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Campaign sounds problem

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Level 6
Nov 28, 2004
I'm making a campaign and my first map is a cinematic.I decided to use custom musics and sounds, so I imported them in my campaign in the campaign editor.I opened my map to add them into my cinematic and as planned they were already imported in it.But here's my problem,when I test my cinematic, the sounds and musics that were imported previously don't work.After many ¨save map,close map,open map¨ that were all unsuccessful, I tried to import the sounds/musics again but directly into the map(not by using the campaign editor import/export).It did work but I wanted to know what am I doing wrong?Because I have opened a few campaigns that I downloaded from this site and they didn't have twice the same sound/music like I do.

Note:my musics are in .mp3 and my sounds in wav. and when I use the Sound Editor I can hear them.

sorry for my bad english,it's not my mother tongue.
Level 9
Jun 26, 2007
After many ¨save map,close map,open map¨ that were all unsuccessful
Had you tryed to "save map, close editor, open editor, open map" instead
some times, it's necessary to restart the editor

sorry for my bad english,it's not my mother tongue.
Me too
"my mother tongue"?
looks like a french direct translation... are you french?
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