20:35, 24th Feb 2013
Magtheridon96: Approved.
This is really effective and aesthetically wonderful.
Magtheridon96: Approved.
This is really effective and aesthetically wonderful.
* Shadow Trail System v by Maker
* Creates a trail of units behind the caster
* To use this system, copy this library,
* and then Table and CTL from Resources folder into your map.
* struct ShadowTrail
* static method add takes unit target, integer trailType, real duration returns thistype
* - target is the unit to attach the trail to
* - trailType, 0 = units are created repeatedly, 1 = uses the same units. Test which suits your spell better
* - duration is how long the trail lasts in seconds. 0 = lasts until the unit dies
* method setupMovingTrail takes integer count, real separation, real alphaFactor returns nothing
* - use this only if the trail type is 1, TRAIL_TYPE_MOTION
* - must be used if trail type is 1
* - count is how many units are in the trail. More units -> longer trail
* - separation is the distance between units.
* - alphaFactor is the transparency multiplier between units. The further away the trail unit is from the main unit,
* the more transparent it will be. Use values between 0 and 1.
* method setInterval takes real timee returns nothing
* - only affects trail type 0, TRAIL_TYPE_STATIC
* - must be used with trail type 0
* - timee is how often new units are created
* method setFadeRate takes real rate, boolean flatMode returns nothing
* - rate is how quickly the units fade out after the trail is terminated
* - flatMode == true, units fade at a constant rate. Transparency = transparency - rate. Try values around 10. Higher value, faster fading.
* - flatMode == false, units fade out at multiplicative rate. Transparency = transparency*(1-rate). Use values around 0.9. Lower value, faster fading-
* method setAnimationSpeed takes real r returns nothing
* - how quickly the animations of the trail units are played. Default value is 1.
* method setAnimationIndex takes integer k returns nothing
* - what animation index the trail units play
* method setColor takes integer red, integer grn, integer blu, integer alpha returns nothing
* - sets the colouring of the trail units. Use values between 0 and 255.
* - if alpha is 0, the unit is completely transparent, 255 means it is fully visible
* method setEffect takes string model, string attachPoint, boolean attachToShadows returns nothing
* - attaches a special effect to the trail units and the main unit
* - model = the path of a effect to attach
* - attachPoint is the attachment point
* - attachToShadows, if set to true will attach the effect to the trail units and the main unit, if
* set to false then the effect is only attached to the main unit
* method remove takes nothing returns nothing
* - destroys/removes/ends the trail
* - you can use this to remove the trail before the duration ends.
* - trails are automatically detroyed when the duration ends so there is no need to use this
* method setPlayerColor takes playercolor pColor returns nothing
* - Sets the player color of the dummy units
* Examples
* / --------- Moving Shadow Trail ----------
* local ShadowTrail ST = ShadowTrail.add(GetTriggerUnit(), TRAIL_TYPE_MOTION, 8) // Lasts 8 seconds
* call ST.setupMovingTrail(5, 20, 0.85) // This method affects only trail type 1, must use
* call ST.setAnimationIndex(2) // Recommended to set
* call ST.setFadeRate(10, true) // Optional method call, recommended
* call ST.setAnimationSpeed(1.0) // Optional method call
* call ST.setColor(200, 200, 200, 200) // Optional method call
* call ST.setEffect(EFF, "chest", false) // Optional, EFF = variable holding the model path
* ---------------------------------------- /
* /--------- Static Shadow Trail ----------
* local ShadowTrail ST = ShadowTrail.add(GetTriggerUnit(), TRAIL_TYPE_STAITC, 8) // Lasts 8 seconds
