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RP:Turn of the Tide

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Level 21
Jul 6, 2014
Just a little RP I made,in which you create only a character instead of a faction.It takes place on a planet made entirely of water.
However,huge cities,mountains and dungeons populate it.It's also home to deadly creatures such as Krakens, Megaledons, sirens and Hydras.
One of the biggest factors will be interactivity. The character can embark on quest,pick a side in a civil war, adventure together, buy houses, join guilds etc. As DM, I will give more details about this later and manage it myself

The theme is mythological times and is set under water​
  • You must be a sea creature(doesn't have to be a real one,it can be a aquatic cake for all I care)
  • Don't be OP
  • No factions allowed.If you are a outsider of Lambet is decided by your race

For over 400 000 years the planet of Styx has lived fairly peacefully,except for the occasional attacks and murders from the Outsiders.Yet recently the Outsiders has become more vicious.Still,they were not taken seriously until one day they reach the palace of Atmor and slaughtered the entire royal family.This one move did evenmore damage than the Outsiders have even hoped for,as not only were the Lambets without leaders,civil wars broke out as the politics battled for the crown as famine and crime dominates the civilians and their morals.Merchants,who once honored honesty and fairness now steal from their own brethren while the soldiers pillage from the same ones they sought to protect.The world of Styx needs hope and heroes,yet there are none to be found of either.​
  • Styx:The planet where the RP takes place
  • Outsiders:The 'dark and evil' creatures who are not accepted by society.Examples:Sirens,Darkscale mermaids,sea demons
  • Atmor:Capital city of Styx.Used to be very prosperous and calm,now run-down and infested by crime
  • Lambets:The 'light and good' creatures.Examples:Nymphs,Lightscale mermaids and Sea giants
Edit:This my RP,ported over from the beta site
Level 21
Jul 6, 2014
RP posts

The huge oak-wood chest swings open with a crack,only to reveal nothing inside.Arya sighs hopelessly as she has spend hours searching the large,abandoned caverns for anything of interest.This chest was the first and only thing she discovered,yet it held no value.She decides to give up,and starts swimming towards the exit.What she did not know,was that the chest was far from useless.If she wasn't so inpatiant and looked closely,she would have noted that the bottom could slide away and that if she opened it,she would have discovered something beyond anything she has ever saw in her life

Unlike most in the vast ocean, she walked. Not swum, walked. Somehow the human simply didn't seem bothered by minor details such as breathing.
Or actually, her chest moved was moving just like she were breathing but no oxygen to be found in the sea. Somehow she seemed really carefree as she progressed through the streets of Atmor.
It was a slow process and as such many swum past her with great speed, hurrying to their respective destinations. One sea creature whom were seemingly in such a hurry that he bumped into the human.
The light impact cause the humans seemingly sturdy body to partly shatter and seconds later reforming just as it was before. The human didn't even seem to notice, as if she could not feel anything physical.

In due time her stroll would bring her to a small alley in the less friendly quarters of the capital, it was empty. It was an alley with an dead end, but at the end there were a huge herb that grew. She sat down on it whilst closing her eyes, resting silently. A huge box stood alone in the corner of the alley, about 1.5m^3. The box seemed to be rather simple and not too hard to break if one had tried, but people avoided the pointless alley as there was not reason to go there which meant the human got to have it alone, the rumors about a silent human living there made most decent people avoid it - as if the location of the alley wasn't enough.

After a few hours of just sitting there, staring into nothingness she stood up and moved towards the large box. She put her hands against the sides of it as she mumbled: "Emily.."

Arya swam back in the direction of Atmor with haste as soon she left the large caverns.Lightscale mermaids usually swam peacefully and with grace,yet Arya preferred to swim fast,though she did manage to maintain the grace of her kind.About 500M outside of the city she stopped and dived down to a seemingly destroyed cave,Once she reached it,she carefully swam around the entrance,towards the west side of it,until she reach a spiral shaped coral reef and swam into it.She found a large rock,and carefully pushed it aside just enough for her to enter the tunnel underneath it that she dug herself.Afterwards ,she dived in

Once inside,she carefully slid the rock back and swam through the tunnel until she reach a circular room,with two tunnels breaching out of it.The room itself had nothing of interest in it,except a few strange rocks she picked up,as well as two empty chests.The tunnel to the left led to a unshaped room which she used as storage.It was filled with coins,plants,herbs,rocks,gems and a collection of other items she has found in her travels.The tunnel to the right led to a abandoned house in the city,which she used to avoid the guards,She entered the tunnel to the city and two minutes later she found herself at the trapdoor to the abandoned house

The human casually proceeded to point at one of the box's planks causing it to somehow bend open allowing her to look inside. She leaned forward slightly looking down into it with a sad expression before turning away, making the plank return to its original state. With that done, she left her somewhat personal alley a bit quicker on her feet this time around, seeming a bit eager to put some distance between herself and the box.

