(4 ratings)
To get a Hive grade over 1/5 at least 50% of the 80 (Triggered map) or of the 100 (Cinematic map) points is needed. That means at least 40 or 50 points. However if a map gets rated over 1/5 by me, that doesn't mean that I will imidietly vote it to be approved.
Originality: 7 points +
I haven't seen a map like this, when you build at one point and fight at another. Very interesting concept I liked.
Object editor work: 2 point -
Work work and work. You need custom spells, sounds, more icons. Fix hero descriptions. Also custom items.
Scripting: 4 points -
Genneraly fine, but when the opposing team killed our castle they got a defeat message? Fix.
Terrain: 4 points -
At the battlefield it is okay, but needs more work. The bases part is supposed to be that way so its okay.
Bug Free: 3 points -
Fix the ending bug. No others were found.
Gameplay/Fun Factor: 5 points +
It is fun to play. But you need a variety of units and more custom features, game modes, explain to newbs how to play.
Lag: 7 points +
Fine loading time, some lag ingame.
Proper submission and crediting: 6 points +
You credited the authors, but you need images and more description.