* call ST.setInterval(0.06250) // This method affects only trail type 0, must use
* call ST.setAnimationIndex(6) // Recommended to set
* call ST.setFadeRate(7, true) // Optional method call, recommended
* call ST.setAnimationSpeed(1.0) // Optional method call
* call ST.setColor(200, 200, 200, 200) // Optional method call
* call ST.setEffect(EFF, "chest", false) // Optional, EFF = variable holding the model path
* ----------------------------------------/
* Credits
* Bribe : Table
* Nestharus : CTL
library ShadowTrail requires Table, CTL
// Does it use the team color of the owner of the main unit
private constant boolean COLOUR_OWNER = true
// Default player colour for shadows, used if COLOUR_OWNER is false
private constant playercolor PCOL = GetPlayerColor(Player(15))
// Dummies are created here and then isntantly placed at the hero's position
private constant real CREATE_X = 0
private constant real CREATE_Y = 0
constant integer TRAIL_TYPE_STATIC = 0
constant integer TRAIL_TYPE_MOTION = 1
// The image to use as shadows for the dummies. No need to change this as the image will be hidden
private constant string SHADOWPATH = "Textures\\white.blp"
private Table tab
private integer dc = 0 // Dummy count
private unit u
// Credit to Deaod, edited by Maker
private function CreateUnitWithoutShadow takes player owner, integer uid, real facing, string shadowfile returns unit
local image i = CreateImage(shadowfile, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 3) // creates a dummy image
if GetHandleId(i) == -1 then // if the new shadow is invalid, abort, it can screw up the game
debug call BJDebugMsg("CreateUnitWithShadow: Invalid path for new shadow!") // it could also be caused by an imageType of 0, but thats a less common cause
return null // since the image is invalid, we dont need to destroy it
call DestroyImage(i) // destroy the dummy.
set u = CreateUnit(owner, uid, CREATE_X, CREATE_Y, facing) // create the unit. this also creates a new image which functions as the shadow of the unit. The shadow will use the ID of the dummy image.
call DestroyImage(i) // destroy the shadow of the unit
call CreateImage(shadowfile, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 3) // this creates the new shadow for the unit, note that i dont need to overwrite "i" as the id this image will get is predictable
call SetImageRenderAlways(i, false) // Hides the shadow
call SetImageColor(i, 0, 0, 0, 0) // Makes the shadow invisible
// no need to null "i", as images dont use ref-counting
return u
// Fades out units over time
private struct Alpha extends array
private static unit array u // The unit
private static unit array hero // The hero
private static integer array aMax // Maximum alpha value
private static integer array a // Current alpha value
private static integer array r // Red
private static integer array g // Green
private static integer array b // Blue
private static integer array rf // Flat alpha rate
private static real array rs // Multiplicative alpha rate
private static boolean array bl // Is fading flat
private static boolean array rem // Is the unit removed in the end
private static boolean array sync // Prevents overlapping fade in and fade out
private static effect array e // Effect
implement CTLExpire
if tab.boolean[GetHandleId(u[this])] == sync[this] then
if bl[this] then
set a[this] = a[this] + rf[this]
set a[this] = R2I(a[this] +rs[this]*50 + (aMax[this] - a[this]) * rs[this])
if a[this] > 0 and a[this] < aMax[this] then
if IsUnitInvisible(hero[this], GetLocalPlayer()) then
call SetUnitVertexColor(u[this], r[this], g[this], b[this], 0)
call SetUnitVertexColor(u[this], r[this], g[this], b[this], a[this])
if rem[this] then
if e[this] != null then
call DestroyEffect(e[this])
set e[this] = null
call RemoveUnit(u[this])
set dc = dc - 1
if dc == 0 then
call tab.flush()
elseif a[this] <= 0 then
