• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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Another old one i never got round to uploading.

Beefed up the middle/rear and added a version with pointy bit facing down as suggested by Misha.

To attach to a unit type "Second" in the units "Art - Required Animation Names - Attachments" field in the object editor.

Stand and Stand Third are optional item animations. Just name whichever one you want to "Stand" and the other to some random name and set this model as the item model.

Do with it what you need to make it fit, just stick my name somewhere in those credits.

Update: Added missing death animation.


Scythe (Model)

Scythe (Model)

04:34, 12th Jul 2015 Misha: needs an all-disappearing 'death' animation, just so it quickly vanishes when unequipped ingame these are some amazing scythes, indeed




04:34, 12th Jul 2015
Misha: needs an all-disappearing 'death' animation, just so it quickly vanishes when unequipped ingame

these are some amazing scythes, indeed
Level 5
Jan 25, 2012
Any chance to get the character model from the picture? or is it already released in a map/pack I didn't aware of?

Btw, awesome work on that scythe!
let's see.. to me, the whole scythe needs to be rotated along its axis so the big hurt-y spike faces down. In the middle-back area the staff needs to be beefed up just a bit.. because it feels too thin to me. And lastly, i know you wanted to use one model for both the attachment and item, but it should be easier if those are two models, so both can use their own stand anims, so people can easily swap between weapons, without setting up tags

those are just my thoughts about it, what do you think?

(oh and the wrap and texture usage is awesome :3)
Level 10
Aug 18, 2012
Agreed and updated (but just a little:) while i agree with everything you said, i just feel having the item and weapon in one model makes more sense. Oh and i played with flipping it around but cant get it to look quite right so will probably just do a second variation at some point.
Level 10
Aug 18, 2012
Ok i phrased that pretty badly. I meant i tried rotating it as suggested but wasn't to happy with how it looked pointing down. It'll look pretty cool though if i do a new handle. But ill get to that. This wasn't really meant to be a classic scythe as such, i just couldn't think of a better name at the time :)