Before the main body:
Thanks alot for the best game created by Zwiebelchen. We love the game very much. I know it's very hard work to finish a map so perfectly. It's takes amounts of personal rest time with nothing rewards. So I wanna to do something for this perfect game. Just ignore my poor English please.
Bugs reports:
1. Lady Carimedraz could be blocked by 2 players just like this.
Detailed description: It just needs 2 players with more than 350HP and 50FR to block the BOSS. The other range player attacks like this. Any team could pass this BOSS very easily with only 3 weak players.
2. The Shade could summon some shadows based on players. I think the shadows is very persistent especially the Ranger's. But we found one way to ignore it like this.
Detailed description: It's just needs ranger stay 800yd away from the BOSS when it's summoning the shadow. As the shadow appeared, the ranger only need control the wolf to attract the shadow and the shadow is repealed. It could be used for any shadow except square's and mage's by this way.
3. The summons will fall in stunning forever if The Lieutenant killed NPC during stunned. I think most players must noticed this bug already but it seems nobody report this bug.
Some suggestions about this game:
These suggestions are our own ideas after detailed discussion and correct with our team. We play the game all the time and researched deeply. I have the graduate saves with all roles by almost every verson like 1.1L3, 1.1J&K,1.1I4, 1.1D and so on. I said so much just for Zwiebelchen would pay a little more attention to these suggestions. We hope this game perfectly more and more!
1. About heal skills
Mend: It could affect 3 targets with 165+HPS in all(55+HPS per targets) but just takes 9MP per 5s and almost taken 0 time to cast.
Remedy: It affects only 1 target with 135+HPS cost 7MP per 5s and must keep casting all the time.
Nature's Blessing: it takes 15s CD! And just affect a moment.
Summon Nymph: Auto curer. But it often cures the target with no need for cure and takes no cure to the target needs cure indeed.
I think Bishop is too powerful with the most powerful HPS and DPS.
And Druid is not powerful enough to heal multi-targets because of its long CD.
Druid is also further low DPS and MP than Bishop because of no more point to add Wis or Agi.
Suggestion: Mend would affect 20s (4s per heal and also heals 5 times) but takes 10MP and 8s CD. It should be cast the target has already under the effect. Heal would takes 7MP like Remedy. Remedy and Bless should half there CD (3s and 8s) for saving other target timely when they need. Nymph should cure the friendly target only which the Druid controls it to attack. Attack the enemy target only with no cure as Druid control. And just cure with AI when whistled. Also should rise the Nymph's MP to at least 200+ by 170 because of its high overflow heal.
2. About single Magic DPS skills
Soul Strike: It's the most powerful single DPS skill in the game. It takes 3xSP to 4.5xSP Damage per 2.5s you could use it all the time. I use the skill DPS and use Plane shift to remove the threat. at the same time also keep well HPS to the other partners just rely on Mend and Divine Protection. Everything is very well perfect DPS and perfect HPS collection in my body. I kept 300+DPS and heal everybody to rush The Shade and other BOSSes like the picture showed.
Mage's Fireball and Lightning Charge is only 2.5xSP per 2.5s.
Water Globes is just 4xSP per 4s and the soaked is effect 5s only not 10s now.
Every Skeleton could take at least 18-50 DPS with 50AP and 18Arp.
The Skeleton mage takes 1.2xSP per 2.5s about 50 DPS by Shadow Blot.
3 Skeletons and 1 Skeleton mage could offer about 100-200 DPS additional with 0 threat by the Summoner. And the Skeleton mage's Curse is often covered the Bishop's. I think it’s too powerful.
Suggestion: Fix the soaked effect to 10s and add the Lightning Charge's damage to 3xSP. Soul Strike could take 3xSP damage only and take double Cri% to Undead. It also could stun Undead target 2s when Cri. Reduce Skeleton's AP to about 70% but keep its Arp and reduce the Shadow Blot to 1xSP. Just like most DPS skills is taken about 50% effect to HPS skills
3. About Mage's AOE skills
Fireball takes 1.25xSP area DPS per 2.5s. (About 0.5xSP DPS)
Incinerate takes 0.5xSP area DPS per 2s. (About 0.25xSP DPS)
Fire Shield takes 0.15xSP area from per attack (about 1.5-2s per attack). It usually used to provide the additional threat for the MT. I think Incinerate is too powerless as an advance skill. And the Fire Shield's worth is also very low. Low damage provides low additional threat.
Suggestion: Raise the Incinerate Damage to 0.8xSP and raise the Fire Shield's damage to 0.25xSP. Don't worry the Sorcerer will over power. There is threat limited him.
4. About Square's Damage and AOE (It's affecting the threat on most enemys)
Crucify takes 6xSP to 12xSP AOE Damage. 60SP provide 800 AOE Damage at least.
Eeaven's Edge takes 1.5xAP AOE Damage. 100AP provide about 180 AOE Damage.
Crucify is almost 5 times AOE Damage to the Edge. It's very unfair.
And then Crusader's attack is about 100 Physical Damage and 12 addition holy damage for single target. Berserker's attack is about 100 for one target and 50 for another. Berserker's attack is no more powerful than Crusader's and it's AOE Damage and Defence is much powerless than Crusader's. It's very unfair too.
Suggestion: Like the Soul Strike Crucify should take 6xSP damage only and take double Cri% to Undead. It also could stun Undead target 2s when Cri. Raise the Edge's AOE damage to 2xAP but not rise the damage to the main target. Two-hand weapon could damage 2 additional targets instead of 1. Add some MP cost to most square skills for their 50MP. Berserker's Rage should stopped when they take rest instead of out of combat.
