Shards of Power
Races: Renmei, Cave Troll, Demon, Rashketau, Undead, Vruug, Emtlanders, Monks, Groin, Ratman, Vulgarian, Shruu.

Split Part I: The Filth Down Below
However to defeat Maghor Merur had the power of thousands of magicians channeled within him before he released the final blow. Merur went into a frenzy because his body, which was only human, couldn’t sustain such heavy magic in such big proportions. Without being able to think clear he went out to leave Layidas and killed every living bystander that still stood on they’re feet after the explosion. For hours he walked true the burning and half-sunken woods now crawling with half-dead magicians and demons still fighting for they’re lives. Then suddenly he had no power left in his legs to walk further and he fell onto his knees. It was then that a crazy idea came to his mind, his body was suppressing the power which had been given too him, but if the power wouldn’t get out it would tear him apart from the inside. And so driven by madness Merur decided to fight until all the power was cleansed from his body. He couldn’t even tell if his enemies were Renmei or Demon he just rampaged true everything he encountered and used all his force to kill and shred. But then he was captured in something what looked like a glowing net and he heard voices and strange noises around him. He saw a bright light and then the noises began to be clearer and he could see again and hear again normally. Until he realized he was in the courthouse of the Magi Syndicate he didn’t suspect anything. Merur was caught by the remnants of the Magi Syndicate and the army of the Royal Order, he had been butchering whole towns and villages true the madness. He couldn’t even remember it to be days, just hours. But seemingly he had been passed out and the magic powers took all control of his body, however the mages of the Magi Syndicate where not able to drain all magic out of his body he was sentenced to be imprisoned in Arcadon for his deeds. Arcadon which was now not only a prison to hold Arcanos was now assigned to be a prison for the most though criminals. Merur got locked up, his weapons and equipment were taken away. And he was ment never to see daylight again.
In the meanwhile Merur was brought away the Royal Order began a huge restoration campaign to restore the land. Now that Maghor was dead there was no chance the demons would just attack unorganized. The Royal Order was right because there were not demon attacks anymore. After the big restoration life was going on as usual within the Renmei kingdoms, the Royal Order was reassembled and the Magi Syndicate would see to it that new magicians would be trained and Ksapultor and all other cities would’ve been restored from any damage. However when the last restoration job was going in progress, the restoration of Ksapultor, and some people went down into the sewers to fix some drains because they were broke. They were attacked by rat-like humanoids. Soon they turned out to be Renmei civilians who had fled into the sewers during when the unseen attacked the capital. Now hundreds of years later they seem to have lost themselves in the endless labyrinth the Royal Order calls the ‘Royal Sewers’ and by time they have been mutated into Ratman. Captain Journy, a captain who also fought the undead at The Cursed Chain events was sent down the Royal Sewers to end the Ratman. After many losses he came with the idea to destroy the support columns that gave the Ratman way to enter the Royal Sewers. These vents also led to they’re Capital which was built deep under the ground, he lowered the columns and sealed of the vents so the Ratman wouldn’t been able to get out anymore and die from hunger and thirst.

