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Separated Worlds

Separated Worlds

This beautiful valley is connected to a huge cave system, both very resourceful, but also home to two mercenary groups who have been waging war here for ages.


6 Gold Mines (2 at Starting Locations, 4 Expansions)
2 Fountains of Life
2 Taverns
2 Mercenary Camps
2 Goblin Merchants
2 Waygates
4 Green (Easy) Creep camps
8 Orange (Medium) Creep camps
2 Red (Hard) Creep camps


1.3 [17.3.2016] - Remade expansion gold mine positions (removed world trees, pulled second expansions to allow more space and lumber), added more environmental doodads.
1.2 [15.2.2014] - Added more environmental doodads and buffed the creep drops.
1.1 [14.2.2014] - Changed the lizards on the forest side to hostile (bugfix)
1.0 [14.2.2014] - Uploaded

Feel free to rate and comment! Enjoy!

Melee, Cave, Valley, Forest, Underground, Dungeon, Nature

Separated Worlds (Map)

StoPCampinGn00b 21:58, 16th Feb 2015 Map Moderated - Seperate Worlds Review Posts - Shadow Fury's Review, Mythic's Review[tr] Verdict - Approved, Not Rated
Level 21
Nov 4, 2013
A very good melee map. The terrain was awesome and it gave me the feeling that the right side and the left side are two completely different worlds. Unluckily, there are two issues:

1- The second expansion gold mines (the ones heavily guarded) are too restricted to build an expansion camp. I tried to put a Town Hall in the one on the bottom-right and my workers got stuck in there. They need to be more wide
2- Item drops are not that suitable. On most of the creep camps, the items are too underpowered (usually I get the opposite case). Come on, the creeps that guard the "restricted" expansion gold mines drop only one level 7-8 artifact? Counting the numbers of creeps and their summed up level, I get 6 creeps of total level 32!!! You should let others creeps of these camps drop other items. Same goes for the first expansion gold mines. A Rock Golem with other 4 creeps that drops only a level 4 item? It's a cheap reward. What about the level 6 Thunder Lizards? Only a level 2 power up which I usually get from weak creeps? Well, to sum the whole thing up, have a look to all creep camps

Overall this is a great melee map which just requires a bit of polishing to be even greater. I think I'll give it 3.5/5 (oh don't blame me for this, those two issues are a bit crucial) but I think the map is ready for an APPROVAL!
A very good melee map. The terrain was awesome and it gave me the feeling that the right side and the left side are two completely different worlds. Unluckily, there are two issues:

1- The second expansion gold mines (the ones heavily guarded) are too restricted to build an expansion camp. I tried to put a Town Hall in the one on the bottom-right and my workers got stuck in there. They need to be more wide
2- Item drops are not that suitable. On most of the creep camps, the items are too underpowered (usually I get the opposite case). Come on, the creeps that guard the "restricted" expansion gold mines drop only one level 7-8 artifact? Counting the numbers of creeps and their summed up level, I get 6 creeps of total level 32!!! You should let others creeps of these camps drop other items. Same goes for the first expansion gold mines. A Rock Golem with other 4 creeps that drops only a level 4 item? It's a cheap reward. What about the level 6 Thunder Lizards? Only a level 2 power up which I usually get from weak creeps? Well, to sum the whole thing up, have a look to all creep camps

Overall this is a great melee map which just requires a bit of polishing to be even greater. I think I'll give it 3.5/5 (oh don't blame me for this, those two issues are a bit crucial) but I think the map is ready for an APPROVAL!
Thank you for your review. I fixed the drops, but I couldn't reproduce the gold mine problem. Can you get more details and/or screenshot it please? :)

P.S. Congrats on your 300th rep :p
Level 21
Nov 4, 2013
Thank you for your review. I fixed the drops, but I couldn't reproduce the gold mine problem. Can you get more details and/or screenshot it please? :)

P.S. Congrats on your 300th rep :p

Just try it out in the world editor. Press "P" and try to put a Town Hall. You'll find that only a very small area is not blocked (not pink to be precise).

Yeah thanks, two blue gems finally :thumbs_up:
Just try it out in the world editor. Press "P" and try to put a Town Hall. You'll find that only a very small area is not blocked (not pink to be precise).

Yeah thanks, two blue gems finally :thumbs_up:
Well, usually peasants and other worker units can pass through 1-space thick passage, and the town hall buildings have this 1-block thick ring around them so workers can pass. Also, there ALWAYS is 2 block passage for normal units, whereever you put your townhall, so I don't see the problem here...
Level 21
Nov 4, 2013
Well, usually peasants and other worker units can pass through 1-space thick passage, and the town hall buildings have this 1-block thick ring around them so workers can pass. Also, there ALWAYS is 2 block passage for normal units, whereever you put your townhall, so I don't see the problem here...

The top one leaves two squares (which is anyway restricting) but the bottom one does not unless you build the Town Hall at a greater distance. You just need to remove 2-3 trees and you'll have those two good blocks even in the bottom gold mine.
Separated Worlds
by Blood Raven
Gameplay & Bugs:

Because of the map layout, the starting bases have mediocre space. Item drops are adequate and would surely make the game enjoyable. That only increases with the well-positioned neutral buildings. I'd like to point out that the 3 Lightning Lizards beside bridges are placed too far for their power level, that the player would've generally defeated stronger creeps than them.

Terrain & Aesthetics:

The 'Separated Worlds' theme is surely hard to execute properly, and I should say you've done well here. The tile variation and environment is very nice, doodads are neatly placed and their usage is creative. The 'living' world feels very lively because of the rain while the 'under' world has that ghastly feeling due to the region effect, both of which are helped by the blueish fog.

I however noticed that the world tree does not fit in the 'under' world.


Good presentation on Hive, includes all necessary details while having a flair of its own.


Total Score: 36/50​
Keep in mind that these suggestions are optional; you may choose not to do them.
> Change the Maximum Pitch Angle of waterfalls that are supposed to flow straight to -225.00 (Shift + Enter).​
36 / 10 = 3.6^ = 4/5; Voting for Approval

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