5. About the most worthless role for the team in the game.
Monk: Only about 80SP with Heal and Divine Protection must not be a real healer. About 44Ar even lower than Berserker's and about 41Evasion could not make Monk to be a Tank. The elemental Damage is very dangerous to such a low HP tank. And within about 80AP and 40SP could not offer enough threat to protect other players also. So I think Monk must not be a main Tank. 80AP and 65SP with almost not any attack skill also could not make Monk to be a DPSer. The Steel Body could not offer enough protection to Monk and just despoiled heal skills from it.
suggestion: Make high Evasion(about 60+) medium Ar(about 40+) and reduce the elemental Damage to the Monk(about 50%). e.g. The Steel Body could additional Evasion by Agi, Ar by Str and an protection by Int which could reduce by elemental damage as a percent just different from resists and like Berserker's Rage. It also take Monk could not use heal spell but could use Divine Protection. The Divine Fist could keep its increases effect and not consuming this debuff by the burst. I just hope Monk could be a secondly tank with reasonable DPS or be a basic HPSer when really need. At least it should be the role was hardest of the death. Of cause remove some Evasion from the equipment which is offered both Agi and Evasion like Runes.
Bard: By my thought Bard should offer all kinds of buffs as an area effect.
When Bard cast a song the effect could affect all person who was near Bard because of hearing and keeping affect them until cancelled. As the song was played cost a lots of MP and keeping lose MP per 2s until cancelled. When the song cancelled the effect could keep a short time(about 15 - 30s). Then Bard should change the songs as needed. And Bard also could recover HP by one kind of songs slowly. It also could affect enemys by debuffs. MP, move speed, attack speed, or any other effects you could think of. And the effect's power or range should be base on Int. Perhaps Bard like this would weaker for Damage but I think it would more useful for the team and more fun for themselves because of choice.
6. About some unconscionable Equips.
There're some Equips we never want to get.
Because of their other better than them and more easier to get. e.g. [Breastplate of the Beast], [Sharpshooter], [Robes of Fire Protection], [The White Scepter], [Impressive Gloves], [Enchanted Fire Rune]
The others have some unconscionable ability. e.g. [Ring of Shielding], [Robe of Swiftness], [Vestment of the Ten Ravens], [Ravager's Hauberk]
Suggestion: Remove the [Mana Crystal] award from Lord Androzaar or Change the [Mana Crystal] award just by random dropping like [Demon Heart](more percent by The Fire Lord and less percent by The Lord Androzaar). Exchange the FR on [Robes of Fire Protection] and [Thaumaturgist's Robe]. Remove the [Sharpshooter] dropped by Lv29. Move the [The White Scepter], [Impressive Gloves], [Enchanted Fire Rune] to the other BOSS except The Fire Lord. Give a percent [Sparkling Urn] will broke when using (about 30%-40%). Move the [Luna Mantle] to The Fire Lord. Raise the Ar to 6 on the [Ring of Shielding]. Raise the Ar to 12 on the [Robe of Swiftness] and add about 3Ap or 3Int additional. Raise the Ar to 10 on the [Vestment of the Ten Ravens] and add 50HP additional. Rise the Ar to 20 on the [Ravager's Hauberk] or add 50HP additional. Move the [Holy Book], [Sparkling Jewel] to the Ancient One.
Sometimes whether they have the right equipment determines whether a professional strength.
7. About the D1 and D2.
We played this game very long time. And almost never enter D1 and D2 before Lv30 after verson 1.1. Because of there is better way to grow up in Farm. Some new players grow up quickly and leave the game quickly until finished D3 even never enter D1 or D2. Confront such a perfect game why the leaved so quickly almost without any praise. Reversely, we could often heard the sounds that this game content too little. Is it the fact? Of cause not! But what caused them such feeling? I think it is D1 and D2. It took Zwiebelchen so much time to project detailed. But now it's nothing worth. Do you want the D3 came to be next D1 or D2? So I think why not try to recover the worth of D1 and D2?
suggestion: At First, we should segmentation the map base on the Dungeons with the help of quests. The players could not pass the bridge until finished the quest [Into the lion's cave]. And then when a player who was higher than Lv17 enter D1 all the players in D1 will get failed the quest [Into the lion's cave]. Like D1, D2's quest is [A dread from the deep] and its limited by Lv32. If not the players could not arrived the area Lv18+. D3's pass quest should be a new quest that to kill The Fire Lord and The Shade.
8. About the Thief.
Thief could grow up just to steal. As D3 a thief get all his equip(only except [Yarr Be Pirate!]) just rely to steal. Its very unfair to the other players with less fun to himself. suggestion: Remove all the steal list and add some percent(about 40%) to drop a locked box when kill a Boss. The box could not taken and could only be opened by Steal. And the box reward an item as the Boss's dropping list(of cause base on the Lv of the thief). This change makes thief more useful in the team and more fun during playing the games.
That's all I wanna to say yet.
Thanks alot to listening so much nonsense.
Hope it would take a little helpful to the best map.
Thanks for the Creater Mr. Zwiebelchen and so sorry for my poor English again!
Wish all the players would love this map and get fun.
Yours truly Chinese players: aaa, afeige2012, boy, Ekiji, Eric, GameOver, Mimic, Ranbo, Run-to, suifeng, Vivian and so on.
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