Split Part II: Unity of Enemies
Merur was still held inside Arcadon and didn’t like it at all, years passed by while he was imprisoned and many things at the outside world changed. So was it that an ancient race, the Vulgarian that are Bird-like people, awoke from they’re slumber and met the Renmei. They were a neutral race, who preferred not to interfere with the war between the Maghonian Order and the Humana Alliance. They joined forces with the Cave Trolls and called themselves the Uroferian Council. While the Vulgarian were busy introducing themselves to the world Death and his minions were just to begin a new plan. Because they’re leader Maghor was dead the Maghonian Order was left without a main leader, death took his place. His plan was to bolster they’re forces and restore the damage the last wars had done to they’re lands. Also death was aware of 4 temples left by the Lords of the Universe in the Kingdom of Death. These temples contained deathorbs which contained the power to create new entities and that was a part of Death’s plan. However the valley in which they were located was crawling with disobedient dead and they had to cut they’re way true an army of bones to get there. When they collected the artifacts they started a summoning ritual to create a new entity named ‘Grimm Azulritas’. Grimm was also called the Angel of Death, he always wore a cape to hide his face and had to black wings on his back. The rest of his body seemed to be some strange dark floating liquid with a permanent armor attached to it, Death called Grimm his son.
The Vulgarian people were told by the Renmei that some Emtlanders once crossed Selarius swamp from the shores to the other side of the land but never came back. The Vulgarian insisted to search for they’re missing brethren only be caught into the storms of the land the Groin called Grionier. The Groin who were smaller than Renmei but much more muscular and had a vaguely pale gray skin and dark blue eyes were mutations of the Emtlanders who had once been lost in the blizzards that raged amongst they’re lands. They saved the Vulgarian scouting group from freezing to death in a blizzard and told them that they didn’t remember anything about the outside world. The Vulgarian and a few of the Groin left to seek out the Renmei again to introduce them to they’re new looks. Scientists were astonished, they knew that the monks and highlanders has evolved trough magic and harsh environment but the Groin seemed to have totally mutated into what seems another race. After a long introduction the Groin pledged alliance to the Humana Alliance and the Royal Order. However while these happenings occurred the banished demon necromancer Gornakh saw his chance to reach Arcadon and free Merur from his prison for reasons he wouldn’t tell him. To ensure they would not betray each other they made a pact, if one of them would die the other would die too. Bound by this magical pact they managed to escape Arcadon and even took Agathi ‘The Frozen Prince’ with them.
When they set foot on land near the Pirate Bay Agathi disappeared and left them together. Both couldn’t really get on with each other, mainly because Merur had no idea why Gornakh had freed him and Gornakh needed him to corporate. Without any knowledge of what had been going on Merur followed Gornakh to Spirit Isle, on the island Gornakh finally explained why he had freed him. He told him that he had betrayed his own kind, the demons, and that he knew that Merur hated the demons as much as he did. He also knew that Merur sought power strong enough to defeat his enemies, and he could give him that power at a price they had to work together. He had a suggestion that they could fuse together, Half-Demon and Half-Renmei, with combining they’re powers they would become one stronger entity. Sadly the only force to fuse they’re bodies was in the temple of Spirit Isle, the ancient rite, a magical artifact left by the ancients that would grant wishes but only if you made a huge sacrifice. What the duo didn’t knew was that Grimm and Death were also rushing towards the temple to absorb the powers of the rite to become stronger. Merur and Gornakh managed to get there but were already to late, the rite had been drained from power already and it only contained a little bit left to exist. The rite spoke to them, he could grant they’re wish. But Merur had to give up his own people by doing so, by that time Merur didn’t quite understand who were ‘his people’ anyway so he agreed. Gornakh and Merur were fused together to become one, and after the wish was granted the rite began to pulse and vanished. The island began to shake and sink to the bottom of the sea with all the runepeople still on it. Merur had sacrificed his own people to unite with one of his greatest enemies. As Merur stood on the deck of his tiny sailing ship watching the island sink, he realized he had just left everything of his former life behind him. To start a new life…

Split Part III: The Beast Unleashed
In the meanwhile far away from Merur and his shattered past was a conversation going on between the Rogue Demon Council upon The Spire at Thelanoris. The rogue demons, which fled from the Maghonian order because they believed that there was no use to slaughter all the humans and do the lords bidding because they thought the lords would vanquish them afterwards the job was done. So they fled to ‘the other side’ also named Thelanoris. They had many operations running to get away from everything and start a new life somewhere else amongst the universe. Now, they were discussing they’re final resort. How would they reach they’re insane goal without having to sacrifice everything they have? Then suddenly one of the council members came up with the insane idea of setting free Arcanos. He suggested to break him free from the magical generators who suppressed his magic and made him unable to use his own powers. However the generators keep him from death and destruction they also seemed to increase his power overtime, and after all this years he should’ve reached god-like power. They were told by they’re secret shape shifting demon agents who had the ability to disguise as humans. The demon council agreed that the plan was kind of insane and if it failed they would lose everything and they’re goal would not be reached and everyone would die in vain, but they were willing to take the risk and to see it as a last resort. While the demons prepared themselves for they’re mission the Royal Order was also having a meeting because the king of The Westlands died yesterday of old age. They were discussing who should be the new king, the kings son had died in the conflict with the unseen and his wife died a few years before him. There was no option than crowning the kings right hand, Malryius Decatus, to be the new king of The Westlands. The ceremony would take place the next day. Grimm Azulritas, the Angel of Death, had heard of the news and rushed towards the Ksapultor Capital with the goal to posses the new king. By channeling his own spirit into Malryius, Grimm left his own body and took control as the new king without anyone knew what he was up too and who he actually was. Merur and Gornakh were planning to try and open a portal into the black realms, to retrieve the sword Matriarch how crazy it would sound they somehow opend a strange black portal which seemed to lead nowhere. However when they tried to get out the portal closed behind them and they were trapped in a unknown realm. The Rogue Demons of The Spire had already reached Arcadon, and had started they’re mission to break the barriers who held Arcanos from using his power. But Grimm and Death were also up to something, the plan was to posses the king, which they already did, and then to get Death and his companions into The Westlands to gather bones for the resurrection of Maghor. They had figured out that they’re master could never be revived at full power again, but they had an idea of gathering a great amount of bones and then resurrecting Maghor into a skeletal form. After that it would only be a matter of draining power to retrieve his former strength and he would be reborn once again. However the Royal Order came after they’re plans and rebelled against the king, with Journy Coper leading the rebels against the hordes of undead who had already infested the sewers and scared the Ratman ever further into the ground. But the Renmei seemed to have no chance and were banished from they’re own capital, and amongst the Westlands people were getting slaughtered to serve a bone material for death’s resurrection ritual. And when everyone thought things couldn’t get worse, the Rogue Demons freed Arcanos from his magical barrier. Arcanos looked up, and started to examine his body. He looked at the door which he had been staring to so many years, hungering to break that door he finally lifted his hands. And the whole world was shrouded in darkness, and Arcanos smiled…