call SetUnitVertexColor(u[this], r[this], g[this], b[this], 0)
call ShowUnit(u[this], false)
if IsUnitInvisible(hero[this], GetLocalPlayer()) then
call SetUnitVertexColor(u[this], r[this], g[this], b[this], 0)
call SetUnitVertexColor(u[this], r[this], g[this], b[this], aMax[this])
set e[this] = null
set u[this] = null
set hero[this] = null
call destroy()
set e[this] = null
set u[this] = null
set hero[this] = null
call destroy()
implement CTLEnd
static method start takes unit un, unit caster, integer rate1, real rate2, integer maxAlpha, integer red, integer grn, integer blu, integer alpha, boolean flatFade, boolean remove, boolean synch, effect eff returns nothing
local thistype this = create()
set u[this] = un
set hero[this] = caster
set a[this] = alpha
set aMax[this] = maxAlpha
set r[this] = red
set g[this] = grn
set b[this] = blu
set rf[this] = rate1
set rs[this] = rate2
set bl[this] = flatFade
set rem[this] = remove
set sync[this] = synch
set e[this] = eff
struct ShadowTrail extends array
private static unit array main // The unit with the trail
private static real array dur // How long the trail lasts
private static real array xm // X of main during the previous loop
private static real array ym // Y of main during the previous loop
private static real array ts // Animation speed, time scale
private static real array fd // follow distance
private static real array fp // How quickly the shadow fades, multiplicative
private static real array time // Calculates the interval time
private static real array interval // How often a new shadow is created
private static real array af // Alpha factor between moving shadows
private static real array d // Distance between moving shadows
private static integer array tc // Number of moving shadows
private static integer array fr // How quickly the shadow fades, flat
private static integer array r // Red of shadows
private static integer array g // Green of shadows
private static integer array b // Blue of shadows
private static integer array a // Transparency of shadows
private static integer array uid // Unit type if of shadows
private static integer array anim // Animation index to play for the shadows
private static integer array id // Shadow Trail type
private static string array eff // Special effect on copies
private static string array att // Special effect attach point
private static boolean array bo1 // True = flat fading time, false = multiplicative fading time
private static boolean array bo2 // Is the specified effect created on dummies also
private static boolean array h // Are moving trail units hidden
private static boolean array perm // Is the trail permanent
private static Table array ta // For shadow copy units
private static Table array tb // For shadow copy effects
private static playercolor array pc // Player colour of the shadows
implement CTL
local real x
local real y
local real an
local real f
local unit u
local unit s
local effect e = null // Passing unitialized variable to Alpha.start causes problems, null is good.
local integer i
local integer j
implement CTLExpire
if not IsUnitType(main[this], UNIT_TYPE_DEAD) and (dur[this] >= 0 or perm[this]) and GetUnitTypeId(main[this]) != 0 then
if not perm[this] then
set dur[this] = dur[this] - 0.031250
set x = GetUnitX(main[this])
set y = GetUnitY(main[this])
if x != xm[this] or y != ym[this] then
if id[this] == TRAIL_TYPE_STATIC then // Is moving, static trail
set time[this] = time[this] + 0.031250
if time[this] >= interval[this] then
set u = CreateUnitWithoutShadow(Player(15), uid[this], GetUnitFacing(main[this]), SHADOWPATH)
set dc = dc + 1
call SetUnitTurnSpeed(u, 1000)
call UnitAddAbility(u, 'Arav')
call UnitAddAbility(u, 'Aloc')
call PauseUnit(u, true)
call SetUnitUseFood(u, false)
call SetUnitX(u, x)
call SetUnitY(u, y)
call SetUnitTimeScale(u, ts[this])
call SetUnitColor(u, pc[this])
