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Rumor about Worgen and Goblins

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Level 16
Jan 17, 2006
Since the 18th of July a rumor crosses
the internet about 4 added masks found in
the PTR-Database of WoW.

Whats the big deal?
These masks were used during a Halloween-
like event in WoW and only shown faces
of playable Races in WoW.
Since there appeared Goblin and Worgen
masks many speculations started that these
two will be the next playable races in WoW.

Couldnt it be just some sort of costume, since it is like Halloween?
Well, it could, but there appeared a female Worgen-mask,
with a highquality texture. And since Blizzard wouldnt use
something like this just for a Halloween mask
its possible that these are the new races...

Who found these?
Not sure if you know him, but its no one less than
Mr. "A Tinkers Tale" Handclaw.
need evidences?
Here you go


Either its a mistake made by a Blizzard-Member
Its a way too early Aprils fool joke.
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Level 14
Jun 13, 2007
The goblin female mask looks like Princess Fion(Phion?) from Shrek :p

Anyhow, those might or might not be new races.

I mean seriously... Worgen=Werewolves, and obviously Werewolves are fitting very well for Halloween.

however goblins does not.
Wait, wait, wait... Just because Blizzard adds Goblin and Worgen masks all of a sudden they're new races? That's possibly the WEAKEST piece of evidence. There's a bunch of lore behind Goblins and Worgen which wouldn't fit them in neither Alliance nor Horde.

Goblins once tried siding with the Horde during the second war and it backfired when the Horde lost the war. It's highly unlikely that they will repeat the same mistake again as all of the cartels have sworn neutrality.

Worgen on the other side are destroyers; born to terrorize and ravage, hence their summoning to Azeroth. I doubt that they would have any use of being in a faction. Their alignment is neutral evil so go figure.
Level 14
Jun 13, 2007
What blizzard should do.

Make the Worgens and Goblins both neutral races.
They can act as mercenaries and choose between the Horde and Alliance.

aye, if you do quests for alliance you loose a heck load of rep with horde and if you do quest for horde you loose a heck load of rep with alliance
Level 24
Feb 28, 2007
I strongly believe this is rumor is true.
For several reasons:
1. The masks.
2. Blizzard made a new Worgen model which appears on Northrend, this model has a shitload of more animations than the old model and it is possible that this one was made as a preparation for the Worgen being a playable race.
3. Metzen said in an interview that he had big plans for Gilneas which hasn't yet appeared in WoW. It is possible that this will be the starting area of the Worgen.
Yeah, I remember seeing this on MMOChampion.

I agree that it would be tight to have them as neutral and somehow incorporating that. But to be honest, I didn't think blizzard would have worgen as anything but just a mob, they aren't too stressed in WoW.

I'm not really sure if it is true or some trick, but I personally think having Worgen and goblins would be tight.
Level 14
Jan 2, 2007
Wait, wait, wait... Just because Blizzard adds Goblin and Worgen masks all of a sudden they're new races? That's possibly the WEAKEST piece of evidence. There's a bunch of lore behind Goblins and Worgen which wouldn't fit them in neither Alliance nor Horde.

Goblins once tried siding with the Horde during the second war and it backfired when the Horde lost the war. It's highly unlikely that they will repeat the same mistake again as all of the cartels have sworn neutrality.

Worgen on the other side are destroyers; born to terrorize and ravage, hence their summoning to Azeroth. I doubt that they would have any use of being in a faction. Their alignment is neutral evil so go figure.

And the blood elves swore allegiance to Illidan. . .
Level 15
Mar 31, 2009
People first started "speculating" that they were the 2 new races, which got everyone to dig around WoW lore, and infact they really do fit in a Maelstrom expansion, though Blizzard quickly added 6 other masks (naga, ogre and murloc) of each gender, but the lore is still there on goblins/worgen and maelstrom
Level 3
Sep 23, 2008
There are also a whole variety of other masks from what I saw on the web, including ogres, naga, vykrul, and even murlocs. People saying the masks are proof of a new race is jumping to conclusions. People saying it is proof of the South Seas expansion being next is jumping to even more conclusions based purely on halloween masks.

(Masks image attached below. Too big to insert.)

Now I will go and say that the female ogre and worgen masks are quite interesting. Really shows that Blizzard is thinking about or has already thought about and done the art for them. But even if say, they were going to be added at some point to the game, who's not to say that they'll just be NPCs and not playable.

And for all I care the next expansion is the emerald dream, elemental planes, or even the depth of the underworld.


  • 10128masks.jpg
    414.8 KB · Views: 17,713
Level 13
Mar 8, 2005
Sounds like fan speculation. However alot of that stuff sounds like it would be fun. For example I'd like to play a Worgen and revamped Azeroth sounds like fun.

However some of that just sound stupid, like Tauren Paladins. Now I'm all for more classes for races, as long as they make sense! Also the whole Thrall becoming the new Guardian of Tirisfal just sounds stupid. Isn't that title meant for mages? Last time I checked Thrall is a shaman/Far Seer.

That is just full of bull in my opinion. Blizzard has stated more than a million times and confirmed it that they will not recreate the old world content at all.

Tauren Paladins, Night Elven Mages and Dwarven Shamans? Thrall - Guardian of Tirisfal? If that happens, Blizzard only has to pull the trigger and kill the entire Warcraft lore.

Seriously, Blizz has become a 'cheap' whore.
Level 13
Mar 8, 2005
That is just full of bull in my opinion. Blizzard has stated more than a million times and confirmed it that they will not recreate the old world content at all.

Tauren Paladins, Night Elven Mages and Dwarven Shamans? Thrall - Guardian of Tirisfal? If that happens, Blizzard only has to pull the trigger and kill the entire Warcraft lore.

Seriously, Blizz has become a 'cheap' whore.
Well, MMO-Champion was right about WOTLK AND Diablo 3.
Level 13
Mar 8, 2005
Well... the new WoW Comic preview does seem to link with the Thrall as Guardian of Tirisfal theory: http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/misc/wccomic/issue-22-sneakpeek.html . Basically they say that the new Council of Tirisfal should have more than Arcane Mages, there should also be people who pactice Nature and Divine Magic.

Also apparently they need to include Shaman, a druid, a paladin and a priest. They just so happen to consider Khadgar, Marad, Broll and Thrall

Doesn't exactly confirm that he will be Guardian, but atleast he will be part of the Order.
Level 13
Mar 8, 2005
Actually, if I remembered correct the Tauren Paladin has already been explored in WoW abit. In a quest (don't remember which) 2 Taurens talk about a "new Sun God" or something like that, and basically explain how this god grants them healing light. So go figure.
Level 21
Jul 2, 2009
I was hoping those Pandarens were a playable race. Oh well.

Edit: Cool masks as well.
Is there gonna be a Happy Mask Salesman reference to the Majora's Mask guy? Like someone in WoW with the same name and a model based on him?
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Level 19
Oct 15, 2008
Unless... They're making a 'Neutral' Faction to WoW, like there's Alliance and Horde... Now there's Neutral...
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