Im currently working on a new Online only RPG called EQ Uncharted Lands Chapter 1. You might remeber my old EQ uncharted lands map but I have decided to completely redo it. There will Be around 5 Chapters each a epic size map that will be released slowely. Chapter 1 is 75% Complete. Check out the pics for for Chapter 1.
: Features
-13 Uniqe classes
-Tons of items(swords and shields will be able to be seen)(Items will be class specific so casters cant wield 2 handed weapons or wear plate armor and so on).
-Fun spells Example: Mage class when pet spell becomes available will have the choise to summon 4 types of pets Fire earth water air by typing the correct string then hitting the spell button. Each pet will have a certain advantage.
-epic mobs that will require well organized teams to conqure.("epic mobs" wont just consist of high Hps and high damage output but also Cool spells that I have crafted for them) Also rare mobs that will spawn and drop rare items.
-35 Deep Quests(Each player will have their own trigger for each quest so if player 1 activates a quest doesnt mean player 2 also has the quest which allows me to do some pretty cool things.(making triggers this way is a pain :evil: but its worth it))
-Enviorments that will make you want to discover the land.[/img]