Within minutes she stood in front of a shady building, she looked over her shoulder once. People were passing by around her, it could not be helped though. Her body suddenly merged with the water around her, making her disappear and then appearing on the other side of the door of the shady building. A sturdy man whoms skin was covered entirely by red scales sat alone around a table. He was leaning forward slightly as his focus seemed to be on what was in front of him on the table unaware of the woman silently entering the building. His body twitched in surprise as the woman spoke: "What've you found this time around?"
The man put his hand on his chest as he breathed heavily a few times, recovering from the minor shock. "This beautiful sample." he simple answered as he grabbed what was on the table and raised it so that it was visible for the woman as well. The woman's mouth formed an 'o' as she took a few steps forward to get a better look. It turned out to be a somewhat large seashell with three different colors, red, blue and purple.
"Can I hold it?" the woman asked with a slight tone of excitement. The fishman glared suspiciously towards her for a few seconds before slowly extending his hand towards her, offering the seashell. She happily grabbed it with a quick gesture, though in reality it floated just above the hand. She made small jumps of joy whilst staring at the shell close up.
"On another note.." the man said with a sigh. "it was good that you came around, I found something you might be interested in, Spirit."
As the woman did not seem to care all too much at the moment he went to grab a piece of some sturdy material with something carved into it. Spirit actually gave it a quick look and returned the seashell in exchange of the writing. "I will send money for the information as usual." she spoke out before merging with the water and disappearing from sight.

Arya cautiously pressed her ear against the trapdoor just to make sure the abandoned house is still as it's name suggests.Relieved to her no signs of life in the building she opened the trapdoor and swam through into the house's basement.She closed it carefully while inspecting the basement to make sure it was the same and it still was.Old furniture was stacked in the center while 2 empty bookshelves were standing against the wall.With a feeling of relief she began to swam in the direction of the stairs.Upon reaching it she quietly glared up,to make sure there weren't any surprises waiting for her upstairs.There was nothing,as she have hoped,thus she swam up fast.Her sudden lack of caution led to her misfortune as she crashed into a guard.The guard was a bulky and tall Lizardman,reaching the height of at least 2m.He wore thick plate armor made out of the bones of a sea dragon while wielding a battleaxe made of steel which was about as long as Arya herself if she stood straight.The guard was taken by surprise and swung his battleaxe at her.Arya gasped and barely managed to duck underneath it.She dove for the door yet the guard grabbed her by the tail and tossed her across the room.She turned around just in time see him charging,battleaxe lifted and ready to strike.She quickly dodged him,causing him to crash into a stack of crates.He was furious and started tossing the crates at Arya,who has made her way to the door.She slipped through just in time to avoid a large crate hitting her in the head.A large,deep and echoing crack could be heard as the crate smashed into the door ,followed by it's fellow crates.Arya started swimming away,only to crash down on the ground as a grate that smashed through the window hit her in the tail.She groan in pain as she stood up,only to hear the door being kicked down by the guard.She started swimming slowly due to her pain and looked for a possible exit


Spirit observed the main city entrance with eyes that could not be seen as her body did not have a physical form. One of the many merchants of the city had returned with new and fresh goods, and upon reaching the gate the guards insisted on inspecting the items. Spirit was pretty sure the merchant had bribed the guards with some sneaky maneuver as the guards inspecting seemed very light from her point of view. It did not matter to her though, if anything it reduced the time she had to wait for the merchant to get past.

The information she had gotten earlier allowed her to go ahead to the merchant's shop as she just needed to know when he returned to town.
She took physical form and scratched her chin casually as she thought of her options, she then left the shop shortly after not staying for long after all. She made her way towards the more shady parts of the capital where she walked up to a few exceptionally loud and likely drunk lads with a certain tattoo visible.

