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Root Elemental

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Level 36
Jul 1, 2007
Hmm... well here I am trying to make a skin again lol. Now I got my tablet I can draw properly ;)

Anyways this is my shot at a root elemental's face. I'm actually quite pleased with it, for once :p

I'm debating on whether or not to edit the tentacle beard thing. Should I keep the big root things in the same shape as the original thing or should I make a bunch of smaller roots?

Level 36
Jul 1, 2007
They are like ridges of light wood sticking out. I like how it looks better sticking out like that.

Here is another WIP. I sharpened it even more because on the wrap-test I did it looked kinda blurry and stretched. I'll show a wrap soon as I get the legs finished.

Anyways... now it's looking more like a bone construct thing. Maybe I should change the leaf pants xD

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Level 4
Aug 9, 2007
I am really liking the idea and the head but the light bits on the foot/leg look like they are to clustered and will not show up well ingame... but I haven't seen a wrap so i can't say for sure.. good job though and I can't wait to see this finished.
Level 36
Jul 1, 2007
Yeah, I was thinking there was something fucked up about it. Should I make it all just like roots going downwards? And no bark?

Not really sure how to make an example of what I mean...

I think I might kill the leaf pants too, dunno though.

EDIT: New WIP! I'm loving the root pants more ;P

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Level 36
Jul 1, 2007
They don't look so flat on the wrap. Do you want me to shade in some muscles? Would that look better? Eh... I'll have a try at it. Also I edited the head so he has a root beard now :D

EDIT: I shaded it a bit. I think it looks much better now xD
Looks very good in the wrap lol.

Level 36
Jul 1, 2007
I already did but looks like I didn't put enough on.. Or maybe I burned over them when I did the shadows :p

Any ideas for the mace? I was thinking thorns, but I don't know what to do for the handle. Maybe I could make it some kind of rich brown wood like on the bottom of his feet and the palm of his hands?

In fact, that's what I'm going to do. Posting to myself FTW!
I have some ideas, though you don't have to follow them.

Maybe you can turn the chains on his back into vines or something similar.
And the thorns on the shoulders, either alpha them out or turn them into wooden thornes.
I'm not sure about the teamcolor on the metal between his legs, but maybe add some additional mosses or vines to it and make some berries on it that will support teamcolor.
Level 36
Jul 1, 2007
With the thing in between his legs I'm keeping it metal but making it rusty colored. I think it looks really good that way. As for thorns and everything, I tried it and it looked kinda crappy to have thorns sticking out of his shoulders and even worse on the mace. I think I am done now, I might update it later.

I put some vines and moss on the mace too.
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