Samus Aran, Galaxy renowned Bounty Hunter, enemy of the Space Pirates, and exterminator of metroids.
This model is just a heavily modified version of Metabee's "Samus Version 2" model file. It uses the exact same skin, so credits must go to him if this is used. The model is edited to look more like the modern Samus, and the animations are completly redone.
Paths are simply the model and skin name without the "warcraft3imported" in front.
Update No.2 Reworked the Mesh a great deal, creating a much better face. Body General Body structure and feet are not quite perfect unfortunatley. Texture wrapping remains rather poor due to my lack of knowledge (and tools) in the area. The Mesh animations(?) might have been improved as I have gained a bit more insight into how to assign vertices, but are still far from perfect. Now has a morph ball form, but since I cannot skin, it looks like a glorified wheel. I redid all the animations because of the large mesh changes, for better or worse.
Samus, Bounty Hunter, Metroid, super smash bros, s