Sephiroth Icon

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Level 4
Jun 22, 2016
I've recently downloaded this Sephiroth Model. However, I've had no luck searching for any facial icons to use for it and I'm not good at digitally drawing characters or gradient coloring. I spent a few hours trying to draw one but didn't turn out well.

I'm not looking for something high in quality, just a fair BTN and DISBTN button versions of his face. Can be looking left, right or forward, or maybe similar how he appeared in Final Fantasy VII game party icon.

I've got the ability to Google for an image, copy the best facial image I can find to modify in GIMP and add the appropriate borders with Button Manager. But I don't think this passes for the sites rules of creativity and fair use. So I thought it's best to ask here.
Level 4
Jun 22, 2016
I wasn't aware of that site. Thanks.

I've found one that provides an icon on that link you provided but there is no DISBTN version. But I gotta say those models look awesome.
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