Split Part V: A Disclosure
Two guards came rushing into the prison chamber, but Arcanos reduced them to dust with a simple spell. He made some gestures with his hands for a magical spell, and suddenly a energy stream came raging in front of him and he shot it right true the Arcadon prison. Devouring everything in its path the energy stream landed into sea and vanquished, leaving bubbles behind in the water. Arcanos slowly walked outside his prison and without warning, waved his hands around his body like a half-circle and a half-circled energy wave spread out in seconds cutting and destroying everything in its path. Rocks and dirt was raised into the air by the immense magical power, and there were Arcanos’ magic hit the earth were glowing white. He turned around facing his former cell and said ‘I would better get out of there if I were you’. The rogue demons rushed outside and by raising his hand up to the sky and waving it down ending with a fist, a giant lightning came down from the sky and stroke the giant cell. It trembled, and after that slowly crumbled apart. The demons were looking at Arcanos with fear, alertness and admiration. Then Arcanos turned around and asked the demons why they freed him. They said they were hoping on his aid against the Maghonian Order, Arcanos replied with a laugh. And then started to tell something that was kept secret for years.

‘’In the begin, I was alone on this earth with only a few Renmei. It was then that I already knew that the shield, the atmosphere, created by the Ancients to protect us, would vanquish in time. I knew I had to do something, so I already established a plan, I secrecy I had some people establish the famous prison Arcadon. Nobody knew that the prison was there, and that was also the purpose. I let the mage council, when it had developed enough, create a magical barrier prison which had the power to imprison a very powerful magician’s magic and so make him powerless. But they did not know I let them make magical machinery that empowered the prisoner and that I was planning to get imprisoned there. Why I just didn’t let the make it and said the truth? They would never let me!, my people didn’t trust me because back then I was lusting for more power and I believed that the Renmei were the only pure race, and I do still. First, I was planning to make the Arcarmor, after that I made a sort of ‘clone’ of myself. This clone had no magic power, so he was easily caught and locked up. I disguised myself and began a new life in a village, I called myself ‘Rur’ and I married a young priestess named ‘Me’. We had a child, which I adored, but I had a whole plan in mind for the future of this world, so I couldn’t enjoy him too much and helped demons into the village and let them kill everyone except Merur. Everyone thought I was dead then, and that was a good. I sneaked into Arcadon and replaced my body with that one of the ‘clone’. I also took over the energy he had already received from the energy reactors (which the guards thought that they would hold magic back). And there I was, planning the future of this already damned earth. How you say? You will hear that later, because after I ‘imprisoned’ myself I made a pact with the Maghonian order to make my son, Merur, into a great warrior. Ever greater then he could ever made himself.’’

Arcanos walked back to the ruins of his former ‘prison’ and lifted his hand and the pieces of the Arcarmor came flying in front of his feet.

‘’The first stone has been dropped’’

He said, and suddenly turned around making a magical gesture. A bright blue light behind the rogue demons shined and a disorientated Merur, an self-insured Agathi were being teleported. Merur was confused, and looked around him wondering what he was doing here, he was alerted by the presence of the rogue demons. Agathi slowly walked to Arcanos, and stood next to him.

‘’My son’’ Arcanos continued ‘’Merur, it is time you knew the truth’’.

Merur looked at Arcanos with big eyes, he couldn’t believe that Arcanos was his father but after Arcanos shape shifted into the former body of his father and told him things nobody else could’ve known Merur was convinced.

