Hey Hive. I've noticed in my map that there is a problem with imported sounds. I have replaced the Human "no gold"
sound and various others with custom imported sounds. If I play a meele map before my map and the no gold sounds
plays within that meele game, my custom sound will not play in my new map, or vice versa.
I know this has to do with warcraft only loading the sounds once, then you need to reload warcraft to refresh them.
I know this can happen with any unit soundset.
You can try using less common unit soundsets, but they could have already been loaded by somebody in a previous
game and hence not work, or the custom sounds can be carried out to future games. Additionally, I chose certain
soundsets becuase of the variety they have in them (so Im using some common soudsets which amplifies my problem).
My game uses a lot of custom soundsets for various units so its important that they work correctly. Are there any
simple solutions to this whole problem?
sound and various others with custom imported sounds. If I play a meele map before my map and the no gold sounds
plays within that meele game, my custom sound will not play in my new map, or vice versa.
I know this has to do with warcraft only loading the sounds once, then you need to reload warcraft to refresh them.
I know this can happen with any unit soundset.
You can try using less common unit soundsets, but they could have already been loaded by somebody in a previous
game and hence not work, or the custom sounds can be carried out to future games. Additionally, I chose certain
soundsets becuase of the variety they have in them (so Im using some common soudsets which amplifies my problem).
My game uses a lot of custom soundsets for various units so its important that they work correctly. Are there any
simple solutions to this whole problem?