native Rect takes real minx, real miny, real maxx, real maxy returns rect
native RectFromLoc takes location min, location max returns rect
native RemoveRect takes rect whichRect returns nothing
native SetRect takes rect whichRect, real minx, real miny, real maxx, real maxy returns nothing
native SetRectFromLoc takes rect whichRect, location min, location max returns nothing
native MoveRectTo takes rect whichRect, real newCenterX, real newCenterY returns nothing
native MoveRectToLoc takes rect whichRect, location newCenterLoc returns nothing
native GetRectCenterX takes rect whichRect returns real
native GetRectCenterY takes rect whichRect returns real
native GetRectMinX takes rect whichRect returns real
native GetRectMinY takes rect whichRect returns real
native GetRectMaxX takes rect whichRect returns real
native GetRectMaxY takes rect whichRect returns real
native CreateRegion takes nothing returns region
native RemoveRegion takes region whichRegion returns nothing
native RegionAddRect takes region whichRegion, rect r returns nothing
native RegionClearRect takes region whichRegion, rect r returns nothing
native RegionAddCell takes region whichRegion, real x, real y returns nothing
native RegionAddCellAtLoc takes region whichRegion, location whichLocation returns nothing
native RegionClearCell takes region whichRegion, real x, real y returns nothing
native RegionClearCellAtLoc takes region whichRegion, location whichLocation returns nothing
native Location takes real x, real y returns location
native RemoveLocation takes location whichLocation returns nothing
native MoveLocation takes location whichLocation, real newX, real newY returns nothing
native GetLocationX takes location whichLocation returns real
native GetLocationY takes location whichLocation returns real
// This function is asynchronous. The values it returns are not guaranteed synchronous between each player.
// If you attempt to use it in a synchronous manner, it may cause a desync.
native GetLocationZ takes location whichLocation returns real
native IsUnitInRegion takes region whichRegion, unit whichUnit returns boolean
native IsPointInRegion takes region whichRegion, real x, real y returns boolean
native IsLocationInRegion takes region whichRegion, location whichLocation returns boolean
// Returns full map bounds, including unplayable borders, in world coordinates
native GetWorldBounds takes nothing returns rect