‘’Merur is my son, and also my disciple. I made a pact with the Maghonian Order to manipulate one of their brethren to hate them. It was the purpose that Merur and he would be united and combine they’re forces. And it sees like they did, Agathi here is one of my disciples. I commanded him to take the sword Lightbane that Gornakh also wanted to have, but it wasn’t a good outcome for me to let him have it. So I am glad everything worked out as planned, now there is only one thing left to do. The atmosphere will collapse in time. To keep it running I have gathered energy with the energy reactors during my imprisonment, I let the Maghonian Order command the Vruug to secretly build a giant reactor in the The Burning Vein a cavern deep down in the earth near the core. I channeled my energy into the giant reactor and with the help of an army of necromancer the energy was channeled into the atmosphere to keep it from collapsing. But now there only rests one last task, you must kill me my son. You must pierce your blade into my heart, but beware that Agathi will protect me because he is actually not a realm Renmei. But a warrior I created a long time ago to do my dirty jobs.’’

Merur looked astonished, dropped a tear from his eye. Let out a warcraft and rushed towards Arcanos. Agathi immediately got in front of Merur’s father like a human shield and the band of rogue demons stepped aside for Merur (They were confused and didn’t knew what to do next). ‘’Father!’’ yelled Merur and while Agathi pulled his sword, Frostbane, Merur pulled his trusted twin blades. It was like the battles of the Ancients only then on a smaller scale. After a long time of fighting Merur knew to unarm Agathi and when he was vulnerable he casted a giant bolt of flame into his belly with all the energy he had left. He bolt shot right true him spilling his entrails on the already burned ground. Agathi moaned, Frostbane began retain his holiness revealing a bright yellow light and Merur was forced on his knees by the lack of energy. Arcanos slowly walked to Merur, and said to him that it was time, and he waved with his hand and channeled a small amount of energy into him. Merur stood up, looked his father in the eye and trusted his blade into his heart. Arcanos moaned, Merur lost hold of his sword and fell to the ground, with the sword in his chest Arcanos rose up into the sky about ten meters above the ground. And then a great light coming from Arcanos devoured everything like an explosion.

Now, Merur and the rogue demons were still alive. But the island were Arcadon once stood, Arcanos himself and Agathi were vanquished. A great ring of land around the place of the great explosion of light was one of the two things that was left from the happening. But now, instead of an island were Arcadon stood, a giant golden reactor was placed that would empower the atmosphere forever. With Merur killing Arcanos, a prophecy of the Ancients was fulfilled. The once great prison of Arcadon had to make place for the reactor that would keep the world together. A reactor which in fact held the soul of Arcanos, and with that Arcanos could use his energy to empower the Ancients shield but also avoid death of taking advance of his soul.

A new world, was born. A new era, and Arcanos who pursued his goal to an immortal existence. Realized his dream…
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Level 27
Sep 24, 2006
What is so bad about 'Groin'? ... i btw forgot to say how they look .. they are a small dwarven like race, and are extremely powerfull because they are an 'elite race' like the vampires. But what is wrong with Groin? .. i just made it up.. and it fits good with the description of how the look i think..

Oh yeah you are not meant to say it like Gro-in (You frist say Gro and then In) you are just supposed to read out the full word. Groin.

Euhm damn how can i best explain that.. like you say Grojn.
Level 27
Sep 24, 2006
Hehe ^^

This is just the history of the world of Deimosh in short. Only the main events that changed the world (Like the first and second war until a third one). Many other small events occured.

As you've maybe read i will be making things like religions, races, areas, instances etc. You can read more about it in them (Word documents)
Level 27
Sep 24, 2006
Here are the shards that Maghor released upon his death.

I also have finished the document for the world/area's for like 70% or something. All descriptions are done but i think it needs more info and it isnt rly good posting it while i can't upload the world map because i dont have a scanner =/


  • Shards Of Power - The Shards.doc
    20.5 KB · Views: 231
Level 27
Sep 24, 2006
Some other things to keep you busy with reading.

I haven't worked at it for a long time =/
Searching for inspiration and will-power to make the rest as good as the lore etc. is (Which is good IMO)


  • Shards Of Power - Area's & World.doc
    26.5 KB · Views: 263
  • Shards Of Power - Races.doc
    30 KB · Views: 276
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Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
This looks good, Altrough I personally don't like the usage of Humans on other planets or worlds ^^, or human names such as The Westernlands, but that's just my oppinion, It's great to see that I'm not the only one to make something like this =D, and I have more problems with the names Human and Vampire than that I have a problem with Groin, becouse my world has a country that's called Knoersk o_O Well, Best of luck in your future creativity, and maybe you could make a simple version of the map in ms paint or a better program?
Level 27
Sep 24, 2006
I've drawn the map on a paper but i dont have a scanner or anything. I will try to get it on pc. Its not as original as yours but ive quite deciced already. For humans and vampires well, the humans are just very common but the vampires look very different from any other vampire. They are kinda like dreadlords but with my own unique touch to them and some strange looks and abilities.

