
This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
This is my first skin ever, all feedback is welcome!

Also, the Sorceress has two paths;

For Reign of Chaos version, use:

For The Frozen Throne version, use:

Scarlet, Crusade, Sorceress, Human, Revenge, Light, Sylvie.

Scarlet Crusade Sorceress (Texture)

21:57, 28th Feb 2015 Misha: first skin, eh? let's point you in the right direction on the needed shading/highlight and such knowledge hope these, as well as other texture makers, help you...




21:57, 28th Feb 2015
Misha: first skin, eh? let's point you in the right direction on the needed shading/highlight and such knowledge

hope these, as well as other texture makers, help you refine this into a proper and unique skin, to replace this mere matte repaint. practice before you update, though..

edit: slapping on just a ton of red scribbles is not a good update, at all.. rejected :/ try following the tutorials i linked you
Level 25
Jun 3, 2008
Hey, welcome to the world of skin-making! I think you should take a look at the Skin Submission Rules, and you'll see that skins need at least 75% freehand work. I can't tell exactly how much freehand work this skin has (if any), but it certainly isn't 75%.

Also, some people like to reserve the first post so they can add attachments to it in the future, as the original post doesn't allow that, and there's a bigger chance of others seeing what's on the first post than, say, a post on page 2 or w/e.
Level 30
Jan 31, 2010
@Sylvie, some of old hivers and I use that to reserve the first post so that we can edit it later with changelog, color variations, in-game previews, suggestions for icons and skills, etc... Also, it's a method to subscribe to the thread without having to do it manually :)

Welcome to skinning. Now, the first thing you want to decide when doing a skin, is concept. To be fully honest, I see the original sorceress only with retouched parts of the armor - that are still the same as original. Let's try it this way: what do you want to make of that girl? A leather-wearing, cruel looking but sensual and sexy Dragon Mistress? A soothing stare from the deep blue eyes of an Arcane Healer? A powerful and wicked looking, yet still in an odd way elegant Forsaken Witch? Once you decide the theme, you should pick a race.

Then, experiment with wrap. Paint different parts of skin with different colors to see what and how much stretches. Some skins, such as Ranger skins, also use one wrap area for multiple wrap locations (Such as Ranger uses the same wrap for her boots and her quiver). I've found out that the Sorceress model doesn't offer too much for experimenting, other than the crown area. If you try to alpha out anything else, there will be huge holes in the model.

Once you got your idea visualised, start scribbling around until you get very sharp solution of what you want. Then, on a new layer, start painting/outlining if you use them.

That's it for now. Try a different idea, or scour the internet for some ideas, as what we got here is the Warcraft III sorceress with the Warcraft III sorceress look :grin:

I've recently did a Sorceress re-vamp, check it out to see what you can do with skin by experimenting: such as shortening the dangling gloves to show more skin, remake the way the dress flows, or do a totally new crown.

For new skinners, I tend to suggest to start with the Jaina model always. It has simple wrap which can hide a lot of errors effectively, but also has a few tricky spots.

edit: Freehanding skins means that you need to paint something manually, all on your own. There's the original Sorceress face in there, along with the crown areas, skin is also from the ladder skin, and all the gold ornaments and hair too. You did something to the skirt, so that means it's no longer ladder, which means it's freehanded now :)

On a side note, for custom skins, suggest people to always use the RoC sorceress, it has a way better portrait :)
Level 30
Jan 31, 2010
Nice! You've started to paint a little more.

Now, next thing I'd suggest is to search the Hive's skins for "Sorceress". Then, open each skin you find appealing, and see what's amazing to you. Lets say, you like the hair from this one, eyes from that one, skirt from that one over there, and the armor plates from that one on page 2.

See how people have modified the wrap before you, and get some ideas. Don't CnP tho, just see what can be done. Then hit the google, type out "Digital Painting female face tutorial" or "digital painting silk texture tutorial" and learn a little :)