call SetUnitVertexColor(u, r[this], g[this], b[this], 0)
call SetUnitAnimationByIndex(u, anim[this])
call SetUnitFlyHeight(u, GetUnitFlyHeight(main[this]), 0)
if bo2[this] then
set e = AddSpecialEffectTarget(eff[this], u, att[this])
set tab.boolean[GetHandleId(u)] = false
call Alpha.start(u, main[this], -fr[this], -fp[this], 255, r[this], g[this], b[this], a[this], bo1[this], true, false, e)
set time[this] = 0
set u = null
set e = null
else // Is moving, moving trail (type 1)
set i = tc[this]
exitwhen i == 0
set s = ta[this].unit[i]
set u = ta[this].unit[i-1]
set f = GetUnitFacing(u)
set an = (f+180)*bj_DEGTORAD
if IsUnitHidden(s) then // If units are hidden, they should be set to visible
set tab.boolean[GetHandleId(s)] = true
call Alpha.start(s, main[this], fr[this], fp[this], R2I(a[this]*Pow(af[this], i-1)), r[this], g[this], b[this], 0, bo1[this], false, true, e)
call ShowUnit(s, true)
call UnitRemoveAbility(s, 'Aloc') // Showing unit makes units with Locust selectable
call UnitAddAbility(s, 'Aloc') // Must apply Locust again
call SetUnitAnimationByIndex(s, anim[this])
call SetUnitX(s, GetUnitX(u) + d[this] * Cos(an))
call SetUnitY(s, GetUnitY(u) + d[this] * Sin(an))
call SetUnitFacing(s, f)
call SetUnitFlyHeight(s, GetUnitFlyHeight(u), 0)
set i = i - 1
if h[this] then
set h[this] = false
set s = null
set u = null
elseif not h[this] and id[this] == TRAIL_TYPE_MOTION then // Is not moving, trail is visible, trail type 1
set i = tc[this]
exitwhen i == 0
set j = R2I(a[this]*Pow(af[this], i-1))
set tab.boolean[GetHandleId(ta[this].unit[i])] = false
call Alpha.start(ta[this].unit[i], main[this], -fr[this], -fp[this], j, r[this], g[this], b[this], j, bo1[this], false, false, null)
set i = i - 1
set h[this] = true
set xm[this] = x
set ym[this] = y
set i = tc[this]
exitwhen i == 0
if tb[this].effect[i] != null then
call DestroyEffect(tb[this].effect[i])
set j = R2I(a[this]*Pow(af[this], i-1)) - 1
set tab.boolean[GetHandleId(ta[this].unit[i])] = false
call Alpha.start(ta[this].unit[i], main[this], -fr[this], -fp[this], j, r[this], g[this], b[this], j, bo1[this], true, false, null)
set i = i - 1
if tb[this].effect[0] != null then
call DestroyEffect(tb[this].effect[0])
set main[this] = null
call ta[this].flush()
call tb[this].flush()
call destroy()
implement CTLEnd
method remove takes nothing returns nothing
set dur[this] = 0
set perm[this] = false
method setEffect takes string model, string attachPoint, boolean attachToShadows returns nothing
local integer i = 1
set eff[this] = model
set att[this] = attachPoint
set bo2[this] = attachToShadows
if attachToShadows then
exitwhen ta[this].unit[i] == null
if tb[this].effect[i] != null then
call DestroyEffect(tb[this].effect[i])
set tb[this].effect[i] = AddSpecialEffectTarget(model, ta[this].unit[i], attachPoint)
set i = i + 1
if tb[this].effect[i] != null then
call DestroyEffect(tb[this].effect[i])
set tb[this].effect[0] = AddSpecialEffectTarget(model, main[this], attachPoint)
method setPlayerColor takes playercolor pColor returns nothing
local integer i = 1
set pc[this] = pColor
exitwhen ta[this].unit[i] == null
call SetUnitColor(ta[this].unit[i], pc[this])
set i = i + 1
method setColor takes integer red, integer grn, integer blu, integer alpha returns nothing
local integer i = 1
set r[this] = red
set g[this] = grn
set b[this] = blu
set a[this] = alpha
exitwhen ta[this].unit[i] == null
if id[this] == TRAIL_TYPE_STATIC or not h[this] then
call SetUnitVertexColor(ta[this].unit[i], red, grn, blu, R2I(a[this]*Pow(af[this], i-1)))
call SetUnitVertexColor(ta[this].unit[i], red, grn, blu, 0)
set i = i + 1
method setAnimationIndex takes integer k returns nothing
local integer i = 1
set anim[this] = k
exitwhen ta[this].unit[i] == null
call SetUnitAnimationByIndex(ta[this].unit[i], k)
set i = i + 1
method setAnimationSpeed takes real r returns nothing