"I've got a job for the lot of you, y'all like quick money right?" Spirit asked, though she already knew the answer as she made contact with this particular thug gang on a regular basis.
"Always, lass, always." one of them answered with a loud laugh. He lightly punched his mate on the arm as he nodded to the side. The other thug silently jogged away.
"It's simple, you just need to settle down outside a certain shop and make some noise. At mr.Shellborne's shop actually." Spirit explained with a slight smile as she hopefully looked at the remaining thug.
"That's one of the better districts, lass. The guards there are pretty stingy y'kno?" he returned the hopeful glance, hoping for a nifty pay
"Right.. right.. twenty percent more than normal." she confirmed with an uninterested wave of the hand.
A few minutes later a few more thugs arrived making eight of them in total, the thug who talked to Spirit gave the details as they made their way towards mr.Shellborne's shop.

Spirit merged with the waters once more, which allowed her to travel really fast without her body. As such she arrived at the shop before the thugs, she walked straight into the shop and looked at the various goods somewhat casually and asked for the price of some of them. It did not take too long before a street brawl had started outside which made the ones in the shop go outside to shop to check it out and see if it was needed to call the guards.
As it turned out, that was the case. The little time it took allowed Spirit to put a few pearls in her hands before running outside and quickly disappearing into the crowd as the shop owner shouted angrily after her, luckily the guards were still busy with handling the brawl though. Spirit simply laughed like a small child while running, thinking that she made a successful theft.


The guard suddenly stopped,due to him hearing some noise.A guard that ran past him mentioned a brawl,which caused him to sigh since he was the one that usually deals with brawls due to his immense strength and size.He sighed once more and followed the other guard in order to stop the brawl.

Arya used this time to slip away and reach her storage again.She searched the room for anything that she could treat or heal herself with.She found a local herb called Godess' Grace which is known for it's powerful cleaning and restoring attributes.She crushed it in a mortar and pestle and rubbed it on the wound caused by the crate.The burning made her hiss but she endured it since she is well aware of the great efficiency of the herb.After it was over,she sat down on a chest and rested.It had been a long and unfortunate day,thus she was very tired and displeased

When the guard reached the brawl,he was ruthless and without mercy.He impaled one of the thugs on his battleaxe,then using the battleaxe wit the corpse on it,he hit the others until they were incapable of standing.He and his brethren then hauled them off to the dungeon,where torture awaited them and the only company will be the rats tearing at their wounds

Spirit kept an high pace as she made her way towards her alley where she hid the pearl in a small box behind the huge plant, after looking over her shoulder to make sure no one saw where she hid her small treasures.
It was a bit annoying since she needed her physical form in order to carry items. Once that was done she proceeded to go back to the gangs hideout, as fate would have it no one returned.
Spirit found waiting longer periods of time to be insanely boring and entered the hideout without permission and started to poke around, hoping to find something of interest. Aside from some cash the only thing she found of value to her was a dagger with a somewhat fancy color due the material it consisted of. "Finders keepers." she sang out with a giggle before leaving the small hideout.
In her mind, she knew that it could prove troublesome to find a half decent thug gang to hire in the future once the news of that gang got out to the public.

Still, in the end she got her hands on the pearls without having to pay the thugs. Then finding some additional gold in their hideout. Perhaps it was worth it, even if she could not use them again in the future. Though, the thugs had some slight information about her so if they squealed during torture she could be on the wanted posts in no time. Luckily she could chane appearance, but she preferred her appearance as it was.

Edge(he forgot to register -_-)
Ancient legends tell of a being, taking down ships who have carried sinful people, and releasing those that are clean. They say, "she" is a beautiful maiden, that gives hope for those that are lost, and punishes those that are at true evil. They say she transforms into a creature, and brings her wrath upon her prey, with the scales of a beautiful blue gem, the eyes like the waters of the deep, and breaths blue fire. They say she controls the surrounding sea and the sky above. They say she has a name... and they call her... *torned*

"It seems the pages are torned..."
A fish-man said after reading the torned papers. He then swims away from an aquatic town...

