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[Role Playing Game] Warcraft 3 - The Consuming Shadows [RPG/RTS hybrid]

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Level 8
Jan 8, 2013

Latest Screenshot:


http://imageshack.us/a/img842/5834/g61e.jpg (higher resolution)

Welcome Adventurers,

Since the ALPHA of my project dawns at the horizont i decided to set up a serious advertising-topic. (The Alpha release will be at the 15th of September!)

1. General description
My project will be a massive mod for Wc3 (the pre alpha phase alone took already almost 6 months). It will contain a hugde single player part but also a serious Multiplayer part (not avialable for Battle.net but for every other platform, garena and hamatchi for example).
The gameplay is a hybrid between a (MMO)RPG and a RTS game, or in other words a mixture of WoW and Wc3.
You will control a view number of units (up to 5 units), a base, and a Hero. The interesting part is: you will controll it via. a third person camera.
If u know the Wc3 apha / pre alpha from 1999/2000 you understand what i mean.

2. Gameplay

2.1 General description of the Gameplay

As i said u can control up to 5 units + 1 hero. All units and heroes are split up in classes (more infos below). The class of the unit decides about his role, if the unit can deal damage, or take up damage, if the unit heals etc.. like in WoW. The class also decides about what kind of items the unit can use.
Further is important that there will be no teching like in Wc3. Since every unit can use items u must "upgrade" your unit with them.
But there is some kind of "tech tree" in my mod. Instead of upgrading your main building to get new units, u must level ur hero.
Overall the finghting system is also simular to WoW, but more simple. Every unit can land crit and dogde damage. You can upgrade the crit and dogde chances via items (like WoW). Also i made the spell targeting simular to WoW, for the most spells u u dont have to click on a target to land a spell. It will be automatically casted to the last auto-hitted unit.

2.1 Units
As i said there will be unit classes:

What tanks can do i hopefully don't have to explain. Tanks are allowed to use: 1One hand weapon, 1 Shield, and plate armor.
Tanks are using a RAGE system insted of mana (simular to WoW- warriors)

Light Meele
Light meeles are highly agil, light armored damage dealers (simular to rogues). Light Meeles are allowed to use: up to 2 one handed weapons and leather armor
Light Meeles are using a ENERGY system (like rogues in WoW)

Heavy Meele
Heavy Meeles are offtanks or damage dealers, unlike light meeles they can take up more damage but they aren't real tanks. Heavy meeles can use 1 Two handed weapon, 2 one handed weapons and plate armor
Heavy Meeles are using a RAGE system insted of mana (simular to WoW- warriors)

Ranged Units/heroes are simular to hunters in WoW, even they will have completly different spells. Ranged can use: 1 Ranged Two hand and Leather armor
Ranged use MANA

Casters are magical damage dealers or healers. Castern can use: 1 Caster Two hand or 1 Caster one hand and 1 Caster offhand and cloth armor
Caster use MANA

Hybrids are the Paladins and Shamans of my Mod. you can use them as healers, offtanks (maybe even tanks) Damagedealers, dependent of the gear. Hybrids can use: 1 Two hand, 1 One hand, 1 shield or 1 Caster offhand, 1 Caster One hand and mail armor.
Hybrid use MANA

2.3 Items

Items will be way more important then in Wc3. The main difference is that not every hero can use ever items.
the items are split in the following item-classes:

-one hand weapon (meele)
-one hand weapon (caster)
-off hand item
- Two hand weapon (meele)
-two hand weapon (caster)
-Two hand weapon (ranged)
-cloth armor
-leather armor
-mail armor
-plate armor
-classlesss item (all items that dont suit in the classes above and consumbales)

in addition there are different quality levels of items


How you can get items?

you can get items through crafting (more infos below), as startign equipment, as drops from creeps / rare creeps and dungeon or World bosses. Also there will be a bunch of vendors.

2.3.1 the "crafting" system

Every player base will have a bunch of vendors in his base: a tailor, leatherworker, Armorsmith, Weaponsmith and a General Goods vendor.

There yoz can buy item recipes. On the recipe stands a bunch of crafting items you need (for example 30 arcanit bars and 15 runecloth). if u combine the items with the recipe u will get one item of that type, and the item will automatically get used as startign equipment for ur non-hero units. And if u rebuy the reqipe, after u finished it once, u automatically get the item.

3. Graphical style
The Graphical style will be (as far as possible) a pure WoW vanilla style. But some models (high elfs etc..) i need to take from expansions.

4. Sound design
The Soundtrack of the mod will be made by me, and i try only use to use music that is made or edited by me. Also i plan to use self made unit quotes.

5. Previews
5.1 Alpha (Alpha II)

So called "mini preview"


Human Soundtrack (preview)

5.1 Pre-Alpha (Alpha I)

pre-alpha Trailer

concept preview:

battle preview

6. Reqcruitment:
i need urgently support for realising my project. Mainly i need help in the modelign part (in special about WoW character models and WoW buildings)

Please if your are intresting in joining my project or foudn any stuff i could need please contact me (PM)

Staff: BaDitO2, Idrachod2

PS: Please tell me any typing or grammar mistakes (english is not my first language)
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