Reduce number of vertices

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Level 23
Feb 6, 2014
Is there any program that reduces the number of vertices of a model.

My situation is, I have model which is very small but completely pact with a lot of vertices. That's why I want to merge some of the very close vertices to decrease the file size.

Is there an easier way to do this without using vertexmodifier and manually merging the vertices?
Level 8
Feb 21, 2005
Level 8
Feb 21, 2005
Mdx squisher does not seem to decrease the file size when I used it sometime ago.
That's a common misconception, actually.

If you squish an mdx file, the filesize does stay the same. It also looks like it has the same size in the WC3 map editor since it does not display the effects of MPQ compression.

But the MDX Squisher actually changes the values to values that are easier to compress by the MPQ Archives, so internally they'll take less space. It really makes a huge difference, you can take a closer look at how much it makes using any MPQ editor/viewer. Personally, I use WinMPQ or RMPQEx.
I had a problem with NeoDex Exporter, whenever I export certain models, some portion of the model is deleted (like deleted in half). It works on other models but as of now, 2 particular models begins to get broken when I use the Exporter.

perhaps you should elaborate and if you can provide the models better.

It's normal that filesize is reduced because the optimizers are very beasty. They optimize vertices, bones, animation keys, among other things.
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