local integer i = 1
set ts[this] = r
exitwhen ta[this].unit[i] == null
call SetUnitTimeScale(ta[this].unit[i], r)
set i = i + 1
method setFadeRate takes real rate, boolean flatMode returns nothing
if flatMode then
set fr[this] = R2I(rate)
set fp[this] = 1-rate
set bo1[this] = flatMode
method setInterval takes real timee returns nothing
set time[this] = 0
set interval[this] = timee
method setupMovingTrail takes integer count, real separation, real alphaFactor returns nothing
local integer i
local unit u
local real x = GetUnitX(main[this])
local real y = GetUnitY(main[this])
local real f = GetUnitFacing(main[this])
if id[this] == TRAIL_TYPE_MOTION then
if count > 0 then
set d[this] = separation
set tc[this] = count
set h[this] = false
set af[this] = alphaFactor
set xm[this] = GetUnitX(main[this])
set ym[this] = GetUnitY(main[this])
set ta[this] = Table.create()
set i = 1
set u = CreateUnitWithoutShadow(Player(15), uid[this], f, SHADOWPATH)
call ShowUnit(u, false)
call SetUnitVertexColor(u, r[this], g[this], b[this], 0)
set dc = dc + 1
call SetUnitColor(u, pc[this])
call UnitAddAbility(u, 'Arav')
call UnitAddAbility(u, 'Aloc')
call SetUnitUseFood(u, false)
call SetUnitX(u, x)
call SetUnitY(u, y)
call PauseUnit(u, true)
set ta[this].unit[i] = u
exitwhen i == count
set i = i + 1
set h[this] = true
set ta[this].unit[0] = main[this]
set u = null
debug call BJDebugMsg("Tried to use setupMovingTrail method with invalid dummy unit count. (Less than 1)")
debug else
debug call BJDebugMsg("Tried to use setupMovingTrail method with instance that has a wrong shadow trail type.")
static method add takes unit target, integer trailType, real duration returns thistype
local thistype this = 0
if trailType == TRAIL_TYPE_MOTION or trailType == TRAIL_TYPE_STATIC then
set this = create()
set main[this] = target
set uid[this] = GetUnitTypeId(target)
set id[this] = trailType
set dur[this] = duration
set tc[this] = 0
set perm[this] = duration == 0
call this.setColor(255, 255, 255, 255)
call this.setAnimationIndex(0)
call this.setAnimationSpeed(1)
call this.setFadeRate(0, true)
call this.setFadeRate(0, false)
call this.setInterval(0.2)
call this.setEffect(null, null, false)
static if COLOUR_OWNER then
set pc[this] = GetPlayerColor(GetOwningPlayer(target))
set pc[this] = PCOL
debug else
debug call BJDebugMsg("Invalid shadow trail type.")
return this
private static method onInit takes nothing returns nothing
set tab = Table.create()
v1.0.0.0 @ 22.02.2013 - Uploaded v1.0.0.1 @ 22.02.2013 -Fixed a bug that caused permanent trails not be terminated with remove method. -Using setEffect method now destroys the old effect. v1.0.1.1 @ 23.02.2013 -Trail type 1 now fades out if the unit stops moving instead of instantly disappearing -Now correctly removes the trail if the main unit is removed from the game -Added global variables for trail types -Using setEffect method now destroys the old effect and applies a new one v1.0.1.2 @ 23.02.2013 -The dummies are now set to ignore their guard position so the AI won't try to move them if they go to far from where they were created v1.1.1.2 @ 23.02.2013 -Now doesn't require dummy units to be created in object editor -Users can configure the dummies to use the team colour of the owner of the main unit or alternatively neutral passive v1.1.1.3 @ 23.02.2013 -Removed the dummy unit id parameter from the add method since it is not needed anymore v1.1.1.4 @ 24.02.2013 -Various small code improvements v1.1.1.5 @ 25.02.2013 -Shadows now fade in and fade out more smoothly in motion trail type -Removed unnecessary code -Added setPlayerColor method which sets the player color of the dummies v1.1.1.6 @ 26.02.2013 -Units are now created at an offset location to avoid pathing issues v1.1.1.7 @ 27.02.2013 -The trail units are now invisible to players who can't see the main unit (due to invisibility ability) |