And ehm. Knoersk? What does that have to do with Groin? .. Anyways thanks for reading. And is isn't finished offcourse, i've been now working on the organizations and timeline thingies ^^

i've follow your advice, here are 2 concept maps of the northern and southern continent made in paint


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Level 27
Sep 24, 2006
Some changes which i will add later, for the sake of originality ^^

(Name chances and stuff)

Human = AKA 'Renmei'. Renmei is the original name given to them by they're creators the Ancients. Human is commonly used as a friendly word for allies and as a swear word by enemies.
Highlanders = Emtlanders
Highlands= Emtlands
Vampire = Rashketau
Silithus = Selarius
The Other Side = AKA 'Thelanoris', the most common name used is The Other Side because it reffers to something that has never been fully explored by allies nor enemies and is known to be very dangerous.
Docks of Ice = Frostshatter Haven
Chay-fon = Chei'lokh
Talon Jungle = Tae'Ledir Jungle

Why i do this? Mainly because all the names are already used, or are just stupid and common. Like docks of ice for example sounds way to common and Chay-Fon sounds out of place between all the other names. Talon jungle reffers to much to WoW and the name Docks of Ice just sucks and is not inspired by anything. Vampire and Human were also bad, I actually agree on trying to invent other terms, although they will sound alien ;)
Things like 'The Westlands' and the authority like 'The Kingdom' will still be there, i can't just live without these simple typical human names XD

Anyways, i will add it later. Also im thinking about making a site to keep everything up and adding the link to my sig ;)
Level 27
Sep 24, 2006
Im not doing much lately about the story because well.. everytime i write a part i just brainstorm everything and finish it almost in one time i work on it. So i need much inspiration for these writings things otherwise they will just turn out shit.

Heres a zoom of the westlands to keep you busy and not make this look dead =p

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Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
A little tip, maby you could've better first put down some rivers, so that you have good spots for cities, becouse cities near rivers most of the time are very wealthy, btw, why do those docks/bays have friend and enemy under them, does that mean that the one is friendly and the other hostile or are those just names?
Level 27
Sep 24, 2006
*Updated westlands zoom map*

Yeah plz don't ask for anything about the names or such, i will all explain that later. But for now the names 'East Enemy' and 'West Friend' are from a small story.

There has always waged war amongst that part. A civil war, the docks once were one and was named as 'Homebest Harbor'. But due to conflicts between the eastern and western cultures they started a civil war. Now they've split up but they had no power to change the entire name of the harbor becuase only the kingdom could do such a thing. The western parts wanted to end the war but the easterns wanted to take everything becuase they were totally anti-west. So then it came to pas that the eastern part was named 'East Enemy' (Because of they're hostility against the west) and the west 'West Friend' (Because they're attempts of ending the war and not fighting back).

Dont ask more now ^^ i will make all these things later. Dont worry, you will know everything from zero to the end.
Level 27
Sep 24, 2006
Long time no see, man im too addicted to Castlevania and WoW lawl.
Also spending a long time on working (At a company yeah, its a must for school or i cant enter the exam =p). Anyways heres something new, not all new but just to get your to understand some more of the history.

Timeline & Events...


  • Shards Of Power - Timeline & Events.doc
    25 KB · Views: 208
Level 27
Sep 24, 2006
Its not that hard, its just critical you work at a company for 2 weeks to see how everything works there... you learn a bit from it but not that much, kind of useless but more fun than school in my opinion.

Anyways Darkknight i want to make a site later on for SoP too but i also need some questions for a FAQ. Can make a list of questions and which i will then answer? xD
Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
Erm... I don't think I'm that good at just firing some questions at you, I ask questions when they come to my mind, and I don't like to force them ^^, btw, are you from the netherlands? becouse we here have the same system of teaching XD (atleast, after some years of just school)
Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
Well, to be honest, I don't realy download things out of no-were, and I know there are other people out there who won't do it neighter, maby becouse they can't, or they aren't allowed by someone... or becouse they don't want to, or they are just lazy and want to read it in a faq ^^
Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
Lol, Well, I once was at a point that I had my C:/ disc so full, that I couldn't even download stuff and directly open without saving... becouse it first downloads it, and then throws it away when it's not needed anymore.
Level 19
Aug 24, 2007
You = Alucard = Cursed = Damned = WIN
Dracula = Cursed too but too weak = PHAIL
Your Story = WIN
Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
Would be interesting if this world would be "Open source" so that anyone can use it to write a novel, create a game or whatever. just like Earth now is an open source world ^^, (It has always been, just becouse we live on it though...)
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