The guards were really displeased with what happened earlier,I decided to show they are still in charge through sheer domination.They went through the city,portraying the head of thugs and after a while,they started beating up anybody around them,criminal or not.After a while,they went to the local tavern and demanded free drinks for them,which they received due to their display

Arya awoke,as she has fallen asleep from her resting.She shook her head and noticed that most of the pain from the wound has gone.She started moving to the exit of her cavern,this time she struggled with the rock due to her not wanting to cause any extra damage to her wound and she was successful.As soon as the rock slid back in place she picked a direction and set off,not knowing that a ancient hydra has marked her as a meal

Note:Should probably mention that these aren't the puny hydras from Warcraft and WoW.These are the gigantic and fierce ones that you would find in mythology

A moderate-sized living cake, with light blue (fatty) skin accompanied by dark blue stripes, is wandering around the waters aimlessly. Some coral reefs and seaweeds are seen on top of his head and encircling his stomach.

His eyes are filled with despair and... boredom. After years and years of all those chaos in his hometown, he was terribly tired, and now he has escaped. Only to find that his new life is boring as ever. His expression reveals his homesickness, he must have missed his bakery very much. He missed the old days.

He is Cakeyshark, the Cake of the Oceans.

A huge force pushes the cake away.The enormous hydra doesn't even notice the small little being as it has it's focused on Arya.Arya herself has evolved her senses overtime and thus she felt the huge movement in the water.She turned around and what she saw horrified her.The gigantic 7 headed hydra was staring right at her.A single one of it's head was bigger than her,so her size could not even be compared to that of the beast.It unleashed a mighty roar,which echoed into the city.The guards however,were laying wasted on the tavern floor,while the civilians screamed and panicked.

Chaosy(contains mistakes)
Despite the hydra causing a huge ruckus in the capital, Spirit remained unaffected as she was too far away too be able to hear it at that point. News travel fast though, especially exciting ones and as such it would not take many minutes before she heard of the attack on the tavern.
She imminently made her way towards the commotion, not because she wanted to help, but because it's easier to commit crime in total chaos. She could likely take some from the dead bodies too if there happened to be any.

As she had just stolen from the nearby area, she figured it would not be all too smart to use her normal appearance. Thus her body changed shape and she appeared as a small lightscale mermaid child.
No one expects an innocent child to be a thief, that was common knowledge in the darker world of the capital as such she would easily make her way through the crowd. Some turned to look, wondering why the foolish child wanted to get closer to the beast. In the end they did not want to get involved with strangers and just assumed it was childish curiosity which exceeded logical safety.

A huge force pushes the cake away.
Cakeyshark isn't prepared for the shockwave, and has received some moderate damage.
Cakeyshark begins using absorbing the nearby water into his body and regenerates himself as fast as possible. He turns his head and...

...saw the gigantic 7 headed hydra. A single one of it's head was bigger than Arya, so her size could not even be compared to that of the beast.

"WoW... what a terrific sight! I must get away." Just as Cakeyshark began to swim away, it unleashed a mighty roar, which echoed into the city. That was a deaftening noise, and it leaves Cakeyshark literally stunned for a minute. After his mind has (partially) recovered from the thunderous roar, he stills feels a bit dizzy, and his ears are having problems.

The huge hydra wasted no time snapping at Arya,who fortunately managed to evade the attack while at the same time tried to inspect the creature.She didn't have much time though,as the hydra started using the other six heads as well.As she hopelessly swam around,evading the attacks,she started thinking of a plan to escape the hydra,or disable it.After a while she finally had a plan,though she was exhausted.While she slowly continued to evade the attacks,she made her way to one of the creature's head.Once she reached it,she latched onto it's eye and started hitting it.Though it did no real damage,it was a annoyance to the beast and took away from it's vision.The beast wanted her gone,so without thinking he bit towards her with another head.This is what she wanted however,and as soon as the head was close,she jumped out of the way,causing the hydra to tears it's own eye out.Needless to say,this DID do damage and caused the creature to roar fiercely.In a blind rage,it stormed the city.The guards were shaking by the running hydra's footsteps and as such were able to react quick enough.The hydra broke through the main gate and knocked the two guard towers beside it down.Bits of rubble smashed into the people and buildings below
Level 21
Jul 6, 2014
You don't really have to read that in order to start,those are only to show what happened so the others can remember


Tutorial Reviewer
Level 40
Jun 9, 2011
It's very simple you just write, you can start whereever you want.
Since it's fantasy you can come up with literary anything that suits your character in the tiniest bit.

If you want this to be taken seriously I think you need to put in more effort.
Because the way you created this one assured that it would not be very active.

I think we need something new to reignite the spark and that something needs to be presented properly.
Just my thoughts.

