[Roleplay-Strategy Game] Warcraft: The Consuming Shadows

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Level 8
Jan 8, 2013
UPDATe: 18.06.2013

Latest Screenshot, for more please check teh lastpoast!


Twenty-five years have passed since the first war between man and orc...

...and the hatred between the Alliance and Horde is stronger than ever before.

Once the Alliance has sent forces in support against the Scourge to Lordaeron, the Forsaken attacked them, in fear the Humans want to take Tirisfal Glades.

In order to prevent the impending war Thrall, Warchief of the Horde, tried to meet with Jaina Proudmoore, the ruler of Theramoore.
But both disappear under mysterious conditions ...

Without this last chance of peace, the world will get consumed by the shadows...


15.01.2013: First Gemplaytrailer of my concept released: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mrYd0qRVzAs
02.02.2013: Second Gameplay Trailer http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-a9oufakuro
03.02.2013: Alpha 1 Started! Link


Hi there,

If u read this u are (hopefully) intrested in my project "Warcraft: The Consuming Shadows"

With this project I fulfill two wishes at once:

1. Making a real Role-Play Strategy game
2. Making my own Warcraft Lore (i don't like the WoW Lore pretty much)

Ok now some more information about the gameplay.

After i saw this i decided to make a RPG game mixed up with RTS elements only controlled by Third Person view.

I planned a 12 Unit limit, in order to force the player to use them very very very very tactically.

You shall win a Battle with Micro management and strategic thinking. And not so beat other players (or the KI) economically.

In order to keep the Battles very much action based, there will be no resources like in a RTS. There will be only Gold and Items u can loot by killed Creeps or Player Units. Furthermore, only a very small base construction is planned (i guess at all it will be 5-7 Buildings).

Also i planned that every Unit can use Items like armor, weapons, Trinekts, Heal/mana pots and so on.. but some items wil stay useless for units and are only usefull for hero units.

The project will contain 4 Campaings for 1. The allaince 2. The Horde 3. Forsaken 4. Night elves.

4-5 Multiplayer maps are planned.


Graphical Design:

well i am not sure how the finished project will look like, but it seems it will end up with WoW Models for units/buildings and Dooalds.

In the acutal stage of the Game it still uses Wc3 Based models.


Lore information:

as u could read above i said "25 years ahve passed" the timeline i use is http://www.wowpedia.org/Timeline_(unofficial)

Every event till the year 25 (start of WoW) happend like in the offical WoW Lore. Then starts my custom Lore.

I plan some unusual character development for the Main chars^^ But i wont tell 2 much here. The Lore you should find out while playing not while reading this^^


Other infos:

Soundtracks will be made by me (2 tracks are even finished already^^). There will be a Human, Orc and elven Soundtrack. Forsaken will share their soundrack with the Horde (i got really no clue like a Forsaken only soundtrack should listen^^)

The Human & Orcish Soundtracks will be sound like a darker version of the Warcraft 2 soundtrack.( ofc made with better softwaren tehn back tehn in 1995^^)


Information about the current status:

First Campain maps are in development, one "demo" mission of the Human Campain i will release in February or March.

This first Demos count as "Alpha I" Stage.

also a Alpha II is planned and atleast 1 Beta phase. The Gameplay shall work bugfree when it get offically released.

well i hope u like my cocept


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Level 3
Jan 9, 2013
Spanish whoud say : Mutcho Gusto-I like it very mutch :D.
How in the hell are you going to build buildings whit 3D view ?
Maybe add a button for camera switching ?
Level 8
Jan 8, 2013
Spanish whoud say : Mutcho Gusto-I like it very mutch :D.
How in the hell are you going to build buildings whit 3D view ?
Maybe add a button for camera switching ?

Well in my first tests, build the few buildings (as it stands above i plan only 6-7 buildings for a complete base) in the third person view is not a problem.

i gonna release a gameplay trailer soon.
Level 5
Dec 9, 2012
This sounds good! If you ever need a Graphics designer feel free to ask me, I'd be glad to be a part of this project!
Level 8
Jan 8, 2013

1. Open Alpha 1 Stage will start at 4th of February! With a Multiplayer test map more infos about that later.

2. I decided to release a Screenshot how a base will look like:


This is a Level 5 Base Alliance Base. At Level 10 u will have only 2 buildings more
Level 8
Jan 8, 2013
*EDIT* Replaced the dead link with a working link, sorry for that.


Other infos:

Soundtracks will be made by me (2 tracks are even finished already^^). There will be a Human, Orc and elven Soundtrack. Forsaken will share their soundrack with the Horde (i got really no clue like a Forsaken only soundtrack should listen^^)

The Human & Orcish Soundtracks will be sound like a darker version of the Warcraft 2 soundtrack.( ofc made with better softwaren tehn back tehn in 1995^^)


here a example of the Human Soundtrack

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having recently passed the first mission (finding the download link), i will attempt the second mission asap and give you some feedback on what i think due to this being one idea i just can't miss checking out ;)

checked it out, the camera angles make it very difficult for me, personally, which i do not like

also everything seems to build automatically which is a questionable concept for me, but i'm guessing it might just be a part of testing things out

i also only checked out the orcs briefly, things looks quite promising, keep up the good work :3
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Level 8
Jan 8, 2013
having recently passed the first mission (finding the download link), i will attempt the second mission asap and give you some feedback on what i think due to this being one idea i just can't miss checking out ;)

checked it out, the camera angles make it very difficult for me, personally, which i do not like

also everything seems to build automatically which is a questionable concept for me, but i'm guessing it might just be a part of testing things out

i also only checked out the orcs briefly, things looks quite promising, keep up the good work :3

it wasn'T a real mission^^ a mission will have quests and cutscnes. after i got my new PC i will be able ti submit "real" campaing mission for testing

and yeah camera and gameplay got impreoved already, u will be surprised when u see teh chances

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
After i saw this i decided to make a RPG game mixed up with RTS elements only controlled by Third Person view.
This raises a big problem as Third person views do not allow for good control of units. Due to the projection, it can be difficult to select the right targets for orders. Especially if you bind the camera to some kind of unit facing, it can cause annoying camera flip when you least want it that messes up any real micro capability. There is a reason why virtually every RTS game ever made uses a near top-town view (skewed by a few degrees to emphasise 3D nature of graphics).

If you give camera control to the player (which I do not see how as WC3 does not support that well), you will find 90% of players will tilt the camera to a top-down view.
it wasn'T a real mission^^ a mission will have quests and cutscnes. after i got my new PC i will be able ti submit "real" campaing mission for testing

and yeah camera and gameplay got impreoved already, u will be surprised when u see teh chances

sounds sweet, i'll try and remember to give it a try when the new version gets released :3
Level 8
Jan 8, 2013
ok it think it is time for some more infors:

Status of the project: Graphical conversation

Basic gameplay works perfectly.
The Demo map with quests (etc...) will take a bit more time^^ (reason: I cannot use WoW buildings models atm since my software buggs arround with the .wmo files)

this is how the graphic looks atm



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