I will give it a go for a little more and hope that I am wrong.

The disappearance of the thugs Spirit had hired was no loss to her. But it made her consider this and that. She came to the realization that the capital had gotten more dangerous and she had to treat it as such. It was surprising even to her, that she did not take note of this sooner. Of course, it was not extremely odd for someone like her to care little for minor mortal affairs.
She pulled her fingers through her chestnut colored hair before returning to her previous pose whilst casually leaning against a wall in the capital. She let out a sigh due not coming up with any ideas of what to do, she had to hide her treasures way better, she could not rely on reputation to keep filthy hands at bay.
Desperate times often calls for desperate measures, someone searching through her alley despite likely fear was bound to happen. At least so she thought.
Still, with that in mind she did not have any flawless solution. She needed to hide her things where she could observe them, but not too close because that's where others would look first. Thus smuggling them out of the capital was out of the question.
She aimed a kick towards a fist-sized stone but the foot went fight through it. She muttered loudly as she strolled away with a bitter face, annoyed over the fact that she had to think about such minor things as these.

After hours of pondering, she came to the conclusion that she would eventually have to trust someone. She just had to choose the level of trust needed by choosing a method.
In the end she payed an innkeeper of one of the more decent inns in order to store two boxes in the wine cellar, some people might want to open the boxes but they would need the help of a blacksmith to bend the metal open.
And in order to get to a blacksmith they would have to carry them out which would enable Spirit to get accurate descriptions of the carriers and follow their trail that way. So she was confident that she could track any potential theif, provided that someone actually bothered to go that far to open an unknown crate.

The fee the innkeeper required was not too astounding, but it would surely increase over time if he noticed how important the boxes were to Spirit. Or if the times changed even more in a bad direction.
Overall, Spirit was satisfied with the outcome. Though, in the back of her head she intended to somehow add some extra security measures to her treasures, though whatever she could come up with would inevitable cost a lot of money.
Or force her to steal the valuable items from wealthy persons with well trained security guards and other anti theft methods. She decided to deal with that problem at a later date instead of forcing a possibly foolish decision.
Level 21
Jul 6, 2014
Arya desperately made her way back to her lair,and began to think of a plan to save the city.She eventually decided waiting around was not going to help the situation at all and she swam back to the city in order to inspect the hydra and it's surroundings.She charged out with great speed and swam above the city.It took little effort to see the huge beast,and she started looking around it for a weakness.She noticed a spear lying on the ground and she dived down to get it.She was never really one for violence but sometimes one has to slip out of your comfortable zones to succeed in a challenge.She took a deep breath and swam full speed towards the hydra
Level 24
May 15, 2013
*Somewhere deep within the trench*

A figure swims, with a giant sword from back, his face shaded from the darkness of the depths, yet creatures with lanterns swim through the shadowy water, giving light.
Then, arose a terrifying roar, screeching across, scaring creatures small and large alike.
The figure, without a trace of fear in him, continued heading towards the source, and that, was a creature of massive size, so large, greater than a galleon, it was the creature who takes away the ships into the deeps. Yet the figure was un-intimidated, instead, he took the large sword behind him, then the large creature, sensing within him violence, attacked.

The speed of the attack was fast, but the figure's movement was much more faster, and he dodge just beside the diving creature. The creature's scale glowed, showing all of the body, a slender dragon-like creature, the eyes of blue, yet beautiful. The figure was shone with the reflecting light, and... he was... Krookon, the Ravenous.

We go into the story of Krookon, before we continue...
"There were tales of great swordsmen who carried with them, blades of pure power, and one of them was Krookon. Carrying the dreaded Thre'shawrym, he gotten the title of "The Ravenous", because of his sword strokes' so dread that it cuts like a sharp butchers knife."
"Although his alignment is unknown, it is said that he is one of the great Seven Swordsmasters, whom were from other worlds, made contact using their blades."

Now we go into the present...

*To be continued*
Level 21
Jul 6, 2014
The beast failed to notice her and she managed to ram the spear into another one of it's eyes.It roared loudly,but she did not falter and she used this opportunity to stab the hydra in it's mouth.She quickly dived out,just in time to prevent the creature from devouring her.She threw the spear with great strength,which made it's place in one of the Hydra's throats.That head was pretty useless now,since it's eyes,mouth and throat was damaged.The hydra charges at Arya,who is making her way towards a cliff overhang near the city
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